Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Apr 1948, p. 4

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Womcn life piercing their to wezrr ling earrings hilt Illul London jek LIILI the earpie piiliiful xc5l1cle tdlr Llitl tho gt zi their ears IlllILKC are worn pier lobe An all ranks dance of the will Bftlltl lWIh itlrllk Regiment is planned Mens Mess ror this Friday even ing at Ballre Arnroury There Will lance WMAmppmm so lxllfl To this idiot trolling ilctlye and 1c Grey on rs ni from her the baitcry iestti hunch heavy 1111 51 fl luliillt elltl tilltl klwl Simmer Ittlxt which any ivlc Atlll be on tile loin elel ilzoe iugtl Date for the annual dance of the larrisorl Badminton ltrb has been tentatively set for Friday April iil the llfltcis Mess of Harrie Ar That is if tlzere is not conlhetllrg otherwise Illl tlil VClk iitcgl the little are being sold freq ly thew days the tlltl3 report lo moury Harrie 1111terl night ltilcilt week illtLl hm The Examiner llitllvl llllieis WI ppreeratetl dis Wliuls the un Immlmg lilo insumntc ianlLO since NM PHILLIPS BARR in Ngl 21101111111 usual feature of the family inuime plan llir Family lnmmr Plan is life iIllIrince polit sperially dcipned for the man till Iiiliiily mull iilrliliolial cost to tile ordinary liIc premium prmidcs St or SIS monllil income for each Slflllll of protection Ill be death llcforo specified age this income is paid regularly In Iii iinlil Illis age lllllll have been reached vI Illt curl of Iliat lime lll Ialnilv rcreiies the filll face value of the policy in addition This plan is Ivlilliculurlv iIiquiI before the lime children become solr supporting cut of family HEAD OFFICE WAIERLOO ONT lllAl OF CANADA 11 Braml1 Office 14 Peter 5L rillia nt RALPH LANG Branch Manager REPRESENTATIVES ARTHUR JOHNSTON THE sQ 6r suc cassru1 FREE sol Aol standardtho roclp cards foaming 20 delicious way to use llbbys Mustard In your cooking Just send your name and uddron Io llbbys Chalham Ontario DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK UTyou dont agree that llbby Prepared Muxturd in the but you IIGVO ever tasted DD tzatlyon Finally something about all of us As Christian body we are marvellous organism The analy KEY in Hill lwma it Opensnew horizons toglori Loiisly RotterLiving Its all yours4 with Marquette Home Freezer more jtemptingynviamin packed meals juicy tender meats andfovvl lusciousifruitsapd vgctablesvEnjoy an pendlevss raring Of the Seasons bestall yearround 11A117Marqutte Home Freezers are designed for Fast leiingasvtllasSfaige TriplSealed doors VFjor Com Kiwanis lt Lions 111cn Liaitghuiri WI 23111 livn 1111111 111 WI 11111111 Alleirwoo 3111 MerciiErliExhibii And Meeting April Confirmed from page onel Canada ILIllfl 11rde 1icEe had llrdlildrlaiiu and call one coll talus sorlzetldrrtz or tle llilirtllllll who lli le it It All meal more to lllt recipient than 11111etl11111 which lgt mass produced Although the Il1il was not large there was an excellent lep resentalton hour nanny dillelcnt stttinlls of the Hill it lllt lllltl 111g olliiltz1oori ston Harrie Srayner hillm lulrchrll uilxrl town etc Another feature or the evening was the txllllllllllll of me Ialcraft articles which had been made by iriembers or the 111eli1l craft course held 11 the Victoria School Harl 1c two nights week from January Jti to March 23 This course had been IlkSlLlltfI for potential teachers of this craft Many were anilined 11 the quality and value of work which the iriembers of the class had lllllll out in so short time under Ille fillltllllltt of Ml lloyd There were candle holders lamps the screen ash traysbowls of all desv crlptlolis candy baskets etc 111 ruddy glowing copper and slim int aluminum lhcre were also many beautiful Illl or liill fashioned from sier IIvidently the liictaltratl group had wonderful time at the course from start to tinish Mrs l11c Atelilson of ookstown gave an in tcreslinp rport of their doings Itliroughotlt She paid tribute to the excellent leadersllip of Mr Boyd arid to the joint sponsorship of the community programs branch of the Deparlliient of IZducation and the Sinicoe County Arts and Crafts Association REV CROSS AT TRINITY CHURCH Continued from page one moriey in church Apparently there are socially accepted meth ods of raising money in every community that Ido not agree with raffles Dingoes games of chance These are really banned by law They are coming back but when the Church attempts to compete with outside cntertain mcnt it cheapens its mission Hc stressed three ways the Church could get financial helpl first by gift second by inheritance and third by faithful work In the last mentioned category he spoke of sales and banquets Mr Cross emphasizedthat the greatest method of raising money for the Churchwgs the voluntary gift The only appeals toibcimade by Mr Cross will be for someone else for iiiissionSLthc unspeakable joy of sharing this faith of otlrs around the world He told the members of his par ish he was not an active participat ing member of any organization other than the Church He said he had been an honorary member OT many clubs in his former commun ity btlt he felt that histime was so well taken in serving and min istering that he could not be an active member of any other organ tical root cause of disease is when one of the mcrnbus ceases to func tion The Church is group Of people who have been redeemed by Christ and are consecrated to God The Church is the people come among you as afpricst of the Church of England love ldChurelf but as in this community my friendship is notto stop with Church Of Eng land people love all people From the bottom ofiny heart long for Christian unity in the body of Christ Mr Crosssaid it was because he believed there was going to be Christian unity that he was select ing triangl as symbol to con clude his message The triangle he referredto as one of the most beautiful Christian symbols and was illustrated in Gothic windbws TTirst let this house be for you alwayssaghouse of prayer Second let thisrbesa place of fellowship Third serviccforthc joy the un Concluding his message Rev Mr Cross prayed May God strengthen eachand alliOf us in 1111s ministry thative share s7 FROZEN QYSTERS If you bfuy frozenr oysters do not tligw untillready to usei Once thawed they should not be retro zen premise ngNSISTonauareete FURNITURE STOVES Phone 4492 Are ougoing through the functional mid lo 350 period peculiar to women 38 to 52 yng Does thisruake you suffer row hot ashes feeILao nervous hi otrung tired Thenmo try Lydla Pinkhama vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms Pinkhams Compound also has what Doctors call stomachic tonic eect LYDIALPIIIIIIIAMS his CROWDS GREET GLEE CLUB ANNUAL PROGRAM hall of Cu crowded it Irritl betii Ullltllllluo Lillxl lided the tn eleh night program ttilllttlll shop quail Splllllltll election 01 211121 11 included IV iarg llani llrl L1 xvere from Gil lrillrg Berlin Comedy Illllin flirt Kim ole Ii Ne With Her llel Squire lnzs were rllllll lirdein zith The Gypsy fdllllllrll 1d cad Arm Selections Where My Caravan Illlfi lltstcd and Gypsy Love Sons and an lllllltllli Tucked included Victor lleiiieit Street Soil lire ol the popular numbers by barber tillailelte llov ll strep YUlKItl Way Corn llilil Ml la ltl Vlit litlllllltl lenoel and Robert were featured 111 pleas from Sigmund Desert Song patriotic decorated numbers duel finale slzitie with lltl alry ll lhelell England and itlll Bless 0111 Call add The stalling and lighting which proved very effective were under lenover Ac ocenslon was arid and included Always Be an tlllttllfill of corllpailisl Airs lllzlln of idrummer llrlS Guest linley l111 llobmson llfl Bill was the special num Hand 11 lists violin were and Miss Jean Miss Muriel ren Their numbers ilee ltll Joyce Bradley Kidd Janet Hewell litll Ilflflk IllllL itlolly Kidd Leia Turn er Wlnmfled Nellly and Dorothy flea lENORS Ernest Eldon Tuck rville HASSiJay Rev lotlglllev Alvin Dobson Bcwcllf Martin Thompson and Vern Mason larelice er Garnet WELFARE MINIS GOODFELLOW HERE APRIL 22ND Hon Gnodfellow Minister of Welfare for Ontario will be speaker at the annual meetihg Society to be held at Club79 in Barrie Thursday April 22 CAS branches at Alliston land Collingwriod Orillia and Balv ric are selling tickets for the event and it is expected that the attendl ance of 165 last year will be exceed ed Chairman of the meeting will be McConkey Barrie Any person in Simcoe Coun ty interested in the work of the CAS will be welcome to attend For further information or tickets telephone 4473 or 2624 MidI President George COLLECT $34325 APRIL TAG DAY FOR NAVY LEAGUE Fiftysix taggers collected $34325 by the annual NavyLcague Tag Day in Barrie last Sattiiday This was considerably more than was collected last year Mrs Laurie chairman of the Womens Auxiliary and Col Garry Lee chairman of finance headed up the tag day committee They had 18 Sea cadets and 38girls and women 011 the streets in the morning and afternoon The money raised will be used to promote the program of the Barrie Branch of the Navy League which includes sponsorship of the Kem pcnfcldt Sea Cadet Corps mnmfmcmfmsznmm THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA Womens Institutes CAPACITY Raise Over $1000 For Hospital Fund WEDDINGS it IlRRAYTAIIERSALL ti=xr1l Street Congregational Lil Toronto was the scene of iltjIillg ceremony on Good morning when Betty only daughter of Mr and Tom latiersrill James St Ernie was united in marriage to 11 Allan eldest son of Mr and John Murray Clinton 51 ll UiliU The bride given in marriage by Littler was gowned in white ssed 531111 with shoulder gt cii and carried pink carna gt and sweet peas She wore year is lIel maid of honor Mrs Terry Summerville was gowned in blue erepe with hat to match and car gilctl nosegay of carnalions The 11eoni was supported by his bro Robert Murray During the signing of the legi54 11 friend of the groom renders corner solo Because After the ceremony luncheon was served at the Panama Grill the young couple will reside at 1I Crawford St Toronto SIICKWOODCASTLE QltfvllSVlllC UnitedChurch was lle scene of pretty wedding Saturday afternoon April l948 lwhen the Rcv Albert Miller umied Ill marriage Marian Sandra Uniunrfaslle daughter of the late Mr and Mrs John Castle of Queens ville to Harold Stickwood son of Mr and Mrs Stickwood of Sharon The bride given in marriage by her brother James wore gown or white slipper Asatin made on princess lines with long sleeves coming to point short train and peplum of satin edged with lace liter fingertip veil was held to llll head with coronet of orange blossoms Her bouquet was of llrlar roses red sweet peas and Finley viola and Mrs llarry Mornlmaldcnhuir ICrn ilotlllililllst were well applauded Members of soluble err1s follows Sllllll5 Lois Lambert Kay llaliaiii Bette Carson Dorothy McMulkin Bernice Thompson and Joyce EI liotl AllS maids were Miss Norma Begg matron of honor and the brides l$ll Edna Tllcy were gowned alike ill dresses of pink satin with overskirt of net with matching gloves and headdress with veil They carried bouquets of pink loscs sweet peas and maiden hail fern Her tivo flower girls were her cousin Barbara Andross wearing long gown of pale blue muslin with lovers pink knots gloves and headdress to match and Marilyn Keats her niece wearing long gown of pale blue silk with poke bonnet and gloves to match They carried bouquets of pink lrmee Mel Vilcy loldon BarkJroses sweet peas and forgetnie Lenover Arthur Smith and Elmer Dobson nuts The groom was supported by his brother Ross Stickwood The wedding music was played by Mrs Smith church organist and the ushers were John Stickwood and Donald Mitchell The grooms gifts were to the bridesmaids compacts to the flower girls small lockets reception was hgldwin the basement of the chierli where the Silncoe County Childrens Aid the grooms mother received the guests She was wearing gown of printed silk jersey with black accessories and corsage of earn missgwwmam THURSDAY APRIL 1948 The Quality Tea SAIAIIII ORANGE PEKOE aliuns Mrs Mitchell wearing suit of grey wutnccces series to match roses For assisted and cuisage of their wore dress striped Jersey brown the bride of Drum and blue blue sliorile coat match On their re Sharon Alli trip north accessulics and corsage of red roses turn they will reside Guests attended from Bari 1e are and Toronto DODSONTHOMAS Lowell 1948 New parsonage place March marriage of John Mervm Dobson Barrie son of Mr and Mrs Arthur Erma Jane Mrs late Mr Thomas of New Lowell Rev Dingwall conducted thcnup flill ceremony at 315 pm Shirley Tansley Toronto cousin of the bride was bridesmaid and the groomsman was Mr Willard Dob son of Utopia Given in marriage by her grand father Mr Wm Thomas the bride honeymoon they will take tip rcsr ugtlese princess of the late lflll was attractively attired in pow deuce in Barrie dcr blue suit with black accessor ies and Talisman roses formed her corsagc birthstone ring was the brides gift to the groom and the grooms favors were to the bride 21 string Of pearls to the bridesmaid pair of earrings to the groomsman collarandtie set The wedding music was played by the grooms sister Miss Doreen Dobson Following the ceremony re ception vaslield at the borne of Roy Carter Lowell with fifteen guests present The brides mother wore black crepe with corsage bouquet of red roses while the grooms moth cr was innavy blue jersey corsage of yellow roses threetier wedding cake made by the brides mother was beauti ficd with the top decoration off anniversary Birds Build New Nest Each Spring You cant do that but yoa CAN BRIGHTEN UP THE NEST YOU HAVE with Colorful Cheerful Wallpaper took Dobson Thomas Thomas Utopia daughter and Earl Earl shiveritz dummy Then she went to the dress rack to find suitable frock to replace the one she bad Just sold THII PRINTED WORD cake of the brides grandparents reception left for grooms gift single strandvof MASS An and groom Malton on their honeymoon bride travelling in her wedding blue Spring coat accessories bride Toronto and TEA ron romangas Catherine of Braganza Port and their suit with black After into and li century introduced court to replace qucurs wines MODESTY husband dragged on depart ment store shopping totlr by his reports that while he was trying to make himself inconspicu in corner of the womens readytowear department he no trced woman who was evidently having difficulty in finding dress After going through most of the stock in the showcases she at last saw the dress of her dreams clothing dummies obliging wife OUS to suit her WES UIIL Mr and Mrs New The salesgirl the dummy leaving it flat clon gatcd mass of gleaming papier Then after wrapping her customers parcel slle noted the in truding male watching the trails action She quickly walked to nearby rack from which she took rain coat which she draped over the stripped niachc with WELL WELL MAJOR KllIllli WIIY THE DONT BALI LOTIIIJS CLEANED SERVICE YOU AND GET GET YOUR NU tlic golden wedding with streamers of white ribbon Her two brides c3 attractive tints In durable paint WE SUGGESTw that you make selection 110w in Sunworthy or Suntested Wallpaper from our great variety of patterns or make your choice for painting in FloGlaze Paints and Enamels or the new water paints in soft restful tones such as GYPTEX ALATINI IMPERIAL CHARM REMTONE MEDUSALITE fPitty paper drapes Patterns Colours RIV JI PAINTS PHONE 3270 82 DUNLOP ST BARBIE Toronto Manufacturer CLEARING 0P SUITS MISSES AND LADIES BEAUTIFULLY TAILORED Vin PastelrShcrdesrAllWogMalorictls spcakable privilege of rendering aid to onesrfellow man treCoats BLACK NAVY AND GREEN ONLY Argonearring AvARiED ASSORTMENTOFV Misses Dreams rtHE ad 2250 AN EDDY GU LlTY PRODUCT surns DRESSsnap 13 Elizabeth st BARRIE Phone9282s sa=r

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