Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Apr 1948, p. 1

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rts THIS WEEKS ISSUE 7925Cbpies winonrzm As neon cuss IAIL to out ornu ACTIVITY Town Hall is seen as it was The activity indicates what Members of the Barrie Lions Club are busy rehearsing for their second annual Minstrel Show to be staged at the BCI auditorium May 45 The show promises to be bigger arid better than the first performance ayeur ago With much larger cast director Craig Hamilton who also takes the how far being the writer is gradual ly moulding the performers into nraclrlrre that looms as threat to Hollywood and its Practising nightly they are gradual ly producing results with tireless hours bending over manuscpt repeating the satire words in the same manner The Lions Minstrel Orchestra squares off the evening with the overture followed by chorus with the entire company participating site where the Prrbllc Library now stands The the American Hotel and stables in the background Market Square was in those ye 2ndAnnual Minstrel In RehearsalWMay4 professionals of the closing chorus rounds out the first half of the program An interlude by the orchestra will prove the way for the main attraction known as the Four Black Crayons Howard Naphtali as fnterlocutonwill have his hands E+ BARRl 85m YeormNO 17 ON THE in those days with busy place the 211s gone by Satur IArt Pugh Ebony Art More Charcoal Derry OSullivan and Eucalyptus Ross Ralph Bill Bell is scheduled to produce version of Cant You Hear Me Calling Caroline selection Lazy bones will be sung by Frank Craig while Art More will issue forth with Never See Maggie Alone The old standby Vic Knox will enter tain with Carolina in the Morri ing and then ArtPugh and Ross Ralph Will combine with Hello My Baby gt Concluding the rollicking show will be Show Boat Melodies pre senting Mrs Betty Kosman imper sonating Aunt Jemima with an ac cordian solo Following up will be Griff Bingham of Orillia with his banjo arid Don Reid with his magic dancing toes Mouth organist Bob toucheson thcmlclodlcs Midland Arena Gardens Operatt ing Company Limited will pay business tax based on an assess friends attended the lan Todd prcsidcut BARRlE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY APRIL 22 THIS PHOTOGRAPH OF THE BARRIEMARKEI day was the big market day and at that time Barrie SQUARE was taken about 70 years ago from tho was considered one of the best market towns in Ontario Tens of thousands ofbrrshels of grain and hay and thousands of cords of wood and tons of frcshmeat changed hands weekly The Market Square was the hub of the Towns business ac tivity and it provided meeting place for friends NEIGHBORS RALLY FOLLOWINGFIRE ATTERRIRRFARM When fire destroyed the farm home of Mr and Mrs Dalton Fer rier in Innisfil Twp on Saturday Aprih 10 the neighbors quickly rallied to their aid and big party was held in the community hall at Churchill last Saturday night About 150 neiglrborsand other shower and the tables onthe platform were piled high with blankets clothing and household furnishings 1n presenting the gifts to Mrsand Mrs Ferrierand family Mrs A1 of tlicho mens Institute which sponsored the event said they could not re place the family possessions and keepsakes that had been lost but they would be help in setting up house again Earlier in the Week James Al Minstrel Memories and the first part Nichols will place the finishing lim Chalmel Maw5 Ernie Worrchl Howard French Aileen and Bruce Sutton canvassed the graving was made of Fred Grant IEfederatczd Lloyd Fletcher of to was elect ed presidcrft of North Sirncoe Fe derated Juniors at the second anvr nual rnectrirg held in Vespra Town ship Hall at MidlrurSt last Friday night More than 150 Junior Farmers and Junior Farm Women attended the meeting Joyce Chapman ol Flos was elected vicepresident Mrs John Patterson of Vespra secretary and Mrs Max Craig of Flos treasurer The following were elected di rectors Sunnidale Mel Haverson Betty Presser Wilfred Giflcrr Flos Don Graham and Ewart Thurlow Vespra Walter Coutts and Bert Maw Tay Harry Romney Joe Gratrix Mrs Archie Colwell Iiny Withall Gus Marchand Oro Allan Brown ARKET SQUARE AT BARRIE INTHE 1880s Jeornpete at Barrie Collegiate Audii it Cdllll test MeArthur and Kathleen Latiinerzl fromtown and country trip to Barrie by horse and wagon was an event in these days This en frorn photograph in col lection of 7000 pictures of Barrie in the possession LloydFletcheiimEleCtg PresidentNbrth Simcoe uniors 948 BCI CONCERT BAND BROADCAST OVER CFOREORILLIA Gordon Smith manager of radio station CFOR Orillia has leased wire from Lon don for next Saturday after noon to broadcast the program of the Barrie Collegiate Con cert Barid The broadcast will be from to 430 pm and station 31201 is at 1450 0d the dial This program will be pre sented by the Barrie Band on their return journey from De troit where they are playing today at the Music Educators dTSlritEtholmdjmiaSh AHliFCaldWll 13TH Clark MC aswcll as considerable amount of furniture Mr and Mrs Farrier had been dontc Bob Archer Lois Brown Argyle Bell Orillia Jack Ander son and Mrs Lottie Allen Matche ment of $36000 for the year 1948 farming only one year when the dash Morley Kinnear No tax will bcrleviedfor previous he attempts to geranJ swers from Rastus Frank Craig Mose Ed NOWWashington AMER weed inspector met with very enthusiastic re spouser to hisrreque for coopera tion in meeting the edrmenaet when discussing weed control at orthSimcdeGropr Wheelings early in March Farmersge eral 1y were very much intercste ln the new selective types of cherhi cal weed rkillersfandasked many questionsas to their use AThey were also appreciative of the controlon the roads Followlngis iepOrtrprepared po covered in his talks at the recent thkmectingsz The resultsfo the whichgtshoyved fthat La st050j according to thevsamples alten of the grain being sown in the county gradedfreject On account of the weed secd content isample chidenc to back up the states room fangreatr care in the selec tion and cleaningft seed grain on the average farm in Simcoe Coun ty Eighteen of the 38 samples ob tained in the survey contained over 100 weed Seeds pr pottnil cme sample having as many as 694 weed seed iiwhich ifisowniat the rate of 10 lbs per acre was putting back 69400 Weeds per acre polluting the farm with weed seeds should in itself be sufflcient reason to persuade evcry farmer to clean his seed grain as thor oughly as possible In addition Ihspcipi Proper Secdeleaning Befo Spring sowing move to do better job of weed ighways and trail menr that there is very denite onto the field The dangerof ears Read Examiner Classifieds Urges present 1945 Dalton Ferrier fire destroyed their home and all thgir possessrons Witli therexccp tion of the clothes they were wearing There was small amount bf insurance but not near ly enough to compensate for the loss The hall at Churchill was filled to capacity Saturday night and the neighbors spent the evening playing cards and enjoylng bountiful lunch Mr and Mrs and children Lois and Ann and Gor don were present and were of fered help rbyimany who wished to see them return to the farm and start overyagin ExWarden Orville Todd was and recalled the help given by Del hbors when heislost his barn by ire in the spiingrrof Its wonderful country we live in When the neighbors help out like thls2 declared Mr Todd by Mr Raikes outlining the main Seed Drill Suyvcy conducte ran Spring RAIKES there is the factthat large plump seed the result of good cleaning and grading will outyield small or ungraded seed by substantial margin In sevenyear test at DAG largeplumu oats0utvil ed small plump oats by 16 bus per acre The number of seed cleaning plants in thQ county is limited so large percentage of the farmers depend on thelfarmr fanning mill ed orc1eaning their grain butthis Tumulo page eight please Rev IF ABe NamedaCJhainnqn cancer Cancer committee The Ontario Cancer Society whichis sponsoring the crusade against cancerrliaa fa showing of pictures on Thursday and VIFriday nights last week Hall The pictures were shown to men and women on their respective nightsuruanl efforLto LbningLCans adians to realize how ideadly is Under the leadership of Barrie Lions Clubra citizens committee habcen formed Rev BeWell was elected chairman and Mrs Laurie was elected vicechairman Jack Gable was elected secretary The purpose of the committee is to makei doortodoor canvass of the town for members The membership feels bne dollar but larger amounts would be accept Read Examiner Classifieds their three Niall at Trinity Parish Church WA Admission 35c Lloyd Fletcherwas chairman of Conference of TARTEHCR and Mrs Ray Lougliced Reeve and Mrs Earl Richardson Past Presi dent Allan Brown Jack Walker president of South Simcoc Junior 1948 ing of Grant Mayor Bill Bell Vic Section lPoges DAYLlGHT SAVING TlME WILL BEGIN SUNDAY APRIL 25 ynt Sunday morning tne Iown of Barrie and scores of other municipalities in Ontario will go on Daylight Saving Time Next Sunday April 25 at 1201 ani clocks will be ad vanced one hour Canadian National Railriay employees iill probably not alter their clocks and watches because the railways will rc tain standard time Most of the rural areas also remain on standard time ln Srrmon tounty the campaign lets roi already preparing for tire tOntara election to be held Moi iiirjs lure Announcement of tile electon by Premier George Dice Friday came as sur rpllst to most of tlu residents of Otitairo The three rulings lit Sarzrcw ltfotrirty hare Progressive Nurser lvattve iepresentatrves in the 101 lislature as follows George illnitllrllltt of Mintsing Snrrcoe Cruz tie Ilr rylcllrec of Port Mt lrvicoll Stirreoe East anti Rev 1W lotjirer of luirtioou Dufferrtr Srmcrve iii ms DRAMA CONTEST ruin it BCI grunt NIGHT lug made to hqu conventions to The executive mrservatlye ieeiroi and ookstowir ltoriiur iii the on Friday night April 211 ill Prlmrlsswc mm drama 01Assocratron will hold rrreetuzg wmmjrm by Ymnmilriday Ann 231 to discuss con lpmphus Unions Ur Simcm IlCsby yerrtioir plans lhe satire night Hm unnod Church tlre executive of the Liberal As ocratioi wil rer reenrorc won the Judges de cisron lit the semifinals againstl lll lllllllr Illtllm llllt Midland in conlest at ltllurvale31S ll Ml lmnlm llfllllld wedm5dy Am lthnm modulates Illclxrnnon Wkstnwn won dwismnLiberal Mahlon Reach Independ rovcr liltoid at Cookstowu lastltllg MOM llllllillilm CCF Monday night Each of lltesel Probably the first LlllthlltlUll 101 four groups had won earlicn prcfselcct candidate rtr this county liminary contests Judges for eachlwrll be at the Town Hall in Allis of these events were members ofjton this afternoon April 22 The the Barrie Drama Club lLiherals had called this convertl The Treomore play Ills Firstuion several days before the air Shlive is directed by Mrs nouneement of the election The Eagle with the following incm Conservatives in that riding are bers of the cast Lois Perry Beth Machesncy Jack Graham Pauline Sound effects were by George Shepherd The oneact play is faijcial comedy The Cookstown production She Vs Barrie was Only Farmers Daughter melodrama is under the direc tion of Mrs Phyllis vaorrs withl the following east Edythe Gilroyl Mrs Gladys Wilson argaretl Vcitcli George Farts Earl Gill roy Ilclcn Mapes Wesley Hindlei Mls0ve Hind Assisting wewyunror hockey champronslrrp ofl Keml Tudmmm0r Cowman andtCanada wrll open at Maple Leaf Janie Sutherland Gardcns Toronto this Saturday Miss Lois Farls 0f Cookstowmiriglrt April 24 and continue Otri and Midhurst is citizenshipcorriMUldy Apr 26 WedneSdV vcner of the Presbytery arid hasilm 28 dSMUldali May ll been responsible 01 Dummy These dates wrlth constitute the on of the drama contest first four games of the bestof The Mmch of the nal ImndSCV011 series for the famed trophy Bnme tomorrow evening Withater dates Will be arranged whcng be presented with the Sirneoefnecemly Presbytery YPU Drama Shield Barrie Flyers will rePlCSCHl the In addition to thetwo oneactlEzSl havmg won the OHA Junlml plays there will be musical pro1A men and Clmmawd porcui train with talent from thcyarllme mm95 and Montreal Nu ious wusthar took part in whalmls JIM Playdowns= contest LiONNTEIN OF DIRECTORS AND ROTARIANs On Friday evening the Rotary Club and the directors of the Chaml ber of Commerce were guests at the regular Lions Club banquet President Ted Twiss of the Cham ber of Commerce introduced the directOrs and expressed their de sire to coopcrate with the service elubs incomrnunity work President Blake Underhill Of the Rotary Club stressed the need of the new hospitalmfor Barrie and stated there were still few tickets left for the Barbara Ann Scott rcvuel An impromptu quartette consist Bingham ariiedbyALAustin atth pianor Knox and Frank Dobsorr accomp were given big hand At first the various members of the above quarv tette assured all present that they were only singing for their own famazcmerrt butJafter the first four bars the audience settled back to tario Minister of Welfare will be the speaker at the annual meet ing ofthe Simcec County Chil drens Aid Society to be held to tlrmgathcningjndhdabsencdof the retiring president Bruce Cum ming Since he wasrelectcd one year ago Bruce has entered the Ontario Agricultural College at Guelph andTowing to examina tions he was unable to be present on Friday Thcspeakcr of the evening was Sheriff Drury and report of his address is published inan other column of this issue Dinner was served to 170 urem bers andwguestHytrheJtadit Midhurst WA The ladies were thanked by Harry Rummy Gucsts included Warden and Mrs Walter Middleton President of the Federation of Agriculture COMING AFarmers StewartVL Pagefagilftiul tural representative Monty Leigh of Orillia Mr and Mrs Ed Cup pagc o1 JarrattMr and Mrs How ard Ritchie of Elmvalc Mr and Mrs Andrew Bartholomew of Oro Mr andMirs George Cadogan of Barrie Mrs Cecil Chappel of Bar rie Mr Chappel was unable to attend owing to serious accident the previous dayMrand Mrs Mclarlane Music for the occasionwaspro vided by the Sunnidale Choral Club and there was singsong TlerlbyLMrsLelwcll With Miss Fern Hampclat the piano Turn to pageieight please EVENTS+7 out wordMlnlmlm gt Trinity Junior Guild immragc sale Saturday April 241 ainat Ifrinity ParishHall1 16171 Danec at Baxter April23 1943 Music by Dancing Chem930100 v1tfb Rummage gt Sale Saturday April 24 Central United SundaySchool room Auspiccs WA Doors open at9 am 157171 St Andrews WA rummage sale lecture roomof church Owen and WOrsley Saturday April 24 Doors open am 16171 firrWomerysrHospitaliAidvRummage Sale Trinity Parish Hall am May lst Donations welcomed Call 4543 or 2374 for pick up 1417b Barrie Community ConcertAsg sociation present Eileen Farrell Collier St United Church Tues day April 27 830 pm 1617b Dance Midhurst Township Hall EridayrApriI 23 Lunchcounter iTlieiBattle of that GreaLDaysof thoughtctbeyuiould orchestra Dancing 91 Ronalds Auspices LOL 731 Admission 50 cents 16l7p Threeact comedy play Wheres Granma Apr 29 and 30 Bur ton Ave United Church Auspices United 15er Groupr Burton Ave Paxtons orchestra April 22 Creemore Orchestra 17p Dance at Cookstown danfcc pav ilionrfevery Friday toDon Gilkes and his orchestra vNAdmisslon 50 cents 17th Simcoev Presbytery YPU Drama Fastival South vs North at Bar rie Collegiate FridayAprri 23 pm Tickets 350 17b Dante lGearin Hall Phelpston Monday April 26 Ronalds or chestra Everybody Welcome Ad Admission 50c Lunch 17p Dance Midhurst TownshipHall Wednedayy April 28 Stroud Mountaineers Dancrng 9301 Lunch counter Auspices PT Club Admission 50c 17p BritishIsrael World Federation meeting Library Hall Barrie Monday April 26 pm Speaker Bromwich Subject God Almighty 17b Couple of Country Kids presented by Grenfel Dramatic Club will be held in Utopia School Tuesday April 27 pm Under auspices of Utopia United ghurch WA Admission 350 and 5c Dance3 at Brcntwood Thursdayi 17p night in Club 79 Chairman of thmccting will be George Mc Conkey county president cnyoy gOITdVOealharinoy The speaker for the evening McCulloch of the Peller Brewing Company was introduced by Leishman Mr McCulloch spoke on This Year of Decision His address began with outlining the advance of democracy from 1861 to 1945 and progressed to the year 1948 in which the world has to decide whether we retain the principles of democracy or accept the Communistic way of life The speakers wide knewledge of current history made this very informative and interesting por trayal of Russias threat to the worldMr McCulloch Was thanked by Henfy of the Rotary Club INNISPIL TOTVNSHIP ASKCOOPRRATION or TOWN BE ROAD John Woods KCLTspoke fer delegation from Innisfil Townl ship at Barrie LTown Councilymeet ing Monday night MrWoOds asked the cooperation of the Town in openingupl33 rods bf road on boundarybetween the township thetowri He also asked co eratlon in rguesting permission to get right of way overvthe railWaycrosslng AMr Woods said he feltsthc de velopmcnt of the area would bene fit both municipalities andhe ex prcsslyiaskedgtheillownwforiupm $250 Ald Griffin chairman of the board ofuworks pointed outit would cost money to snow plow and maintain the road When the iii CARMAN superintendent DI vans has been with the Ontario Department elf Lands and Forests Mayor asked if the township would since 1928 For six years he was bewilling to snow plow the road superintendent Of the Rondeau Reeve CliffordLockhart said hi Provincial Park on Lake Erie Erdm 103541 lhe Went to Angus ThTownshlp has alreadyvgstartm in 11942 Carmen travelled ed rough grading on the project throughout the province while his in order to open thelroad for resi office was at Queens Park iuTo dents of the area ronto He was one of the per The matter wlll be considered sonsin the Department whohad by the board of works leading part in designing new ltigt seed extracting unit Which is now Read Examiner Classifieds inoperatlonr HON ATGOODFELLOW On quantities the Seed Extracting Plant at Am 03 lThree Simcoc Ridings lMaking Preparations lFor June Election also making plans fortlreit cem venison ln Suneoe lLasic executivenicot sugs are bezrrg held by the various parties to discuss convention plajl and Within few days the Ontario electron will be ill full swing in the three ridings lhc Srnreoe Centre Progressive Conservative convention to select carrdidate will be held at the IOOF Hall 111 Harrie on Monday May be Ilon Leslie Frost Provrncral Treasurer and Minister of Mules Other pront rneirt Conservatives wrll be on the platform Mahlon Beach at Barrie is the first candidate to he definitely iii the field for the election in Sun coe Centre Mr Reach will again run as an Independent on the platform which won him 1201 votes in his first bid for office three years ago The results iii the district rid rirgs three years ago were as fol lows Simcoe entre George John ston Prog ions 5900 Mc Kinnon Liberal 4337 Harold CCF 1626 Mahlon Beach Independent 1215 Simcoc BashDr McPhee Prog Cons 0880 Alex Forbes Liberal 4014 Ray Doolittle CCF 2749 DrifterinSiincoeltev lownerProl Cons 8763 Rich ard McCulloch CCF 2945 The speaker wrll Western Champions Flyers For MemorialCup llre Mcttrorral Cup finals for the Whether Port Arthur West End Bruins or Lethbridgc Native Sons are the Western team was settled last night Wednesday at T0 ronto in suddendeath game Native Sons won the first three matches of the Western finals but Port Arthur roared back on borne ice to sweep through the next three and the series was tied up The CAHA ordered both teams to MaplcLeaf Gardens to settle the matter Among the spectatdrs were the Barrie Flycrs players and officials getting some valu able scouting Barrie should berrcady for tho finals If Flycrs wercforccd to play the first game last night they would not have had either Jerry Reid or Paul Meger bothwith sprained ankles from the Montreal series But Reid and Mcger should Turn to page eight please VESPRA RESIDENTS ARE CONCERNED RE ROAD INTO BARBIE Deputy Reeve Roy Hickling of Vespra Torrvnslrip was present at Town Council Monday witha deputation from Vespra Township regarding the new highway which will skirt Barrie These residents who side the town in the Wellington and Anne streets were goricerned regarding their access to the town when the new high way gets ready for travel None of th muniElpal officials were sure where the flyover would be constructed in that sec tion and it was decided that let0 ter asking for information wou be written to Millar Ontario Deputy Minister of Highways The clerks of Barrie and Vespra gwill each write to Mr Millarp New MechanismDesigned TO Extract Tree Seeds In Operational Angus The Hon Scott Minister yet Lands and Forests announced the completion of tree seed traction machine designerband built by his department Reforestation today is heard every hand Tocarry it out on worthwhile scale large amounts tree seeds are ncessary in attic to produe the seedlings which at distributed free to Vlandovvne from Provincial nurseries As hlg as twenty million have been out in one year The only source bf sue naturally growing trees in forest As such tre produ seeds sporadically and int vary co1lection adcquatesothat seed must fled over from good yearstr lit thev demand When 511911118 low Generally the cones of green trees must be 0pc heating and drying rtoiaele seed Driller existinsms extraction the process is 51 laborious and losses are able Three years ago Rail mini Superintendent Extraction Plantat NJollnston Chief of Research of th Lands and Forests cn cones earrid on by ham This signed by Ml Blik seiirch Divisio Constructedby Vie live out vicinity pt

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