Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Apr 1948, p. 16

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at hw WVswmwmac inane srxmeu n2 BARRIE Emanuele mama ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY APRIL 1918 Invesfuf of Officers Aumen WT lTOfONlOI Friday Apr NV gNv 31 VIV kylltfenghgemg Vi WV QC ll ml Mrs Uiio 15 thundwb bl Willa int tllitli Mtitilyitu El Al llr Etc 394er 291 0th igt NmU VV ins and Lliiiricii w11 receive order ltllli Cl bbfns sufllld and decorations fllim the llulioi we now have 30m 1059 EXQmaltt Engllhh cnma 39s UVVMV hf THVVVVVH Muldn Ve fl Illkl pinto quietly Barire Plsbyltl met in Jubillwum Hay Lumian 035V Ht have been mm about and waning rm V1 45 15p lHbllrmll All Md iv lielitcnllnttlmiitiol oi ntllizu no be Mb 2an wk EV VVHJ VesVAngUSV hem Hng Am Em NV WV held mm FVMVVVVVV 59cm whuh Med but rye em rm Mrs 1llrl xllo ns telllor li1 to gtti iii lli1lill8 the en mumm aft Jack prices all ill tllficc LtliltililV Vlluli eldest doiighiei Bfvmewfk MfmtrV Most of the decorations wereV Si iliilx gt 11m lilifll llilld to Alex Milton lid in JKV Hf It awarded or mmwncm during moi ANSLEY CoventryI ih My Nail We mqm hmnlgiwnr bllt the backlog of manufawl ml Vl 1rd 3355 Tm lllt its iiiSt acquaintance 1l notiti llwl LV tune of the actual medals is lost ROXAL ROWN DERBY hatsworth zizil Ealiiil xiilll lum lilllce lute ill itilVilrtilcndtlllilll uthhVe ltgtriin no mukmg pmsibk mo invesmg xii JIimwn null lob Home and airmen be deemmu ROYAL DOUl1ONPustora1 $148 80 nil llitl iil Ll tilllli Emmi unilgfd MgzildfijmDJEmlg ed Friday tire all from cntrni VVVVV it yall Azlfl 311 HiifvrmW WM gtmd Northern Ontario Some til fillturn Ul Ll Vm um lill ttenhani preached the sermon tieolhcmam membws or the pun BARRATTS of STAFIORDSHIRI rttghltlll VkmwJV LinJ filmll 9mg llnilfvdjlhE thVlllllt permanent Air Force while and Tea 5915b irVw hm smriuy ibfm Hm mp mm Vt lothers are cmlians on the ROStHt knurtr5 Milli llxlllliiti VJ MW Sunl VVW ltk bfSelOll during vacancy of RCAFV SHELL llnl It MW Hi mg narrllted the steps leading LipViki The cmwnmw which num also 331 RKVLML will iil iii rl iltl an Cl 400 El CmeonI BIF my ldlltlnm Clm gt VV 1V er li guess Wt oy lt ViV to VIM Xi 195 pi min illtzill 019 mm 5m Rt liecipicnis will beheld in the Drill bIMI ORCELAIN DINNER Vsm lllk xll Mi and All lHi VV an 24th Biinic uddiessed lllt pcoplt IVVV VV Iiufulai 111 VV Swm am reg V00 rm Hall at RCAF Station Toronto tit VARIOUS PRICES VV Vm hmw 96 splendid lillithflll lf folk AVV Vd VV Vi lVdV MN 93 Jijllftfd Vltl WV it glaqum 311 VVblvhw VIVV all Or $350 CamETOHS mire present to tlike part in the 2V ilntz3d VVV AWL WIVIVVVEQVWVVM 21 31 clziiiircla inbuiltd to Eitfllrmti 11221 VVV Vilel VVx Lif lllm 54 24m service and welcome the new minl VthigUmv 19 2105 um mdl VV 32 mendili lFll ind ilis wife After the Wori tiloiglu VVV Wl 4113 ll 111 the tilizd and tonal llllltll g5 Needlepmlfdono 5hr sonmt the congregzmun on thelist are Warrant Officer ll ASK Uh AllOllT lllit FRIENDLY RIJHI PLAN 1i will MR VKHHW Fill li kA fn ill Villlidll 3311 Vl liilictoii St Phone 5189 lStfbl Llttl to the school room for so Bull 80 Pelltlanll Sin Bum In my Sim RV mum Von il VV Wm Mm WWW in how and further elcumehn Wm receive the MBE and VV um lllizlnll llii xctlihtrl PW by VV VV VV lJltIk flock of wild geese puss YVV IVVV inmh ll ll KNJW 11 lch mmwmglc ff HT til li ilnrrle Monday morning Mr and MW Jilth Th Wit 593 IVVlXVr vueu loite bi my hmpvmumt mm mm mm173 God Sign of elation ofthe parish was manifest UM Mrs Baltic Mm teammmi 75 mm Mk ahm1 5W to toward her and Mrs 11 DIAMOND MERCHANTS jnilt it lost Thl With the KllvHVB ml lino unmcs tit TiltU mi Ulllt llO had 50 my carried IRRIGATION FOR FARMERS with minimum 51 cleric llivim ihtlil leth lililodmkld $8 locrwiii mm Wk during ml Bclviltli tins and 1947 1000 Opposue PWtOmCP arm Vi HV iV 03 tinliimiilwl Will ml or long distance trips Active Ziifliufllnliglliauf SVIxfllilllnilll irrigation projects were con tmr ttluiis ll Burnt 11lloric44il 51th fl11lml lstructed under the authority of the all ithlHlmtl be pm Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Act titl Mllltlllldon ace VHVHVVVHV Mm mVV ANN HHS VlVARmVVV mm Philadelphia Athleti RP AthJzuk 15 not mi an average cost only $160 moi lhc Wasdlzu Bldtll wit and lnrplimnllit to lllltlllt iliibllolisi him wngnmV 93131 AmmV 1ng TVVVHVVVMV dVVUVVmVVVV NW mm mid mung corner to bimcot County As it Dmmnim NHnme Of mclcmnmy Club mepdl whm pro tllls your ii illlllltit Itcinsr mm lni 5lt=i will 5011 ilml DWH oi llcllrv 1lr1illii ill ll the lure litmi 1m vthors llllortl mom had Chum total 685 were built in Stlskatclic ponyiis 3mm in F105 TUWHSMDV SWIHMV liwi iliigtliiilitzoil to Mr glam Lf 1pmth Mm VIM MV llt field in 1914 mm 365 Alberta and 19 in igtli li liil tillell SliiiildtgummwMANN 15pm 1r1m VVV Vflf my 5310vr Manilubzr punt construction your IiuiJ MIGHs ill lWSlilU Slifter btlll ill lo Hmmuh rcgmar $500 pelt Wis 194041 when 32 wereconil Km VH in the man1 She VVVlhWVIV UVlVH hm mziiicnls now $350 also $1500 cold or even CISS plvwd WM 11 $7115Evenin Omll lllilslll rtiltilllil tor niost ti hor mm Ighmw 2781 PP 2m Sl Ambance ill lic is ll graduate nurse from Ladles Read Ths Toronto Western llospitlii uiillspcnt 30 9min FITSl AldCourse Wm LUNCH AT Cl1iilt ltzil lcillovcil iilsitliiilylmm hm mm in imk how buyers waiting for homes iii ll lIifdiiVVfVVthjVV The funeral took pliltt lucsllliy Ellw 30 Esmw 011 of ii class of 52 St John lithiumqmmlili tissnlimni March 1min hm mm mm lllillitl litiiilop Vht lhonc 3218P Ambulance Association students 47 yr f1 Rev Nit It Sinclair of Bririic tuu Dllillt examinations and one hund 11 ion Lillils llllllhlmilkll lucull 5011400 iilti which in hmd hm mks eavelrcd pClCLHtglldUllCd Th 9X417ll ICBI Cream WWW mm Woolly asked tcrnieni wns lit Angus United trough nod giilmmltd Sheets Ctummns we wrmeu March 22 BUTTER CREAM CAKE CandV UHVVVMV Vlm1 33 WmmidV jenwwm Hummus WC me Illicc your orders early for Valllhli Library llzill with Dr Will llirllitlt lxirlii Voolscy Bcrnnrd lnilllisli lliysillliShLVM WW1 WHk VMmms Tmllliric and Dr RG Taylor as ex Something new dlf esp ELIZABETH ST KAIIIX lltlllgti inept 19 Rmfom Thmmls nmkwurm Distiillll Shop 33 Buyfleld St leminim ducmm Brent in Cakes our well igViVl VV 1V VVVV Vr 1toV VlllltlllVli 119 I10in Duckumlh iild vlllinm lxiioyVthum lull 13 18p Previous In 0851mnbull had Golden Chiffon SuerVingzirc her fntlier one SIS1 VWo can fill your order for pictured to the classes over the COIlfllrtable rfnlzmd blmfhVV mek WV bllidm11pipm at gigs SixwcckSV period aided by Miss TRY IT 0W or or orlins iusmit up at Vim McKenzie who was in charge SARAH Blltl Vllovficld St Phones 5005 andloi dcmoiistrotion New 23m 1313 gtMrs Sarah Ann llillltllill form3 rileiipholstering clicsterfieldVigjllggcgn gmcgmggx Clapperton St Pli3ff Ml imd 73Ul Mlsomlifmm BrewersWillehOUSPvfmrm and Mum Store last Monday llllLll ml VH1 zit illtlichliltn and lintis le uilt andVBme Tamng one from Clarke Post Ofce Square home of her son LGiiliirtigluccl lnylor 81 Phonennd clarke and 13 others 164 Bradford Street Barrie 311411 for free estimates 15p Thcllmnlmll Wk 3mm wumm Hpmua vow cd Lblanketsi 35igklloalldggngogzdllylfdl 91v hello to blissful foct comfort Let our shoe 3113il lfllgi ifggigwhsffog233$ gfoagVmgggVhvmi regisinrmmg 13115 Lectulvgu BAKERY AND up in you more Locke permiilliy inrc given lrs tiurie 11 ii Flrst Baptist Church Collier St Baptle Church hugging ngllgtlllftdt 111 Vitlhlljxh idzmiago for illquVVvVVezils or BcrlotlersV Hood in Charge of the pram developed to relieveyour type of foot suffering RFV HUMPHREYS Factor Independent lion Cemetery lm Hill ipays for the dnmuc CaldWeils 15m work These studenm will write You Will marvel at the newfound foot ease an MiSS ElSle Cloughleyv ATCM REV MUCHELL Mmmnrihcr six sons Stinlev Wilter Vic ng swu plum 195 be May ll Chaice cgoked Meats these Drlocke Shoesso smartmthe Organist and Choir Leader WV Chem illin1 gm 0ch VETsz 112 at BWATVhV PASTRIES designyet so wonderfully benecial SUNDAY APRIL 11V 1948 Born in Erin Ontario she was gammy n3 cT Armopgoawcmed 3333230112 Iagigdaoogszldg FRESH DAILY in their scientic construction DRMWlOClE SUVDAYV APRIL 11V 1948 the daughter of William Indnisonm 17 11 IVORIVIIEI ViORSVilli and AH anSOn During her me C511talits10cfmyglitergsgnglclggIVV$32233lggniicfdigrgugkndg Saginglig AMMORNING SERVICE IM1 RZIBIAIL bElHOeOsL lshe lived in 0mm p0 Cmlnglsnle ll Cqmdhn Tire Corp As3to death Following play crowd QLti L1 1153 PM EVENDG SERVICE Inrlgwc WORSHIP 31lengindBFllfllfnhll5l fireman Store Phone 3502 15szwarmed onto the eld knocked PROPRIETOR Suhdu School meets tit 10 minutes mull mlL lNaredn down and beat him with iii in Mon ma Service Organizations that 50m Mowers hed sticks He died in hospital of 58 DUNLOP ST Opp Post Office Dial 2397 wmKPnlLMldVCOk Prayer Meet were comer Smm Chm Burtonlgg $5Ilnii2ne3nhcmljC2063Iiractilred skull Police istill are on in Ave Church 1ioir Aclult Bible 8k ker Wed pm Prziver ServiCe lhlirsdlivH pm Forward Bible Class or Come Sm 3Uml0d if Rev Enlem Lews orflqlatmge mg ms attic LEm lub Cmth Independent 0mm the icLommunion serVice on Oddicllows Ofiicc Stliil of Public All the fonowmg ve mem is lmr RZYZ 30330 Gordon Utilities Cotttiitission Purchasing be welcomed he 01le imam le Department Sm GMCV Hind church Mrs Gordon Bali lVIr and Mrs Findlay Galbraith Grace Gospel ma anspmldllm C0 md lMV licr Street Male Quartettc and 15 Leenngtonl 37 Mary Street Barrie HVVWV suwmng are her six SOUR UVOVMVV and MISV Hmold Maxwell Collier Sf United Church daughmE Mm llkinsonVtllsg Mary Maxwell Donald Max SUNDAY APRIL 111948 REV LEWIS MA BD TOIOmOi and Mrs Fl Goring Bar 91 and Mrs Jinmihm HOPM Believers Meeting Minister ric There are also 35 grandchild gdtllSTISS IPosmtthhi in and 31mmurahdchndren el mi ose PMSunday School Meeting Lloyd Crgififgstgrgam and lCommunicants class who joined are cordially invned the ChulCh were Marilyn Arm ARC strong Lois Bain Audrey Half mm SUNDAY APRIL 11v 1943 tlottenham Sentinel yard Glenda Robinson Elizabeth AMMORN1NG WORSHIP few hours after his admittance Wildman Paul Allems John to hmpml in Toronto H1IVlCockbtiln Bruce McCuaig Douglls Trinity Anglican ChUrCll THE CHURCH SCHOOL Pearcy passed awav Suffering Siairs VJ EV 13 CROSS BAu La TH 11 AM Nurseryi Beginners from hemorrhage due to stomach LllCEESthSlaanJQlhLllQ$iLl7 fgleMusjcfhiVH late on Thursday night but died about four oclock the next mornV ing March 26 Youngest son of James Peatcy Rector EriruaiILQeEt 230 PMSENIOR SCHOOL PittADULT BIBLECLASS PMEVEN1NG SERVICE fgb 800AMHOLY COMMUNION llDil AM MORNING PRAYER With the purchase HATrEREE PHON ijondVaygarideTuesdayi 4454 MORNING SPECIALS To Be at Beeton May 29 The music festival for the Bee of 1136 Aplifacgeziis iggartmem REV KERR and Eliza Pinkertonhe was born lonAlliStbn dlSlrlCtiSChOOlS Wthh 9o The choir of Trinity United Church on the 3rd LineV TecumsethV and come under the superVision of Mrs of the Sunday School cullingmod educated at Rich Hm school F01 Ida McKelveyV will be held at Beg 215 PMBible Classesi Young Peoples fireside following 300 PhiSUNDAY SCHOOL the service ton on May 29 in Beetons new recreation centre About300 pupils are expected from Alliston Disw time he farmed on the3rd line and then came to Tottenham 700 rmEvening Prayer Preacher The Rector selling cattle Becoming interested SChOOl Semions 17 13 and 15Te central ChurCh in municipal affairs he served onEmgggzofsgligeogmm STu the village council for several emen RSV AVBEWELL BA termsrand was in his third year asVVelrevM Simpson Garnet Speck 19 Park lde Drive C119 Lead MrSG Llenover reeve He was member of Tot GOXdOn Hu Chame Hammello OrgamSt tenham Masonic Lodge KenMny Yalgace Hoovelfaan SUNDAY APRIL ti1948 MR 3m Keenly interested in lawn bowl gggoolcbgdznrakmg comm 11 AM BREAKINGVQFBREAD SUNDAYAme 1948 ing he was generally regardda$i tions are requested to sendthem 32 PMS Bi one of the best bowlers in the dis un ay 00 and be to M1 Kenney festival treasurer c135 JillMr TH Egg1 POWER Vtrict and was iamlllar gure at D1 McKelvey is general vV 77 AVi7mww 7ii7wwrgz tournamentsi where hewonscores rm ZVPGmpMVemieung lThejonvcrsionon an Honest of prizes Among thOSe who 2233 ameetllrligsmenrrlitd til All Welcome seats free no collectior DOUbter ended the funeralwere numberi Lashley is secretary of bowlers from neighboring Clluncrrsclloor towns Possible completion of themme 11 AM Beginners Primary pmYoung Mens Class 230 PMThn General School Come to GodsHouseVon His Day BurtonNnue United Church Revf Li Carder BA Minister OrganistMr Ray Williams spubny Artur 114040 St AndrewlslPresbyterion VV REV JAMEsFERGUSONIBA assistedby Rev Reaylee Hm VI 73lidlETMORNINGtWQRSHIP VMAiZmSteP Aterment as made inM if lv lt was new cams$19M ULTS SlundayVSchool Serviceth tit VV2VPMVand RM PM All Departments of the SUNDAY APRILVHV V1948 1V1 AMMORNINGTWORVSHIP Preacher ThewMinisleer PMAll Departments of we Sunday School itriVbutesV from relatives friends and organizations with Which Vheyvvas larity where he carried on dray busi ness for few years SinceVV then he had been engaged in buying and lie was unmarried and lSsiirIi vived by his brotherSam of To rontoIfwo sisters and one brother predeceased him funeral Monday afternoon was erx1arge1y attended by town and cochltrypeople county oili cials and cdimty councillors Ser vice athVisVlteijesidence was con ducted by RevGebrge Purchase conncted gave proofcf his 130qu including the woodwork is Wely this summer according to Father Lally oi the Martyrs Shrine an iv Midland and Penetang ran cut of butter on March 28 and itwasV feared the shortage wouldlast 2E to weeks The pallbrers Were iWilliarti Hammond PeterV McGoey Thornas UNDAY APRIL it1948 CHML 830am 19 Lite Gospel program Adjutant and Mrs Strachan SUNDAY APRILII 1940 mill ming330 PM ll AMHOLItVlEVSSVMEETINCVl ServiceV73PMr 230 PMSUNDAY Sermon 37 73 700 PMsatviltloll Meeting Well pmPllOWshlb Club Thurs PMHOME LEAGUE iiP wzilllturottr SERVICE This was turned down by the Councilwhich is howlconsidering Board members 10 15 instead Vreommended that palkink meters be installed on the business streets onehour parking limit Annuatlrepoct61VONinOrilw lia showedreCeipts of $530873 and smmmcntsVof $400769 It was decided to reduce the number of or 35 of other years ofth also Smoked Fillets Cured mediums BUTCHER 0m 3014 manila trict High School AreaBeeton and Alliston public schools and bastions of old Fort Ste Marie THE RosETTE SHOPPE 1iciiiiinlrsrmfs WEST Startfoetus mil valuabierms antiquarian 876 WalsthSamuel Ht tins 1pm EVENING WORSHIP Valkgmagd 555mg REEWMETHODlSTY mch iwism 97 COME TQCKURCH Drillia Police Force has redlgest VV ff lb Vi 200Bayfieldfsc ill flinsliie Exile gull 35353 BEEF P031 GIVE from eon CoATVTHAVl mom4572 it P1 Wm WNWkM 91 AM NEW L90 nEVND3ICHASE The SOIVOlW Army Mime if9ms VE IPI Let Us SoientlficallyCleati Yolilcoiit The 1110le thfLFLgildgprOrship Chi 0f Policelcarson 0f Orillia VVFRESH SALMON During Storage 44

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