PAGE TWO rtlr BARBIE EXAMINER ffll bro IllUlthrU nPriIL 34 Ilzl BaRHTE EXAMINER BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA Items from Ontario 1348 Budget NS Vv sriuiV=i ul VV VVr vr inertNd Olcarilluwi oi departnthl lubxlied Thurde Morning by THE BARR EXAMINER llltV rr shown in rritc obitd the legal the nllili vl met Eritiillliil MKldllL or mountlend lilthllrlllhlr ltultrlrsr from tho hits of Wilts 43mm mum3 vim BARRIE xinlxuk March v3 1915 iilKI Frost ltr Board rif EXP rileVi lul tlllilflilql ill icfiilr VN when itlllillcllllly pmgramnw tEtI lire lieptiiuneol ll lidrrcntrorr Wm VZW rVV5 My Ask rout Insurzince Agent or Broker for particu lrlrs of this special North Anitllld Money and Securities Coverage Agem illlll Bror Trsriiircr courmor NORTH AMERICA COMPANIES CANADIAN HEAD OFFICE TORONTO ih ill asi OWEN SUEND PROTEST rrr stiiiml Stunt tl hmhmm VXVHMHVV iJudgment ihl handed down unfrimes strongly 10 Ving the llurihrzr Shoe to of Bar The Ontario Branch WWW mmd in the right in YOU MAY BE ITS rl VV VV pd WOW Sirlilltl whoruirrent of Milk Cumml krt ilirclensctlfroni Slfllltilll Tm 51 nu ii tlrr or any ot rer time 11 one HLh knowledge It also llOplh ll be Able b5 Um llrlrlbnrt Shoe Co nus 4m liltinngxE FPOKTS he PWWM um wave llr srl UllSUllS llllCligttl llorrr $251M clinic transportation illld nursrng home ivLllly other purl or the minds surrounding the lie lire Brigade orornrmnt llltllx mm numb gt gt gt sr li winder edtit It in drmrlinent Peuple may Support hl nlsudt against new that rm Linmiuiun villi bi lull lltll non rm pit llllllb nrd lair or came to it hm Bum my Vle Tm Mun um qmnritim lhccrtv hull is tine old building hr rcr WWW mud drug at rust of 500 wherhercaused by burglarerrrofother mishap lillllllll fr 500 2300 31 Jgt UH HM lutmrv The cost of this insurance is low CANCER SIGNALS toIooovoaulonovcoomovz Winioullled to 737 Those MilliamVDollor increase gtrUilllV LillllCHIBIIY about the mouth oralrpt Any DUNE wamm UM wmpbmd was the body lump in the breast does not le gmUr533142111VIUS mu olfurng intlrlntitt lUtllll your lihllil to sales ilr 1047 was one and had 31 101 UUlbli klilmll sistcnt irrdi estlon cs ecrrilly ter tic true ing the tourist industry But advertising the Mmh 01 139 or 11 lwi Lhege gympionls 23 known ppm not sufficient Cleanliness courtesy and on IV SUCH George Mc pound or ht Barrie Local Rules rim VgtllilllUIIHCil Soonax mew 3Lllwil5 rre $55031 more thrill In UWcll blilllld llrtlt Vlh propom VVltTV cod you count llUlLrb fur lrhrltlifllp limit or llilllLl illlllilllnll 9ng mmg 33 Hum part or the 30yearold city hull property eV rowv Viiv minors and 527 for lltlV VV Hilt to il1ill ilnp eglc weiu in LB SEEK $l5900ll TO FIGHT VVIK INHIINMW Um um hUM 1m 11ml hi to rr the Urnurn DlVlSim boned llid fro lnr hospth Vlllllll dim Ru Cro for lllllllll Work llilxistl gt =testsV it on ttllUll IL gt AW iih 24 tor SOUIBW 15 culnpolgnlng 1lull lollllVliU llillrll WNW lllllll lllllli lion in NEXT VICTIM re tt czlrrcel more embpmh pb ecu lotrment of by Vlrr ill Northern lrtnrio lilitltiisptl SIHVWH UHSV Hiding WI LTltll lb through nuance more 58 ICES LO need t1lltl llrltl lllrllxl ll plople llll ll VVL VV VVVV VVVVV VVV HVMV VVVUVV hVVmucamVVVV VVVVVVVVVS VVHNVEVVVVVVV Hm swm inmm mt Mm Ugh VV shuw burgh go Im Hunky ii vrsron of more div95111913 WUUld 01 um Ulm VAt the mlrigl meeting oi the Bni mmhlc suurnu 5m nth sub 35 pro lVil rrrmrrer rnid winter moves for tenchlg illiclerrsed from ti hlrdshi clscs Clly hull is sold here net rerlsori to bl WEN Nd Aw tommo ti on rOl local firemen illlplluhtlllg their pmwn v0 30 Amcnm mplm Hi Tum lt Vit cancer by sending their subscription to thozm NW NW lt2iolo Zoi inmrmv ol Toran To llniul Union Alumni lelmsed Wm th Policy whiclumnmllnwlv rclillburw iv BLVV Onmrm Bram insured tor on loss ot mova or sunrilirs lgtdtjmgblt9m0onsmml br mulling to VtTcV orriblv good condition lllll will serve the tllyl 301 Writer5 nun 115pm rlllllllilxllllitllllll fond unireused UW ItIfIPIfrm Pi loll il luv mm Cullens slum haw limit 3r titllllillll inside or oursrdc of The home store olluc or ireurcstloculCancer Unit in the distiwi rUI ohm Mills Sm Ix prim in HR 30 year rill Sllltllnrc VVVV bonny hunk deposrls in But Vi much use jV lie for Jrinutiry rind February Any change in the shape size or color or 11 WWW illolt wart Am SOIE hilt will not lltill limit 1111 in Uliliml Illll UHMlW Joining the Barrie Horticultural copaco Busness 50cm Mr mm of gt unusual discharge or bleeding erm any body Wmmmmd mm mg mm pump umssnmn cunnnnnv V1 3cnns opening Any lump or thickening in my pint ea ini91 rim 15 iiiinn liitlhlt ii and pen coal at SH Vi ton brick recessarrl mean Cincer but it does call 10 immediang consultation Wm 10mm The Dominion travel burcuu is planning to Mom the trim of was ppm my mum hint lorrl sit llt has VV VV VV VV VA hlmm mum 101L115 hm HU plmmn IL ARVle ADVAdVll twpme por mlll lulilllSl llllu lrzilns on schedqu owing to Sever ill Hoarsencss which persists longer lhtill mime Local Notes and twotenths per cent It 1040 HVlld iVnd lltr1llllzrllll5 1wa attractions of Carrillo great as rcv zrrc 1x H1 mum was In mm hm In LWO VQEKS gtlirill Ullllh Ill the vein ending Derember 27 WK ilrdunce ol Uood food and so or service iri Lean tin 1mm His subiul XL is WU that doctor he consuut mmwm ml lrzrperiol lkdcrnlion Other Illll tho current lSSclh slroued on MA blllicoViVVoVVrllVityfi VBlllt NV the Canadian cancer Sofie emphasiyr lll ol pllmt impolilech CUVVVMHVVH md wil gumPC mum 1mm Suppl mm llrs lllltl on or it nu we worn listen Fletcher Spring 354101991 FIRE MARINE CASUALTY Including the land hum Sllmd Scrvice Ohiccsthroughmrt Conmlu my 55 lumwd operative society lill potrrto Vglow HONOR Only tour members or the Ontario LtlllhV Vl V31thrViriritllVVVV lrVraneigcheit an to VlVVVVS of CUUVVVVVV Vim hendVVVVVVVVVVVVS on lutnre opposed it government bill to collect II purging mph on 0nd hint Craighursl handled 23000 bags The onmno Educuuomu Ahhocutm mhilll rmnscmcrrt but for rclievinv hospital costs Wind 38 if id oqq ol the vciir th Slliitlrl70 lhis the iirst your Amountmun lHE AlllANCE INSURANCE COMPANY or PHIlADElPNlA honored Rev NVR 13 Sincmn DD or 8111110th th Vmc rsurc ms broughnt up for second llhdnpmllzh lllflllf Sprint Minted that Willow Carlinl mi highway from Crown Hill to HIMDHPW FIRE AND MARINE msumcr comm 15 mum VV VV Vi VV Hum VV Vb VVdV VV VVAVVVWMMMWV by awarding mmiame membemnp me Wilding Undoribtedlv the legislators rrre cog Asmzes Itrsticc Robertson referred Ms tumor mcr 20 times on wind Wimp Slindzunonh VVFVV ladeV VV In as de Vvun VV Ulgamzamon Thu can 12131 01 illlzlll Of the fact that the people OlllllllO VIVLVIVFVIVLUIISVYHAVVIA Ritzistleublzldim Tm members mum in made glued sleuthing rVgiilir anuublf contrlbllgqulgallll lllglwld 10 the lll hm come to realize the great was 01V mime the House of Refuge so larfrom Ulltlrmu 35 i5l 3332 Hundm mm MN guniza ion were srm institutions and the steadily rising costs of the County Town Spring 77013 niml OEA convention laSt week The QUICK5imaintenance imzlirncry openings were given life membership were Hanna iikSV big Mum for 1w former principal of Oakwood Collegiate Hen lunch of on three ml iner INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORIH AMERICA INDEMNIIY INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMMCA Byline accepted roley tirougJV czish balance of $119239 can MPpV had promised Ree Club Villcrs had the top score Wilson of Vespra that 5000 trout 39 0de Wk 11 fry would be placed in Willow cords for the last week iii March with or below zero every day ll 1947 CASH INCOME snrs NEW RECORD Creek for early Spring Toronto Dr Sissons of Victoria Univer sity graduate of 801 and Tukc Haileybury For many years Dr Sinclair has been active on school boards and he has attendedOEA conventions regularly One year ago he was elected to the highest office in the OEA and last week he presided over the opening session When more than 5000 delegateswere welcom ed to theonnual convention at Toronto Since coming to Barrie DrSinqlair has been active on the Board of Education including several years as chairman This year for the first time the Public School Board meets separately from the High School Board and Dr Siriclzir Britain has officially set May 1515 the date finOI giving up the mandate over Palestine All Ferrormous expense and heavy loss of her mini power Britain has bravely striven t0 curry out the terms of the mandate entrusted to her 5She has done her part well and should not be expected to carry more of the load VThc Renfrew Mercury points out that men who desert their wives and families but re lmaln in Ontario will find it difficult to escape payment of maintenance ordered by the courts tinder legislatiOn introduced in the ilegislature by AttorneyGeneral Leslie Black well Apparently if an errant spouse skips out green yellow and creilm Till drown establishments llild descriptions of individual hols Here are few samples the banana sailor trim med with red poppies around crown illld green grosses up side finished with rosettes of red chif lorr charming but in the pneu mnlic tire sailor was trimmed With five elegant scarfs in blue into cubic knot at side charm ing little toque was made in shred ded wheat trimmed with rt of burnt orange velvet and yellow roses under the brim George Dcvzrll GTR brakemzm fell near Huntsville when stepping from one car to another and was instantly Killed Andrew Graham Bar dnrmg 1947 established in llllllllltv Canadian farmers crrsh returns from the sale of form productsl record high of $100043 million This represents guilt of $2370 million or 136 per cent over thc revised figure for 1046 of 31752 Compared with the previous rc cord high in 1914 of $13200 tch 1947 cash income shows an inV crease of $1016 million or 00 per cent An increase of $1286 from thcl sale of grain secdnnd buy in 1947 LETTERS VJJ Midlrrnd Board of Education let contracts of $48007 for additions to high school Becton citizens who conduct an annual celebration of the Kings birthday reported over 1946 is due principally to higher price and substantial pay ments made on wheat participation certicates as well as adjustment payments on wheat and barley dc liveries Generally large market ings and higher prices for hogs oil sct the decline in the marketings of other classes Of livestock Total receipts from the sale of livestock were $5901 million in 1947 as against $5746 million in 1946 Supplementary payments during respondent started that II Mur Wkly Shoolol Barrie Gilli strong north winds rind consider able snow Earl son of Mr and Mrs Edward McKay Crec morc was trampled to dcuth by it horse in the stable This time last year the bay was free of let Dr 11 chidlay Cooks lb town nominated for Council oli ICES mimic UALA Mr Lombard oi West Gwillimbrily had his burnsl Qgmmi Aspmm 09 to dcstloycd by bit toglLthcr iitlr rl VMARKFD PHWWAHA number of pigs rind cattle ilti lliindown Feeling Maylic 0ch Causedlly Nervous Trouble Strained tense nerves are often the cause of is chairman of the BarrrePublrc School Boar The Milburn Co Limited Toronto om throung Simcoe County just an dial invitation to assist in the nouriccdthe Toronto and Hudson formation of the first Barrie Edu cational Club is hereby extended to you Upon receiving 25 names of illi hell have to Skip the country as well ries oldest man was in his 92nd age Reduction Act the Prairie unickly followed by loss of appetite irritability turd TherBariie Examiner Joms hrs many friends iBusinoss at the post 00100 last Vincmded above amounted to eld of education and Nerve Pills are Illglllyollellellmlll The iron rind other ingredients Tommo Tdegmm ILlC 520 merchandise packets 59 To the Editor Barrie Examiner Milburns Health and Nerve Pillsare sold art drug counters everywhere The gravity and uncertainty of the interthe price or milk in Toronto nobby and taking hats modern uchlevements in all ammm QDCOUMLC rarianin MarShau said The ManCheSter We have 21 lot of beautiful countrysrdeOntrnrolB Balm restless niwlrts Irrr irorcr rest lllWllL lifter night is yczir He hard lived here 65hyears 10 diet the mm the Wheat Am Gentle west wind took ice arm AEMSWHCL ALL dndv lhi ll tired rundown condition In congratmatmg Dr smelalr for theV hlghl the bay MdrCh 28 Vlraiiie Farm Act which are not FV fl Milb 1th ors bestowed upon him for his work in thel 07 500 mg 10 THE SOVIET CONSCIEME lweqk was lollowsg letters p653 BARBIE EDUCATIONAL CLUB 576000 and raised the total cash 14316 Ids 1443 papers returns for 1947l0 $20002 million they contain help to improve the hloodcoritorll strrriuhitc the nervous thus helping to promote Sleep The same Sovret conscrence that c0nd0ncsenzT0m1 postal value $15632 To all adults wrshrng to further system and the appetite 1le digestion GRAVE SITUATION Eslavcment of neighbor states weeps copious tears over Simmons C0 Mumused near their knowledge of the manyl JUST IN CASE Vt for men of the Royal Air Force national situation was stressed bOChV QPOI 3CFNFR Route 01 anmher Hallway to pass branches of endeavor most cor General Geor LED Marshal James Smuts and Guelph Mercury 103 issue OfMQICh 25Wh1cn reaChed The Ex when youVstop to drink about it is on expresst Simcoe County Briefs former editor of the Advance omier by air mail beautiful hind but We have permitted commercraili Never before in history has the situatio been more threatening to our ideals and in teresm General Marsnan tom the UnViverSity rob the motorist of good deal of enjoyment that ii 7701 California and he called for prompt Am rightfully his erlcan decision on the worldwide struggle between freedom and tyranny He indicated too hisarrxicty to reach agreement with the Soviet Union Brit whereas General Marshall was mainly concerned to awaken Americans to the dangers of the situation Marshal Smuts who was addressing the South Afric imcrests to spoil lot of it forus Our roads go through charming scenery but rumshrrcklehot dog stands ugly filling stations and blritzint billboards wmrnn our1N msroriv lThe Guardian lllzinchester Eng March V17 1948 wil stand outin the history books On that day five Western European nations entered into oclose economic and political alliance and on that day the President of the United States risked his countrymen to back and support the efforts of the free European nations to protect themselves in the person of Kribs died in Ottawa Plowing at Oro Station started BahtV mg starting bicycle livery atl Cookst0vn Thefhockey club at Cookstown lost only two games last season Six carloads of square timber were shipped from Cookstown in day One was 37 praVon Dec 13 and again on 22nd rnst leaving little over months terested parties notice will be for Warded stating timeand place of the organization meeting At this meeting officers will be nom inated and elected further de tailed outline of the purpose of the club prospectus of suggest ed subjects will be presented so that arrangements iciouldibiemnde teem are and to have comprehensive discourse Lilfgmaiegum weigh qg tons ldelivered by talented authority on Plowing Was done on Con Ves mus Chose topics Please print your name and ad dress plainly Vso notification of meeting canbe forwarded prompt ESTABLISHED VVazrnisrlies Palms Enamels Wax an Senate was more concerned to urge that The Treaty of BrrlsselSprovides the nucleus of what When guVdMVfgglrferngf 13 Address you leue to the no efforts should be spared to attempt toi1t 15 hoped W1 become Umon of Western Europe grceme BmSVV general mere lundermentroned protem secretary For the first time in their history the 100000000rpeop1e understand Russras porntlof View and remove of Britain FranceV Belgium Holland and Luxem ants left New Lowell to resrde BEECgEVEVSOgggISVVV her fears The Great Powers should speak burg have entered into military alliancg in time of TorOmO sawmg bees and VB me VVOmarm maple syrup making the order of an to man he Said It peace and pledged themselves to mutual defence to one anather as against aggression from whatever quarter For 31 the day at IVY Mewme Mll assurances mush given to BLISS letus though the treaty covers economic cultural and 13 mentionsii f0 postmaster atu givelihemy and 1fVRUSSia 13 requlred t0 glve political questions it is chieflyimportant for itstili 01113 Angus MCKay Cool Sunnidale suffered heavy dam VV assurancesaletr her rvethemClarrty he add tary clausesVand is complementary to and largebkg an be chived Russia has to know dependent for its success upon the outcome of the 33$ mg thundersmrm Hs 35 31 lParis conference and thevEuropean Recovery Pro big 133111 W35 SUTUCk by llghmmg Wmufimwgmmdsm new aman for what she stands and the WesternVlPowers gramme It limitsmtual assistance to cases of aggres and totalldeestroyed With con pe pmgupwith OstrexIonlnlnsrnnlclorweoli enfs except his horses and such mm 319 MN for whatthey stand sron in Europe but at the same time sets up Con which may men rind women call nu Iry The Sam eant Company Limited sVultative Council which Wm consider threats to the cattle as couldbe released Prop EMTOMGTWW for NDYWDEEFYPCHBBJlllQ if 7777 7V cryERA or PROSPERITY peace outside Europe and discuss whatican be done erly destroyed inCIUdEd 26 Pigs2 Irlarichibghzwlillb my VVHTV to remove dangers to economic stabilityTherhililary hfad oflvaluatble Eggtlg $1210ggW0rthl Hon LeslieFrost Provincial Treasur provisions of the treaty follow very closely those of Imp emen us ca Wb en ombbud at the the PapAmerican Treaty of Rio de Janeiro signed larbushelsmeas 100bvhltlswheatl 81 mg own ih September Other States mayradhere to thvhFeiy Sd budWheat hayand ElTaW Legismuxe 1333 Friday ll E3419 evldence only with the agreement of the five original members Some prices Wit88f Ell73 OalS that this province is enjoying an era of mark gt 305c$3 ggggysilgftsogl 25 se co prosperity Without increasrng tarratron rt rm STAR RAILWAYS rs going to be possrbleln 1948 to provrde more The Financial post mom 03 wuiatmni hospitals agricumurey While Canadian business will hardly cheer about the 50C butter tub per 1b 14 1c roll 16170 1b eggs doz old pensmns and recreamon 21 rail freight increase authorized this Week it must IV VI addition to the ures in millions of have realized that some soch step was practically new 39919st vbagv 40$1r pomloesr inevitable In country likeCanada healthy railroad bag 45553 hay tonv $550$650i dollars quotedtmnlirostValsomodereferenceslindustry is indispensable Cu national mm any Ht Vwood per cord $3$325 39 to such Services hydrothat made the pic there are abundant indications since thonggilt the thramlecoll PeVrVtv $650 VV health of ourrailroads was imperllled memo om Thisii matter of concern to everyCanadlanrnot CARE 01 EYES vV arlo Treasurerwintedom that on one con because major page of themnway mileage is The rleyes should not develop FINISH FOR VEVERY SURFACE lNSlDE AND OUTSIDE WV7 for sdly WE CANN 0T AFFORD somers Vused four timbias much electrical owned by thepjepple themselch but for the simple 281311 shamng cogdiVgl VVV Vr 3auorl1esr onwards the residents of Great Britainand etltiraatn Vigtmearrariuwg mm dOV anVoptometrist ghoulde most businss in Canada including our export be seen and correetive measuresi the last eight years the average domestic simply could not execWithout the railways we cpuld laken Vacuum bum or to hastncreas ed tram 175 have made little sir410 crntribuiions in we lasttwo gt 35 kilowatt hours monthly toms kilowatt hours Warse 74 WWmmlri i3 Que 9f the ofInRaImggrggnlglogngwfg cl 113131ng Mpg world mtltccorrsumptiw state wweoinpanyrasrindher case oftherehter prigtthould have somlet ingin addition to come and salsa $110388 materesmenls 0f 60rrto provide for conngenciesondto help equalize lherresult of poyears within good yEam WIIYiylllll It is abundantly clear that theapplicant railways EMF have established financial need for greater revenue to enablethem to continue to furnish for the country as whole adequate and efficient transportation ser WNW max vices the necessity for which is vilal and is acknow Whinem ledtmdbyev Vne NdvP Provided esent freight traffic iii maintainedthe hlkW it Wlllr 910M642 In newrotesshouldfimfeosrgvenues for our two rail Wham at V2 VV 3V wyo by $00 millions 831 millions for the Canadian Pm 1V Paeuictaomiilionsmirrc angclion National Withw NmMVJVWVNV oot my mother inqmeciorlwwsmtihfrdthm Vi 7V new faint hope indie my 458 in i311 mpmwurhardlymmeiemmikaepthenouonat VV It afmpdbrawrptumonthevinvestment In the Canadian Vr VV Adate with the One you like best and aldnngth you would toyour enioyrnent if Wmchester cigarrettesto give you smoking satisfaction Motthematandl wiumnrorgthanomrmm gt1