Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Apr 1948, p. 6

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SIX gt DALSTON PAGE THORNTON Iulu 11 Mr 11111 11111111 71 111 ttlt1ltll an 111 1111 1c1 2111 and r111 111111111 117111 52111s112 11111113 11 tl1il1 111111121 Toronto it 1111111111 and Ma 1111111 1gt1111l last 1111 T111 111 l1 i1 111111l11 it 11111111111 11 111111s 3113 ltttll 1111111111 Lightning Struck 1111 Itilhrll Ii1s 111 11 11 13 1111 111tr 11111111113112141 1111111 llitlli riltlv 111 t1iit1111 partuts 7ll 111111 l11 1111pt111 111 lier nut111$ 11111 ll 11 11 ll1 Witv 111 1111111111111 11211 11111 111 Home 111 111111t11 at 311 1111131 111 11111 l1s 151111 111 lomtdo 111 11 1111l1 l1ntl111 111 311 11111 lilt lt11l1l 1111 St tall 11 1llll hll clienxle and Mrs 11111 111 llt1Il and All Slantoi 111 thitha at All lltlll lltlll v111 l1 1111 patents li anti l1r11 tiathianh and hits 11 211111aitl1 111 11111111111 till 1111 patents 111 111111 Mrs 11111 11111 1111111111 Ilt Ilcnnis t1 1l1n 11111111111 llutton toionto 711111111 Steitazl llarttc 111111 11 liltltl 11 Flanklln Stynart 111 Otv Stewart 11s liarl 11 t11111111 l1gts 11 and 11s lienslead 111 tiltnu t111i Fen111s 11 and l1 Jas Snupson and Boyd ilunlvnlie 11 Sunpsons IIaster antatit lln 1111111 111 the 11111111 churcli 111 Sunday 11111111111 was very largely attended The choir under the leadership of Willis Smith put 1111 tour numbers from the Easter lStory cantata The large congre 4illlttll were so impressed with the strvtee many have evplcssed the wish to have it repeated next Sun dav 1111 Kidney Pils Help Back Ailments if 11 tit liiltiltttln lliil 111 11111rsot 111 l1l1w if 1111 3111111 from 111 112 11111111vl1il 11 111 111 Because 11l their 311111111 17t 1111 the 11111315 111l111 11 1111111131 Kidney Safe Iltptltvlalll 11 11 111 1f lloztns lihlnvy iillu 111 11 11w 11y 111111 young and 11111 7151 its as minor 11111111y 1111111 derailmentsmay111w111tily11131111ul 11y1111311111111111111111111u111 $11111 at all 111111 stuns The hltllairn 31 Ltd Toronto Ont inn gt 011 SPROULE ttcritlsrtrw AUCTIONEER EXPERIENCED Movies in Schools The trustees of Essa public stluiol area introduced new tea 1111111 last week In Monday morn 1111 they had two hours of moving pictures in the public school with st1ltl other schools as their guests 1011 Thursday afternoon the some films 111111 shown in the Orange llall when the pupils of liilljuleligh and the high school atl tendedfas well as the general publ lie The principal of the school area Mr Woods was introduced by Trustee Lennox The films inelutcd The Wheat Farmer Niagara Falls and the Royal For Successful Sale of Household Furniture or Form Stock and Implements PHONE STROUlh 23r11 tattoos TREATY empire harlc1napncs RADIO REPAIRS PROMPT COURTEOUS EFFICIENT SERVICE Tedswltadio Appliance TEDOAKS Allandale Repairs on all Electrical Household Appliances 44 EssdRd Phone 3609 ONT 11111011 3400 NIGIIT BARRIE REPAIRING REARCHING LARGEST STOCK OF GENUINE REPLACEMENT SPRINGS AND BEST EQUIPPED SPRING SHOP NORTH OF TORONTO COMPLETE STOCK OF ALL SPRING ACCESSORIES 11111111 spokesman 12Bayeld St Barrie Ont 1c is llltillmolt order VIIIIIVIIInn Saillieauy GalOre CommerCIdl Noll GalorRegisteredNO17 ISeedj Oats Aicfx Commercial 7N0 BeaverCertihed No Silverhull Buckwheat Our Seed Grain is Scourer Cleaned Clipper Cleaned and Carter Disced i11 ouripwn Plant ItisGovernment Inspected and approved asbei11g up to oi exceedirigofficialrequirements as to Purity and Germination Barley in 2VIBushel and ats 212 Bushel containers frce jBETTER SEED MEANS MORE BUSHELS PER ACRE MORE BUSHEL BER ACLEyiV MEAN LOWER COSTS LOVER PASTURE MIXTURES ARE COMPLETE also Grass Seeds Garden Seeds Onioa Sets Garden Fertilizer Vigoro Sheep ManurexCloverSeed Innoculant Cercszm Formalin semes an Bel Sprays and Dusts FORAGE CROPST iltet3flax seed soya beansr sorghum 3nd turnip and mangel lineal available now SEEDVCORNSOpen pollinated and hybrid we advise ordering now becauseasome varieties will be scarce gt Fertilizer is being bought now in quantity we have several catSgorder now SERVICES BARBIE T131130 COOP STOCKS 11111 fought over by hisgrandsons was dividcdt 11111 by treaty signed at Verdun Mm RUM DOHNT 13mm To BARR EXAMLNER BARBIE oxrsnzo CANADA CANAIIAS TALKING MOOSE yrqu yzcwed 11y Nurry traie 111fore 11 Company in York lie put 1111 National lark 11 tattuliztn aiatinu 1111 lgtllanin 111 rollltltntt STROUD 77 laltlt 111 Mrs 11111 111111111111 l11l the plea 111 11111111111 1111 10111 annivcr 1y 1111111112 1111 1111l1111 11 March IT Mrs llllllt l11 1et11rneil t11 l111 More 111 tralpvate alter spctnhnzi the winter wnh he daughter 111 lgtat11n 11111 lllt The Easter lhanl liftrift meet 111 of the United WUS and will he held 11111 lhtttsdav after noon p11l it 11 All 1111111 t11111 Ining The Easter church gtctvic1s were larpcly attended the tnltcd tl1111ch Rev latsley chose for the text of splendnl scr11111n ls llltlt any 11111777 lhc 111anti 1111 hymns and an lIastcr antheinl by thecho1r added 1111111 to thr service Recent and llaster lslltllsllitlll 11d Miss d1he 1pn1e Toronto and Louise Alpine Dayton 111111 with Mrs Alpine Miss Mary and leo Wright 111 Toronto at lltll Wrights Miss Eileen Reynolds Toronto at lhynoids Mr and Mrs Roy Bennett Deep lliver1 er and Mrs taunphell llughesh land children loronto at the home 1111 Harvey llughcs Miss lltlltIlLt Gordon thdsor Misses iraccl lordon and Jacouilene Reid Tor1 onto at larf Gordons i111 andi Mrs Stinson and son Torontoi at Russell Lowrys Misses Mary Belle Banting and Maria Vandcr 1heck Barrie at Mrs llantings talking Moose from lltrrta is 1x11111111 111 the camera being inter 111 111111 121111111111112 lllltt11gt1tl frutt lu 1f the 111111111111 lhoadeasting an 1111hus1astic plug for Jasper 11 ltvlpctl Nancy with INCH tourist map to plan 11 the animals trainer is in on 11111111111 HAND 111170111 GIRLS 111131 DEFEAT 1111111 unihwy 111111 11111 111 tel late stages ot the game gave Mid 1111111 gnls 1210 victory over 111111111 11111 traham 111 scheduled 11letl111l l7lttllt of the Georgian 111 Lathes 11111111111 league last ttliltday March 14 11 Midland it 11 latiilus ftrst loss ill league 1l1yAb111 they still remain league leaders l11der the handicap of the use 1f11nly sx players Jacobis did very well in holding the fastbreaking 1T1111II111Is down to such small 1111111ii1 Three forwards IIvelyn lore Lilian ltipttson and Marie llenry were forced to carry the full lotd of the scoring power while 3111111111 Stephenson llelen Allsopp and Helen Storey tip from BCIS senior girls proved tcrrific stumb ling blocks Stephenson and Storey played like veterans on the guard spots Few rebounds ever bounced 111111 rival hands and rarely did forward get in good shooting range of the basket Lilian Ferguson shared top llOll ors with Stephenson and Storey ltcrgy actttally was the only two way player on the floor The tall playmakinp centre gave her guards plenty of hip down the keyhole slot ofB tcs zone defence and offensively she seltt her wingmat cs Gore and Henry into the hoops 1111 many occasions Although Lilian olew excellent opportunities in the ifrst halt she made tip for it the March 211 thc guest other sister Mrs 1111 Reid Mrsf John Ferricr 512 who had spent the wtnter 111 Orillia is now hoinc for the summer Mr and Mrs ITete Letts and clnldren were with rclatnes 111 lZephyr for the weekend number of young people at itendedthe service in Belle Ewart Baptist Churchmntitind Itriday Dr and Mrs Kingscotc and children Guelph spent liaster With Mr and Mrs Robt Sawyer Grace NOble is spending thei Easter vacation with her tune illIts Dee l1antler Newton Robin son Mr and Mrs Gordon Rowat and family arc spendingr the holidays with rclativesin Orillia and filmf valc Mrs IhosI Tebo of VilllCtlthtl Mr and Mrs Gordon cho of Tor onto areguests 111 Mr andhlrs Fred ch9 Visitors spending 1111111 Friday with Mrs Thos Sawycir were Mr and Mrs Webb and Mr and Mrs lowler and sort Allan Toronto Mr and Mrs Roland Corner Mr and Mrs Rae Law 11nd Billy Stewart of Toronto spentilins weekend in Hamilton guests lsttoltd by potting one and leading the majority of Jacobis attacks Slurpshooting Marie Henry ap parently has 111111 when it comes to the subject of basketball Henry who is used for nothing but to polish off sc0r ing plays went wide open in the 7ser1es with 0rillia and captured 30 points in two games However the Midland mastermind guarded against another feat by Marie and placed shadow on the south paw Henrys buddy made bttt onc 151111111e11 the sermon CERIGHURSf MINE ING 101121 nas titlz 1118 11111 1111 515112 Puree ilmxct 1112 day tiff Bell Ornlta 111111 George Kirton Toniuto were home tort the Weekend Married in Barrie on Saturdav 111111111 27 3111s 111111 111 Sr land and Burns Wanton 11f Borne Best mun1 Mr Bartlett Sr of Orlllta Mr and Mrs Tom Bartlett and daupzn ter of Belleyille are visiting Mr andMrs Prince Holiday visitors with Mr and Mrs Ernest Mowforlh were 111 and Mrs lhos Hrolley 11 llllllit IIrncst Mowforth of Toronto The beauntulflowers 111 St Johns hurch Sunday Illtlllllllti were 111 tyinory of Mrs Harry Brock 1111 were sent by Harry and family of Toronto llctchvi 1111 hone Ylntc 111111uav 11131 the latter Ales Sollitt and 111 111 1111 ti1111te and llilllxi 1c1 lllt littlltlitx and 3111s ti 111l11rd rc e1 nilv 111111 England moved Allied 1ustr11nj 11t NitKinstiy s11111t121st week 11 111 11113151 here Mrs MtKlllsll St and His 111111111111 111 Ietrr 1111111 weic a1s11 lfaster 1gt1111s hcr1 T1114 211111 Finlay gt1l11 held 111 St 11111s thuich 1121s yearw1r mll 1tt11111111and 1111 llllJltIt tittlt was in charge of the native and RM 1i tltnunb lrs 111o Miles and Karen Mr and 11111 Jun tr1w 11111 111 and 1111s liill lltllt 111 11111111 lletty 11l11111 11f loronto and Mr and Mrs At haves and 111111ly 111Vl1netattg were Sunday lslltllh at 1C trrvlortls D1111 11a tram4 111na1111111 1111 llltttli There were good 11111111111151111111 both the 1111111111 tharrh 111 the 111111111111 and the 1111l1111 thortll 111 the 11t111no1111 the further ltev Mr tle111cnts have 1111 helpful messagi 1111 liar1111 11111 llupcit 11 litlcntalc saw cry teeltnply 011111 the lates 11t ti11 Temple and Mrs llLll and Mrs Younr rendered Dark talvary as 1hch lioth churches were led mated with Raster tiles Easter visitors 1li11111 Mrs litrt Ioyston Mr and Mrs D1111 Supt1 and children from London at 11 loystons Beryl larke Toronto at llf 111llbys Mrantl Mrs 11 thappcll and sonfron1 Toronto and Don ltoyston of tl Guelph at llarry Foystons Mrs liairy learsoti Toronto at Pearsons lordon tampbcll at ainp hells Doug Richardson and Norah lraham 11f Aurora at lIi111e1 lratts lVlrs Swan Karrie with her daughter Mrs Ronald Minesing United WA The United WA met at Mrs llowrighls tor the March meeting with fifteen present Walter Cook presided for the busi ness Afternoon tea and sale of baking was planned for some time in April notice to be given later Mrs Young conducted the oetotional period vhichkwas on Easter Mrs McDowell read the Easter lesson and Mrs Maw led 1n prayer Mrs It Maguirc l1 and gave wry interesting and thoughtprovoking talk on In tin Shadow oi the Cross An liastei poem The Miracle Easter lion 111t was read by Mrs law Mrs Grant and Mrs Young my very tticcly Dark Calvary 111111 Mrs Srttucy played violin solo The lid Rugged 111s11s 11111111 conducted contest 1111 the lIaster story The tea liostesscgt 22111 Mrs rehartl and 1111 l111lc The April meeting 11111 111 at Mrs ialtcr ooks antllc Light Service the United thurclt by the Young leople of the two churches on Easter Sunday evening was very 1111press1ve and much enjoyed by 11 appreciative 111111111gat111n John ook had charge of the s1r vice assisted by Lenore Johnson and Elaine Sriglcy The c1111111 hghters were Kathlyn and Joan lriest Donna lriest and Ruch Srigley choir of young people 111 surplices led in the singing oil the liaster hymns Mrs le lrattl sang very effectively The lfttlyi itv The theme was The 111111 Shines Eternally Mr Wigg of Barrie President of the Barrie andl Vest Township Sunday School Association gave very fine ad dress on Will You arry the Light to all churCh people Larry thirti ford played trumpet solo Tht Old Ranged Cross The pulpit front was very etfcctivcly decora ted with Eastcr lilies aspidistras 1h lfoneywood District is to hold centennial celebration July 31 to Aug too great repttta mi sta kea 11d let Mnriedoosefordht lying basket in the fourth quarter Evelyn Gore who is burning her heart out due to the failure of her BCI senior girls entryto cOp COS SA honors found the breaks rather tough when it Come to scoring chances number Of times she found herself in payoff position but couldnt connect for the extra markers Nevertheless she is mighty valuable to her leftwing lassie Marie llcnry when it comes tc passing 1111311111ms1111111 dizzy One of those nights Ev will break out in ascorlng rash and watch the fur fly 77 777 Midland walked off the floor at the end of the opening half clutclr tug small Bti load In the thirc lthcy extended it to 106 bttt Jacobis continued to work and check alic gradnall ythcyrwmkedthcscored1 1010 with the final seconds tickine Mr and Mrs Thornton Stephens lnway Midland tried hard toiavoid The WA quilted beautiful overtime and when MelvarMurphy quilt at 111ehome of Mrs Bi mugMd m1 chips on menude Grosc on Thursday Mrs Douglas Reid entertained the WA group in the evening this being the regular monthly meeting Maurice Reidy auchic lyan icolin and Arthur Jack visited Mrs Reid 11 patient 1in Western Hospital Toronto Mon Sunday Lattchie remained in the city for theweek with his grandmothch Otttoftown guests spending shot from the foul line it hardly left 1111111 for Barrie to organize scoringattack it lilianTerguson led Jacobi snipers with fourwhile EvGoregt Mark Henry and Marion Stephensor counted two each Melva Murphy rattled the hoopsfor six points with four going to Joan Taylor and two credited to Sheila Murphy Mr and Mrs Morley Grosc and Mr and Mrs RTVandcrvccr of Barrie Groses Mr and Mrs Frank BARBIEEvelyn Gore aric Henry Lilian Ferguson Marior Stephenson Helen Storey Helen ml Allsopp MIDLANDJoan Taylor Melva andchildrenPcterboro ahrMmpmSheilztMurphyMarg Lym MrsteorchNicholson Toronto rwithWraltcr Corner Sr line congregation heard Rev SPaisley Easter Sunday morn ing His splendid 1chage was in keepingwith the special day The Easter here were Gordon GroserPort Hope Mr and teenage choir sang two pretty Easter choruses Easter lilies and lovely foliage adorned the altar number of visitors in the commun ity attended the services Passenger Train Hits Truck on Crossing No One Hurt ltlseems as 11f those mestaccus tomed to level crossings and daug er zones are moshapt tomeet dis aster Oanhursday evening Doug las Reid driving the plumbing truck failedto notice the Sopth bound trainthe engine hitthe1 truckawglancing blowgbut Ldam aged headlight andrfcnder Be yond terrific scare the occupants otthe truck were unhttrt the continuous traffic during the Sprmg and Summer months across this railroad track and its swit ches rsidents are alarmed and feel it is high time the CNR had some more definite protection for the public welfare Wow CAUGHT HAND Mrs Gowan Crecmore suffered painful injuries to one hand last week when it became caught between the rollers 01 the wringer on gasoline washina chine She sttstlned gash that motored ten stitc tea to close wmr WRINGER burger Audrey Scott DoreenAdv THE DOCTOR is 11070110 man who sees below lhe surface who knows from firsthadr experience what Chemistry means to health and to our general welllieing Aside from its workin water purifier tion through chlorine and in disease pre yenlionvlhmngh pest destruction it helps the medical man incouutleSs other ways Chemistry produces lightconducting Lucite to he fashioned into instruments for internal examinations XRay film and chemil eels ftlllveloplng it skingraftingcement futures of nylon monolamenttcellttlos ponng antlestlgitics and many othermedicaliantlrsur glen aids7 Yes Chemistry is with us everywhere ever seeking and nding new methods and mate7 rial7T11C1L 0213115 litesmbelefen organization devoted tOfserviug 77 Canadians through chemistry tandle Light service held in It was indeed challenge EVEEETT 111 lllt1 toz1g1aniln11is 11 T11 linbeil Shephard 1111 1111 111 son last week Congratulations to 111 Wm Jenkins tnw 1111 the butt of 11 111 General Hospital Toronto Sorry to upon 11111 All Icacock ts not 111111111 many friends would 111 All hope 1111 her p1 It ttttttlf Attention Growers This Year Grow Cucumbers For Profit Canada Packers Ltd Contact 31R MelilllAIiY ILR lilthIl Phone 2159 ATTENTION 1111111115115 W15 ARI ilNl llllC liltiillTil llllllt llll FUR lilill tilt t7llllilll lll1 T1l1ll HORSES CATTLE IIOGS lelepltone olIcct for Immediate StFtltt GORDON YOUNG LIMITED IIAItItllI 3017 It1l MANUFAVIIIRIC GIVE YOU SIIIIIIIOR QUALITY Al LOWEST OSI SIIURGAIN 18 Chick Starter SIlURGAIN 15013 Laying Mash SHURGAIN 15 Hog Grower SIIURGAIN 17 Dairy Ration SllLlRGAIN 16 Pig Developer BARBIE ILOIIB MILLS BELL UTOPIA IIILLSDALE FLOUR 8t FEED amsonRuth Shoubel Bette Scott Fran McIntyre Ruth Rutherford Beth Wilson USAPPLI1 VARIETIES Commercial apple production for 1947 in the United States iS es timatedat 1125030007bttshels per cent less than the 1946 crop and slightly less than average In 1947 the six leading varieties piniorder of crop size were Delicious Wmc sap Jonathan Rome Beauty and Baldwin r7 pia may be the offender Millions find relief way 11 NR Tablets teller headaches sick fcclingduetoirregularity Thomu l1 leasing action Work overall NR Tablets are allwegctable wo strengths NR and NR Junior dose for extra mild action Choco late coatedor plain frAKE 10 mmmm 1IHURSDAY

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