Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Apr 1948, p. 14

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mi BARRIE EXAWNER Bantam ammo CANADA mnsmgignn 2V91V9Via pAGE THBSDA RD VVVVV VV VEV VV sunmdaie VVV Army at and Mrs Peanut iiruniu A5an Apr11213 Ilarat tln it no li twr in Mt d1 131 but amt 53 th VV HumK bIt JEVUV Hi inc hml AwHM Rh VfVVVVVVVlfVll ml LHVH it VlVVtthCVlVVt inVVlotuntVu tin ItlitidelV wt VVtVlVintortli VV Artur not turn as Milk Elltlil ll tVirni mi vimitij the til Ullulzll lltri nip cmch hum up Wu helm VS IVVVVVVVHH VVVVVVlVv whim Ill Tumble no buiur it it VonltliVLVVtiiVl wuVVVl Vsgcni Mongolian liziilk 1m tin tlliilliiij tumultrm or tin it no it Pdl HT hike giy Vlsinken mun mimjw or rm VLVIVIVAIFVAVVVIV VVVVUC Vang VVVtVVoVinunt mt ii 10a rntilv rlb VVV IVVVlVIViVVVVV VVVVrVVV up VVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVV mm Frank 5W Mr and MVV Bataan WV litigc tlinil rumort lll czr ilariiaiw Todd Fairs and Keith ll spun Sumtn thnmE withl lirl vl stool th hard aphid Suitinn Allrn and Bill Neill and ti and Mrs Wm Bates New rl Minn imm 11me Hm Bmhmpg liltiki UllSlttlilt attended tth Lowell txi Vtllltili run rutsung lnmuh AV in Junior Farmers contortan thl Reopening ul flan tliiilch ml in v2 lianiVVg tll lris Int it tiiuluh in Sunday Marjorie ri in rmpmhh 2h 311st in ctr int lt mphg null lrs innit ll Villa iiiiiig lllllll ltttrsuuy 0mm hmrm rn SnmlayV April VVVVV Mm him lrrrltirr1 rl Wt Euchre Party on 89m Birthday wax mfg upmhh The WV VthVVVVVV VV VI AVV VitV Vlicaltlly clmvti and Mix Arnold Meredith we mhhhdm new tilvtlttl itzi the Winni El iul CEHVLHVVVVM VV tVmVliitilitdVit liiililtVW ntltlilt pasturV not Mr lzuk The chorr lli mi VVH hm mhh VVV5VVV VVVVVV VVVV VVVVVVViVVViVVVVHV VAV VVV VtVii miVV laid llllV Vuaint EstVine MUNd rail antiniiis in the alteerV gt lgti dly tr VVVVVV VV VVV VVVVVV iit tin ii lll no Mr Knocking it the lttl and 14le Jr VV VlTlVV5 VViV llt itlu Weir laoueltd on Mt Ht Khhws uh way the 49 if Silaglyiitril AH mi hmh mm NR ml Wt 34 ii 19 Lyn ten lllltlt illltl gloom Wm hwym Vm Th mscn Vilniiitnri Urunur lion irt VV iiiitord Institute iVisu it hut try Misses Vliormiiy Bl pl VerumVr rrcneil iiVii tlgttItl VHHVV film Winn til Vlitttrrd lawns VntVV fEV llutel tilt Ur ltilmxtlw it held ill lz ll hells With Me tildtlultr bailout VVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVV VVV VVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVV VVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVV VVVV VVVVVVVVV VVVVVVV ilirinliViVlinilhlVllill Vii Vluinoi of Mt rnl tunwntls ml eunmtltlces VVIV Vlillt 025 it ton tun my uui tnui guir llltll annual reports Due VV VllV thsi Vtl tftltgttlVVtl Will to discussion the society not Stunt 5V Vih VVV V35 mil1 lVll lnvux or raising the memlnrs gt wm VV VVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVV kViiViVmVxVVVVrVVVVVtVniVVVVV VVtVVVtVii VVLVtVlliV gt donation IVS to he sent to AVVV 96 In tliciu mimu tram oi iicvililil 11 liltlllfhlinlltl lwwllll IllIlli lis hulcv Flton oi Brlmptdn VVV HVVV VVVV lice gt Jm WWW hitillilllllllirlls HIM Hm WMV lr WW Uh Httilth was home for iitktml gt VV Shh mm at lS to requested it the District Mr and Mrsrcerlun and faintly itit ffhttml thfu Vlimth spent Sunday iii AlliStutt IM llilVjHdhil intuit HBV1fl VlV PUNK Mrs Stuart Sutherland of Wil NUT Nthti at lV llitllltllV NT11f WV VnV VVon llnmshurg was at Vl towns tort VV 13 HfdV WWIU MUA VV VV VVVV llV5 VV the weekend VmV RAN FHV My int tillb VVtVlVlliV3121th QVIVVllllltEVVlVlixl13 Mr llltl Mrs Gordon Butemnll VVVV VVVVV must VMWV gtlll gillthulrlhill prNldtl in lhoi rchtiun and family Visnvd Barrie Aylnwr ltln lu VVltn lloutzlns lhilltl llleliilb in thVNVAVVVYIVVVH PHVVMHH the weekend 15 luruntu lol trr llitj so VhiV hmlhlh mm Tm lnmn Dunner liututi ll hmn 15 Ml lnnm tummy mad nmlwem lhos iritliths nd Viiants Partners motored to rutlull Sun un ll llu Witktlttl Vllll lnr purcnts ml Mr llll lrx Withqu littlrtni BU 5W Mrs um day Hum NWdd 31 ultimo ht mdhV SVVVVVV Vlnim litus Mrs litrt Hughes Tlmt rim Boneless VVVVVVVVVVVV iii District Director Mrs vlhos trir Mr and Mrs llutrlnstru and Fancy Quality liths Directors Mrs Bolton Mrs tamilv and Mrs Wilhcrt Ritchie fills Moons ut liumtu Nllilltl VVVVV VVVVVVVVV VVVVVVV VVVVV VVVAVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVV lmrritt Mrs in Silyp Pianist ol Term Noin were gum5 31 Leo oz Tm Lem mmw VMVVS VV VVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVV VVVVVVVVV Mrs VVVlVVlnronVVVl litll VCartls tor the Harrisons Vm ShhdhyV hm Jello iv Mr and Mn MnLu RUMV md WK t1 with Amulle Mr and Mrs lltlille and or 4f VV VV VV In Mmsmmg Ml WWH lglllll llifriiiilittlltl llillivtlllelr anrlv and Palle Mth bch ll llltl Mr of eterhmo iu lss rene ar SVLVVtVVVV llt ill lllll ltiun mwmhm Mm John HVVVVVMVV VVVVVVVV VVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVV VVVVV VVVVVVVVI gWVVVVV VVCVVVO Taploca Home Economics Mrs larol VV dhokrd swung 1V Ml Matthews Agriculture and Tainu 6nd MI MN 3m tMr and Mrs Jones Mitllnil himgundqv zwim dun Itduqw D319 59 wAA VAV IVVVVVVVV ll ml cull iellare Mrs KellV luhli Swms Diced Enjoy IVS Tender Goodness 01 MW JV CRUDUI Slmcai 010 row or white lilxlgtulyltl llztilrtlilxilxtcltwllvi $012th MISSUR Uthwvllli Myst Wiw Tu 0110 speu gore te personal par VVV LG UlV Vwith Georgi Wismer tlii ot the course presented in Brnd Am Royal Clly Choice BVC mmms hrmnm fwd smlsmnu mm mm 050 Mrs Wlllll is umvinu into Fresh Daily SW sunmst ML mm Nnrnmn Pmsmn more inwwsmm and mm Bindery 1mm Halves In 20p She 288 my and baby Toronter sprtm the wwk ter to lecognile their own toults Du Vuitlt the tormers parents and 10 CtllLC UPC vigiltlihg ylmomo LN Aylmer Fancy BC Fresh crlsp and green The PYIS met ill the home or mTlnhi myISlCCSSMaI lilrscGodtrtv ot llzrrrie spent Halves 291$ 28 19 oz Mr zind Mrs Fullis lu05luv l5 pummm soc 51 tcw davs last week with Miss ll Jar igm ft lhlil Iilulit tiittiltit was MrsJw pm Fem Ch fresh Local The mph was hire in Edna Cm HG iVV Vit culpablveViucfionccr Beginniw no Sundav May 2V Cu Vveihouse or arton oceVVV Redeem 50 Coupons liner nlter which Ms Fallis eont rs yes yurv um yr pro service in the Baptist Church will oz qucted some entertalning contests i1VVdVVll0 iVViVtViViVian be hem VVVmV VDSTV instead of lin Pits Ont outdoor grown iixt nnn ILWS WIS utm it llikltJVs MVVVVV JV Hughes pVVVVSVVmVVd he BVi at 030 VV Mme BVCV Flemish Contains solmm It Rev luyhtum tish W1 Pitt 10 MW Todd tllt HOW MS and MIS Rum and Mrs 01 Medium Ln Gwrgia green Jim Sympathy tho wmmlmit President to be worn or her term NIPPON amended he Cddlllg Tm Pkg Pu ll trl unio ant VoLsVoVutV to Mrs livl thV thV mu mwtmh Is to fit their nephewV lL limb in thVllllVll Vat the thViath of Rev Gen ht hold at Mm John K01 Tm Ikgonto IlththtllgVV Apiilt2VtVV Chorce BC paste New vegetable av or uniii passed awav in hostess llld her committee served mm wm 50 as 95 gt Lb gt Midland llospitol VWetlncsdayn WW hmms ma which was day cottoge was lilted right oil ltn rm 33 1601 kg night tllltr lingering illnesslwchlh vhjhwd hV 311V its foundation and carriestevernl ltcvWTovlorlVlunro has been pastor feet away cousrng ConSidtrahle Henley ChOICe VVV 503 Vibiidgc mid Penttaut lresi damage 29 oz pay lg est preva ng market Furniture Electric HUM Churchs 101 the Dust tumi Mr rand Mrs Fitzsimmons from Tina 14 prices for ungraded eggs Ship with Venis The funeral took place LalISing new SllltOkCCDClS 118V confidence to Dominion Stores le 139 Duulop St Phone 3721 Irom the Church in penemnh moved mm town and have sturttd Royal City Chotce BC hedV 832 Old Weston RoadV Toman Saturdav internoVon Interment lJ to dobusines where DArcy Trom oz VALUES EVFFECUVE Registered Numb 029 was ill Biirrie Union CeiiiteteivV Elwoud Browne Toronto mom bley was last Stlmmtl Tin UNTIL owsmo SIVKTURDAY Sunday in the village los Beasley of Newfoundland is EXTRA RATIONS FOR visiting his sister Mrs Douglast OLYMPIC GAMES ATHVLETESa Reid MI and Mtg Lens and Chill Overseas athletes going to Bri drcn spent Sunday at VCedarbrae Vain or the Olympic VGVVmeSVVhVS nnd Sutton Nil The innla meeting of the w0 summer will receive the same r21 mens Institute will be held at tions as heavy industrial workers Miss Marjorie Cannings on Tues This is the highest scale of rations VV day evening May All ladieSin the United Kingdom Overseas ilft WElcome competitors can supplement these TO INCREASE SUGA OUTPUTl dottiDStic production of beet sugarg For the same reason the British encourage increase pioductionl Th WA 91 m0 555u rations if they wish by importng The current lire shortage of in European countries saysWillell government may nd it expedient the British West Indies on lonllr $6 at 113 RG VRQWat 5d Olrood duty free US dollars will result in cxpaudctli 2c Gray Us sugar trade journal to offer additional indticements tolV term ba 15 3Y r5 0W3 91951 MAW aAmAt mly VVV Many plans were suggested and endorsed for raising funds for the coming season substantial ifund was turned over to the local church board Joint Meeting of Two Churches The boards of Stroud and Lefroy churches convened in the church here Friday evening delight til llowsh me tin1 wa held aLnd tehe buslilhess epartb was Sagree breUrrrbothicomregauom VAUiWi The 1003 Chur9h board held Welmmaly meeung after SEFVCC 9nsundayt agrarng foxf amver 5V1LEEVVVVV DaSVtVVH 31338 givclli later rm WAVERLEY A=blgge Wider roomier more beautiful Mercuryr New AVVVVV 2V fameinew suspensioninew springing and shock absorbers new steerin VVMrs Scarlett is Visiting new brakes and Vum PowerfUI Vlrinds 18 TVVoronto VVVV Vengme With 31301 rubber mounting New Sat Posture Jr ezV VVV arryhis VlSl mg in ran 3p 1c new 461 CW Siabllit new drivin Mr gnd MrS moms soden or ease and Huftsvue Vlsnd friend amaZIHg new Luuaby Rldeu The Mercury as Farney farm amile eastot Waver 15 01 Showroom now Come In and see it ley VMr and Mrs Cecil KellsV Tor onto spentthe weekend here with Tam The pupils from tn school here took part In theVMUSlc Festwt Midland Mrs Colley of Toronto spent the weekend with her mother Mrs Scarlett VV Marion Jennett Vasey visited her grandmother MrsgVJennett at Mrs Elliotts The YPU held their final meet ing pn Wednesday night with members froin Mdomc and Tay ToWnships providing the enter Pie View of Spring itainment for theevening Lunch wasserved VV VV VV gm VV VV VVVV VV VV Lttsegrgl 02 1is gomhnnity en uneral gt late 32 ar Ines Lawsoh ampsmoh SaltiaY Sorry to report that Mrs VV Corbett is under the anctorscar Alljoin in hoping She is better soon McArthur has te Mrs turned to her home tiller an oil3 tended visit with her daughte ggidilf tTillivggstolgi Mrs Robert Bowes who has been ill Sunday Visitors included mi VVVV VVV VVV VVVV VV whim grafti15 hat ariassandrissrreenm 1111 Mr VMII Briggs sV VV wanna gnu Va Finder nklm chrome wheel trlmv vinyl and mm doch to optional at extra cost Minimum Barrimgmr the not twovIeoks passed imamV on hda evcn Our tympat trexten to is relatives and friends in the Royal Victbria Hospital

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