HURaDnY niluL luxls MARKET REPORT AT TOWN COUNCIL torzrrl THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA HEAos SAFETY LEAGUE tDrivers of Tuis Apply lFor Licenses in Barrie ltilltrrti llonl page iilirgt Smith Thedtold imoovcito or worm red in Toronto in Frederic leprn Polish musical introduced illc free me oh mnrrl till the ck keys which morgue5 til pinyin Enron lt lfrr li Illl is Lu punt Lu TV Inst rlezltlx Vr rlr ho hurl fll ttrr iwm 5am Wm until At 15 Tom by the controltor irri truly mllslieti but rit Mrs Iliumll Maw up V$ OTHER ASSETS AWNINGS OI DISTINCTION Witt mnges or plain colours and stripe comlhlnlons tompkte servin with new frames or recovering present frames Barrie Tent AwningCo TEL 43 34 BAYFIELD ST mug Trr Vim VA in lli ll large pmlirh olthe farmi tr inolne lioln tlerr irinrkctirigl 31 hid Im UL 50w in lice re SHJL and unless lrlal luring encouraged good deal of llilw ltrllt rghl be lost to Vrg Prtllll ilt plrcllc pin Mair lr gungr itflrl iingt iil Vr drr no um le Llano ctirrlu ot the lillll lrgire ht huh ri on runs led by Jullrr ll Iiiu tnrdrridn who rlllrtl to briullltl lirsprelogentrut oi rutulry LED THE 600 lLVIll will tirl liltlcil llrr UhA Lullstllllun ll IHV ilizi CVHI ixl wits Gone lo the lurorrto 1st xel ifltllllll11lf lolrggrnlrilntruln to Mth Alicrli Jlll wiler liir Dtplll RLKYC llill stir Let Us ENLARGE Your Favorite Snapshot liuiril DANDRUFF REMOVER snuguteri lDEAL HAIR TONIC 498 CREME SHAMPOO 100 FITCHS QUINOIL from the lllrllll Ktr was lrqilllktl but lililllllrl out tlrrrl fOOD iele rinselilvtl line as lllill llie ughnum Hwy lurk MIMHH Feeding Vendors name he Slilllllntl on rill he mmmmu WNW Mu lungs and the nnoinrl of the sole icipul Billltlllli and the lituric lllii was only one dissenting orre when vote was trikcli on the proposal to change this bylaw lumofmllu 03mm VV lure utorlusry my pmkum Hm lnlll mm in his rcnhirlts to the lilcetllrgl irsslom Are that Ms or the lvrillnblef llllillllllltlllS 15l Vlud Vllld public BerpthVHKV rulvlidrd results rrrVVlllAVrJurVV and There are hundreds of lnvrla lliilIS sent out for the opening of vL1lgxllgs the legislature but there are unu ally plenty of sells available SUN WUMHHV on rgriemell rzit cen srgncr the HW WWW mjlmrm mm plulll was operating satisfactorily for retail and wholesale Among those attending the incel Sixelm me ordmry 585mm me Hme businessex my was Hugh Bailey former Co wean Is MIOWEd Apply srrid he had been pleased to She may gm 5m hemp he week or Month lLlllll of the judgment given when Premier Audits Apply ithhe Speakers olhca Income tax form hrico President who is now lrirrna 85 he spake am or Hoke A5 COW hm VICEROY BABY BOTTLES 97 UHITES INVITED our It LEGISLATURE ml mm lib would mum 900 lllps poml loud lulllllit would tirim HM mme VV lirrml building would tum 1th mm mm bmng 1310ch 11 1h 3lulurmmnnly imV Mr It iii2m promzu from llllhtllllllllllll ld llurrrblr intuition of ti Vis dl lri ill lll ol llrr iirdrtii lEll tlilllll lv illlilili lor UllllVi It sornirmmit nninl hr will lllmll Triviummirth ir Ii llllt 1H hum Mum in um filthml Al 1m Him No Ho Luv Uh Howl he Ullt llnl lililid 49V98 MW PM Mle lover their $1le ug ugiun HV ml p53 com rrn llrszlilllull or produce it such would be given ll riccrsshrr trod ttVSllllltll ll ll relnr Vr ll 21 Inyonr who wishes mend rd has up to tire up futon up bozlalxng inspections Up Inuit srl lltlr oere ibulil JVNVVVHVVVlIIIIAVMf iiirao 5Ler twd run nuV WM uniong urn who on ma nrlille elmwhere rrtnldurly maul HM Wkh Hm Hi UHHN Hi IV ml WIN dhl NWTl mm le mm up UVVVMVVVVV MVAVVVUVV VVVUVVM VVVVVVVV 1h Wmlb Would halal or gr VITVvVVV rUVVVc iVVr HVtVrVVVrmiiinVil iVVlViVVill mwvmwn MM If mm mmh mum HMIWUT lulllHlA Uilll rrVrlm they triol vendors Vvouhl lzs the lVlldllt it lxl trt netV million iitlVlltl not nml NW Iml 35 VVVVV VV lllHlliUlllll 1gtvltillllill Vrtuiiil liit illll lliiill iIIHHHlltr ilillw iriElvrlrix um um rV ii Iiili II will rrh mm in ll posses ull pt mg mp ipmp lln hid lutll pliillilSrtl hourlan ll ML romp is NAM lhil north he ARENA MOUNT VV AV VV VV mp custom 11 MN WV mm lIltll thrt vendor rmnnw ipp he liltllliltll including ilSlltS ex 55 LOV LAY HAIR Ill soles slips were required by other Aim DiESSIN li VV Il lll Lu ltrrrVVrrrls tll Vi Illlkltil tlrri Illllr AMNHH LVmdV van and 49 98 nil oil szr es 1p ovar ltill pmle VV VV VV1 mm llll llil ll i1 lllLil tll UHILI COD LIVER llrose attending ihr ltrwlno ec cc Iufrford STRAIN of lllliitliil produce were risked to oxpresuilrcn ltil Copuco President UH rhi with of surnolwmt Vtamn MWqu 51 all 112 lfwliTIBWV Mm Vin VV 8m VV VVV VV in ml Ilontirnied lr no in It eeld iilrmolni xlllhlllll no Mlkm UIIHHHHUUMV Ill V1 in lm 33 illit propeily rind subject to szrllsluw JiltUlll pressed regret that on lVfwrml Simk f3 lm 11 homers and slorckccpers lizid nol DIPYUKS W113 organ pppml in mom mum med in the plant In 1047 and SlllCc Sale and Economical iiI ColfT either in person or in writing For 165 for the public iallliries Barb completed ol llll United lurlmcrs oop 30 AmrScondocsntneed mlhuuh Mr rind Mrs ll NliullSUll ol the 1incson the WPTB price NFANT SYRINGES 4o50 wool suit slid the sltlrl ins lion Iratedl 03 189 Bradford St AllVegetable laxative NR mild allvegetable laxative is an easy wriy to help sick stomach headache weary feeling Caused by constipation NRs have thorough easing action Theyre allvcgctahle Juniors strength for extra mildoction Regular NKs for avcrrrgo use Chocolate coated or plain TAKE spent Srindziy rrl Elmcrolt Furor Miss Newton spent Wednes day with Mrs ll Osborn Barrie MIS VlilT Bellamy is spendlng coriple of dziys with her mother in Mount Albert Miss Betty Ilollrrnd of Allistoli spent the Easter holidays with Miss Ihvllis Cinripsull Miss Esther Downch llllvltllllll cd home after month with Rev another tractor and inlcnd to en lzngc the llrechilliixnlion of their farm LOITRDIIS PILGRIMAGICS ln peacetime about 500000 pil grims your visit the shrine ill Lourdes cciling convictions and he hoped this nch would be publicized hi conviction on November Nu lllrl7 on 21 charges there were lilies of $50 iii each case or lull of $1050 and the offences were described by the Magistrate as gross carelessness Further cvi deuce was produced When the matter was brought before Judge the lines to $5 each or total of $105 In his judgment Judge Harvie also paid hing tribute to the war service of Morrison rind Servais with particular ref erence to their cooperation in assisting the MCIlLPlOdllCLS Ad MlLll 0F MAGNESIA Relieves EVmun JOHNSONSv BABY LOTION Heals and TAMBLYN TALCUM Assorted Odors llb tin 19 BORACIC ACID lb 19 ARISTQ BABY PANTS 39 KELTONVINYLITE PLASTIC PANTS DENNISON DIAPER LININGS 36s 35 2003450 CAMPHORATED OIL oz 53 oz 29 ESSENCE OF PEPPERMINT 02 22 OLIVE OlL Superior Quality 65 all 39 JOHNSONS BABY SOAP 20 lOHNSONS BABY OIL 601 PROTEIN MILK POWDER2 135275 50 NESTLES FOOD 71c shrunk then any way rto stretch ll once it shrlnlis ll Trot how can lengthen In lln alraid you wont be able to iinslnink the skirt to any great chlenl There orethree ways to lengthen it knitted band may be inserted at the top which will let lhc skirt down In that case the side scams wrll probably need letting out Or the suit may be made mil lcdmgote With longer sheathlike matching crepe skirt underneath Or circular yolk of matching or contrasting material may be attached to the lop of the skill The new look llld theold length are ccrfgrnly giving us plenty to worry boul orcnr they moms How can iciun cream2nd green blinds prc vzr material Have you tried plain soap and 1f mm of the WPTB ZONES REPORTED water Try it under the rOIVcr sieseolzoVwVit 23fo ll that LAcrocEN 79179 hostility 23103 wonderful job on the blinds Al you could turn the blind end for end so that the clean end shows and the sailed end is rolled under moments want to marry well How shalll go about It THE NEW NURSER LENTHERIC GRIP lo ends in the past year COLOGNES WATER hose Yotrielalraulliiect llre svciltllglllriellzigh The l7lh annual meeting was at Infam mvc root are of your class so the smarter tcirdcd by approximately 100 more Arggggr Corrective FOOD you are the better your chances VVV for good marriage Are you numbers than attended the annual MIRACLE andsooh F0 lumoa good looking good lmpwed lmeeling one year prevrously Or 39 Ni Mm 0085 UP mum wellgroomed and intelligent li HANGHAI hmmxgk VVVPLVVfdtz the System umuooo you are thats the sort of lad you rate For BABY COMPLETE 39 otlicers The directors wereI very pleased with the results accom plished by some of those zoneoffi WOODWARDS rind Mrs Downer Drintrlmrr HmVl he lUlLd that the Ollcn pvms and Son mm purchased es were accidental and reduced IMOHOW mm The mum bum From most of the zones into SIZE mantra mg of mucth pal1V ToNGH1 10 COLD BURN 77 25 When p109 of dry in is tomhol Which COPHCO members are organ t0 the skin IScuused by 1hr hwz izcd there were reports frOm local mm VV Vi VVBVVELLE EWART April How nice to see the streets get ting cleaned up llouscclcaning seems to be the order of the day Mrs Keenan Toroan spent Sunday with Mrs Reid Mrs Quantz visited in Orillia Washago and Severn last week Mr 11le Mrs Everett Cook T0 lonto have moved here for the cuirrmer Quite number were around NEW SHAth sNow nos snow PINK 50 in REVLON rlsmori NEW NAIL ENAMEL 501 59 MANGE MEDICINE Cleans the Scalp 2V3 oz 291 l5 TAR FREE Dellghlfully Renewing Free of Dandruff son and With Regular 57c lar Keeps the Hair BOOTH Send your questions to KATE AITKEN 235 Jarvis Street Toronto 0mg Vi OOIHMM looking for cottages during the weekend Cam Woods Miss Magee and gt Ron Trombley spent Sunday at MEXIILE AVJTmney on Mr Mrs Rred Pearsoniand Mrs Bird and Qilantz of Rich Mak Ym Hi Rdli pAlr1 MiiicuiiEiiEEiis Rough Unlovely mssoNAILWhSOL Hand 15Zo2535 STARLIT Twemizs 25 CWEX TWHZERS VV3S VV PEGGY SAC TWISWRS 50 Fer hollermull thvur 7777 WVV 5910u VV Beautilies 5V and banding Free 27 63 89 Slurawn Om mule nieth MANICUREV 50550 StraightCurved i98 125 oTHiciEE Monitor VMotleTox 48 Sapbomilh DDT VV titular86 KineticMoth V4V 98 Larva Lsl3129198 Lalva with Sprayer 136 Motli Flakes Ibi 18V2lor3stf AerASol Bombs 493 angriiizu 393 notM 33eiA49c98L Wuods out Callas iscase Burnsaiid Allusions 4forlOE10for259 mond Hill were Sunday visitors V7 wiltlihthglrrcrlrbmlvlllstjn Sdrrtilghtzbid IVEHIUIIMIS IIan All zsjQtrsggsol $1 dang ter oronto spen wee owni in tics Vi tVMV Wh 1n Notation LnG0dn1RfllTtl llIIontreale1rist To Toronto TNorth Bay tlreV vtvheekeird will liiVsthfahmily There 39 VV 655 am 700 pm 1040 am 750 pim allie oy mm hingrsoigEs 105 pm 771940 pm x7125 pm y1005 pIm lfi i231 fillsg E3133 SORE THROAT 330 pom 425 am 410 pm 145 amH iKnockV wereVSunday visitors at AND ALL toGravenhurst to Orlllia only St Sun IIol Billfler he members of Immaculate 29 RSONAL USES To Owen Sound gt To Penelcmq ngsmggg glyphEygydgug 1040 am 11040 am 75011111 orrdmncles Jor ithe lovely 410 pm 125 pm gmmpm at SPARKLE TOOTH PASTE 23 b1010 pm 410 pm Viiexcept Sim LBAXTER PAROLAGARiiul in 119 exce um cexcc VH0 gt g5atunHoT IV 129229 BUSCONNECTIONS AT TORONTO Fyrigmgyrerem Vsmmz POWDVERS on wrEaVSd FQfMQFIIWL omxwva elmflu bur dlentarsfeonays rig wgelr 29 VV VV VV WHEN with friEEnds here Some armers int is vicinity are AVV V3 busy making maple and re gt RQundi Trip TuxInnclvuded $5780 WINNIPEG $4820 4V porta very poor run Norine Elliott Torqnto ST TOHNV9144651 CPILGARY 79507 spent the holidays with herApar Whartons OMPOUND Miss Olive Ruddick has returned MM 345 tovIoronto after holidaying with hcrkparentsAVI ndiMr WrRud 11C HWWW av pop or Miss Florence McKnight VTor an 533 onto spent the weekend with her VJ rams AND INFORMATION AT protrzM no gt Barrie Bus Terminal cnts Mr and Mrs Elliott Killmwk 532 for100 VV tendance of teachers and pupils There wasVa good attendance at the Happy Hour Club Friday consolationsMrs Denne Eng Miskey After runciyi everyone enjoyed the Matthew dancing VV wwmmv eadVExaminwrClassiedIrww VV LVV lrotecli Woollen Caitlin thu ngtllzerenful them run animus Mmmriteuudto mien Iltmh and may Tait Woon mommdb 39 89 FREE STOREHOURSMonu Tues Thug Frifr01n8g30VGiVm lo vMim ourer V830pmWednedey830amrlo1230paSqturday830m 8821 PhonoZB50 tic1000 pm Open every Sunday 12l05pmi7lou9pm Nons rm the winterh There wasanood at Conierstreet lst Mrs Rough and Mar WW W4mm Sunday after being closed during Phone 3162 evening Euchre prizes went to