PAGE FOURTISEN iitiiiiiin LIGHTS lCttiiZtistAtl Empire and was ream his sleep niaiids that plenty of every In Five of iaricpy Ila stayed Inins Pore aizuiager lleli was rial ccloi ll big aria tliil rtat DAV vou Just after lhcre are latt small lune Ulliltlll tl tll recall Junior 13 finals of Estahllshcd 30 Yuri txtcllr 117 NItgtt beat out llairie titmi lltlIlll structure the tttt from thel Sonic features of this wonder was told welllfui cosiantriiity centrethe Of flicllolrulzi hilti audi hail room 40x50 lfect and is used for informal gattcizigs dances concerts etc gxtellcnt cursine of the coffee hoitCldt2thttl comparable to opolitan hotels it has snack and table r1lc the chef lc waitresses attractive and courteous No wonder we all travelled over theie thiee times uay lnc gymnasium is 00qu wirli athletic apparatus and eoiidi Ironing eipizpinent can also be used for large dallustilld mect 155 There are six regulation btl111lillltb During 1930 ati avcrage of 000 guriics per Lia cit played beating the previous iritti fut DIX itllt by 130 Lliltiics lkl day it The curiinr rink was the envy of Jack Boys and Art Smith chief =roarin game enthusiasts along for gt pittpa iiii up in il ii to iii gttizlir Sallflllflll lllh lUVk llll Ilm MClnlylc MN Li mm pm my Arena has adjoniing the hockey RH Esme Mk Mi drum Ulkritlisltloll another rink with six Houses Lots tobacco 34 mgtliecli of Ice vlltflt is record tnffal warms exchanged mm mp tum Supt membership lhicc years ago fare of artificial ice under single KR NO NEW LOWELL timi the North American cori PHONE 102124 tinctzt has dressing rooms with steel lockers tile shower mm helm rooms hot and mid watci luxur 45123 mus lillltt card game and corn ziiittek rooms lltllllhllltlgs were Your mortmi Wm dime by Hillt of Canada fore iimt tltlttlltl deerramps EA tiger not my RAW Wili waMnfituV Ha THEREAL OIL PAINT THAT THINS WITH WATER Decorate tastefully and easily yct economically SPEEDEASY is so quick and easy to use so inexpensive lust mix with water no special thinners needed 10 PASTEL COLOURS AND WHITE THINS WIT WATTR gallon mixed with water makes up to gallons of paint ONE OAT OVENS Apply over plas ter wallboartl wallpapcru con cicte brick ll EASY I0 WASH ln aborit weeks you can wash finish with mild soap and water DRIES IN HOUR Thou you can replace curtains and furniture use the room INTERIOR FINISHES Ill interior liiiiislics for walls and woodwork Cll Viiriiisltes to bring out the fullhcauty of natural wood these are inarxellous Ionics for drab rooms dull oors and Stairways Like all flll Finishes they have the durability thelongterm economy you rightfully expect from high qualify paints it to mud Theres CiL Finish for everygpainling needinside and null Before you paint whether chaira room or house 36 BAYFIELD STREET JOHNSTON ALLANDALE FRASER LISLE YOUNCS GENERAL STROUD llelN$UREDAI NOEXIRALCDST Without 00018615 Rates 101081 3500 lower than Government ceiling 000103 3500 even torlet N0 fliilll lyric security lunrst Stilt you WILSON BLDG P4 Square Kl PHONE 2325 STORE ZototloooLorrie1 sietirNIIQ tuitiongrin neuron eeesiaim iiar tiie club had 430 curlers playing lll lthree eighthour shifts llecently the Northern Ontario champion lships were played at McIntyre with an entry of 130 rinks There 515 spacious lounge dressing rooms ilJlt glass case with numerous trophies on display ice surface or Barrie 180x80 and 2000 seats It is open for seven weeks every July and August for figure skating schools attended by skaters from all over the contin ent Average daily attendance in 1043 was 125 During the nunch season floor is laid for roller skating dances carnivals etc There is also practice ice rink nearby size 30x60 with mirrored lwalls used by the figure skaters lso they can see how precise is their skating During 1041 the Schumachcr skating club had tmcmbcrship of BBQwith two pros ilhis is now said to be the largest club in Canada It is at this Mc Intyre Arena that Barbara Anti Scott comes every August to prac tise She is due at Schumachcr next week for the annual carnival as star attraction and the place is sold otit They are running spec ial trains from all directions Bar lbara Aim has already booked time for training next August We met Dr Paul at the curling rink Dr and Mrs Paul are close friends of the Scotts and it is at their home that Mrs Scott and Barbara Ann stay when they are iii the Gold Belt It was perhaps just as well your correspondent arriveda day later than themain party Some of the camp followers were rather weary by that time we discover ed biit they soon perked up The trip up was enlivened by much music First of all manager Howz ard Norris had his violin along and coach Leighton Emms pro lduccd guitar which surprising ly enough he can play Then when you add the voice of His Worship the Mayor and Bob Bing leys rendition of McNamaras Band and April Showers you 1Iavc considerable talent This lyvaspcoiitinued on the way home letnday afternoori except that everybody forgot to bring Howard Norris fiddle along and it was left behind under bed in the hotel It has been restored to its owner in Barrie by now we trust The party was well represented professionallyby lawyer ildcntist and doctor The latter was kept fairly busy patching up the Flycrs and at least one of the followers Sudden change of cli mate food and water does not agree with everybody However visors one nightThe sympathy was touching As the train pulled out of Tim miris at 130 pm Sunday it seem ed as if half the town was on 1hand to say goodbye to the Flycrs Some of them wcre doing very well on the platform Wc had the company of Mr Kenneth Holme shaw in our car and he took quite riding from some of the boys but it was all goodnatured kid ding The music continued for most of the day but it was early tovbcdfor the Flyrs At one time it was bit unsafTo walk unwarily into the smokeryou were liable to get cup of water in theface One guess who start ed that Howeverin many ways the coach hadsuccess that night It was tough getting pulled out at 400 am but the train was right on time and the Barrie party was unloaded at Bayview Parkthen thome for more sleet Montreal lhere we comel WKW lllllll 011111 Aluaii WIiitiyou 00000850 Quickas ajtlash gamma AQCMQW vw THE fillith The arena itself has exactly form there werctdo many medical ad prodhce in syrup was still Vagailablc ingbdth igallontins and small jars Maple sugarrwas offered at two cakes for FREIGHT TRAFFIC llisr traffic department see Jefferson position of general traffic illililittlti at llf right ltltl leiald lltam tbotton managers at Montreal and EXAMINER Imrairr Mir liltttlll llilckiiighaiii ONTARIO CANADA 1lill ltiipottant changes iii the flop loft assume the Montreal 11 Gillis ttop system freight traffic lltilfllll l1l1lllt taking over the port of freight traffic Ittiier at Winnipeg for Western Cun ada and lmted States Pacific the FARMERS ll BOOK Al letnllI TAX llllltli lfeeently om oi the dailies lfl tured story of man standtin on busy slicct corner and utter mg to sell 510 bills for 31 fit made very few sales because llll passersby were suspicious We can imagine theirchagrin on read iiig the tltspit1 account am learning that the bills were genti ine The new larm accoitnlbook ir like that $10 billtit iSitltftlltlllt Its value has already bden attest ed to by many leading farm organ izatiotis and farmers It was designed by the JCptltl ment of National Revenue in sincere effort to help farmers for save them time trouble and win ry There are no strings altaclitdi The account book is free for thc asking By using il the farmei in no conceivable way obligates liimsclfaiiyniorc than if he had never seen or used copy at al First and foremost it provide farmers with simple bookkeep ing system few minutes each week will enable him to keep ac curate records These records will agentres John owan was in the VCllilll BEETON April Ll Il lltllt Graham of Toronto was home ltll lllt holiday the Mr and Mrs Mel lalmer spent weekend with his parents Mrs ltl10tllt is visiting her daughter Mrs Brett in Alliston Mr and Mrs Jarditie of Toronto ate holidaying with his parents Miss Glasgow of Toronto was the guest of Dr and Mrs Spear mg ion is holidaying with llfl par crits Miss lhclina lloake of Toronto rltttll the holiday with friends in pitrents lttlAll Mr and Mrs llutl Gould and laniily spent the holiday in Mon lical Mr and Mrs roroiilo Bill McDonald of Mr and rs Pearson latters parents Mr and Mrs Lorne Hamilton spent the holiday liord show him exactly where he stands Mr and Mrs Find leat progress his farm is mak ingAwhere lie is making otlnsing money These records in the count book are numbered to cor rcspond exactly with the ll tax In April next year when the farmer makes out his tax re turn for 1948 all he need do is transfer the totals from his account book directly to the form He eliminates the need for and savesl himself the cost of expert help farm acl Mr and Mrs Notlcy of St Cath ariiies were the guests of her par lents Mr and Mrs McDonald lhe sympathy of the community tis extended to the Coborn family oh the death of loving mother Grace and Marjorie lorter of Toronto were The isscs Nancy yoiii Miss Janet Meltertnolt of litlltlll etc the guests of his Newton Robinson spent Sunday with the of vith tin it ll Till ngii 12 Yiiiiize ncv BMW ii of ltiiitltld il lily lifl daughter 21 Hill lical by Mr and Mrs ii Lirisuri spent lit lr Easter ll1 11 Jeff ho days with the lattei pairtits Mr and Mrs Earl Wiec The llslilblll rlcirclicts Amlri tron wrll meet an Stroiid puiiliclif rarilens aml Porcupine Combines PHOLSTERING Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs Repaired and Recovered Stratfprd llpliolstering In school on April 13 pit Mrs lloy lootifcliow attend ing fedcizitetl wt floatJ tau7 mg in loronto ilil week Come and enjoy tliiitlhmnV pranks and follies iii lecks lint Boy at ttitimizmty llall See Coiniiig Hunts LongiatiilatioIii to Stioud litttli cy team on entering the finals in ORUA llll ll Were till lJLllllltl The WI 1ll meet next llllllAi day Zlfltllltnin Apia 1l iii the Hall when tlic tlttill of olliccisi Will he held The program will lltl ili tliirigc oi lilt Writtiiel conventis Social Rev lrirslcy conducted thcl United liurch tlvtti in Allistonl on Sunday and llcv Dorrian of Alliston the service here Lloyd tlootti sang beautiful solo lhink on the Way oiigratulzitions lo lias who celebrated his Tilrd birthday anniversary on April it llc was the guest of honor at large tamily gathering in the flail here on Monday evening Mr and Mrs Nelson Watson moved last week to their recently purchased new home the Win Black lartii Mrs lllack and child reii have taken tip residence with tier mother Mrs Fans in the wt lage Mr and Mrs John lltttitl ceivcd vord lal week of death in latleiia Sash of llobt Brewster in his itith year Mr Brewster was born here and spent lt the the earlywpart of his litirt 111 this community His wife was the former Hester lloovci of Stroud Presbyterian W015 Mrs Robert McDonald was llfnl css to the members of Stroutl lttfr WMS for their March The VicePresident Mr byterian meeting April meeting was changed to Friday 24th meeting in Collingwood Mrs Campbell had flllllgfdll the Study Book and presented it in the form of radio program Mrs Bruce and Joint Cowan sun as an opening prayer find of t1iclaiid and Mrs Aycist look the scrip lure followed by meditation and prayer by the leader Mrs Harrison Misses DOlC311LitStlt and Jean Campbell and Mrs lrrank Cowan told tlichtory of Mission work among the many races in our land and of those carrying it on Mrs acted as commentator Mrs John Cowan brought the meeting toa close Official Visit to Minerva Lodge lopplctoii DDGM of Victoria Lodge No 470 Waubauslieiie paid an official visit to Minerva Lodge No 304 Stroud on Tuesday Mar 30 Over 100 visitors and Minerva Brethren attended Wm Suth crland WM and his officers were complimented bythc DDGM on their efficiency The inspiring talk by the DDGM was very insectici we and much enjoyed by all pre sent Visitors were present from Corinthian Lodge No 96 and Kerr Lodge No 230 Barrie Lodge No 305 Weston Coronation Lodge Elmvalc Simcoe Lodge No 79 Bradford Mt Dennis Lodge No No 236 Cookstown After the meeting the Brethren adjourned to the DES Chapter Room where bountiful banquet was served by Easter visitors at their parental ladies Of Inmsm Chapteri 0135 Stroud ome The sudden death of Harry lcaicv of lolteiihatn came as it shock to the community He was widely known as an ardent lawn Equallyimportant to the farmer bowler the farm accoimtlmok shows hiinl the deductions he can make for ex penses and for depreciation inuch for example he can deduct for depreciation on barn4a trac tor or any of 75 different items of common farm equipment Additional advantageous fcax lurcs explained in the farm ac count book arc the year Average Plan and the Basic Hcrdn Both are optional The farmer can use them or not as he sees fit his personal advantage to do so and the farm account book shows him how In brief the farm account hook and Income Tax Guide has been designed in spirit of fair play to help the farmer and give lohim all the benefits to which he is entitled by law He has nothing to lose and everything to gain by giving it fair trial In the words of theH9iiuiiizibl0 McCaiin MD our Minister of1 National RevenueOur farmers are the mainstay of our prosperity Miss Martha Smart wa chased by Mrs Rolf Miller of gt In many instances it will be to from 1946 l1ic property on Queen st be longing to the estate of thclatci has been purl Lacombc Alberta The Legion held very success ful Euchre on Friday Prize winners were Mrs Mrs Hall and Mrs Petc Varbanski Mr LEU CATTLE MARKETED Inspect during 19 cent decline Canada cent while in Eastern was per cent ada and whcnwe help him we help every citizen in the land c==o=ror===or Business was not bricilbrisk at the farmers market On Saturday but there was good display of someilincs Maplelt 15 it ngs were plentiful also carrots and parsnips Potatoes said at Eggsraccurding to sluran quality dozen Dairy butter Yearling chickens 4050c 38C to 406 60c 50c 40c to 50 Onions Gqt Carrots basket Potatoes 6qt 75lb bag Parsnips baske Apples basket SWede turnips each lBeans lb 50c 50c Home Baking Tea Biscuitsdiizn Buns Pies BARRIEjo MARKETEI FMWNWN2 $2225 forthe 7511 bag buf nfew seconds sold quickly at $140 gt AireragepIices werensfollowsr 70c lBoilingwl I5c lMaple syrup $125 qt Vegetables Fruits Etc $225 2750 SllEFISl April 3l Letts Ed Bell Summcrton and Mr Gibbons prize for series lVltS Westwood andElwood Gould cg slaughterings ofcattle amounted to 13 mil libn heada declineof22 per cent There was 30 per in Wcstcrn Canada and 10 per cent drop in Eastern The total spectcdkillgof calves was 667000 he decline of 12 per cent from 194 In West ern Canada the drop wax per Qt it shouldnt take muchpon rderingl Not when Heinz Heinz Junior Foods aier AN EDDY QUALITY pnooucr lltirtnnl owing to 11tlilLilll Campbell Prayer byx 599 Weston and Manitoba Lodge CR9 TEL atioiis tuTli It Ram Leighs Corners The Oa between Barrie went to April and Mrs laitri gr on the birth of son Miss Peggy Taylor County but is writing Mi aiid les Eleanor Jerriiey spent the and Mrs kland Hill hockey teams tended the gaziie iii Maple Lent Flyers lull ten dame by Sr edrcsdny lift her iiullir Cecil Di Mr and Mr 1l bansmoi and daughters Barbara and fi othy spt tit Saturday tltttirig ln Hamilton and Toronto Bliss Mar garet aiii liarston accompanied them Single copies of The llxuiiiiuer Ic iiorii news dealer cm WEEDS ARE WASTEFUI eetl tnlllltil should he eierv farmers linsiness litcause his litliliooil iiop losses from needs are at least twice as high as laws on tillahle hind hie tlltli Iiiiislartl plant for lllslttlllt lakes TIflof pint of water tlail four times as much potash and twice as much nitrogen and phosphoric acid from litSoil as one tlal plant does erls may he classed as annual biennial and INHH Iiial liaeh type has its own eliaraelerislies and presents its ll problem ll coiilrolis only one of Humber attrition VfiffetisfrOm which to cheese his retain mineralshandyitamins in nOrrIral babysiet really which babyis olderliarouiid wave months15 tipting varieties bf Bab yFoods 4O ei 25 delicious 5servicerandyourerliikeeinziBRbyii Feeds Heinz Junie Foods are menus And allof them nourishing constantly checked and tested in cliosen specially for babies from the Quality COnttol Department1 xthe pick of the nations meats for flavorj color texture and vegetables and fruitscooked and nutritive value Spigiv your baby vacuumpackedngthcir freshest to foods that been thldependable name of Heinz Look for the cam high and upiformv degree And plate litre of Heinz Baby Foods Httl are ltllllilt iiteuace lo for Free Pickup And Delivery Call wA Lowe Sons Phone 4365 Free Estimates 5th farm the troublesome problems which practical men fllilll at ttttil1rtlltlllhllllrillltlllgli cultural colleges are dealing with llte lxlltilitllilllfl cperitiiee of these iiieii are yours for the asking ltos permits farmers are making use of this sery ice continually les sening work and increasing crop yields llorlil tllhiiltlfltlllll farmers have made good use of the srHiee of money Uliflttl by this liaiik we invite respoii silile men and women lo lake their financial prnltletiis lo the inthiitiIitttl friendly manager of our nearest lllillllll 5MB BARRIEjl Nettleton Mgr ALLANDALFIT SaginawMgr hisi