10 Cilitxxlln ElectaGladstone Currie li3lidrllldlcd Atlllilu IEH Country Club President Itltttltlxf HI Illrr Ulilullu lIIuIlU Tilt annual IllLtItIlL lli lltLlIlt It1 inlxi lttrHttl IAIILItl of Billslu mlhti tliib Sttltl il lllxlll In llilitl lllt IifllI Lililllrd was Iitltl on Wt lliitstlzi DOIIIJIB Protection gtltt liilllitl of Uiithllo iii lull Ll April til til tlianllmi ui incite boiled mum and will filltIltltll nllultlltilttth Spry IIILSltltllI wii lft chair lllt IIIlhlltlul ltpillt Itll llll jlttil 1947 was iron and It cal Ilw tltll lizid illlUIlltI llittltll Iwai in NH wttli totul rim1mm oi iii pth Sllltll ttulilil hzgt Ittl In III plilllltlslllp of Ontario Ulit of how in on the were xJn ilobiii Foilgtlharsoii now lllillllglflz llplllliz kill loioiito flttillilllp Ipiflltl Illrli Fiiiqufialxoii Siliilggltxl TSii Adam up ti illt ttllpt into tiiliciis ofIlllt UFO to protect liiiii wortrmMupwu lmlvuhr minis slilllzttl ilullq tlg liltl to the tin1 Illlilliil plnutl llf Ilit blitlvlltilid 15 tlt At Low Cot llm Itlulliirlital Life Illulllc Protection loliivll tllc ItlldIIt plan tor the Ullll uiiirrlrcl map For the allur hm mmml piriiiluni tliroiiglloiit tlir Illl of the India it gitr Hllf lamin tIutlllIt ilir promlion dur ing Illl Hulls nlirii your intmile isloiycr and plum limit In lltrlIttl IIIUSI II ldll mature as am cliiluiultrul It Add to tour financial intlcpriulciiir wards of $5200 lluwmlr thy my WMHIINIS Tins and puns wpn hwvyI KNIDV inciny Iotlipi anecdotes of at lilfs wgvi and cum IIIImIIwImIIII its ll madlzin licwspzipclniaii Will illlkIIIIlL cxpciiscs iillhiuiiil tlt I1 lll pronlotion iiiimniiting to about vfmIll IVMIXIdI RHMd ffI $5300 ItllVlflg ii IItl It for Ilit ulm Judging IFdHIMb penud of $36 sociiilioii uhtn lIlItfltttl thrl Inniitlird flom lllt Aiiimiliics to llu Maiktrt Sulliiit iil Ito and tolliri rllvtl liiclrx 13 tolimlvi lll illiIIIUYtfIlLlil in lflt lllilll illlj it lIt radii ltllil by iIlIlitliiill lilll Elm is Ellilltil lllrl will ilt uiItlIittI lllt kiiuti of ll tlll ilix Ilttl tlitlit So In addition to the many years of lowt not proth tilm alluiilml HIV in tlii riiilotiiliriil lrlituiv sull tlulilldl Illnllladlltl intraising tuali alms uiir Iliillltlltflldl lllr llc ircarillutiic Almiil tlir lluiillle Iiolntioil Ioliry Itiiluy 31 Ilii tuvwlcznlc Mr Spry explanitd that lllt tll ltttors had Iltltaitlltd It ktiI lllr Ittlttul HI lllt liltlbt ill Milli ll lill ttiIIIlrliill Itifl lvpiili ul IIIt iilciiillvislilp tilllllllllrt tX fill CONIINENIAI HIE INSURANCE COMPANY courseand Clubhouse up In icing leu pm Hi 2h nil lilitl MEAD orrlcr IORONTG Standard and WNW lln tXlHHdI IMISl all WV HIM lmhlw lk Mi IltltS for this Illllllltllltlltt tit iltfllt1 HWHIIJHS dulmll Ill lathl molding Litljlltilll to high During the till Ullt Ht ihr Spring lt wastiilzllly Ittltlttl thai Ilhm Wk GRANT MAYO lIxfuflI mortgages amounting to SI5tltlI thv usual or $30 will pllltl ll Mamba 335 paid on iii IEHlfI but that no discount Ilt ANNUIIHH 15 btllld Itlmlhlttll lwfmnlop SiniJuimI Iulvliilw Wk will bymw SSH ml ILI ullowtd loi lllt liitliibtls payiiii mi Increasing Illr lllllllll oi litl LlItRlI btlorc the lst of luiicas was tllt 14 ll 15 ttitltlitll IHUlhlhr Hilli Pimlv Cdlm VWS Six Nd PWWIIIIHK that Misc his ant It was Illllllct do PICK BIRCH 19 0f Toronto Carlton Club Ctiiizidluii iiicii llnpv lli Alilitutlttlltt Componr two directors tic Mimi tllLll you unitms Tiiillc muslinno 13 IHHS MS IIIINIILSlllgltS champion 1948 and COIlloldcl Of tlic lllllIttl tltltlllltfil gtIll lirllyIllAu ii lli ml IIIplhyr In pulple llolllx Robinson sttlitaryticzi IIILIItIilIIhlIMLIIdgjI l94748 chats Wltll JOhniiy 8311115 til Valtcouvcl Illll tllllllllr IM SUIHII VIM IIHI lllIlItliUll illiclftlnwtlillittlilIlllzili udlnllnitilluzlllleimlllll It le 33 um smalls Who was demmmfd by Bum In mmm Illlviilltlf1lllltliflphh Im WW iiitiii oiiiiixiis WIIJ if that thry would ll IliIlillIIttlIO Nth JUImSUII William DIVIIltlIIItllltllllllill liousc ttlllllllllltu LIydtl Hm MI Th II HINDU III LII MIMI III in in 55 YEAR go to Illl Ulllltll Stutw for the gt JghnsunI Chairman nwmbsmpt iiicmbcrship ltcs Vtlt not tlmiiii II harvest Instiinnlts by iltlHlltch Hollis RIUIHHSUH James WillisI Iton land itllll llilthis liid llrll Ila 11 I1m11 dunk II MLIIICK illld Ctllllt UFWML UL Uh mm mm ap IU wuik Ull Illt iilll Lulu Inow1 mm Um pl Ilpliczitioiis for Ilil mit might AWNUJIW Wdh txplkbhtd 101 Wm Huh Frank Spry tllc retiringI pitrii Wlllmlltt drill for his efficient and cupablt lllt iiiailtti of lIlt IlllilllLtS of tiltj that lIlt lfltllts would not Ilt ll lcinlclsliip as prcsidriit during lbw club Wtlt dbcusscd fully lii now lowvd to play on Wttlllttltl MINI past four years which Vtlt wry of successful years for the club Also appreciation was expressed to II It thtlcton retiring chairman of the house coiiiiiiittrc for his clip able Work III that capacity At ii IIlLtIlIlg of lircctois licld liiiiiietlizitcly llfttl tlicsliliicllolllcrs meeting the following were elcctcd increasing cost which will be up again in 1948 and of the repairs coded to the clubhouse including painting and renovation of locker rooms ctc they do not hold up the men play lllltl to the course to ltttp it in good 18 Junior players imdci Ill yours sliiipc it was decided that further momIv was IlOtdttl for operation in ltllt Mr Johnson as chalriiiani Sunday mornings lLSlSfilllltlfljy attciiiooiis llic lllLtI ors wish to llftt it known that the ludics may play on chiicsday illltll Saturday afternoons providing of nut may not pliiy oil Wtdnlsday and Saturday afternoons nor on IHE 300K or FAMOUS AN TRAINS lhrlv owning pcrforiiilinccs and IIIltt iiizltiiiccs will be the treat pinii lo the town of Barrie when the Junior Chamber of Commerce brings iiiidcii Brothers Circus to Illt lucill Artnu May 17 1819 President George Church and his family of Jaycccs met with dclclgzltion from Garden Bros CIT cus last April and decided on sponsOring this colossal event This is large project for young organization biit tlicy ziic beliin it 100 per cent coding the ways and means cuiiimlltcc is genial Len Cooper who has hung up his curling broom for the season Lon has divided the Jaytccs into teams and competition runs high for the honor of selling the most tickets Chairmen of the respective teams lare Ernie Barnes Brian Under liill Bert Gage TOiii Graham and Ken Taylor circus committee has also been set up with Ernie Alexander sitting at the head post Tickets zircon sale now obtain able fromaiiy Jaycec member Distribution will also take place in rillia Midland Collingwood Bradford Alliston and Cookstown There will be unimals clowns elephants trapeze artists and most every sort of entertainment pos sible to make it the Showof the your CARE NEEDED lTO PREVENT FOREST FIRES The Department of Lands and Forests is beginning an Iallout drive to prevent spring forest resI this year This is concerted cf fort to remind the people of the Province ofthc imminence of lllt fire hazard period and the need there is for special care while in the forest areas The annual loss by fire and the costs of prevention are extremely heavy As the ma humdn carelessness theIcoopeiav tion of the public is of vital illi poitance Every year after the snow has gone but before the greengitoyyth Iiasdevloped the south slopes of hills dry out very Iquickly and the grass twigs slash and accumu FINAL SCORE 54 MISTAKENLY GIVEN TO SEVERAL AS During tlic rush of lollpllliilc Iliiirsiluy liockcy fun called it IIH tlIIItt The Bnrrit Examiner and Sllltl Ilc IIMI jusIWOiiIiiTIfiiillif trlcgtupli ollicc iiiil tIH liiiiil scorc was Il for llfllflt inforiiiiilion was ulvtll in reply to tilcphonc 1055 pm Itlltll lllt filial tiliu rcccivcd which gave Illt liiliil scorc as 54 for Harrie llit score was III IIM Hitl of the first half of poriod scorr was iiiquircrs culls night This iiiquiriis until graph bulletin was third this mzlll Illllll score Inc consolation is that it could have been more stritlus Illul tlcril the Montrcal train lilitl come through with will tlic filial 10 minutes Road Examincr Classifieds rcgrcl tliiit rcpurlcil IIS TIIE iiiisi jority of these fires are caused by It was icpoilod to lllt tlllttltlgt tiliiii llltl blutut llllitl lllllt find lmii Stililt ltlllitll 181911lm14tu lIl Ill lli tllltt of riall lilhliliip ilitl lmlll lliivbv UllHll haw plumirrtl olzj lllilq tlllltlI it III llrilt ltlilllii lllttl Ill rlitli tliilliin Illt Inst of tlliy lll iiot llt tllIIIIIIIt lo llltlltl iliiitiiillli llicst lillt lllilil lIXIOltlS TO UK bcct UPHOLSTERING Chesterfields and Occhsional Chairs Repaired and Recovered Stratford Upliolstcring CO Far Free Pickup Find Delivery Call lowek Son lllmlc 4365 Free Estimates debris become like tinder This Invariably causes dangerous spring hazard in many parts of the Province From precipitation re cords of the past winterit now appears that the hazard could be comeIgerieial The syinptoms are high tempera tures low humidity and strong southwest wind This condition invariably twinist to climax between May 15 and June 15 Ac llmlui loiiilliillw Show ItI tiiiiiitliuil mm lzilidit was tXIitLlitl that on tllI llwil llllllll Illt gtIlllflIl1 and xum llltl ll IS lililoiliilid tildziy lly lloil lltllJlIltllII lllloiI illlltl lllt Ullllltll uI lllt tolph and llgt lintl tUllSlLlilflIllt illttltlll liilxlll tvxpiliilitt living ilil tllllltf Vtltlli lllllllt uric IIlIIVIIlIlI tulll Hum Im MINI Aptlllllfli tlii Ittl iii Illt ixpillnlnlli lillet IllnlSt for it tIIUtiI silo till it tXIIttIltl 1lll MU llI ho Iltt thittlllllt ltii llIlI tLttltlIu oxi Ilttllll to ltttiitl tlilllll ll llllf liitcliul cmollcd by that outta lllflittlltlll iiliilit liiidily tlniiI lrl llllli all ll pill tnlnp dullw IIIIS Itii iic Jilly 19451 Xultrln Exports of llctl in tlic cultiidnrl Itll lllli ltlltltl lllt illilvmlitiil with Illt Ullllttl Kllllitltllll illlltlllllIA id to illiilost 40 million pounds tlll 118 IlilSlS In addition ltl iiilllioliI pounds ol litcl tlt titllllttl and txpoittd fix iiictit lunch and iiiililf paste This is ttllllVllItIll to about 1130000 head of cattlr Tllt llllili bccf zlgitciiiciit with lllt Ullllttll lxiilgdaiii provides for tho shipg nitut of iiilixiiiiiiili of 30 lllllllull pounds of boneiii and boneless Iiilli mm opulotmm sldcinblc Iltlttlilllllt oi Itlgttl pcliiiits lillltllill lllllllUl of ltllllltll out that many Board lizlyc ilccltlcd to FREE so of standard recipe cords featuring 20 delicious way to on libbys Mustard In your cooking Just send you name and uddun to llbbyx Chaiham Ontario DOUBLE YOUR nouavalicx If you dont ogre thotztlbbys Prepaiod Mustard the boil you have ever tasted liliiioulit to ltlltll 27W illtl Will IIIUM siting loIgo would Iltt to flu lc Allisfon District lliph School liiiy ittltS of land on whitIi IIItltI is and The Ocean Limited are spamsng the diiCes II Ws Qnagla andtbg Atlanttolhe International Lunjgegi II III IlservingmerinIII6weenn II vI II II III II prOViding branch Ilixie connecgionsyuh the fast Express train Trout II II II VI II II II These are the trains covering moretiian two million miles each monthIthat makequ VI mum EXP 5B which Tia III IIIIIW IIIIIIII uh IlaIIIhIIInIIBIII And QWIIOI Iche Railway BlueB9Ioku 9f Gaad lhJCNR iii BIIICIII toijAIfiqu WWiCVIq Ensred an aging Hp tngiilhnr they gichiIlIowmiI the United Kinitdoms Pmrcliu NI irmli from lTS that to other tiretub rum most unusual expert was recently mutation can Ollcu liecIIyoiirIlllr Goodrich dealer today from the Baclc incl the Prairie Proviitccs to Eastern TheIIIntIerCityliinitedI The W3hlntbnlbh and i5 cords over the past yearsthe peri cant that this period embraces the II shing trips openingsummer cot destinatian board trains lg the Canadian National Famous trains such asghe Continental Limited contaclswifb Canadian the wows areexml rating and The main causesriofvspring res or not properly extlnguishedlhe away0p cigar cigarettagbmt Thp IiilGoQidrlhtailvertownlire has wiilcr flutleiiiiiifzid Dimming to the Departments re od between May 20 and May 26 11 brings thehre peak It is signi cross the Dominion even as you read May 24 holidaywhen manypeople this thoundsofgrgyggggigjpeeding to their bounisv AND SERVICE are away onzthe rSLof the Seasons Widlgbomem tagesor otherwise travelling in thei III Wig placesIinallyouz WOOdS The rst smmayt may be that this in ucesareless iiNatiIonaIryauwillggperiemgv 1955 IOWLWBRMIC The IghIL crummy and service lmphcatlon ls Obvmus are bIUSlIl burning smoking in the VS here an cxclusiicdErCiidricli tiretithe OIIIIIIJIIIHIIOIII bush and campres left unattended that giveaway extra blowoutpillion IIEIIIJISIIII DOM RU public should realize that on rgUNrUFES lightedmatch ca elessly toned becdlesslycast uSide mayjcausma forlonger wear lpclllir Nutrition Igiciitcn salcly BOIIy landside holocaust of death and destruction Tl Molfliretyplfyihganadian Nations II II mtpmtcncg as anIntIernauonal carrier Dependablgfliocalsu craft fleetI hundredsoftowers and increascdmiltkige If severalmillion dollarslwortlt of It eguipmept have be placed III Goodrich SgnlAOQmallc lube seals jiniiclurcs asydii hfglfi rig glgnagggullidnve ride instantly pcrinliirciilly Its an ciccliisivc pplcriIttd Goodrich feature And IIIiiikcrIstrmigcr walls guard your tired Meanwhile th Ipmvim air walls IareIBSE per cor ISIIOIgHIDItXIIY blowout protection and Iareperformingtliduridrttinatichur Csefltldljub of Allillslllilowouls II TheBlue BooktisQour assor evPrywhe In GayEda or across the Bairden be your journey to bitumen or piecing form hour aIdAy ovipniglit or 1953 flownWo East Africa by Will Overseas Airways Corporation Speedbird service It mutilated of consignment 20000 troutIeggS tthe rst since the waterequircd for irestocking strains onhigh giIIound 600010 lid Kelli Ie eggs were I6 rIbial insulated big withvarrailge Iilllgh ltlilntvi cw rival If ments for ice to dripdcvim over the shallow om holding fibem lhrouighoutilteiglr at jpgmg 319 me Iw an aria at their Million of tires Bowie Automativ Acctwigs Dublin henna Induilnal Rubber Produih and KuINOaI iii 91 in