THIS WEEKS ISSUE 7925 Copies Aurnonilro AS coto cuss IAtL v0 om onus 85th St Andrews and Essa Road YearNo Presbyterian Choirs iPresent Steiners The CrUCifixion capacity gathering greeted the choiis of St Andrews Road Presbyterian churches at St Andrews on Good Friday evening when the smgers took their places lit the choir seats to present Stziiiicrs great cantata The Crucifixion The orgariistcoiidiictOr was Craig Hamilton the gucst soloists were Howard Ctillcll and Harvard Red dick and with the choirs they all did an cxcccdiiigly fine job in the portrayal of the story of the Cruc ifixioii The two choirs particularly good in The Appeal of The Crucificd showing the results of painstaking rehearsal and careful training per formed adequately through the whole work Other highlights were their most expressive singing of God So Loved The World tmostly iinaccompaiiicdt and the opening IPlOCCSSlUllitl to Calvary Allin all the choral work was most sat isfactory although few weaknesses showed in the tenor section as in all presentday choirs The work of Mr Correll who in Barrie showed very well why lie is rapidly coming to the fore as one of the best of the younger Cati adiaii bassbaritoncs lllis render ing of the yariotis solos assigned to him was moSt sympathetic and he showed complete understlliiding of the message given him to deliver Perhaps his best work was in the AgonyCould ye not watch with me one brief hour btit his allover presentation twitli his rich vibrant voice and fine appearance was so excellent that it is hard to say any one part was better than the other Harvard Reddick tenor who stepped in at the last moment to substitute for Arthur Bartlett suds leiily taken illt was most impres sive and sliowcd himself to be master of lCCllilllVC His rather light lyric voice lent itself particu larly well to the various recita tivcs in the work although his yctidition of The Majesty of The Divine Humiliation King Ever Glorious was most cxpressiveand appealing The duet by the soloistsSo Thou Lifiest Thy Divine Petition was also very well done the voices bleiiding beautifully and the two men telling their story with great deal of very evident sincerity The Cantata was preceded by short religious service conducted by Rev James Ferguson who also gave short foreword to the work wel coming the large congregation iii eluding the many visitors from other congregations and outoftown guests with special word of come for the two soloists VAll togethcr it was most sat isfactory evening and many ex pressed thc hope that the two choirs would continue their cooperation and gitIe tinopportunity of hearing more works of this sort done under the same conditions News items for the Examiner should be sent in AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE to ENSURE insertiori Quality Cleaned clothes are cleaner color clearer the fabric softer with live springy feeland theyre free of any odor With more expert care more operations and more time given to reshaping they fit better look better Testsprovethey last longer and Essa weir ings colorful base ya mg DONALD TAYLOR Tins has been heard number of times 3pmde acting agricultural mp lid Gordon MCAlthr 0f Slilyller bccn rcseiitativc for Prince Edward County and he has assumed his new duties at Picton this month He has been appointed on account of the continued illness of Fred Webster Mr Webster and Mr Taylor are both known in Simeon County Mr Webster was the agricultural representative for Mr Taylor was the assistant agri cultural rcprescntativc here before going to Lciinox and Addiiigton as assistant year ago Mrs Taylor iier Mr and Mrs Taylor will be moving from Napanecto Picton lOvenden Graduate Elizabetthurphy Injured In Bahamas Elizabeth Murphy 17yearold daughter of Governor and Lady Murphy of the Bahamas recently received fractured right leg and thigh injury as well as gashes on the arms and head She was student at Ovendcn College during 194647 The accident occurred in the Bahamas turning home with Hon Anthony Berry the youngest son of Lord Kemsley British newspaper mag nate The car skidded on rain soaked street andglanccd off tree and struck another can head Following the accident Miss Murphy was flown by United States Coast Guard plane toDMiaq mi Florida where she was putin hospital for treatment Doctors reported that she was still in seri ous condition SCVClalllOUlS after the accident During her stay at Ovcndcn dur ing 194647 Miss Murphy took bisiness course The following year she went to Toronto and at pletion of her business course be came secretary to herfather BARIIIE HEADS KIWANIS DIVISION Thereport of KRay magazine forthc month of February shows Barrie at the top of Kiwanis divi sion No 10 clubs Here are the details Attendance Club Percentage Rating Feb 1948 Jan Barrie 903 876 Collingwood 652 561 KingswayTor0nto 780 810 Midland 698 549 North Toronto 792 669 Orlilia 875 779 Owen SoundM 814 778 Penetang 717 502 Toronto 711 769 West Toronto 799 slit5 BARBIE POSTAL BUSINESS Here are the gures of the busi ness in Barrie Post Office for one week fty years ago let ers posted 4316 post cards 1443 papers books etc 526 merchandise pack etsp59frtotalmosta1 value for the week $15682 Postmaster Thomson reports that thch Barrie Post Office now does more titanihisarnoontorbusinss in one day The total business of Barrie hasWoubled in the last ten years at thefPost Office LAWN SPRINKLER Built to spray gal waterper minute over 36ft circle at 30lb sill cock pressure revolving lawn sprinklerlhas been designed toswirl water sothatit wilL fall evenly on grass reports The Fin ancial Post Makers specications list these points polished brass arms freerunning bronze shear 21 Pniziis CHICKENS Admiibhc erHMAitvsrhmsnt BIN ThursdayAprilmsrggtlsipang We 7ifNW ParisthIIfMulcasler St mumscnocnnnis notorPiize International CollisionkepairsTow Truck Expert Wheel Alignment and Balancing Metorl Trucks JW Hart Garage rationalironoasninarnerenounsozor South Siincoc about 20 years ago Miss Murphy was 1Cr BARRIE ONTARtO CANADA THURSDAY APRIL 1948 NINE CHURCHES ARE COMPETING DRAMA CONTEST Young Peoples Unions from nine United Churches have taken part in drama contest sponsored by ttie Simcoc Presbyteryof the Unt ted Church YPU Miss Lois Faris of Cookstown and Midhurst is convener of the committee that has sponsored the contest The first plays were presented by Gilford and Bradford at Bradford on March 15 Cookstowii and New ton Robiiison YPUS prescrith their productionsat the latter munici pality on March 22 Three produc tions were staged at Midhurst Township Hall on March 21 when young people from Midland and Miiicsing and Midhurst oneact plays Stayncr and Crecmore were scheduled to present their plays at Stayncr on April Cookstowii and Gilford were selected as the winners in the south and they presented their plays in the near ftitiire Midland YPU won the contest at Midhurst and they will present their test On each occasion the halls have been crowded for the performances on behalf of the Toronto Confer once of the United Church has at tcndcd the productions to express his appreciation for the response given to the drama contest It is expected that the final con test will be staged at Barrie the latter part of April Hereford Breeders to Meet at Alliston April Splendid work is being done in is the former Elsielaiii of Stay 30 Slmcoc by the Hereford Club The annual meeting will be held in the Agriculture Office Alliston on April Gra ham Ontario Livestock Branch will be chief speaker This will be very important meeting for all interested as the cltib will be called on to assist with the On tario Hereford eld day planned for South Simcoe in June No breeder should miss either the tin iiual meeting or field day Cal vin lreland will be in charge of the meeting Vs 19000 Shorthorns Are Registered in Canada Planning for Simcoe White secretary Dominion Shorthorn Breeders Association speaking at the annual meeting of theloca1 Shorthorn Club at Allis ton reviewed the progress made in the Shorthorn business The association nowhas membership of 4600 In 1947 19000 Shorthorns were registered an increase of 16 per cent Mr White said the Do minion Shorthorn Breeders Asso elation is the second largest breed organization in Canada and the largest Shorthorn association in the British Empire John Jackson Ballycroy president was chairman of the meeting report was given by the secretary of the club show held tended Havergal and upon coma at Beeton Fair The invitation to hold the show at Beeton in 1948 was accepted Plans were made to hold cltib field day in June with JnoJackson Jack Mitchell Allan Corrigan and the secretary as committee Murray Farts Edgar Williams Wilfred Bell and Jno Jackson were named as committee to plan the prize list for the annual show and to visit breeders to secure en tries Mr White plcsented 20minute sound lm on Canadian Livestock OFFICERS ELECTED Officers and directors elected for the year were PresAllan Cor rigan lst Vicepres Jno Cur rie Nottawa 2nd Vicepres Wil fred Bell Collingwood Secytreas ALashley Township Directors ga Harold Huish Truman Heslip Essa Jno Hog Nottawasa garth Innisfll Wm New West Gwillimbury Murray Faris Te cumseth Edgar Williams Rdan Jno Jackson Barrie Arena April STRATFORDGoal defence iUniacrg er wings Hareih R1 ternates SchooleLHavelmgathn ston Elder Holme Dunbar Pletsch BARBIE FLYERSGoal ntreLMill Syn centre Poland wings MacDonald Emms alternates Fraleigh De Garrett McCullough OFFICIALSR Refers New market referee JinirnyVStrachan Barrielinesman FIRST PERIOD Scoringnone PeznaltiesPoland Uniac $314 ter SECONDV PERIOD BarrieEmmi Walton StratfordfElder Uuniaci StratfordsElder Pletsch 1311 BarrieMacDonald presented Tossorontio sanisiraaord he OMHA MIDGEI AFINAL GAME Reinhart ards a1 nott defence RearsallJlson laney Sexton Walton Goodchild 652 1459 ennunierous StratfordHartleih 1634 REV AND MRS CHASE ago They had travelled widely throughout Canada and thel the hon05 of 73 lllr travelling evangelists be the seiiiifiiials at Cookstown in fore they came to the Free Meriitstiist Church in Barrie year COLORED MOVIES OF EUROPE SHOWN BY REV SMITH The world cannot hope to lasting peace until man and iia tions return to the basic priticzplcs of religion stated Rev Galbutt Sriiith in his talk on Europe To day at First Baptist Church on Friday evening April The speaker son of Mr and tlis Geo Smith Mary street is the pits tor of the Baptist Church at Strathroy and last year was one of the official delegates from tarto to the Baptist World Tori gicss at Copenhagen Denmark The church was filled almost to capacityto hear this timely talk and to see the excellent technicolor moving pictures which he had taken on his totir of the continent Pictures were shown of England France Belgium Germany Switz erland and the Netherlands Scenes of widesprcad devasta lltlnlll nearly every country visit cd brought home with stark reali Street United States Before the new church was built on Bayfield scenes taken at random in various play in competition with the win street 10 FIOC Mtllwdlsm llllil or of the StaynerCrccmore con room on Clappertoii street near the Five Points The official opening of the new church eat Bishop Ormiston REV CIIASE BUILT this their services in small 11 111 May will be conducted by Free Methadist Church at 200 countries showed the restlessness which has gripped the people who are living in dread of another out break of war Rev Mr Smith said that ii litu lope today the ministers of the Christian churches weic working as never before to bring the coun trics to realization of tlie iieccs sity of letting God have the guid ing hand in the future of thc world social half hour was spent iii the church school rooms after the pictures were shown when lUllltCi friends had an opportunity to rc new acquaintance but improbable Sent on to check Strtitford until Barrics penalties were over they took time out to score goal themselves besides do ing their job Hamming Stratford in their own end MacDonald checked an oppon ent as be rounded the net grabbed the puck and carried behind before placing pass in front Walton fan ned but duplicated Dannys play on the next move and MacDonald took all the time in the world This was done with mere three Barrie attackers on the ice Poland finished the scoring as he Bayfield St Barrie almost singlehanded He started work pleed MHCDomldS pass md about one year ago and did practically all roared in unmolested while the de tllO WOlk himself fence were untangng themselves The main bodyof the church has acemnmodation for 125 from MacDonald worshippers In the basement are classes for Sunday School andatthe rear of the church is comfortable suite of rooms where Mr and Mrs Chase make their home While the con gregation is small practically the entire $4000to pay for materials and skillet workrha Several substantial donations of materials were made friends Midget livers andhome finals By virtue of week ago Flyers held fourg test which appeared substantial Stratford did threaten theilead early ill the second period Barrie lads moved them into winning stride The Flyers won the rouncHSI but great cemeback by the Stratforid favored the side of the sword in the second debate while Barrie stuck with the quill Once again the quill won out The visitors rugged warfare couldnt stave off the fighting hearts of the winners Although Stratford made no head way in the first period neither did Barrie At the completion or the second period the scbre stood 33 with Stratford having to overcome the fourgoal margin rinrihe next 20 minutes or else pack the equip mentiWaYTor another season Amazingly four goalswere scored in the final session but none vas marked for the visitors blister ing attack by Barrie regardless of penalties was reWardcd with the xtrrmarkers insult the OMHA Midget championship in Barrie forthe first time One forward line look care of llll complete scoring for the Flyers for the title Bruce Synnott ingoal rtuirned in some sensational efforts along the trail and deserves much credit for many of those defence of LloydPearsallBillElson and Don Fraleigh covered up nicely in frontof their own not throughout theseason Seldomv do Barrie dump their opppsition over tlicir were feared by onruishiug forwards who had possibly been frightened by burly defeiiceman earlier Ill the schedule =3 Bill Sexton aiidRichard Delaney failed to register onthe score Sheet mceasions but never theless played alargepart iii bring iingthe cup to the town Their Ioltn ll SiafforrlTrophy lor OMHA Championship Barrie Flyers midget entry coppe another champion ship for the town last Saturday afternoon April when they trounced Stratiord 73 in the Second game of their homes been raised in the past year Capture their 84 wiirin Stratford one cat margin for the second con Paul 15mins who missed the NHL tournament due to illness banged horne Joliii Waltons pass to open thescoriiig Stratford flew right back and struck the Flyers square in the face with three fast goals Ted Elder took Uiiiacs pass and sifted in on the vacant right defence to score without any trouble Strat ford continue to apply the pressure and during pileup in front of SyniiottElder notched his second lshooting through maze of legs The visitors spirited by their counters outplayed the Flyers up ed updiis first penalty of the con test The homesters swarmed all arouiidJohn Reinhart in the Strat ford nets and appeared due for score Sucli wasnt the case Wing but they alone werenof responsible ma DonrHammh ShOLthe PM down the ice irrorder to relieve pressure The disk slid slowly to wards Syiiiiott and Bruce played it from the time it left Hartleihs slim one goal wins on rounds The Slle 35 ll drew earn eagern9 or llCIVOllSiICSS caused him toraise his stick and thepuck just managed Ito cross the goal line having been misjudged by the startled Synnott rearguzirds Fluky scores such asthese happen tothe best of goalies and no blame knee or otherwise but still they Shotildbe thrut upon Bruce He has played magnificent hockeythis Year and oncbadjcallshould not be allowed to evershadow his starA ring featszfler that one Stratford failed to score on Bruce He kicked out everything thrown at him and niany were efzthe tough variety back lessthaii tito minutes later tPoland Emms 1641 constant checking of ffirst lines Danny poyand took pass from BarriePoland MacDonald 1730 first string trio Sal an absinthe pttifched at are PenaltieszSexton Pea all fer Uniac Dunbar THIRD PERIOD BarriePoland MaCDonaldEmms BarrieEmms Pearsall BarrieMacDonald Walton 10 BarriePoland MacDonald PenaltiesPoland Pearsall Mac Donald Uniac Richards Elder EAGLES ADOPT WOLF CUB PACK The Fraternal Order of Eagles Victoria BC Aerie No 12 is adopting the James Bay Wolf Cub Pack Thi is the first step in an more Well pub Packs 415 635 1134 and to this one it is offensive and made for an Open path for Barriesv Emms alongthevlft boards and tothe time when Don Dunbar chalk Danny MacDonald got that one carried into StlaifQLdls 191133 AS Herb Parker who is on the execu tive of the OMHA and also hails from Stratford presented captain Lloyd Pearsall with the John 11 Stafford Trophy emblematic of OM HA MidgetA supremacy Paul Megcr handled the team front the box and didaii excellent chore Win Law who grabbed the reins when Paul wasnt available deserv es muchcredit for his tireless work in arranging for transportation the largest headache on any club and seeing that the players reported for practise Congratulationsllyers prionandanswerformg repairshThe answer to free goals for mostOf the year are of course the stars according to sports legend They are the offensive pow er that break opponents hearis Al ways there are two sides of story defensive with the final paragraph 1700 containing the essential teamwork Without it club is of no use no real threat and can easily be topped Despite Stratford claiming four of the five penalties in the opening frame Barrie were unable to tally Ken Uniac and Bill Salter sat out two apiece Danny Poland account ed for the locals single infraction The middle stanza was slightly Eagles 01t 116111 organize different scoring was Wideopen but penalties remained the same he drewthe defence over he slip pdiibalmouth pass to MacDonald who streaked in on the unprotected side Danny cutin front and tipped the disk in the open corner before the bewildered Reinhart Poland grabbed pass from MacDonaldJ period ended to even the before the cciunt Thelfinal was all Barrie Poland put the homesters in front for the second time and Paul Emms placed Pearsalls Passout behind Reinhart to let him know the heat was on Pearsall set up the play via an end toend rush wah Poland and Pearsall both fords Ray Richards MacDonald and Walton accomplished the possible Sittingjnitbebox alongwlth Strat REMEMBERelIALF CULTIVATED LAND YIELDS AVWPVOOR GROPHALF KEPT Accotmrs GIVE eoort RESULTSVTOQ REYOUG TAX DEDUCTIONS you ARI ENTITLEDTO The Form Account Bookond Income Tax Guide showstyou howl don item by item These are mone in the new Farm AccountiBook tojdeductionsand he is expected by the EWjiac can Iclaim as expenses for machine or building in wor ing ordercan be claimed Altogether therein answerstoover 6Q questions No orieis required fto SectiOn 2Poges to l4 lOntario Hospitals May Get Funds By An Amusement Tax itltlllltiil plans to takw Utl the Itillttscllwit tax tlrici Just as the Doiinnion veic stippoitcrt to the hint hitaral tatcs leading of the bill in thc legisla tiirc Provincial Secretary filicliezier tabled the tiUtli annual report of the ticpaitiiicnt of health hospitals division Ht cxplazncd tlic ltligttli$ of bill to establish the Ontario scantii conunsston as pciiiiancnt body The bill was one of thost givcn second ltttlillll in the iiiitisciiicnl tax debate both ll Salsheig LiPToronto lSt Andrei1 and Machcod lLllloronto Bcllwoodsi declared it was taxation which hit unfairly at the pockets of tiic artrage wage earner lltOlOSlZ Al1lllAiiiI As an altcinativc way of raising money for hospital rcxpansion and icvclopmcntthe purposc of the iir of tilll vote during lllt second It tax7210 suggested two per cent addition to the cuticnt corporation lltlllln tax Attorney itiiiia Blackwell said was small sum the average wage earner would pay for what Le uould ltLtilt in benefits of lies pitaiizatioii li ctlcct he said the luilllircllltllt tax was unit of in llllIIC Theft Would be no advantage in increasing cmporation taxes be said since thc boost would be passed on to tile buyers in the form of higher pilccs Mr Frost said he hoped the lltilltllill vmuld vacate the field of aiiiuscincnt taxation by the end of this month gt0 that the province could get staitcd on its program of hospital development At present hospital facilities 3werc not sufficient to allow tni plciiicntzition of national health plan But Ontarios program to DU financed Willi amusement tax would bring closer the day when hospital factlitics could support national health scheme ltic first Canadian steamboat on the Errat Laccs was the Walkin theWater lat nclied iii 1818 SUITS TOPCOATS IN STOCKSINGLE OR DOUBLE BRIIASIED STYLES $3750 $4250 $4750 $5850 TOPCOATS All Sites Twceds or Gabardiiies from $2850 SIEISON IIAIS $850 $1000 others $550 $495 $225 SEE OUR STOCK OF SPORT COATS AND ODD PANTS BOYS SUITS IN STOCK SIZES ti TO 16 YEARS WILF TOD wean BARRIE MENS AND com 55 DUNLOP sr ivorrcr DIPHTHERIA TOXOID CLINICS linics will be held for immunisation against Diphtheria for children from months to school age under the direction of Dr II Smith Medical Officer of Health at COMMUNITY HOUSE 45 TORONTO ST initial Dose will be given on Ap and 26 at 21lll Sharp Babies will not be weighed on these dates Keep this notice for reference VICTORIAN rii 1411i succeeding doses on May ORDER OF NURSES RUSSELL are you 4lmDuulop St INSURA How much can you deduct fordepreciation On your tractor Your automobile shed What expenses can you deduct There are 75 articles in common farm use plus wide variety of deductible expenses for which depreciation can be chargedeall listed in the new Farm Account Book These legal deductions from your income are big question at Income Tax Time and the answers tothem and to dozens of other ques tions are in this new FarmAccount Book Record olYour Transactions and DGuicle to Your lncomeIcix Return For instance aim records ady expense people time If You Havent Received Your Copy Get It Nowi titer Ar voun eosr orrlce ioeeARruEnror NATIONAL ltEVIiNllE intractable YOUR HOME No matter how careful you are tlier insurance can Protect Rates from THE simplestiforma real help Some thingweheliei are many losses that only Low and our Policies give the BroadestHCoverage that NCE AGENCY Dial 3735 WHAT DOESKeeps Cleanrecord helps you budgetand shows you whether you have made or lost mobey on your operations Showsyou too what your best lines are and where you may be farmiiig7ita loss Saves you hours of time from book keeping First ten pages are for your ireceiptsfrom sales of crops seeds livestock poultry dairy products and all other produCe Then come twelve pages of all farm expenses you arereminded of items you might otherwise fOrget Establish aw basic herd apply for the threeyearaverage plan calculateyour deprecia ysavers for every farmer Theyre all DEDUCTIONSLEveryIarmer is entitled pay more than his fair share of tax Commentsme Letters on the NewiFafm department to takefull advantageof Accoupthpk and Income Tea Guide hisirightsj The Farm Account Book long awaitedstep for Ithebenet tells you about many items in easy quesI and progress oflour Canadian farmers Takeslthe kinks out of keeping IPleased to recom mend thisxAccount Book for farm Record keeping in its cenneedinggfoealong lV wiwin