THURSDAY Ame 1943 irzyltis of Aurora Mrs lieu oil Mr and Mr ill IIli is Ille minister 11151 PROMPTCO 11111 Tull lc lizSI Elrrl The enlliii church WMS aux iliary writ intll on Vednesday April at 330 pm The tomc amt place of lziettrlig will be ill lrorrnced Next 5111 Few Days in Toronto Mrs vchrlliul iilis Ilirv Slessor Barrie and tlaig spent four in Toronto Ill Kietliitlg required attention ill the Orthopaedic and Surgical Appliance Dept at Chris tie Street Hospital Mrs lolincss movclgo slowly that paverly following fall soon overtake him A11accidc11thappcns fast too so fast that you cannot prevent it But you can prevent the expense that follows fast upon no accident by having one of Mutual Bencfits many Sickness and Accident plans Fill in the attached coupon and mail to address below Learn how you may be assured of this ample protection for few cents day nunull 111111 1mm and littlbllll ASSOCIATION IllKiiig Street East Toronto u0 5n Noamcw Shoal City or Town Agooccupullon IISTEN T0 JIM HUNTER AM 630 PM EXCEPT SUNDAYS 41 rmrcaym to ms rum Werwtvfei uremiath WYEBRIDGE illltl Apii it 51 gunner and Mr pcnt ei unto All ll 15 Fruits J1ilte Toronto Allsdeil and lullll ihcle 1n Hitrckwatei Oil ilrs sling and min runtu Bill Mellon and laughter here Saturday Rev and fills ll lln ltlLl lulu wintered ltl drdland retail ed to the rectory lie Leonard spent the week 11 the uncle Chris llitlillsillllt Jimmy and Doug lownes Elm llulldayirl week With their zrarldprirelits Edwards keeping boat at Tollillgwooti spent ii few days at his home lit1e be fore leaving for the boats Congratulations to Mr and Mrs liorne Turner liltc Ulgir Leunardl who were irrarrled at the home of the brides Llillilll tlondily Mar ishg fill and an iIl ld 111 It MD Midland hey anti llllilllr ilitli Don mgr mid 11e or his Mc last veek vale the here dtl 111g Mllloii who lirls tleell On Sunday McAithur attended the ser vices at Drivenpor load Church l1erc llev W111 Matthews thlo is well known 111 this community Mr Matthews has returned from church as signment to Europe McCuaig attended the servrcc at Ilogers Memorial Church to hear Right Rev II MacDonald Mod erator of the itllklill Assembly All and Mrs Mrs Clio litinkln entertained it neitllbols honor Kilthing ibcing her tiitll birthday The beans ty of the house was accented with lips daffodils and sweet pills The Ladies Aid met at the home Wm harles afternoon with good attendance This being the Easter lilctting the answered lIrisIel number Saturday niotllcr friends and afternoon Mrs of it of rs Wednesday lfoll verse call viis referring scripture lesson was read by Mrs McClung and Mrs gave reading on the history of assisted Willi The F1 aiik llawn lEastcr The IMrs Ken llounsome ered very nice lunch hostess CLOWES April Mrs Wm Hutchinson is VISlllllL Mrs Roush at Thornton Shelswell Carol are visiting at raighulst Miss Johnston or null School is takingcharge of No 15 school this week Mrs Oades S11 who hasspent the winter with her daughter Mrs Bidwcll home at Traighurst Weekend Lila Shelswell alldllurer llubbcrt Shanty Bay at Tllas Mr and Mrs and Joan arid Mrs Barrie Mrs Myrna and Toronto Nor retiirncfl to her visitors were Miss Simpsons Dougllerty John Beardsall Beardsalls Albert Bethune Parry Sound at lr1s Tender Rolling Perspiring Ieet Illjust ongt minute after all ap plication of Emerald ll youll get of your life smarting feet will literally jump for joy No fuss no trouble you just ap of the oil over the surprise tired Your fender burning ply few drops the surface of the foot night and morning or quires when occasion Just little and rub it in Its simply wonderful the way it acts on all fool lirisely while for feet that sweat with an offensive odor theresaiothing better in the world Its splendid formula this combinatiOn of CFRB csscntial oil arid camphor and other antiscptics so good that thousands of bottles are to help soften up Tamblyns sold annually corns eallouses Drug Store sells lots of it RADKL REPAIRS URTEQUSEFFICIEN SERVICE Tedls Radio Applianc TED OAKS 44 Essa Rd Allandale Repairs on all ElectricaL Household AppliOtnCes and Phone liked Wt KITC Mi NEW Stoddarts Thesum of $2975 has been put aside as portion of the Ofprizes NuENAMEL are asked to note the change in YOq cun pawt hev place ofrthe meeting woocIWork the coverage Michel with MINNISFIL NOTES By II Finals Look Sure iiae zilsi game of the finals slrlili will give the local team the Graham Rural Championship was an easy vctolv for Slruud Mon 11 night when they played Ccn lzetrlle Ilulll near lngersoll wile lung tiJ om lclirarks lieilld in the ad camp it looks as though 11er met the best team so far Your team is just too good for gt We havent got what if Clean players with one exception We hope we do bet ter III Barrie etc were the feel mgs expressed by their manage ment The Stroud supporters of which there were considerable number had broad smiles of satis faction The second game next Monday night at Barrie will leave lnnislil homes uninhabited as all roads will lead to the Arena Seven Babies Baptlled lit st Pauls One of the largest baptismal sr vices held locally in the memory of must parishes was celebrated at St Pauls on Sunday when seven babies and their parents were pre sent at the baptismal service cori ducted by Rev NewtonSmith Those in attendance were Wil ham Frederick son of Mr and I3 Mulliolland Shirley Lynn daughter of Mr and Mrs llix Donna Lynne daughter of Mr and Mrs Fralick Nancy Dianne laughter of Mr and Mrs 12111 llufcheon Bryan Maurice son or Mr and Mrs Maurice Iley holds arl William son of Mr and Mrs New Allan Bulmur son of Mr and Mrs Thomas Wright The babies took the pro ceedings as matter of course Place Orders for Barbara Ann Tickets Early lf lnnislil residentsnrc desirous of seeing Barbara Ann Scott at the Maple Leaf Gardens they should place their order for tick ets immediately Collages Entered cottage owned by Patter son of Toronto was found broken into by Patrolman Wallace on Mar Ill Another owner reported the cottage to the patrolman It was found that some blankets were missing couple of other cotta ges at Alderslea Park were report ed broken into by Patrolman Webb It has not yet been dis covered if anything is missing THORNTON MM April Trinity WMS will meet at Mrs Thompsons on Wednesday April 14 member from here attended the OEA convention in Toronto last week Mrs Scythcs has returned home after spending Easter with her son invNewmarkct Thc Sacrament of Otlr Lords Supper will be observed in TrinityI United Church next Sunday Mrand Mrs Scott and Linda of Toronto spent part of last week withwher parentswer and Mrs Slicers Billy Law has returned to his home in Allandale after spending his Easter vaca ion with his grand parents Dr and Mrs Horton Winter seems very loath to leave us There was good fall of snow on Saturday morning and ice as thick as ordinary glass Sunday morning The WI will meet at Mrs Stewarts on Thursday evening April 15 This will be the annual meeting All cenvcnersvarc rc qucstcd to bring written report in duplicateiof the years work Roll call paying annual fee Death of Clare McClcan It was with regretn that many of Olrr citizens read in the daily pap ers last week of the death of Clare McClcan Clare was former citi zen of ToriitoanAspent his boy hood here and attended Thornton public school IId moved to Tor onto with his parents in 1917 He was the second son of the late and Mrs McClcan of Toronto Nlack Landry Wins Lucky Draw On Wednesday Mar 31 dance sponored by Thornton Hockey Club was aid and Jack Londry was the wr er of an Outboard Motor The tic No 54 was sold by Fred Brown Mr and Mrs Gilpin winners of the ucky spot dance drew the ticket Hock ey Club wishes to thank the ople for helping to support them 3er rtheyihope to contintre the dances in the fall GUIHBIE April very successful progressive crokinole party under the sponsor ship of Guthrie WI was held in the basement Of the United church on March 31 Thewinners were Mrs Bev Bertram and Jack McCuaig and the consolation prizes went to Miss Eileen Murdoch and Norman donation to the Barrie Memorial Hospital Fund The Institute would like to extend appreciation 10511 who so generously contribu tedcnancially to make this even trig sucha success also tothepro gramcommittecand tOthe donors Guthrie Womens Institute GuthrieIWI WillmeetonTliurs dayApril15 atMrs Charles Clarkes MrsGera1d Rattle will be the speaker and the hostesses Will be Mgs Newton Besse and Mrs Campbell Membrs NUQENAMEL fortonly price $590 MEWCOVM NthENAMEL no mom Ai mi mom 44922 Miss EL Brodker is visiting in Alliston MrsLucaswasin Toronto at the Weekend Mrs FL0ftusvisited in Barrie last week Mrs Darmosand Brian and Carmite Langsta are spend ing this week at ICarsons Visitors here recently included Mr and Mrs Kennedy and daughter Toronto at Kennedys IHE HARIIIE EXAMINER IlAliltllf UNIAIIIU CANADA Elton civil CmPBEllj noun WM Eirorw Eluusd Blown IKktIlI lilOZ Vllbb Cd lululltt lllil vll Niililr 21 Iiii EDGAR iirOElA Twit rt liril Mrs iii of week Miss school stall the parental lirvnzv Itev MI Iliilil dele 12112411 at run uninten moms venom was canes AND PASTRIE Iltlll Allistorl lb III 1111 titIlielcd Jgirries exchanged parplrs Paisley on Sunday very tinipresslve wl ItalIt gOodly number spent Sunday the several disappointed to but ir the lake and they to drive 111 to their cottage tia 1111 cl11 cf lr Its tlflll ml and liair Alt tumult llll 11111 lololilo llI unlniunity heat sultry ngh 11nd 1111111 rilllil linit pit Idlll iltftiitx several 0RD III 15 tllcu ltltltgt f1flililf lifliitll ice till lll U1 able EAsrious Donations hdg t1t Kl In ld alleliclw llhve adopted lines Sonic leSldonts Cli are improving other not doing el ller Iirtilill lwwnti loiii liirste gt Iiillli Kilt litglin1rs ruax Xplcntd 1111 and farmly ttr leav coizrmunrly l1eli well M15 be up part time turned from Harrie limpaul much improved and Mrs convalescrng in Toronto NIIS aide Ivan iiusc lc 21d 1iel 1n 11l1 wdm lull ii it1171 tli2lgt lily Ili Maurice Held and imirpwrl mother of 11k in 1hr 11 new 11111211 Frank IIlplizck and illi lelzlli1 made tile lHgtlll1i pair of oceatlnizal chair llllllrlli licr Mrs Atkinson tell also 53 to the e111=rrl limi 11110 Ktlil Show Mrllriitl rle Ititlrpltll to zrtlilld pltpitd to tote 1111 till llerpitalruliron lliifl that lhw Iltrililliv Lunch liiiiidxi llolltrey pltal Ililitl llllllgt 111 Apr ll home Ingram Still confined to their bed The supper for children last Tuesday evening was well attend ed by both children and palents Tables were gully decoratod with colored abundance of good 11 huhmm ioott JllSllti disliwashing was in progress the GII girls played and led carries for the wee folk time Death of Harry Wright The sympathy or the coiliuiunlly is extended to the hexeimd wife and relatives of Harry Wright who passed away Saturday morning at his residence Corr ceased Miss 31 IIt 11 fun Iillll1 files litlthii idillull Elltl rml 0111 hired liclrg Iis and lillldlaw Stan Mi vil Jones and Laribail clip on ifllll raininch he ltopril baseball boys anti for Miss lieloli 11111 1m fund this Illiit Mr iitiri Illt The Illlillv Illilt 1121 liell rliarte re Mylar iurid Marginml Bordon liziralulil Jili Ml Iil mu noun1 ORK EA Iz mi lllllll All niaii Wald viiill Jellies ippit and vllli lplil lunch was which While In everyone Mluil and everyone Jilllll hands li Auld Lang Syne OLLY Aplli l4ill Hughv sellout llrtlll 111111 ielaldtoii lift llltll spend vacilllorl at lotiti iiill and llrieliv assisted Alter cake and coffee thirds ill Hoytll me lleliel To get quitk Mlcomo relief from coughs and COltllll llr Woods Norway line Syrup This sale and popular remedy is Iwlrllllllllllllfl for tho relief of coughs colds cioilpy cmlu sum throats and bronchial troubles medicinal virtues ot the pirm and cherry limits lllo immediate rim of Dr Wood nrv 13 linc Syrup may check 11 cold in its earlv stages Dry obstinate eoilgl quickly yielxl to 11 prompt turd soothingr action Youll find this pleasantlasilng 111111711 Spccifv llr Woods Norway lme Sting Tim illiurn 70 Illllltllfl leronin Ont AND EAII 1m lllfllll lllri llastrr holidays Ills slslll 111 litili Spizhgci ill lololilo 31111114121 bpvlll All had good II the lioin of folrzrlaltllaliel to vll and lll lllob Nell or 1111 flllllllilflll on the at the liV Ilospl Jills lll1l or liilllli Jack Johnston llltl Jean Kennedy lllrmerfv of this toliilliiillliyi Mllieslni you you at liV Hospital zilii lliil Ilirlislil confined to bed with all impaired heart con lition for the past Ioilr iiiollihs and his death was ilot unexpected was native of Qllielrstlllf has resided in this district number of years and was interest ed ill frilit growing and Surviving are his wile the former Cecilia Williams and three hrotli ers had been now 11 ival or ii liastvl home llll lloil WA wrll meet 111 the llollv lnlcd Church ll 11 131111 pill Ill be llll hostess and Mrs iordoli iapp and parents Mr Toronto here and Mrs UlRSIC lll charge of lloy Scout icln 111m 111 each of tanada provinces Sunday gtllftltll tliilrrmt course in Ottawa lfl lllltlfl Ellie llodtls Iil Wednesday Mrs lIlmer llunt April It emlmtlies tho IOMMISSIUNIIRS oiuimssronezs poultry Illvl liltlilr 311 lllllf and attend Ll mm 11 1111 EdyAnti sale it drug direction or April 17111 Jackson rm Read Examiner Classifieds Molrow llll Illfllfl and relatives ill Shelburne lloinimonScoui 111111111s1olle1 counters everywhere SPECIAL PUBE rnorlc co RASPBERRY JAM Lonmws BREAD Airman GRANGER MAZDA LA CLARK PRODUCTS lillllEllNllll SAW CLERKS lillllllls llllSll STEW iilivlllllin BE can BElllIS CIJIIIIIS BEANS CUIIIIIS SDIIPSJX TOMATO VEGETABLE CELERY OXTAIL CONSOMME SCOTCH BROTH MUSHROOM ROYAL MANOR Pilnmuas POBRIDGB Itll 0L Jll 25c 35c 10c 39c 1c 20 SE IMPOIIID DH 1L 0L JAI Mlllll INGLANO ADDED PICIIN CDUAG IIAND WHOLE WHEAI CRACKED WHIAI LOAF 2401 pram gonzo HYLMERJuiu new 21 WS CHEE COLORED lb 40 wnIrE lb 44 30 58 23 CAlyoN IIJL 02 JAI ACO 234060 Still 03 WATT ms 1L OBL MED Elinor so TIDE wn IACN ROSE IRAND SW 16 OZ IIL lIOX MIXEII PICKLES WHEATIIEIIIITS 2a HENRIIT PWDEIIS JEWEL SlitlllTElllIII JIIYWIIIX tHEESE IilllIPE JUICE ant 05155 FLOUR IIIlelz till Ill roars OIIAIIEIIOA JllIY Platllilsr rrIIPT0lIS TEA GRIMSBYSWEET IIEIISII llilVlS GEtllTINEj IllilElIfllllS YEAST IIBBYS MUSTARD mum 54115 Vtimglis THE BEST VALUE AN Circus TODAYII swEErwlov scams gillillrliriilllr lliiini THEME THE ARISTOCRAT er swam corirons MM Ambrose Frlel Toilenhamv Friars 29c 25 no 11c 30 23c 39a 25a 6W vim 29 Err57 hrszse 1141 on IOHLI iFl TIM lOl io nos Jimm IIAND In our mm cum fl YOMAIO sAucl vmnnun rouno mic or nus cuixs 10c 25c 31c 15c WM mum CAION Viv 1m nus reln IANE The lien Wushduy Wendell SClIlllES FRENCH WllX SWIITS CIEIINSIIII SOAP FIBRE 50 711111 itsrli loll ILFL 01 Ill loll ri NAME VINE AVAILAIu scoiNlo IllIJSIl rueurciuniirrw 231 um 02 NS OUICK on gum MOIHII ACUOI 10 IE uorml JACISONS STANDARD PEAS manor pEluism NS ydmr um ouutvl mot lFl 0in nu or 30 MALIYFHIWEIISWLEL so 45 13 31 0er 16 GIANT CAKE PIN CALIFOINIA ntIocr swings PAIMOLIWSOAP sHllWIIS nucleolus BllllIl CLEANER APRICOTSC wnx BEANS an Swen IL ltSPORK1TZ vigill PIC llc 59 25 LQBLA WOUALITY Phillit BIB tour little Built VANDARI GUAM AWL MN nuvououn ACKAG ion OLM liti MIYON wot rum VANILLA RICE can III Elle vClllCKENlmm ROGERSan SBAGHEHI Wllllllll PIECES HIT cuss rnisr runs BLADE REMOVED 531111151 ROYAL SARDINE TOMATOAJ vouch 5121 PACKAGI 3599 1643 Ala in 51 3s2uv 32 omitS slam nLB PCK lllil Boneless BRISIIET PIJITE LB 29 IliifWilat IE5 GOIDII CAN rs ou 3011111525F 102 ACKOI IOl cum iLAEGE IllIOIMOQ cum vsre 0BR0 511 ronn SAUSAGE smith sums Pill SKiiiIJESS WIEliilitls SMOKED DEEICIOIJSSLICED BHCIIII illflill SAUSAGE 11 lilllllls WICKSTIIE SHUSIIEE tritium NUTRITIONAL vALc Amara L3 376 stunts CASING mva on ammo my LOBLAWS DE til llllllBlh com 1L3 BAG rill no homo rpnmn 135