THIS WEEKS ISSUE TOSO Copies AUIKUMIID AS IICOND CLASS IAlL P0 DIPL DITAl 85th YeorwNO l3 HOUSE OF Hrrs FIRST WITH THE BEST IN BARRIE THURSDAY rRIDAY SATURDAY Special Matinee Friday 230 pan Continuous Show Sat 230 pm WAANER anon Barbara Ann Scott Champions In The Making FOX NEWS ANDREA 1111111 AUtN NAIL EVE SHOWS AT 655 11111 ANOTHER Bill TON SHOW FOR THE KIOOIES EASTER MON MORNING 90 Minutes Of Special Screen Treats ADVENTURES 0F ROBINSON GRUSOE PLUS ALL COLOR THE BARRlEi BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY MARCH 25 1948 CADA lExaminers Monday EditioanLYERS PLAY 111111 WILKIE IN 1111311113 Manniewukie and Leo Cada who escaped from the Ontariol Hospital for the mentally Insane at Pcnetang last Saturday night were captured by provincial pol ice about noon last Tuesday Resi ldents throughout the entire North Simeoc countryside were relieved to learn of the capture because itlic men had both been connected with murders Inspector Richard Cox detailed Sgt David Hamilton of the Pro vincial Police to take charge of the search and the capture was linade by Prov Cons Patrick Iol and formerly of Barrie now of Icnctang lwcnty provincial constables pa trolled the area Saturday night Sunday and Monday Thomas Desrocncr of Lafontaine gave the police their first real clue afternoon he reportcd bread and butter and eggs and two ovcrcoats had been stolen fromhis house Provincial Con stables Albert Wilson Lou llock ridge Stewart Butler and Bishop thoroughly searched the area and discovered where men had been sleeping in barn There they found chicken part of which had been eaten raw also baseball bat and mitt The bat and mitt were later idontificdzis having come from the hospital at Penc tang Sgt Hamilton concentrated his men on that area and about 11 run Tuesday Gerard Marion Tiny Township farmer reported to pol ice he had seen the men In fact Lionel Maurice nephew of Mr Marion had routed the men from the barn that morning when he went to do the chorcs but he did not recognize the men as Cada and Wilkie Prov Cons Poland at Ienetang was the first to receive the mes Monday that rifle and ammunition and was an lMeets aiwelcome Response Monday morning this unit llicl Barrie llxanuncr rnthri astounded some of the folk coming out with spcciulcight page issue to flash liltfglild news of the hockey lUt The issue unqualified success and copies were grabbed up rogerly on the news stands All subscribers rcccittd the issue 11 usual mail and ncwsboydelivery lly lucsduy night the cntirc press nearly 8000 was gone lntrrc wns no advance pru paration for thllt special It was not posbiiblo We did notl know although hoped the llycrs would win turday night We thought of the possibilities that morning but there are StlptlSll trons souls around lzcic and we did not dare ltjiiix the local teiini by going ahead with any curly sot ling or layouts You know about the team that gets its picture taken bcforcthc big game etc etc Well it wasnt long job or difficult job We have It fair idcti now what we can do in rush from botii news and mechanical angle But lllllttlt zi fcw ob stacles to be ironed out It was Sunday the power was oil the stall was dispersed lt was not until well into the afternoon that we called out those staffers neces sary to get out It sports extra news editor sports reporter ad manager In less than four hours of the afternoon three operators who responded readily to the idea sct all the type required and Vtlt home for Sunday dinner In the evening the foreman and three compositors tossed eight pages to gether in couple of hours There was some running around ur stercotyper has no phone was not at home and was finally located by car Our duplex press man lives well out in the country and could not be reached by Second Annual Meeting ld waiting for him when hcrcabouts by run01in tans gttilpllSLtl to lliiYC 11 oil the evening train Had to have the coopeia Postmaster Nick Thomson 11c special Iiialricce tiirirlsor Star out of the gt trilltv fiat 111 wvtrinl small delays wan fourth game lgt uid liiikt Dtrl out well alicadwill be at the in AS llilitsdit night and int re on thr strcct in Hillqtllltd on it 1112111 the same time Monllhis was morning paper do ltzllifll AT TORONTO NEXT MONDAY Barrie llycrs tutti 111111 lonii pure oriibincs lAol Barth1 Toronto 11x 31112111 night ll the third g11 111 Allonturio JIIIILUI 11211 liitlttl din ltli oi iVVd filtl iifira noon il1lc Satin day decided ytsthdJy by It Ml 13le officials of he LAHA intchirp 11 mum iil our rural subsCIibcrs hungunit it Inuit on lvlondziy but some llltt ilzd not got their npttilickcls Will go oi 0110 on Saturday =11111 litdny With only IIIlt11 mule ll 10111111 foi Onc lllfJLllllt1 waif lluii 1o Tillillm 111111 11y In some directions ziiididuys game They will be at Liti 4l1lii it not 11111 trying to catch tlioStmg $1511 0111 111 bluc seats i1l mail on the some day 1141ttl our Monday issue of it could hardly be called or special lions of our weekly Thursday 111 ll11cc only two sections ioiziilnig lti pages today We fXlltllllltIlllIlL What better chattel lhc hockcy story was too good to hold over this long We llt learned something of what takes for semiweekly prov oiiction and hope to iron otit 111tkl some difficulties and mis liliitw that croppcd up in such mutv ltis as distribution ctc At the moment we are only getting sct llttl down in our new printing plant and their are many things to gt straightened around yet We are some time away from hav ing protluitioifx flow smoothly or Clblltlll to have Visitors for inspcc hon of the New place But there definite progress even if slow and we hope to be settled down beforv long bliiylic well throwl iinothor special early wcck issue 41111 UllL of these days and hopct eventually to make it regular is quite job IliumH ncsday fOr lnnniins Millpi unnpcd ahead tlirccmookcd 10 itii NW of the normal thrcc Arum in Games are Thursday day vthc Copper Cliff illlfl except Don Coath litmus and take 11 Oils Duties rind intt left oi Nlt 1150 11111 Weil Tiu tt hlLllilyit litil flight out Satin onh1 lllltt of player from liar Luke Fifteen players nizitlc tlt trip north including all on the rust1 Aslibci 111d itoigt Ford it is exported Tlnzii lll play goal one nigh ind Strut11111 the other In addition to Presi dent Christie Manager lt1111s and Tllllitl lluity Partridgc the ll wiit no compunicd by Mayor illilll filmy3 or Dr Neil 1iuiii lllltl Hunk Taylor Walls of lht llin rie Extllllllltl was to join team in limmnis today My cut this morning Mr and Mr Kt 11 McKenzie and tliici tllllllltll so John Little left for Sllllllliiitll or to visit Mr and Mrs Alf Littlcy in the hockey liltilclits BRIIK llycis northbound 47 at pint11w six oclock lUltlllilltf much blltllllttllttl bust Junior till lllf lack StanwyOk Sells Harmony Grill Cafe ITO Feversham Buyer EXAMINER Section 2Poges to l6 IMPERIAL it THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SPECIAL MATINEE FRI 230 pm WwSIlOWING ON THE SAME PROGRAM ALONGUTHL OREGON TRAIL MONTE HALE and ADRIAN BOOTH MONDAY TUESDAY EDNESDAY lsagc on Tuesday morning and he immediately drove to the district There he picked up neighboring farmer Andrew Laurin and they set off into the bush where Cada and Wilkic had been seen to go few moments later the wanted Kenneth Mickleborough was men were found and taken into rcclcctcd chairman of the Barrie CUStOdY Other CODStabICS had Branch of the Simcoe County converged on the area and one of Childrens Aid Society at the sec lllO rst anlVC OllOWing the 011d annual meeting in the Library capture W35 PC Carl KTCUSCI 0f Hall on Thursday evening March Jack Stanwyck owner of lliir 1iiiony Grill restaurant ll Illllili ibeth St for the past eight years ihas sold his businch to Syru lShortchcrsham who took our The report 011 welfare worklon vrucsdm March 23 done in this district during 1947 Mr Sthnwyck was presented by Mr Naphlalithroughout Spothng raps in CARTOONS SHOW STARTS 1015 tunBOX OFFICE OPEN 930 am MONTUEWED Barrie Brinch of CAS Starring EDDIE ALBERT30NSTANCE MOOREJOAN EDWARDS Guest Stars ROY ROGERS TRIGGER was introduced by managing dinV chor II Nziplitali known Extra Matinees Mon Wed 230 Eves 655 ppm Plus Other Treats Paramount presents T195335 IIF ENTERTAINMENT TIIURSDAT1ERIDAYLSATURDAY Matinees Fri anngat 230 pm ENIOYABLE HITS mum upvwium N0 ant1e creen MARLOWEOI little Iodine Acoiunnnnciun Eve Shows650 61 9pm LATESTWARNERNEWSI I0NDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYI MatineeMonAand Wd230 1i chMEDYITSONONE SHOW 11 111 llUN lRPOl it KINKWOOD ll ems COLOR CARTOON RVEI snows 04085 pm TEATRE TICKETS iDEAL GIFT FOR 311st1 Bond Head Sgt Hamilton had Carla and Wilkic searched box of amino nition was found in Wilkies pos session but there was no rifle The County CA5 acted as Chairman thumcs escapees were wearing coats stolen from the Dcsrocher farm BY 115 W335 wmle 30d cada Drake was elected secretary Option probation two in mom were retiirhedwfdthc institution at Pcnetang and turned over to Dr Tenant For Wilkie who had burned to death his wife and baby at Owen Sound 13 years ago it was afourth escape Itwas the rst escape for Cada who thud been confined to Penetang following the murder of hissistcr in barn in Southern Ontario last summer Sgt David Hamilton on behalf of the provincial police said he wished to express thanks to the residents of the Tiny Township area who cooperated with the polf ice in effecting the capture Qc Local wrTB omce Has Increase in Staff Since the reimposition of price control on many food items the local office of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board have found it necessary to increase their staff in order to take care of the extra work involved McBrctney who for several years was with the Foods Division of the Board has been added to thcstafl of the Barrie Office and is busy checking Wholesale and retail prices the area covered by the 10 office Local food merchants who are not clearonmaiiy Of the controls are advised to contact AWil son Branch Manager WPTB TOs llice Bldg Barrie for in formation OBJECTIVE $6000 KEDCROS$DRIVE 1179 95341 canvassers in Barrie have obtained $4000 towards on Oh ljcctive of $6000 in theannual Red Cross Campaign sub stantial portion of the money collected will remain here to support the local work carried on such as the Swimming and Water Safety Program Coutts campaign man ager said the home to house canvass its largely completed but there have heenno rc turns yetirornzcamp Borden thelindustrlal plants or the ONE while the work of the Red Cress Is not its greatfas it was during the Wan there isan important peacetime program which must dependent public Support RCQMINGIYENTQ 18 In the absence Of Mr dVIicklc borough who was holidaying in California Clarence Simpson vicepresident of the Simcoe Dr Ross Turnbull OIBE was elected Nicepresident and Mrs Committee conveners were nam ed as follows clothing Mrs Ken neth Micklcborough publicity George Cadogan volunteer Kcn ncth Robinson community action Adjutant Strachan Committee secretaries were nam ed clothing Mrs George Ullman Volunteer Miss EvelynGore com munity action Miss Jane Simpson GMicklcb0rough and Mrs Derry OSullivan were appointed as members of the board of the Simcoe County CAS Miss Helen Robson coeds Miss Gladys McKay as so cial worker in the Barrie district TRINITY PA Those iiilOrOSted in this course please register for classes April or phone VinaMcKenzie 3779 or 2431 ACOIDENTS BE and let uspath demage viiiiNLQOMSON 41 DunOp St INSURANCE AGENCY mamas NOTIC SIMOOEMEDIGALGROUE LITTLE who sucdist1ict mStJohn Ambulance CLASSES IN HOME NURSING will cOmmence FRIDAY APRIL at p91 Vim lJUlmCd that Miss MCKay tends to retire for short time be had been on the staff until thcl end of December At the close 015 1947 there were 45 children in boarding homes 12 in wage those over 16 inOstlyi working on farms for wages and board 15 in free homcsw27 on tal hospitals and lour in correction institutions There were 30 babies brought in under the Unmarried larcntsActl in 1947 and 36 cases closed leav ing 23 active cases at the end of the year Children under protection total led at the closc of the year and there had been 475 visits and 234 interviews Fourteen adoptions were com pleted during l947 in th Barrie Mr Naphtali eirfphasizcd that in the county asa whole Continued from page tourteenf RISH HALL mearr growehance of WISE INSURE N0le fore venturing into another ficld Many championships huvc gout Jacks way in softball soccer and hockey Harmony Grill won the senior softball title for two Vllll in succession and llarnionys entry in the Ladies Intermediate Soft ball league captured the lnurtrls 101 twofyears Jack wishes to thank his many friends for their patronage during the past years and those he was connected with in the field of sports Chamber of Commerce Will Hold Luncheon Meetings Each Month Barrie Chamber of Connncrcci has started series of informalf luncheOn meetings to establish Ell closer liaisonrbctwccn members and directors The first was held last Tuesday when nearly 40 joined in friendly roundtable discus sion poll of all members on outI standing national and local ques tions and improvement in down town parking facilities were two of the many ideas earmarked fort action by the Board of DllCClulSmf EA Twiss plCSl en tin1 nounced that in view OLIhOpul lar supportof the luncheonsthcyl would be heldgrcgularly the SCCOIldt last Tuesday of each month Thc next luncheon meeting will be at Club 79 from 12 noon to pm on Tuesday April 20 or III SMITH ROTAYLOR Iiltequest their patientsto makeappOintrnents for Office consultationsafteijwMartch Emergencies andacutely ill patients will be looked after without appointment VRummage saleAlltlndale Orange SOyrnourOi Dr WADo1dge Hall Saturdhy April 10 auspices LIOBA 55 Doors openat 900 am 13b Dance Gearin Hall Phelpston Monday March 29 Ronalds or chestra Admission 50c Every body welcorneh 13p churchiiirederation of Ago1 culture Community Hall Mon day March 29 at 830 pm Speaks 51 Hunter Russell Subject Farm Mechanization National Film Board picture Please bring lunch 13b Request their patients to intake appointments for jofftce consultations COMMENCING MARCH 22nd EMERGENCIES WILL BE TAKEN CARE OF wrrHOUr APPOINTMENT at his main store in Gwen Sound GORDON COUTIstonvof Mr and Mrs Couttszof Barrie has recently Opened branch store herevfcnlovving successful year Prior to the war Mr Couttswas employed with the Hudsons Bay company in Northern Saskatche wan During the war he served in Athe armed forces and later worked for a7time In TorOnt LastSpring he Opened axstre In Owen SOund featuring clothing for children from ten minutes to tenyears Such was the success of the store that branch has been opened in Barrie on Owen Street The store has been Ttttractively decorated throughput in pink and blue and there is ne selection of all types 5013 garments for in fants and children Miss Willa Jebb who was with Zellers for 10 years is manager of the Barrie store and Mr CO tts comesover herefrom Owen ound two days week lloh Nolan and The Sons of the Pioneers added Comedy and New Walt Disney Cartoon YOUR SUIT or TORCOAT in STOCK READY WHILE YOU WAIT COME IN AND SEE THEM SUITS priced $3750 $4750$58501OICOATS from $2850 YOUR NEW SIEISON IIAI FOR EASTER IS HERE MEDALIST $800 PREMIER $850 ROYAL $1000 BOYS SUITS 16 yrs Priced from $1175 all two pants WILF HTOD MENS AND BOYS 55 DUNLOP St Andrews Church Owen andIVoiSlcy Stsii The Combined Choirsof ST ANDREWS AND ESSA ROAD CHURCHES Fl fty Voices under the direction of Craig Hamiltonf PRESENT STAINERS GUEST SOLOISTS EJTCRUCIFIXION ARTHURRARTLETT Tenor HOWARD CORRELLBASS Soldistswith Toronto Mendelssohn Choir OFFERING TODEFRAY EXPENSES BARRIE and ALLANDAILE PLEASE haveNewspapersMaqazines WEAR BARBIE and Bags Tied in Small Bundles and AT YOUR CURBNOTLATEETHAN IOA WEDNESDAY 111 Sitt7Ma1i 21 900 PM JIMMYS lull7799 Tickeytsi$v300 Per Couple Enrich Includd Tibkts available at leading storesor fromClub Members DRESS OPTIONAL Spotlrizes Hoekey resitlts Will be given duringtlie veg CLUB