Attheioutsctithe ispeaker gave THIS WEEKS ISSUE 7925 Copies tumour is con com um no 01 onm Market Meeting Report Considered The matter of market accom modation was discussed at the Town Council last Monday night when report of public meet Ald llauibly suggested the market should be on the property adjacent to the market square It was their pointed out that the council had guaranteed the area east of the Town Hall for parking space to the HEPC The Mayor thought it would not be necessary to have it very large market space and he suggested an open shed would suit the purpose Ald Mary Laurie said it should not be all feyesorc next to the municipal building The report was referred to the property commit tee of which Ald James is chairman The report read at the council meeting from the Chamber of Commerce was as follows meeting was Chamber of Commerce offices at pm Tuesday March 30 1948 farmers market for An open held in to discuss Attendance ilig sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce was read 44 Barrie Drivers Of Taxis Apply To PoliceComrnission For Licenses In Barrie The Town Council last Monday Fees suggested ill the bylaw WON to ask the Police contractors $25 with renewal $10 Commission to accept the respon journeymen $5 with renewal $1 sibility for licensing taxi drivers nonresident $l00 every year night decided 11nd on motion of Ald thnbly it was decided to have bylaw pre pared to this effect Ald Ayrcs and Ald felt the authority iii order to control the operation of taxis in Barrie It was pointed out that thc commis sion at the present time received applications for persons to en gage in the taxi business and made recommendations to council Deputy Reeve Hart Ald Ayrcs and Ald Mary Laurie thought the police commission should report back to council regarding taxi li censes recommended or declined When the Mayor said the com mission wanted lliorc authority Deputy Rccvc Hart Ald Hines and Ald Merrick indicated they were not using the authority they already had todeal with taxi oper ations The commission has au thority to issue operators licenses and the police could be tldvised ito enforce traffic regulations ELECTRICAL BYLAW The councillors spentsome time Monday night discussing bylaw that had been proposed by group tif electrical contractors in Barrie Melville Laird of Barrie and Harry Wilkinson of Parry Sound were honored last Saturday after noon when William Killing Deputy Commissionernof Police for Ontario presented them with life saving certicates William Stringer OBEyC9m missioner of Police was Unable to attend the ceremony owing to bereavement in his immediate family Among those attending the cere mony which was held in the ma gistrates court Barrie were Dis trict Inspector RichardCox and several members of the Provincial Clerk representing the Town of Barrie The following are excerpts from the remarks of Deputy Commis sioner Killing who made the pr sentatlons Gentlemen it is and privilegeforme tovislt the Town of Barrie to make presen tation of life saving certicates to meri of your calere Thscrti ticates are not handed out indis criminately and aregiven only to incrsonswwho have performedian outstanding feat requiring courage and initiative and disc at grave risk to the persons in the role of Exmbit iofMelalraft The Silversmithand 4Hisiv Art wastlfe topic whichDouglas Boyd or Richmond Hill dealt with in stimulating and interesting man ner at thegeneral meeting of the Simcoe County Arts and Crafts Association on Friday eVeniiig April27at3theLibraryllathBar rie brief outline of the history of metals He told the group how various perishable materials had been used asutensils bowlsarid mugs until metalwithits dura bility and hardness was discov ered The precious metals silver and gold were early usetL for adornment ofthe person and then for adornment and use at the table He told some interesting facts aboutrpure silver sterling sil vet and Sheffieldplate Mr Boyd displayed the tools Which ai metalworker requires and demonstrated their usas He tex planted hpw inetalsywere put to 85th YearNo Jacobi chairman Bert llill secre Corbett commission should have Town building bylaw Laird and TH Wilkinson Honored by Presentation Life sav ing Certificates Police and Smith Town to place your owri lives inidanger in pleasure BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY APRIL 1948 By Council tary In opening the meeting Mr Jacobi explained that the discus sion was sponsored by the Chain1 ber of Commerce in accordance with request from the Town Council and that its purpose was to ascertain the accoinmodation required for market and some thought as to its supervision It was generally agreed thatthe present temporary market is tinl suitable for the following reasons at too small bi walls floors and tables unsanitary ct unsatis factory uarking facilities id gas Iillc fumes some produce such as butter premises must be vacated between ii and lZl noon heat is poorly circulatedl With regard to bimbovc it WilSi suggested that the sanitation of ficcr inspect the premises to de terminc if they are fit for the sale of food The following points were brought out as 21 result of ques tions framed by the chairman Due to the present limited fa Tum page please lMORGAN EDWARDS or VASEY After days work on his LSDacre fa relaxes with his odd hobby arid in can make mitt such as those seen liCl CONCERT BAND THREE CONCERTS AND BROADCAST When the Barrie Collegiate Concert Band leave for Detroit the week beginning April 19 they have four concerts scheduL ed The first will be on Monday April 19 in the auditorium of the Woodstock Collegiate Con tlnulng on to Detroit the band will play on the final day of thc pmgram Thursday April 22 Crossing back to Windsor they will present program there on Friday 0n the way home the members of thcband will Stop off at London to broad cast concert commencing at pm Saturday April 24 Bandmastcr Fisher will take about 60 students on the trip and the Band will be rcp prcsenting Barrie and the Pro vinceof Ontario at the festival in Detroit Several councillors felt the fees were high for nonresidents and it was decided that Town Engin eer Brisco Deputy Reeve Hart and Ald Griffin shouldI meet with electrical representatives to discuss the proposed bylaw and then report back to council Aid Griffin chairman of the board of works spoke of building going on in Barrie and said there were many who were not obtain ing building permits Some con tractors had cVen built houses without obtaining building perI mit Dcputyl Reeve Hart and Ald Mary Laurie said it was up to the Engineer to enforce the BARirTE CREANIERY THIRD AMONG 85 BUTTER CONTEST Barne Creamerycaptured an other prize in the butter keeping contest this time third out of approximately 65 entries In seven contests this year Barrio Creamery has taken five firsts and two thirds Each creamcry sent seven pound box of butter in the months ofMay June July and August to Guelph where it was graded and stored until March of this year when it was taken out and graded once more Statistics for Barrie Creamery showed higher score after it liad been stored than when it went in to storage did not deteriorate during the storage The object of the com petition was to improve the keep The wan Engineer was present and added that it would bcal most impossible to enforce the building code as long as many of the contractors and owners did not wish to cooperate with the rrfun icipal officials ery Brisco united one instance wherehe had reported that ioundiitionwall was not satisfac Turn topage three please You gentlemen both Were rc an Humane Association award by the Commissioner on the receipt of report forwarded by District Inspector Richard Cox These time practising the unique art of crochetingmitts the art from his grandfather and still uses maple This indicates that it RlE AIR RAID SIREN WILL WAIL HERE FRIDAY AT 515 Ald Vern Hambly chairman of the tire and light committee of the Town Council has an nounced that an air raid siren has been installed on the tower at the fire hall and it will be tried out at 515 pm Friday Aprll The siren if found to be flat isfactory for the purpose will be used to replace the bell for men to tire Members of the council did not wish to put this machine into operation without rst warnng the citllcns WALTER FISHER ZONE EIGHT LIONS pull Walter Fisher 2nd Vicepresii dent of Lions International adt dressed Zone Eight meeting in Barrie last Friday night April Representatives were present from pends his leisure Wood hook that made by his grandfather Mr mum Beaver Cunmngton Edwards has been lloenetnlg llllllrt since he was 12 Coldlim Midland 0mm mdi rm Mr Edwards years old alid he in setii neie llil his daughter to OWOH SOLmd for mc ban 10 one evening he whom he has taught lie trail which WT 101d Trhn Srigh here llc learned llioto by Nora Maisllalli iIn introducing the weaker Gordon Belyca of Toronto district governor poirited out that Mr Fisher was member of the St Catharines Club and he wouldf eventually be president of Lions ontrea or ahfaxc 1tllmmnl VicePresident Fisher said the lihing he liked about Lions ln ternational was the spirit He re ferred to trip he made to Ari zona last February and emphasiz ed that the same spirit of Lionism prevailed there as in other parts of the world Illustrating the importance of service Mr Fisher spoke of member of his club who had done great deal in assisting sightlessI persons This member said all his work had been repaid one day when he was in the office of an1 Optician with girl and her mother After several moments of adjusting contact lenses to the eyes the girl stepped out of the chair aiid turned to her mother and said Mother can see SAN FRANCISCO The speaker referred to trip he and Mrs Fisher had made toi Lions conference at San Flalh cisco last July When the plane stopped at Omaha another Lion1 came aboard bound for thchcon vention Incidents were relatedi showing that the trip would long be remembered Eastern Canada Finals Barrie Flyers swing into the Eastern Canada finals ill very few days As we goto press their opponents for the Junior hockey honors will be either Montreal Nutiorralcs or Halifax St Marys the first game will be either at Toronto Maple Leaf Gardens or Montreal Forum and the first date will be either Satilrdayor Monday Thats aboutliall we can tell you at this time Halifax champions of the Maritimes defeated Inkerman Rockets winners of the Ottawa District three games to one Tuesday night in Montreal the St Marys met Nationales in the first game of their twooutofthree round Second game was billed for tonight Thursday and if either team won two straight the way would be cleared to start the finals against Barrie by Saturday If the Halifax Nationales series is tied after tonight then they will haLye the deciding game at Mon treal on Saturday The Easterri Canada finals then could not open untilllIonday and that would very likely be at Toronto It is not certain whether the series will be bestoffive or best ofseven likely the latter with games alternating between Montreal and Toronto Montreal beat Halifax 42 imtherfirst game of their series If Natlonales Win two straight it is likely Barrie will play in Montreal Saturday night with the second game of the finals in Toronto next Monday at Maple Leaf Gardens Barrie Flyers played their last championship match at Tor onto on Monday March29 That means atw0weeks layoff and it is to be hoped the boys havent lost their sharpness that Class they showed in beating out Galt and Windsor Por cupine Combinesdid not provide enough opposition The Fly ers have been workingout steadily each day at the Arena and they had an exhibitionganie at Midland on Mondaynight against the Midland and Penetang AllStars and last night played Toronto Navy Vets Senior mercantile league team at the Arena On the other hand some of the Flyersclaim the layoff will do thema lot of good They have had great deal of hockey since early last October and have taken bumps and bruises scribed to the finest practical code that had ever been drafted Mr Fisher remarked Its that we cant be all the time the way we are when were at our best feller is never he doesnt admit it What have faith in their community and in theircountry andginme international outlook the headlines are bad but we all have big job to do He spoke of Easter Siinday and the creeds that were recited that day and asked how many had thought about the creeds He re called some words he heard after funeral 20 years ago man certificates represent the Associa tions appreciation for the courage you displayed on April 12 1947 at the risk of your own lives in sav ing the life of Herbert To ing qualities of Ontario butter commended forthe Royal Canadiv Simcoe County Gaol Is Beyond Capacity Commenting on statement made recently by Hon George Dunbar Minister of Municipal Af fairs and Reform Institutions CDrury Sheriff of Simcoe County said the county gaol here was not reform institution and it had been overcrowded for some time Mr Dunbar made statement that he was going to close every county gaol in Ohtariokbecause they were away in the past Three industrial farms have now been established zit Neys near hmibeuwkideawmm 1111 iILLS Rapids and at Monteith The Minister orm nsr tionsEaiidit was not good to have Barrie who fell through the ice in Lake Simcoe about 300 yards wdisI tantfrom the CNR Station in Al landale it was necessary for you both by launching boat in the open water rowing some distance and then skidding the boat over the ice to the point where Herbert Tales was clinging to cake of ice Your progress over the ice to this point was hazardous by reason of the ice continually giving way under you This in no way deterred you from your purpose in reaching the man whose life was in danger and et ct Inspector mRichardiCox spokebr and added hisper4 sonal congra tions to Mr Laird and Mr Wilkinson large groups of men so muEh tow gether in dormitories man can contemplate his fut nlifgwfaitbetter it he is provided ith room of hjsawrfannng lanil France Holland and Swe den personal observations were made Mr Dunbar and he found that the eneral consensusof opin ion was that dormitories were trouble breeders Speaking of the Sinrcoc County gap Sheriff Drjury Said there was accommodation for three women and 30mcnrbut the average hum bcr Was about 145 inmates Fine Club Fremont For Boys GRISVIgzZOV In Sjimcog still opem Asusgal at this season an exten sive club program for farm boys andrgirlsis getting undeeraxby the South Simcde Dept of Agricola ture Applications are now being received at the Alliston office from thoseibetwtaen 12 and 20 years They may join anyone of the fol lowing club projects calf swine grain potato andgarden At least three calf clubs twograiii clubs two swine clubs one garden club and one potato club are eXpected Those intending to enter livestock projects are on the lookout for heifer ori steer calves and pure bred weanling cows group of beef and dairy calves has been bought and distributed to mem bers Membership is still open and and anyellgible boy or girl may enrol QOnifAhrllZi geth hybriVetting soldering and praising The speaker emphasized the fact that the blisisbf any craft was de signand that the fundamentalsiof design were simplicity and prop cision ofline The rstcups had nchandleHndaairoundedobottonig With such bottom thewcup could not standalop Engineering pro cesses which flattened the bottom of Hche cup and added handle made it more useful but were merely continuation of the basic design He claimedthat Canada was producing craftsmen and en gineers whocould equal or surpass those in any other part of the world and stressed thefact that rtheseipeople should have the sup port of the people and various de partments of government Herring gested that when we have small amount of money to buy gift for somebne that we purchase some thing which is hand made in Turii to page four please to April19 3111 through nearly 507games Lets hope they will be in fighting trimwhen they come up against the powerful Halifax or Montreal club who had been pillar of the church had died and friends were comforting the widow by saying things would be all right If we could only be sure she replied Mr Fisher emphasized the import ance of religion and of being sure COMING EVENTS4 outI wordM111 Viralgo in the world Mr Fisher said ideas could hop across abound ary undetected Pointing to way to uphold our present system he related that the way to dstroy weds was to have the grass thrivingso well that it cut the weeds out The speaker was thanked by Gilmour NmtTPDDG Chair man of the hheeting was Roy Ma gea of Orillia DDG Peter Central United Church Glee Club Concert Lefioy Community Hall wediiesday Apr 14 830 pm Aus pices iLefroy United WA 15b April arid Cooking School Roxy Theatre pm Thursday and Friday Prizes each day Ad mission 50c for Hospital Fund 15b Lefroy Continuation School Commencement to be held in Le froy Community Hall April at Sinclair president of th Barrie Li 15 KafmbSQn ID Erna Club extended welcome to the Mlb many visitors Dancmg rcommenFmg at William Garner PDDG propos Jolly Falmemdy APIIHT lentilanisrmrh and in and every lindayfollowrng First his reply tothe toastrgmce M31 Bin Memoull colm districtsecretary said that gancefMidhurst Towshipyanr Llpns clubs in this district of On ChilliWilli Clbvcheting at Stroud Tuesday April 13 8150 pm 15b Bingo Legion Hall Monday April 12 815 pm Admission 25 cents 15b Dance at Baxter April9 1948 Music by Paxtons orchestra Dancing from 930100 ltfb Rummage Sale Trinity Parish Hall SgpiigdgyyApril 10 Ausnces WA Doors open9 am 14le ange Hall April 10 Auspics LOBA 551 Deors open am 15b Dance Gearin Hall Phelpston Monday April 12 Ronalds or chestra Lunch Admission 50c l5p summoning the volunteer flrc Deeiarrn ihatiionsnadsub Rev Cross Commences too bad defeated if wcl need is to have faith in ourselvesi Mr Fisher urged his hearers to know Speaking of present conditions there was war of ideologies anlLo wt Section lPoges to Million Dollar Increase Copaco 1947 Business States Morrison in Kill the volume of blisth was increased by 5i22943609 Morrlson 085 General Manager told members of The First Ctroperative Packers of On tario Limited at the annual meet ing held on Wednesday March 31 at the Barrie Collegiate auditor Hill The volume was increased 44 centto total of $3952805 This was compared with 5173231991 in the prevmus year of 1946 Last year there was record vol ume in all departments the gener al manager reported Hogs were up 47 per cent cattle increased it per cent small stockshowcd jump of 103 per cent and the pro duce including eggs aild poultry handled was up 33 per cent 111 total pounds of products pro cessed in l947 the increase was about three million to 14046848 pounds Mr Morrison stated that the operating profit before provision for incolnc taxes lianimted to ITurn to page two please Reeiect Hi JTCrawford 1948 CopacO President One New Board Member Ill MORRISON Ollli tion was rcclccted President of The First Coopcrative Packers of Ontario Limited at the 17th annual meeting held at the Barrie Colle giate auditorium on March 31 Jarvis of Mount Albert was reclectcd vicepresident and Charles Newton of Barrie was re cleeted secretarytreasurer Directors ieclected were Inglis of Badjeros Todd of Churchill and Barker of New Lowell One new director was elected to the board Rookie of Camper down replaces Murdoch of Wycvale Approximately 250 members at tended the meeting and there was considerable discussion regarding change in the bylaws The by laws were altered to permit the company to retain patronage divi dends of members for use as oper ating capital The dividends will be retained in separate account to the credit of the individual members and interest not exoced Turn to page three please HERBERT Jj CRAWFORD His Trinity church Ministry Rev Cross commenced his ministry at Trinity Anglican Church Barrie by taking the morning service last Sunday April former ministerpt Shanty Bay Rev Mr Cross has come to Barrie from St Pauls Church Lindsay In his opening message to the congregation of Trinity Parish he said he wished to speak of his predecessors then of himself and finally of all the members of the Church Trinity Church in its more than century of witness has had long series of faithful rectors want to pay compliment to them Each has made his uniquccontri bution declared Mr Cross 1He added that while each rector could perform his service it was only God whocould give theincrease Speaking briefly of himself Mr Cross recalled the words of the Bishop at the time he was ordained few yearsago fWhen parson becomesnngaged in all the details of parish life it is perilously easy to forget that solemrfvow The rector said that each minis ter was given the choice between spirituality and popularity Referring to the fact thati the niuv cnoss To Speak in Petrboro Next Tuesday April l3 Tuesday ApiiLlll Recreational Counsellor KenRobinson will ad dress recreation committee in Peterbore on Water Safety and Beach Patrols Members of the YWCATYMCATRedCiodrASsociaz tionWater Safety Committee and the Boyst and Girls Committee of the Commission will been hand ish Mr Cross said pray that through mcsor by me you niay come to learn andlove more dearly andg that you may fbestrength erred garding nances andsaid it would be the last time he would mention TurrI to page fourp1ease tafWhadngnom 36 Fri Mi auspices 59 to 184 in the pastlO years unu wuner Danmlg District Governor Stan Darling 91 Smle Mountameierst Admls of Burks Falls said 751 Lions had 51 09 15 already registered to attend the TtheeElFl comEdX play Wheres convention atTimmins in June Gramma Apt 29 and 30 Efur and he urged others to get their ton Ave UnitedChurcnAuspicesIregistratidns in early Group Burton Ave United Frank Demon PDG Chumh WA Admlsszonwc 1546p tost tonLionslnternatlonalUspoke Rummage Sale Satuiday April 24 Central United Sunday School room Auspices WA Doors Open at ram 1517b Meat supper and play Pair of country Kids Grenfel United Church Til 530730 Admis sionf35c7 14159 Rummage Sale Collier St Unit ed Church Saturrzay April l7 in his FrenchCanadians All Mentreal Nationalcs 27 The Womans Christian Temper1 auspices Group 1D gtWA Doors of the work of Melvyn Jones and open am 1516D 1393 W5 PLESW all Fred Smithgnd in his replyDr Semifinalrin Drama Festival eyon wn Rynard international counsellor drews Lecture Rpom on Tuesday April 20 pm Admission 25 cents gruff r15x gBingoiDont miss the big bin go at Oddfellows Temple April 28 at 1830 Ypluable prizes All proceeds for IOOF GP and fund Admission 25c includes firstrgame 1516b VVHOTangemHall lecture on Bible Prophecywill be given on Thurs day April pm Title The Ten Last Plagues on Modern Civi lization by Whyte of Cookstown vs Gilford scheduled forApril 12 ghassbeen postponed 15b Rummage Sale St Georges Hall Allandale Saturday April 17 xAuspices Glad Club Doers openat am 1516b iRepeatfperfOimance Central United Glejef Club C6ncertFrfday April 815 pm Admission 50c Aid of organ fund 15b lWomens Hospital Aid Rummage Sale Trinity Parish Hall am May 1st Donations Welcomed Call said Lionism was now in triesoffthe world SEVERAL GRASS FIRES Sunday April day Supposed ly for rest was ratherstrenuous for the Barrie Fire Department whentheyLeecQIledopt to five l9 coun giasswresi through the course of the day The res broke out on Holgate StJ Cook St Hayfield rie Airport On Monday there 4543 02374 pick up 1417b London England All believers in was One grass tire Good movies dance lunch all the identity of the AngloSaxon ORILLIA BUILDING PERMITS Celticipeoples as Israel should for 50c Stroud Community Hall come and bring their friends No April An Ortllia Alderman said he Wednesday 14 830 pm Auspices OES Members of OES COHECtiOH 14151 hoped to see zoning bylaw passf and Minerva bringing lunch ed this year which wouldban the free 15b HOW ABOUT DRINKS construction of business or indus lIn Mexico patient Will inquire trial buildingslin residential areas Rummage sale April 17 Odd whether medicine should be tak fellowri Hall Collier St auspices of Beaver Rebekah Lodge No en with the right or leftfgliand 190 aid of Cncer Polio and Tu They believeif it is taken with the by asking the building inspector to beroulosis Fund Doors open at right hand the liver will benet refer any such permits to the 1516pifwlth therleft hand the kidneys councilr gt aimed to prevent suchconstruction ii clubs squadwhich packsplenty of weight St Codtington St and the Bar The council recently inadenaqriOVe Fast and Heavy ii speakiiigiVElmer Mbntreal Heraldl Ferguson had this to say The series lifted junior hockey Montreal has afast heavy junior hockey club reports Bert Allen of the Canadian Press Sports staff In recent despatch Allen says Quc bee Will send into Memorial Cup play ateam that is unique in the annals of this provinces junior and allFrench Canadian reached here and the fashiOn in whichrthese clubs foughtitout gamly right down to the Win tookf som of me sting fromtheiabsence efiCanadienlrahdJioyalsimmlteir accustomed playoff spots Over the years this Frank Selimsponsored development junior hockey is going to prover great background fpr the senior game here and putECanadiensmn more equitable footing with up rtmto Maple Leafs in the mutt 91 supplyreservoir for the tutu Nettonales hiso drewravas Baz Montreal Star OMastar ll as well asishiowing speed on the blades Lack of poundage has always been the downfall ofyrnost Quebec junior teams who could usually skate with the Ontario champions but seldom had enough men big enough to throw their weight around to advantage This year Montreal Nationales name famous30 years ago for great lacrosse and hockey teams came back into the limelight when the clubwon the Quebec Junior Ama teur Association title Reporting on the junior series in which Natioriales eliminated Mon treaerdyals predominan tlyJEngllsh thThgfkkirliggkln llkgi GYSO whichb Imtikt rawford 6r OTDCSIATN Bishop had sent him to thispar ReviMr Cross spoke brieflygei to the highest plane it ever has