PAGE TWELVE auiNER mmSDAYIAPMLBI WI Three ChampionShips Denided iIV EXFIYerS Return To North i3clY lSuiioitWBtiot Woodbridgvei WWWWm AA mac amino 22 ttt etl attlusuIV in Canada with Ulxllllllh its tight mum lln Deciding Game 86 II IVlv tlllltillttlll pussitithttes for our reported II Senlor Series ismptth tlllgiltitd tiiuiilgiauts tug Vj lllt tptittoit lxpttSrlililllVE au liiere Were lt12 2t unlintshml wVAWAV mm INV 34 rv gt In kt II mg II II yIIHII uttmln tl bill it ldmlxiui inst itutlat in uliala ti tld til it Th II IV II II II II lIIIIIIII WIIIIIIVIIII SpImlI mm tillrrllthiltIe Agriculture was according to Dutiuiztun Bureau elmt lmt sz gt 23 II kinm awn hm TIMI rated laid on the oppoilunity inf Statistics titliclctt survey report hittlmi lll 21 III In gum hrrnahnh let by most but lttiiibering eon Ied iii The lInaiictal lost Conesl Ml avt gt II Imalmi tIvMIdbndgt In In llltliili llzttltb lllttlltig lzlld many bonding tigure Itll ill yearI wire at ltltll OltlH Senior Irioie named lines of iitdiutithruil 4Ult0 ttillipletvdtn1967 SIIHII WIIII III III HI Iltigttgt on IVVtoptets to expert mcmdtug to an NunDB part tuth tetii fttllll llltlttitl wen Ilurtl vmtlVtAIV on the tllnltlll std turn an estimated 7tlIttt houses ttttec Vt shunt mm mm wuv mm NV le ttilt III Moia Yul iit which saw Barrie Arena almost tilled wttlt tiearlv 2000 wiltll Atheering and heavily stitukiiig ens SVIItlituI gt II ituiiters about till per cent of Iiltllt lIIUm Vim gum anlbmigp By the third period the smoke twas so heavy one could haitllyV Viv hm iset lltitll tillt 0nd If tilt Illtk Vuw ot II HI III II II tlhlzliVulttl VA Ttilt other Afterwards Sutton sup ItoItit titllt1 Ill mm lltllth itll klltlltl tilttlh itllli hiltlh if tlnrft It Iing o1 thirltnV HI ilt gt= IVEIII liltlt tlt man IJdm ii ttips ilutit tuptliilLur lull Itlllk lt II VIIII III5III III gt statt tut tliud stanza and by tiittl IIIIII III Inmmuum vtuVt II Imu IllAIKI game in the bag with WI ml athvl onion ItH itll All Dilli Nugget lct will MANN iitAlilIllt itlhl lead ollll Ulll lilt Vtitltiblhhh till lllvl litiitiwumw mum Ai it lm lttntIt tlilti iIIiLu itLttll ILL if Ildl IAt1 Hl ttaIi lllttItit tItittt ti toniibatk Iii IIII It gthtrhttlutl III IIIIIIIIIIIIJ III hm hit it1lli llultlttIiltilll the it rollH the last tire minutes to score twice II IIIII MuIIIII mum IN wl tr tlx lttt been askctl mm titt News that l4 ll III tllt itt Ilt tip tit ta glut untIx It turns Arent oit sorrv MA hAli Mvtrti At tthlhtlwh Stilton were inittlitlg tthail to get mh mum imMV 1L MinnIn antlulul Ytllltriitd llulthHlNtm ott tiltili tItli llaitte llyers this terI lhi HHMAVVII ltl Haul that round over as the teams up shortening mix in twmughly with fork Add tit hH hhllthtlMHUImuimhw lI lltItt II Hmim lilliilaliluull pittiittuitltl In intuit pun and IIIIIII IIII II III IIII MI mu nunht umI st out in nn lit VVv MI IIIIIIIIII um MINI mm WWI tAt wt itolttt Il hm hudd iiiiihilititmitV1iii3iiiiIimliliiigiiiilmitiiiiiiitiiittiitti ILtt StttttVx titatlzt It lctVttr II VIIII VIII tlnals by Vlfltlt of tile victor gt st tiit ItVt lilt sun lnnta tittpitte lttr tml itttliltl With to lt li llArt ltl tAVlt VVww UVtcit All HtrV tw VIIIIIIII IIItIIIIII II III It tightua neutrals Rdyi ViltVltI ltllilttt tttti lttt ll an II II dII 7y mm MIN VINum tutmt HawIII uV the InoI lInt 223RlflilfjI 5trdul11taal II SIIIIIII IVII II IIII IIIIIIIIIII VIIIII IIIIIIIVI INHIV IIIISI IIIIIIIIHW II III II IIII time bents ii III III an II IIIIII VV Htliil HIV 21 iIIIt if the liilitt UH il It HA li iltt it iVIa Itt ltltit liQtlt II ttV ttV Vi lIlt ttot lit it Miv lit3h It INN mum tVIImVII Hutuc QIIIIIIVI II Hm IIMIV VIII LII Milli Ltltsx Si rV Ii All itailvaia ilitE Al tini lieltl ol itillllt LII II llir Mi and EI tt l=lll Postponed games were run otl VII lititutt liked itllllllt lll Will It it 11 MINUh mush up tunI IItltI Von the tititeriils coathi Itltltl lo tiiaV lllill iltlt lli itillil MIIIIIIII NmI SIIIIIIIIIIIIII MIIIII IIIII =l IIII IT hi hi hang Uh pVoitaIlt was the AHI llxltue lie would hatt IlIittttlIII tttllng tho iII Il II III III II II WW NU Haw Runch and iitlttll at llaIIIiI stiyg iIlcourII lIIil Vott tutti IIIIIIIIIIIIII BaumIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IV Vstati Sinloii Iitltl we ol cIII IIII IIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIII IIIIII tint it Loud wttahk5l lttl lIttII tlilt it It I1oti IIIIII IIIII III Imam Hum would haw made the playoth ihtoV In itliutlx III bltlti on ht IV in qtittI Iii ttv ill Vt li MilVitI Iinl mtth Inul to cite Vi Mart lIIA VI VIV ti lititlltt statement that he wasI lilvt hate in In Itititl Ittx happy at lshtttta was borne out to lllrlll but cant tuttltt up tlI Ilil anli llx iltlti in hV ptrtoriitaiite tillftlie ion IoiVli Ititiotiiiia to taco llieiu III tiitlltitti litt III to win aiiathansi got plenty titlitii Ithlitt Hooch lo lutll my 1hrwnwmimwd Hubs W0 ilillill ll iltlilll tllitrl VltItlI tilltl tItIv call lll out iiltl lti pit II II DIM ll mud ul Hmwlalm nu New MT lt It Iut ti ti lr iltrt ItiViut lt III ml Jlililt to Kit louu iit oti Hilly lh Mm Mum ml V9 Hubs 51 Ummv vim 0mm Mm ll it of Bullilti tIIIt ant moatV tuttIVu IIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIII IIII lll tlllill Nlll HANlllhtI leotiiisiiig Dave Sandy Stand ItimlIitnIit IIiIIt Mild In notion of Int llttlltl duality Saturday April Thu mu Im lll trson accounted for brace while iIt iaightust lIGAMES llill Ferguson found single to Detitnrlolilr it IIIIIioloIilv with Cuittiditin lhitilhl Hermit IIIHI Ht Mtllllthi illlthlll 13 lllvt NtW Wm their mu With II II III II tl iAet llll clubs tum liltll kzttes iii Wuth scoicd tho nr MW All 194748 Unemployment Insurance Books rIIIIVIIIIIIIIIV IIIIII lII II WI In they set back the highlytouted ClOlke Clarke Bowlers NIMV MAI II mum ht muttIt 37 was no ex Toronto Maple Leafs by 95 De Expire aFCl 315t 1948 Lillllti Iteption with our names takIIt ttoit brought til Dave Sanderson EInon 3rd Annual Dinner mm In and Jack lailter from their Alll New books will be issued the National And Dance Of littslittrrh iI rlll StlttVititl saw iillsiltlllVil farm club to give them added THE CANADA STARCH co swim Au iltIitllttr hum tiaough to It 70 win scoring pttnch Actually these Employment omce to employers but only larkc av larke 11th lowl over the oiicthearetl littlan llis twu boys with the help of John when old books are completed and turned in lug lttbs annual illllltt and oiis Garry Long bluntle righti Liltkit WON lht game 01 the lltt on Toronto tlaiice vwas held last lhurstlav SIk will tttI vaih loads of tight and skating Sanderson fired no less to the evening at 1th Th and It was aii WWII t1lohit llaloiiey starkraving lrish than live solid scores into the cage enjoyath putty Month thpI IIIIIIIXIIIIIIIIII II comm glttiurhpudittl tho attack while lack Garner won himself Employers are urged to exchange Unem clttb tlllttit all the IIIangVIiteiits JUVImiHInW llll three goals each hat trick John Lackic tireless In ur liltltlILit regarding piogIatii and PI Montreal tauatlicus had little atid shifty prospect tallied sitig 0y ance 00 Imme CY entertaimnentwwliile the limit doni III trouble with Ioronto Maple Leafs 10 atod the dinner Vic Berry piesiI AIIMIUIIH kn Iii their Nlllt tixture when they loiouto gas looked after by tV dent of the club was in charge tolled to an ll3win oacli Bert Doug Baker and Don Bates Baker Penalties are provzded 01 failure IttuppI not In any ItItttut need 01 secured three goals and Batcs two AIIIIIII IIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIISIIIIII George lrlekegeneral IuaiiageileARRIE iremtillcements used It lew lads Bill McCullough picked up two tn complv mild lht Presentation of thei limit his farm clubs there 01 1058111555 Fticlic Trophy to thc playollthant lor experience The boys made til Montreal Canadiens had IhOiI Dims lht CilldhlillsV tUttSiSlihl 01 good Httfhllhl All lhtmAlthS it 0105051 Cau 0f the 5035 IVm Mrs Hazel Rayner Mary Mont Doug Baker found his way clear the had to come from behind to Hoiiiery John Rayner Iim Dickcyl tor three Ken Robertson rushed WWII New YIork Rangers 134 111115 Jack Earth and Fred Skinner co Molbvls Baffle Cant90h In for two mt toss Graham was keeping their undefeated record captains Each player received an nmmmtlm Ch played 3mm good tor one lhlilCl tllhhtlilt inthlhhml tiluquv hitimam Toronto Slrtuhgmvm VthliIIJS Hlhtt hiltlh Dtllllli CAALMURCHSON JGBlSSON RloTAUAON Flith Ilmitlktdlhitl it was just Hub bumrdHY Marc 27 and and DH Will0 Stthtd lht CLOSELY RELATED COi CIICii Ci lll years ago that ther liatl stailedtmlmd 1h lp5 Strong maittiiig goals Ailcuis and Doug the Hull lvIttiztIt tlllllt to but New York ltziugers ll Inm ttuAna tillSLIllltLitiIY llltilll lack Garner uotching two and lttytiVrvutwe thI Ih Ivttllt th lmtt ftCOtTllllJIlfiiit3ll OS mrmwn lhltttl Ill Willlli lllVI IA tVoIAc than the limit of Paul Brennan one for Cleveland IlIIiIIDIkIHIWI IIIHM immll Millh HHS VV Tutonto tillllll ltlfil ltotu llttl in the Nlll games Detroit Red IiliV Ill Ilttl lLt it IA Vi tt iVVlJn ll li WW Marble is crystalline type of ULCQ tIvepin bowling among plant eiiiIBifm my games and had brace earlytrill one living limestone compressed by nature lilovecs in an Iiitoriiial way btit Whe the Shathgowam 1013011 two years later they gotthe league may Barrie AIlmomy Ii Don Bigclow Frank lawn and established and It hadbvm IN March lSHI the Garrisous easily John Mammy Von Mars who hit each year This was the third the homo Courts hit the score Siltri iu the one annual banquet Clarke so lmtutIlt Cillb had mllCh Strong sided rout II league was the second of the many um um they brought Barriel Jack Gardner vltli five goals operating in Barrie and the oiilyi Th my mints mil by Bani paced New York llatigetsto Ill0 trio outsideot the town lcaguei man Ctr VOIVCd win over Dcttoit llcd Wings in the with an annual hillttlltl 1110 mmV 0mm Gall Second NHL Llmlt lht morning Walls of Tillt Barrie Itlxv mt lcam king llllllltlhl Ted llowcintt also shared in the Iamlncr made the presentation of mm he n0UHh Billlit victory latching three counters lilaqucs to the Ramblers who liti glilizrs WIS luvangblg that Dmlg Astlht With llilh ilhd Ishod IIII IIII III III InaIII SIIIIIIII1II Iro ers tram Ian amtth 13 Leonard may win In VUIIIPIMNI Bnhys firstsolitl fooilsoftcn catiscdigcs AV but lost to the Cardinals in the hum the W15 dtllbhA the scorlule III 20 whip Mm Farmer Tissmgum gt Vtive upsets even when they are Cintmcr pllyw In tho mm mm mm VV ateaiiied with Mrs Ted lnesoii for HUN Vdndtlbtth hitll Bicdtt placc btiatlottl luthans tlooitd Chilly mined This is because they Jack Custom and AmhIV mymtIIa tic iii ladics doubles Hamilton Tigm hmh the IA CImin COM bres and cells which captain Mr Walls remarked that JHUVmg Bdlllt 01111150 posttioii til the league standing but vi he had been tum out Ramblers Didh Ht lhI TQIOMOA MlMS well btillllti the leading weii must be penetrated belore nourishment Were the best team and someone Wing nId DUNS K511n5v Miss Sound hlercurIvs who had but been mnbcassimilatcd retortcd itittlt must have Iitteti1 MCGWEW Mm Amu ltlhilhth yum 501an WNW mink Kenme Mrs Allister IttitlierlortlI VI hhyts exdusivv ImmerZnIm prncess explodes the out that Ramblers won the most IIYIIIIPWIcIyJMCIfngm Max IIIIHIIuamaoumuuunnMinm3 gt names in In rump SHMIIIII hm cllll rs food cells and breaks up theIcoarsc fibres As airesult like the windshr Spitlites they tied Ineson Fred Andeitoii Hollis baby Can digest Libby itmtiS mme Cnmpletely Hm ItU smwmmg did iEIUDfIPOHV DL nlthhhw III In pactm IIIWTSII otiis Aithtii Mclxetizte eiIaldV Contractor II my VI SW Cl Iveml Dick HendprsrmI Intutmurr PultIISflhlI 8150 MIV alld MISI huh WIIIIII Ingram homogenized in two hmtrsVAntl tests prove that even Dicks Bums BIIMIIIE AMUIIVIII met ttssmgion and Frank TimingV or aStxwcekoltl baby can digest III with jump mukaI indiillllllly Abbotts ot Owen Sound BURNER madO m0 presmmmm U1 lliSI1tlll of OIillla Corbett Agnew and and RCpttils Iibbyseasily without digestive Mu winnelsvilo Ami ltiv who also came down to fill out th VI SALES SE ICE upsetsI II mcns high average to Lorrie Bdll am WII Ili Hi 208 IQWBII bit Btllitl IIILZIIIIIeFLnIIIzoIzr ILlaike loi llltllslllgil lilltt to IIIIII Am IAIIOIIIIEI CIICIIIICk II II ii Vlll lli 0NlY 12 at pm 4725 tollbbylChotlIumOnt ChmiomKmt 01 Womens high Jack litter formerly three toVMis Jan Dickey for of wgtmr gleanm Iwomens high single VZAmhhHmetLpomtedm litthatI lIOUiDWPASIE DIck Henderson was quite II b0wII ct himself With 990Ifonhigh thtec II BABY FOODS AREBOVT at the intertown tournament in Orillla recently DIick modestly an for quicker remarked was wondering how Arrmge now 03 hatth furnuh Proucuon for My wormed MI Homogemzed took Ker blacker could work that tn catchea retirement through families in the meantimew After dinner was some ini chine IIIIOIIIIIIIIVCIIIeIIIaIIIIIIIIIIII WIIIIII II II properly planned life incur perkin was at the keyboardmr II once Everyday our repre When you nelect the ingsohg with Art Gableleading gt aeotatlves are helpin scores It Life on obtain and getting off couple if good of merI and womef tab bl competent muSE ens tenor solos at no extra charge 1i nancial indie endence VV called on quartet 0f Bl mg IYOIIIO 310 out ofIyour tngurahceI Kndx George Lougheed Henry forIthemslvs Vziiiderbek and Lawrence Fergu son but judgmentwa reserved th IV VI None If theIladIeswwld come WI Sllugilt PrgIIIlgiIiIrItdgiItetthlgaeII VIlotdcostIsaving moneyfog ward to response to Arts pleas for yottrulf moor quartet poltcms can do double dut histtztizsrr WW stemmed rammeth vimV gt lttcky tickefdraWI Bob gotten gt cometor flater Av Ian and IV insutmostscctttitvV i5 Club V79 orchestra providedmrlgi Iv for dancing II II II IV Is so canvemtm uo no le Grcgor qfirCIaledoniawhoicapabty acted IVaS accompanist VioIeI MurII II II II II my 6f Tommi was mistress of VI ceremonies and ened Igmm With Guy Ngnees saggy shelcirculated among thean of the room sitting on kneevhere III and them Doug Hedger beat her II II II II VV to the punch by diving under tableV Clair House the oneman wag We entertth ant ce commando H1t keeps fresh in the cuboardtIII II workdeIh almost 461 I22 II II IIIVI needs no refrigeration OrderIa ment under the sun He had VI Imonths supply and use as neded ever comeay patter to go With Ronald StewartII and handII3 soIme 10 number 50105 pleasmglmangarand 31s oxsever IIIduIE lglJErMlsitthUltaytt in II III II II ops IVIIIIV III Isplehdm howsnmr smng II II II it II