Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Apr 1948, p. 22

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PAG TWENTYTWO ALLANDALE Miss Betty McBride km ni ldm the election of Ullivcri was in Toronto dorms ltcl Edslet vacation Due to the Easter week was quiet in the reported the llllllltIS Albeit Scantiebuiy Sask visited Mr Spearn over lltc Easter weekend Sinai stiitt Theton itl lJtai clllelit Iltlt MP on April with good attendance Illlti Mrs hoine Cookstown Pad IOI lllc this into dicks Frat grownth Vqu Vtwent convention of the Ontario Bank Of Tilltilllu xis Zlt Ltht lllnllliilnu Ftdcrilllln Vld to move into lllill new oiianoyslToronto and Alis Adalirs remind here about the end ll May pitpawn larger stud and now Lave le rlll ployefl the Alianclale liraucli Paimwick II to Meet Ilen iwtiiizicii ii Lily and after Bond ready they TREE DELIVERY fGibsonGirl Home Erocks 11 swagac sicywmwwor wick Voziiens Institute Will nieet at the hotne of Mrs lordtfl Bur election of UfIlCCIS good attendl Lilltc requested Mrs Roy Goodi IClluA dstiict president will cong BARR Wt1L lnc Wonkus Clirleian lciiiper once Lnion met at Mrs Irwins ilis Hemll vicepresident was in charge of the meeting and Mrs Ictcll led the ltVUllUIlill pcllod Miss Rodgers and Mrs MleardI gave interesting reports on the le ul the members of the coming ix Count contention of the Womens Christian lemporance Union to by held in Barrie lhe nominating committee was ONTARIO CANADA VMild SpringLike iton Aye on Tuesday April lSWeather Past genommmouomoao THE WEEK IN COOKSTOWNg nomenoaouud April 5llclllltllc Lois Fans Barrie spent GREEN FRONT STORES HARDWARE CHINA GIFTS TOYS WHERE YOU BUY MORE FOR LESS DELIGHTFUL DINNEEWARE SETS of 32 and 38 Pieces TLI Vlgtl gt0 lots Ailcolllc the weatlici of the at Ll15 has Inclied much Kriripenfeldt Bay 111135 he said the ice has gone lie the temperature went degree or two below lrcczmg six the past week the days= flft Umll genendiy mild Iliin lllil teacher Illidhurst and 105 Davis prineip Tho nbury lcspecln Miss Ruby Dans lhe weekend at her parental home and Roger Reive wereK lccclll vzsnors wrth relatives in Churchill Mrs Bacon and children Trenl on spent the Easter holiday with and Mrs Bert Marwood and Mrs Geo Martin have united the Arnold apartments and liken up residence in Jas Jen rietts house Wallace Cooke Nakina lrived home to spend the summer linonlhs with his parents Mr and Mrs Stair Cooke Mrs Myrill Dean and son Bobby and Miss Irene Cole spent Sunday Mr and Mrs Bert Coleman George lildey the home of his son Wilfred here after spending the winter months with his son Melvdlc at Fort Wil llfilll returned schools after the Easier holidays at their paren 111 homes li5sion Band oneert On Monday March 29 the Unit ed Illusion Band presented an iii its Easter meeting in the school room which was enjoyed by 30 children and number of adults is leader of the Band assisted by Mrs Jetons and Mrs Blue vicepresident Mrs thei Audrey spending Iliglln il COEEx DINNERWARE Breakfast Plates and Soups each19c Bread and Butter Plates for 250 Fruit Nappies are each 10c Lo April Apr li teresting program Apt ii gut SETS $2795 $2950 $3495 $3950 SETS OF 96 PIECES $4250 $4295 $5295 $7500 Apr if April April Mrs Fidlcri has ar Cup andSaucers set Chas was Crawford Mrs Power assisted with the cos tumes and Betty Gilioy was pian Jeyuns charge April Mrs and SWIRL GLASSWARE Creams and Sugars set 1290 Covered Butter Dishes Largc Fruits Bowls each Fruit Nappies for and EXTRA SPECIAL BRAMBLE BERRY 07picce sets $2495 pattern youll love at price you can afford BOYS STUQDY WAGONS $895 $995 $1150 $1350 $1450 $1550 Mir liiillt Cumming Coch iiiteitsting meeting was thought to close by the singing The April meeting of the iiiiis appointed namely Mrs Millward hymn and the benediction Mm zma IHIHIII WITH STEELEBRIGGS SEEDS GARDEN TOOLS CULTIVATORS HOES IAIIES TROWELS VEGETABLE FLOWER and LAWN GRASS SEEDS Valid man Barrie with The chief features were Flowi er Drill in which girls dressed to represent snowdrops crocuses and iallodils did motion number en Children viry prettily ii number Future Citizens in ad Mrs Jack Kidd and Mrs Bruce Erml 5151 McLean anchhildrcn Toronto re week with their parents Mr and Mrs ll 1l1l Lcmnion local baker has enlarged and greatly improved his tore by removal of partition in istzillalion of new floor redecor ating etc The death occurred recently at VKcswiek of Mrs WVS Terry in her 92nd year The late Mrs Terry iwas born in Cookstown in 1850 of llrisli parentage Miss Eva Ramsay has returned her teaghing duties at Burling on after spending the Easter va ation with her parents Mr and 111s Bill Ramsay Miss Bertha Cowan was in Mil ion last week owing to the death of her brother Wm Cowan who passed away suddenly on Tuesday The funeral was held in Milton on Friday afternoon Apr2 March 22 Cooks town and Newton Robinson iYoung presented their competition victor 25c 201 29c 450 returned to Tell Boys lid tzlled Flower Easter Tea Plates are for VBrcad andButter Plates for 250 Refreshments were served to the isilors at prettilydecorated til bles by members of the Baird 111in School Ihespians Present Play The Improper Mr lioppcr threeact comedy presented in the town hall on Marclr Bil by students and stall of the high school under the direction of Mrs Andrew was cleverly done and highly ap preciated by the lillcd the hall production Isobel Walter Korchuk Betty llaughton Bruce McMastcr Bessie Hunter Elmer Tromble and Jim All acquitted themselves With turned home after While we cannot deny the fact that there are great many unlovcly things and people in the world today yet if we look far and deeply enciigh we will find beauty sincerity and nobility in every walk of life Mariana PYREX WARE PERCOLATORS cup $305 COLOURED BOWLS in set $370 TRANSPARENT BOWLS in set ROUND LAYER CAKE DISH 8Squarc CAKE DISH OBLONG LOAF DISHES 67c and 96c UTILITY DISHES 90c QUEBEC COOK STOV ES $3500 Polished Steel Top audience which Those taking pairl were John Ramsay Killile Bulinail Dom CCM BICYCLES $4900 Stanley Models for Boysand Girls Patricia lfaughton AIIIIHS $140 CLOTHES HORSES Driers $100 $225 $298 $325 $475 $550 Arnold most creditably Cowanfthe principal as chairman number of choruses were given between acts by the boys and McKclvey ducting and Lorne Arnold playing accompanimcntsaltogethet ing pleasing variety in the pro Ira Wilson presented pr0= motion certificates iind ExWardciii Ilarvey spoke briefly on the1 Through the sale of homemade functioning of the Alliston HfghE School Area and its Board ovcrl which he presides tertainmcnt was excellent and credit to the participants SCOUTS COLLECT 05 TONS SALVAGE The local Boy Scout Associations salvage collection held last Wednes day Mar 31 received great re sponse from volunteer workers and the citizens of Barrie Approximate ly tons of salvage was collectedl iin one afternoon and 20 tons we loaded and shipped Those in charge wish to thank the following who supplied trucks and an employee to aid in the collec NuScrvicc ClcancrLBrowii and VCo Robb sons Hardware Smiths Fur niture Store Department of Lands and Forests Town of Barrie Barrie Frosted Foods Norris Dairy and Barrie Creamery There were many volunteer work sumus BRUSHES OILS Etc if 011 PAINTS 000an AND VARNlSll EleCtric PousHER FOR RENT BY DAY Geo ELECTRIC RANGEITES Plug In PYREX CASSEROLES 7407900 $110 $145 34950 $6135 $6495 KNOB COVERS and PIE PLATE COVERS Think girls with Mrs con On Monday milk ICE BOXES $4900 $0450 First Quality in Construction and Finish GARDEN RAKESHOES FORKS WHEELBARROWS LAWN RAKES FLOWER AND VEGETABLE SEEDS Peoples Unions plays in Cookstown gram drama was GENBRAL TIRES AND TUBES JOHNSTONS HARDWARE ALLANDALE 00000 3997 CONVENIENT PARKING CONNOR WASHERS $15950 $18850 You can obtain appearance in many washers butiConnor Quality is only ob taluablc in the Connor Washer Connors have been making washers since 1875 AND GLIDDEN PAINTS VARNISHES ENAMELS HARRY ARMSTRONG 00 104 DUNLOP ST candy S7 was realized for the Red Cross his DUTCH SET ONIONS ll 25 The whole cri teacher Clarkson Helen Davis teacher at Jessie Lewis OVEN MITTS 50c imVVd 75c Green Red Yellow Blue colours PHONE 2801 EDUCATION AND VLA Initiation night was hcldMoanay PHONE 2439 There were 60 members present and two new members were introduced In the absenceof President Bibby the chairmanwas Alf Haisi Talks Were given by Mr Harris and Larry Mavcs Mr Harris spoke on Homes for you under the VLA and Mr Maves chose as his subject Free education facilities still avail able to you throug Legion Mr Harris told how to apply the advantages and how varied It is possible for veteran to secure total grunt up to $2400 if his building and lot cost $5400 The speaker felt that hundreds of vctcrans in this district were miss ing out on this grant Mr Maves gave talk on educational facilities He pointed out the value of correspond ence courses beneficial to thousands He said he himself had found the course on bookkeeping very helpful Because most pchons had to leave school at an early age the speaker eiiiphasizedlhc importance of con tinuing education and said cor respondenccj course was one of the most convenient methods Most Leg ion courses are in 20 lessons and each lesson can be completed in about eight hours courses were andMi Maves saidLegion members were Willing to conduct classes at the Legion Hall inlbookkccping salesmanship practical electricity if enough mem bets showed an interest No one can give you an educa tion You must become educated by Land through your own efforts said the speaker He referred to the many courses available and empha Sized that person who was willing ito study would earn great deal April FRAME MUSEUM PIECE ANTIQUE KNITTING IS NOW An old stocking frame bearing the date 1743 is now in the posses sion of the PrOvincial Institute of Hamilton staff and students are trying to get the right type of needles so that ers who made the salvage collection The 1110th can be Placed in huge success and they too dc serve credit for offering their time in the cause LOWELL Mr aners Octave Dorian at tended the funeral of her Oliver Marchildon Mr and Mrs Octave DOllon and family were weekend visitors With her parents Mr and Mrs Bald Penetang uuununuu Insurance galesman Excellent opportunity for aggressive man with good personality reasonable edu cation Sales experience desiged but not essential Minimum remunergtion gudranieied Apply Box1 32 Barrie Examiner nnuuunllnuIuuuuun lion Harris Motors nuu where Textiles Ont the Canadian 4r operation again as relic of an earlier day Brought from England cl Lennard who founded the Lennard Sons Limited at Dun lhc stocking frame has been kept by the firm as curiosity long outdated by modern highspced hosiery Lknit ting machines the grants Saniti das Ont 1878 NEW interesting uncle FIRST TO LINK COASTS The Canadian Pacific Railway line was the rst completedacross Canada in 1887 which had proved Several available and mathematics more than an untrained worker The speakerswwVerethanked by Andy Jones who expressed apprecij ation on ibhalf of the many mem bers present Plastics LASo iiiNWIN FIRST GAME IN FINALS Tecn Town captured the first VgameV of the bestofthree VMens Town Basketball nals last Tues day night April when theyderi feated Merchants 3326 Teen Town had qualicd forthe nals by drawing bye whil Merchants won their pdintto count round with Copaco Vinia semignal series Tuesday April 13natV BCIgym commencing TAlthough th Winners Clad almost the entire game Merchants tiedth countpn 3511 Sessions and fought hard to overcm SR Veal1y third quarter lead Teeners had built up Gerry Patterson hoopster for the winners with Joe Johnston fol lowed withslx while Johnny Fel tip Doug Allen NormHarris Ron Armstrong Bruce Tarbush andV Bill Craig alsogured in the Scot mg Norm Joh BRIGHTL00KINGD0MOLIIIE1P ETIC grand for kitchen curtains table covers mamas assortment in Zellers Plastic Pageant is easy to the price easy to pay Come in andvchoose PlaStic bytheyard when you plan to brighten up for inches wide attractively pat terned on white ground Sclcctfroinipatterns snowft at left VCIIEEIthPATTEENED PLAsTIci pop ulaIVchoice thatll bring colourful note henLong1aslinglj Easyta EN T0 Choose from Spring if to younkitc keepclean col FUL SYTBFL SI covers tablecloths ZVELLERISV HOME Enocks ADOPT THE Second game is DAINIlESTr DETAILS 0qu NEW FASHION wiihCibsqnGirltVgiylingu 30 pm Hing 4button front tiny black bowat neck snug Vself belt and 120 puffVSISevcs irfh Eiiiiriimiskm of good quality Cotton Prints attractivelypatterncdto enhance your daylong activities in and out of the Muse Easy ionaunder ZellerThriftIrlccdr runvsANopnsnuclonwumrPATTERN The klddlesand you willcnjoythisistory book pattern with colourfull 853171 figures For Plastic Yard Goods Shop at zcllerfss yclear boy asthe main eight points ZELLEES LIMITED PHONE 2439 60 Dunlap Street BARRIE ONTARIO STORE HOURS Monday Tuesdayylhursday and Friday 900 AM Iv to 55V5VPVM Wednesday 900 AM to 12 PM nson Larry Lougheed and Bill Thorpe were Merchants top point collectors with George Storey and Bob Sarjeantjfollowln with two up Heartburn is caUSed by gasesliinl the stomach which interfere propertiearl action noon ieCe lib

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