Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Apr 1948, p. 16

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THE BARBIE EXAMINER BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA CTN BEIIE EWRF iDeputation from Marke WWWAETIIAttend Council Meeting Mir lrttl Rea has hurt on tlxc l21 for the p151 xccl Mrs filom II1IcZ gtpendutgf tfillltlt of chh in TIIIllnIU Their department notes lilo contl 515 parable to those in in cupcltyotn Toronto ltoptlnl but at nights the windows ttl loom lily cit utter AI covered with Heel shutters and Bml 1mm OPENINGl DANCE PLANNED Dainty Blames for The Little Mus AT MINETS POINT Some overblonse others tuckin style All haw collars and short sleeves Sixes 36 yin $198 Helm Smith spoke for deputa gtton of market vendors at the Ralph nttts came llullltilnun LUuncu 135 Monday night 5h1111and mid their advice was that l2hey had certain legal rights to Some Works building stands released from the blurhm 1Emllr kt 3mm lingVSattddm tlm Inc deputation from the mar1 kc left the UUIICII chamber pitusl ffl to the time the council wtnt until tltlINtl Il Itlttll ix 1tllt1ctl on Apr he NI v9 111 tutu1 At mt 1mm 11115 liven private home have their but mitt dccumttd ti1tlo and doors beauty barred lzutiul1 tote vx nude for IIll oc 5313M llildllkliill Tllltltll PW mutil IA Mrs 111 talent that these ptecnuttons tlox Fidel Chm Inpgnbgytml llk 111 IHllktllil introduced tlitee new The WWII mm he Vi HwHHh MM In mm the magnificent Opera House in itcun clothing industry HIV my mm 17 11ttlullllfdtltilllltIMISSGltiCt Ilrge llV blmk ml l5 um Wm Umpgmknumn fund marblellcre they heard concert Mil hm harm man Md MN by the Mexico Symphony Orchestra MW RMMMSY MSWHM mmmmm the concluston of her talk llllt Il my tlllllJI llik intuition 15 clothing Illt innit ladle they5 ttttitl DIIgt livn Humble mime Miss Coleridge displayed artich of Mexzcun handicraft including pnt lumncr luxurious icry Slthl jewelry and lfillltttlll he itt IMIUEI llonn tl1ll$tl11gt on IUK on Satin111 in Ntlllll kct hmpital vlr one Mrs Lloyd IIIIIIIII and Sun Sitplitl of thitlult lwtrrl 11 his home llilt inst mtk 31 and 1115 IIKIlIlit of Buri ltugton Spent the trlitlltl at htsl liottlc litg nnItIng Toronto lit home Ali and Mix AIL Chap pcll of Iozontu ll1 his brother tilts Mac ltbbom Iogouto withl happtli the cash rate for these must To get super wu of rural Mllttllw Ivtornpzntted no wai llnt 111ml tlltilllt yillllnlvtlIltlllxllllilllIllll gt11 Spyaln 11 the rtcttiitpt Min liuid Coleridge of the IILI comele Ina tltfpatlilttttt who told many amusing and tutcrenng Incidents of her motor ltip to Mexico laxt ttuttntcr AIMS Coleridge and helI Mrs Kate Ailkeu well known foI oyal Wedding And Conditions in EurOpe Are Related by Kate Aitken As you go ens from Belgium sttr on the Market Square it Their to or 12 vendors Intended the meeting if Mr Smith said the vendors had the impression that anything done for them by the Town Council would be in the form of favor Information indicated that they had 11 legal right to market tcllllStS The barrister also added that the Vendors felt something should It done soon to take advantage of the summer market His Worship the Mayor said all members of the connctl were in sympathy with the market and all were in favotl of doing something Referring 1011 newspaper report of two weeks ago which quoted the Mayor as suggesting an open shed for the market Mr Mayor nuitl this was not correct He said he had recommended sub stantial market building such as lhcyhad at Owen Sound With an open structure for the summer Griffin Aid orbctt and 21 Engineer Briij were up pomch the Town cnmnutttt It dlftu market plans Will Dedicate Free Methodist Church Bishop Mark rmsttut Spring Arbor Michigan and Mrs Elllcl ltyff missionary on lough Iftrfll lcrntiston lransvztal South Africa will be the Intuit speakers when the Free Mcthodtstl Church of Barrie is dedtcatcd all the close of fins month The etcnts of the from April 10 to May nfl three days ing and missionary convention The new church at 200 Bayfuldf curt be New itlultmlflg llt tv Ihc putt Il er Ilhc cnlatccd ldsincc Bishop Ormstom It yellow l1tlltliittl tutti EPUILII on the tc1 llt 51 stelniilt lplttvlt Lev 11111 lsrdc hm lltll roitxtti ml atltlctl tool of lStrauxman gtta lts bruit ptm Sllltlltwl As yo an been nanad plttt lgtitttlll pundit for ltnaitt Ulljttlllt tlr ISUSIIWIHI for to Include district quarterly 111cllpuvilmn into 17mm 5mm Little girls albround pleated skirts with sus peuder straps in crease resistant spurts in pretty plaids and plain colors Sim 1tiyrs 522515289 IIIIliUl rut 111Il Ito5 IHItssonuts NOVEIIES COUTTS CHILDRENS SHOP mat an Front Ten Minutes to Ten Years 24 Owen sr Didi 4914 IUII titcut an tcfzwlnt 11 it ltttlgx hfi pm 11 IA ll plumb 1111 11 rltfll li 1111 defame 21w 411 llll c=lgtt the xttttttttct tttlllgt Sttzmxtttazt tv lltv limitllt iwtz thong behalfof the anziduut Red Cross Society and the anadinn Appeal tor Children 11115 reached 115 ob Huttlxlwi llood In tctttitltt lash Week walt worst there 11 ycarx Low tflIZlIJJIIlUltx vistctl scvcttll Ila ts her radio broadcasts and newspaper conditions 111le WW5 Berlin bum lmm CmWIV b5 Rm 1mm lrh Midlmd on diva $31M of illlllISI 111 Mextco and encounter Ht it km mum mm mt columns attracted large audience deprew the shalloto quite ltillv l1 the annual dinner meeting of led city of the dead has conl slant stench youd wonder howl Reeve George Clark indicated that he felt some of the criticism regarding the market had come Rev Chase and he and Mrs Chase have made the arrattgc mf In the lLdlCleIOll senuc Mexico ity the largest city in Mexico Miss Coleridge explainedl was fascinating place Here they have the cottons custom pf naming the Nllttl ufler tltc late of sptttc ptitttip Srlftlul ltollllltil The Sparks from the magneto keep your farm tractor going lior neceasary repairs replacements bring it to BRENNAN Auto Electric Service Bayfield st Barrie ICE DELIVERY NOW itt Barrie by Baxter Bras For Service PHONE 3018 woll caredfor To send garment for Quality Cleaning to rid it of injurious dust soil and stain and to re gain its finerlines with expert reshaping aci grutruallv adds time and use fttlncssandgOOd looks to that garment Try it but insist upon qualitIL ll Barrio Womens Canadian Club otitpeoplc could live thcre 01151111161 Iucsday evening April 20 6goods are so scarce that an Eng The diluter enjoyed by some 150 lishwomau an Oxford graduate mar members of the Club was In lrinlrtcd to ItIntuit with whqu Mrs ity latish 1111 The tables were gaylAilluH Elixitil in Berlin had not with an arrzuigcmcnt of Springlliad comb for herself or daught flowers and lighted tapers and lch for three years Stories were told lPrinccss Elizabeth say yPhillip Darling think its goine greetings and reception given Win potted plants in the background inf hardships suffered during war Miss Rhoda Young president in he ml ClVlllflill 03 mg ittlroduciut Mrs Aitken expressed mo Clubs phmurv and Wide itlll$ had all aim almost hctte welcomint her native of Hectonib lilflvlllflil Cfllllllllm 10011 in gimme Cum an anotittez itct um no 15 VIVIICLII Ctllldll and emaciate lllorc 011 and mHHchstcttt and Central Europe as with which people listened to readShe is Irmdy mm in chhush tboutor saw pictures of the Royallvukin Europe was mmo war Wedding was rcVIved and increased it sawing mm mm as Mrs Attken III hcr able and hm FWWS manner mm bin My Aitkcn closed with the ques Tnp to the ROan wedjlllg Id lion What Catt Wcas Club as Rumpu November 194 individuals do to help Send food VAllkml samelull we possibly cart send clothing lflight front Gander Newfoundland goud sud Glowing The things are Bony While 0f wmmlogv so badly needed they should be plane which was So delayed thatmuwn n0 HIM my and Rally did not get to London in time work do can so that Dem lfor the Royal reception to which mm be remorod the speaker mng lll hild boo thrilled be ill The next and annual meeting of vitcd The Sltll015 dcscrtotion of the Club will hum Ma llmw Bell Blelwhon Miss Brand Nursing Super ingham Palace to personally deliver Visor of Red 71055 mums in NM Ilcttys letter of regret and explau Hm Omarm will Speak ation as to why she arrived 100 late for the Royal reception charm ed the audience Dr Dougfas Owen Sound Kindness and Simplicity were Tells Kiwanians Why Fish Disappearing shown to be attributes of life at lBuckingham Palace First they were mistaken for Americans common occurrence with Canadians in Lon At Mondays Kiwanis meetng Dr don In the end an excellent place Norman Douglas of Owen Sound Ivasallottcdthc young Winnipeg girl gave an interesting talk on Wild from which to view the wedding Life particularly Fish and Fishing Mrs Aitken told of being present He was accompanied by number at the rehearsal most interesting of Owen Sound Kiwanians includ though for the participants most ing Lyieut Gov FredDrown exacting ordeal and of hearing Dr Douglas who Is an ardent to Prince fisherman believes that if fathers took their boys out to the country and on fishing trips getting them interested in nature study it wpuld help to solve our delinquency prob lem There is no better character builder than the study of wild life and nature Fishing however to bc lovelytvedding Interesting points mentioned by Mrs Aitkcn were the outstanding ston Churchill wherever he appear ed the usefulness of dozen pair of nylons as gifts when it came to is not what it lgetting passes 0Kd etc the verylused to be because the fish are not Queen as loving and helpful parents of the peoples diet bread and po tables very scarce Boxes from Can Iada are very greatly appreciated speaker thought this was step 111 warm place Queen Mary holds in there to catch In hishome area the peoples hearts and how queenty Dr Douglas said some 100000 young looking and acting she still is and fish had been put at the water dur of the picture of the King and ing the past twelve years but not of these have been caught by anglers Most streams and lakes have been denuded of forest then the water gets too warm and it gets infested with silt and insoluable matter so that fish cant live Wild animals birds and fish themselves was withered or dead pliBY1011 fishS0me areas meobene Reconditions in Britain the filed by restocking but it StUdy speaker described the meagreuess should be made0f the water sheds The Dept of Lands and Forest now control what used to be the Dept of Game and Fisheries The After the wedding Mrs Aitken had returned to the Abbey in time to see Royal coach draw tip and the brides bouquet placed on the tomb of the Unknown Warrior Avherc it was left tintil every flower tutoes rationed1milk fruikand vege bright spot in the uninteresting daily the right directioni but there was fare each box is shared with neighi great need for studymg the needs of bors and relativesmidthrsauster the various districtg as no two areas ity program will continue for years have the same problems Gamellaws everything that can be is exported should be appllcablelo the differ Few people have had new clothes ent areas and there should be Dis for years IrictManagers The manager In 11 France was described as nation dtstrtct should be man who has Without hope thepeople have no lived in th district for some time faith in their leaders government one who knows It well and knows been Mr Smith Nu Service Cleaners or religion Rents may bevcheap lbut food prices if food is obtain able are prohibitive childs breakfast is spoon of milk in glass of water lunch costing 75 cents at schools mere hum of soup evening meal no better horse meal is served three days week In Belgium conditions are much better the Catholic Church is help ing to care for the children cleaning 74 Elizabeth jst PHONE 2471 Pick and Deliver WE WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE Now HAVE FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE 1A COMPLETELINEFQF BuilderS isupfplies Insulation manufactured Why gBuildipng imp ASPHALTSHINGLE 3iri11 locking type choiceof5coloIS tl$875Ilir SCI7 BIRDBAROIDROOEING Mediumcreensegus 119 stat$2175 prsqag Heavy Red Sejctl 55Ib Vsq $350 Per iATESURFACED ROOFING tted annotation1bsq$450przsq ROLLBRIOSIDING $5o per Sq ASRHALT FELT 12 $350roll INSULBRIC SIDING 175 1b Black or White Morton Lines $1400per Sq Reel ameilinllllis 8101118001 Dia13855 65BrddiordSt its prbblems He should have the authority to do the restocking the reforesting if necessary that is need ed If this we done fishing would come back todts own The speaker was thanked by GJOI Cameron ltC from reports iii the paper and he said it was too bad some of the people could not offer their ser vices on the council When Mr Dobson 11 vendor suggested that the council had done little to provide suitable quarters since turning the vendors out of the market building two years ago the Mayor replied that Rome was ttot built in day and were not forgetting about the market Aid Griffin suggested that the people who were on the market should make suggestions to the committee appoinch by the coun CI The Mayor said he could recall as boy big market in Barrie but he did not feel as large building was required today Mr Dobson spoke of the events over the past few months and said he had been called liar by member of the council when he said the board of works building was not on the Market Square Mayor Mayor said the library and board of works build ing were on the Market Square although the library property had released from the Market Square When Mr Dobson retorth that the councillors would have done something before now if they were interested in the market Ald Loughccd said this was not very cooperative attitude Reeve Clark then asked Mr Dobson to saytwho on the council had called him liar Mr Dob sort said Ald Griffin had called him that when he said the board of works building was not on the Market Square The Reevc then said that before the cduncil did another thing in connection with the market he wanted to see the legal obliga lions 0f the Town placed on the table The Mayor addedtthat the market in the last year at the Town Hall had brought only $30 while it cost the Town about $1000 and he also felt the com mittee should not meet until they had the legal obligations of the Town before them Referring to his disagreement with Mr Dobson Ald Griffin said his information was that the board of works building was on the Market Square then read from legal document indicating that in 1914 the property on which the Friday evening sermon will be delivered by Bishop Ormston On Saturday morning May 1the district quarterly conj fercnce will beheld Saturday afternoon the progrztm will be in charge of the district WMS and the main speaker will be Mrs Ethel Ryff Saturdayi night youth rally will he held A1 am Sunday love feast will be led by Rev Chase The Sunday morning Service at 1045 will have as speaker Geo Fuller Jr of Toronto and holy communion will be celebrated at 1145 aim The dcdicatory sermon will be delivered by Bishop Ormston DD at 230 pm Sunday Bishop 011111 ston will also deliver the Sundayl evening message ATTENTION SMOKERSI Are you slave to the tobacco habit Doyou desire to conquer this habit casily quickly and sufclv Send post card requesting details of new scientific treatment to RESISTTOBAC LABORATOR IES Dept Box 302 Kiichencr Ontario 17201 umnuununuuu as STE ING Painting Paper Hanging REPAIRS NEW WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED ExService Men Well Experienced PHONE 2978 KAISERAIME BARRIE ONT unnnnuuu HARDWARE NEEDS FOB SPRING LawliIMowers $12000 EUREKA Screen Wire ALL SIZES IN STOCK Green or Bronze Steel or Bamboo CHICKEN WIRE 24 to 43 in and Mesh HAND TROWELS 25c GARDEN HOES 851 GARDEN FORKS $175 Western Foundry COOK STOVES Qts colour $105 $0500 to $14200 Qts Qts White $210 clear $195 GARDEN RAKES $105 PRONG CULTIVATORS $175 WHEEL CULTIVATORS $715 CAP GUNS 50 CAPS per box AIR RIFLES $505 COPPER COAT BB lie SPRING PLAYIIIINGS ROLLER SKATES 950 $455 $475 pr TRICYCLES $1550 to $1850 JUNIOR TRIKES EXPRESS WAGONS with racks $1275 Our Store is as Close to Your Home as Your Telephone uGHSj HARDWARE PHONE 2556 WE DELIVER shop at Stransmans for Your iAccessories too PEDESTRIANSVIZOOK OUT prize fighter wouldnt take on an opponent who outweighed him LOJiounds He knows he would prtiably get knocked out Its best for his health and his career to stay in his own class would prot from the prizeghters example Automobiles are bigger faster and bit harder than people Dont be reckless and challenge One Just stay on your fees and keep your guard upand you wont get knocked out by an accii dent Paint for Every URRY ratios 36 Bayfield St 1110116 3874 swung EOUGHTT ISSOLD For Better Prices Call 224s7 lllNiiEllflEtll 1111110115 65 Collier St Barrie Ilsc Pedestrians In 7TBallerinct Skirt in Crepe AIl pine or Bengaline also the New PenciISIIm Skirt in variety OI MarinCOlors to chOo Vlhom in Cdxdtggm gt Plaids Pullovers either solids or stripes Alpine materials from AlpindoGobor Choose from BLITailorecl and lt Oriole from Sheerstoshrtg

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