THURSDAY APRIL SI 1943 is hiIIER Bahm vanities Canal mini SLVEN 1rhufyone Grade Costs to Eat lI IT lIl lllllhl Pt Hill BE AN SWINl BIN IRS Pupils Slmcoe County II Staff of Life II nnuunte lhelr 5rd Annual onsignnient SA still onca xams II II Cancer Socviet Program ORANGEVILLE EXHIBITION BARNS Vi VVV In IIIiIi III lt VV Friday April 16 IjI lililll IIIII red by Battle lI litaliu lllv immut in IV 53l II 3311 li lII tlih IIs III at Lonlmun roll up 130le dollar llIrnibelshlps mildly 37 Ill lllllil Allll ll llor IIZIII April zltV ill the tilzecr SULIIU In all etllIlI eai set Iinsl Hillllttlltlll It zil Ell xltlll Itlieh II limo enmpzilglz lo iliuinluln and lthd the SIIIII 53m II it 1i leer ill the zlilzldlzln tltti Iy eehietillozlal and sellrI pzIl II Iihool Ilv illl tfilil NunIv llililltgtli ltPllHllJllK Jetts Till lelnl IIlll lhe tXZIiilltIlIII II ix ILEIHI KIlili lI 14 01 IWillliillilh if lie explained that by Iiialting tell il lYlIMlIIi uV VV fV VVVVV rlilWItlT Mi litl llflll ltl an Illit lthtIllhl tunIuI luneel ltlltilltlullull available II th ALI tll Ii ll lirooli II sii II lIII IIII II tdt Lint Li VV VV VV VV III IIII III mm D1 ull person by iJeeoIlliIIg Inem mm 1V1 mV VVVVVHR VVV IV Iilll Imer IIIru III III II WWI IUUdUVLil ber of the Soelety may he Illstrll Wnum HVVVVVVVV VV nun Liam Swim lull NVlnli IEVA VIVIAN IIIIIIIIIIIIIlt III NEH lltlittllltr IHHV Sll IIIIIIVrr II lillu was shown qt91 Hng one friend or even llnhtl fllt Ill For atulugur lrlll ll Mathrsont MIs Hringlxllle II II IIIIrI IIII IIIIIlI ill IIIgtIIIIII lllilli IVphm 1ij Vm 3m HIV mim 11 itlltl evlntlaplmlli illliliitlll Imp 15 anllllltlll lltlII xliltll lite Ilddlg Vt ltltL to lie to ltn our VVVN WVVVV IV VVVUIV VVVVM IVVIV IVI II followed Mr illxlin oullineli the mileer Selvltjt pllljitls sueh us the VVVV fs LVV VVVVIV VSVVVVV tilt in VIM in KW VVVV VV VV simple step III humming liIiher provision of tree ellurur tlltgtslllh II him lllill Him IVt IIII II IIII 93 ii II Ii ll HIUIV llII III MIIIIII MWI III In III the IllIIl IIIIlI Ur IVWHUK 10 med IlIlllIlllh III lIIllllll mumI lIIIIIIIIi III IIIL UM ltt III one oVoilnl or more to the NHIVAIVUH to andwfronll ellnle llVl II III IIIIIIII II III II IIIII IIII II II II IIIIIIII gtI Lli III ennui In lLIlllll you Idltsllp Lasts lxlm Milu lll ltttlYt lieI ot charge by We would like to begin some one III II II rillItll lllltllllilllll on Isloll lit nursing home lleelintmlr lillIItl UlliilllllilIlll the lllItllIIlil dation for terminal cases or Illa IV II IM IlIIll IIIIII IhIV IlponlmIl oi lllllli eases mltslth Ill IlllllI llllllth heIlllgi doctor Immediately at lltllltll the treatment period Ml luwum md Ilm lIIIlIL Ill It 10 1llllullllv tilsltlilitiVTlllelll MUM ll Itlllutlllmllmll An IV iCUgmlg ms kll In LJHU ilVilLIlS VVMIV 15 VllellVVli II annulus Illielili litxuIIIIyii II wle IMICImdmV MW IinnISIWI Illt IIIieI or lite itself illlt llltt lea prolession ant 1e IIuIIIIe mm Ulllilllltltl no ow Many suspeet llle have emueel lllltl slIeleII llIIIIIltIII IIIII lnenl IIIIdVVIIII iIfVIIIId VVIIV her of the Barrie Lions tlllb For lllllH Illel Ci agnos lilemhersllip drive houseto WW 1hr WW NI mm VV mm unmet it mum pumpd and can be controlled It caught soon go II IN IIIMIIIIII IS SUIIIIIIILI IIIIIII rf II my III otsI II mm 116 11ii1LVVVVVHHV which orlum VV VV surround euneor lts erusadeg IV zluzlinsl the disease is IIICIISIllIIIII early treatment and education of the puth to seekearly treatment Mtlltlllilll 200000 pieces of can IIOEL15 er literature Were distributed Hs HUNG during 104 by the Canadian Canl CURTA NS Formerly 148 Maple Ave Sir SIIIgIVV IIITPIIIIIIVI IVVIVWIVVVQIIVV lxon us ler le 15 Unwed to Vths my peopjejo consult LIIQQQI illllllggll frI IVsoiwo mi as Aa MMV A7 Mm blmdmg located at ately when cancer is stlspeVeted and stressed tltat prompt treatment can to curb the discasp heft it bttcolnlg VV VV VVI VV LEE THOMASVpropV uncommnump VV Next to gt IhirI9 Blk Endorsed by the Canadian dl ASSOCIUU Canadian ltd WI homv 600d Cancer Society believes that every Blkmg man 93 whim Va VMVIXM by helping to bring about II LlUlI III conschlIIIIISS III cancer Id momma IIIolIlcizli llllltollslcrrli fldVanVIIlKC OI early Immim llllle KISS RUSS INVICIJIIICH ma en ng PRETTY ylAnaOluln RAYUN NlllS Last Here IDANIY MARQLIHH lllllb nvgge In we by R0 UUb In Friday YIIIAGIL SETS outdoors IVIViVVghIhApiIIVIVIV IIIdBVaVIVne arena lIOIt KlllIHIIZNS HAIIHHHWIS esow oowe ll alt VVV VVVV jumng Chars med bmlspielV mum lA Iht 0f flnc skltinII Emmy fNSVr QX 01 Ion mills $12 Zilon of gaitllmtmnsponullun splay 0f the new Ansm Dr mm thulIglmuII to beat Chemical fire extlngtllsher and an VV Pau Whiuer Motor with all newnury cuon Ihsale 9thY01lhjh11LJ40gVV Nag mg en mamm ac menu 96900 Complete slandmd Mme my 5241 nade pOSSlble through Bldkc UHV and Semi Deluxe with spring fork $26900 lerhlll PICSIdelVlI the ROIIH Rohil withordevor ml 10 CIUb PM COD Batty HSQPCk membm of He PEERLESS BICYCLE WORKS gramm Skating Cl and pvarml pam the canadmn Ladies Jun ii Du iOr skatmi lllal held In Calgary Made of good quality figured Marqulsmte colored dots and Ilgures last month wasV 0Vll hand and gavc Red blue and green ltilrht ngleu you need them heres It relll Inn the small fidmlSSO Payers 59 dlr min IlIhvVWidul ml is 54 inches mOSt startling Illlttlllllt lll excellent figure Skatmg vmlethn km inch Also on the program wem VVV VV rW Wendy Taylor and Charles Snell FleXIble Steel Sunalre ing youthful members of the Granite Skatmg Clllb EHCh Skat ed 5010 beforeb MlshFlnceS Reynolds men 6F Com Let us measure your windows and give rrmtele if t0 gill Pretty baby Tchenillespreads Whitt 30 Stilllltlt amp ess tt me VV ThoseV who Vbenefl VCV Chi V1 VV With design In llllllt1OIOVlVVVI othels If teacmng Ts naInAenj solid pastel shades IlSIII Walkers Improve the mterml Madelyn Sdsov ances second floor 101 lwtllllllll your Gifwiul Vmehionr toinette ScaletVtaV Joanna Caruso 4V and Patsy MarionI spread able Vseat covers that GoVIVVdonL TVVVFeIgufsltn 1C0 in evI aey WI protect y0u1 llIJVhOI Cf Showed howilgg Ansui my 5er III IIm Clerclhfie insight 392 II III FOR CURTAINS OR TABth lg mg 21 8F IT Vq on III wer and fat IV spreading the flames IVwm Rm TO FIT MOSTMODELS the plalform Iby meIanS 0f compressed air anthhen usmgc the extingmsher to muff out the Walkers second tlour fV flames IInlessthan fivcisccondsl VV 1er pretty Inimqu the fire was outI Vd Ce VIVIaIIIsVIit IIIQOtVVIIlu IVIVIII The auction sae was noI JP VV mum due to the small attendance but VV 95 deI Mr Underhill reports another For Chrysler Products night will be planned or Ihe seIe noiimrriipimie Iiand new programwlll be the WV VVV IEORVTABI 1Selted7hmmyBme DAINTILY lIollltian LastV week the RoyalV Humane VV Soc1ety presented litesavers 0V VI VV parchment to Tom WOHSIQYI VSOUV VV of Mrs ThosV WeVIIiVsleyECollmgV 77 if wpod for saying omV urns Vl companionV from drownlngV Burng Vt VI HAVE you realized tht In HDOVI taint 11300 VV IV had gotIIbeyond his depth and was 0ng 9950 Deale in grEat difficulties when lomA comer Sti TEL 2487 Wensleywenl to his aid andzgot VV VV Im your windows take in your beautiful home WindOWS must be decorated eorrectly or your room will never be thlLIlioalltyslioiit should be Walkers feature readytummy drapes that wlllreztllyiitismmmWaniline rcf 0A themVVtihtheauty spot jnVymVnm VV VV VV Indow as ll rotate Yourmoneyandrourcar erea as ere losei aierVuIi commend these $Y1$IPrnstatv XIIIfiehillIikfliiuihpilitheVii withRuIIles inches Colors white gleltl cream It one 952 Ifsrl hZVIIdtll tlik ll Ij Mini intimate IIIilZthnio tint SPECIAL IILubmmthmwm Iii Ii iIaIivIIITaTIiII sinistieiiiss mele Check Steinink and Wlteel Alignment I0 wan 9m ml ebonoiniealipiice wenyoliiseetheseItheylfe 7777 JW servme Clutch BrakesTransnIss on an II IV Ar fr Green Rem Axle wonderful good value VV Drivel todaya forprompt serviceon any or all of theserobs PONTIAC 4+ BUVICK VVGMCVVTRUCKS II IV LONDRY MOTORS VPhoneV Phgne hum 21 Meg MEETVBI