WEDDINGS 5W by MW And Their Ladies +w BVVVVVVVV KVVVVVV VVVVV VVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVV VV LVV illlllll BBLRL tutti5 in AV bl itanixhb IV V131 MM Funax ign in l1itV i117i ilqliV il 51 11 um 1W1i I11M mu Erue lVrisliC Vluamtt manner t1 131111111119 Hub VlUtlt lit littsJVtmt lvtttttl v1 VVV MVVV and VVVVVSV CVVIVALVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVV lht time to Iltolltll up unit in lltt11t aiat 111 1m VV 11 131111 511111311 Borden arranged by Idttarruil and You will be pleased Wm 1m new wok mm M511 3V1 Mm Of Juhn his committee wax in keeping 114 MTV Ntsbm with the UCflxvlt Sx numbVein Temphone 4311 101 111 01111311111 Miss targarct Whittv t1 Sank The cerc Illb lld tamed tvw ot l1 11 11 conducted bv Rev NI ml IllI WNW HPNHtP tti spechts or Mich outtCl 11 111mm V11 IV 1m liitlilt at the VVVVV pany on 1an lLie lolztles paicnts at l3V13I P1 VH 31llVVV l3 til gc Ti Inga VVHVKVjI EV ll VV VV VV VVV VVVV VV VV VVV bV VV VV 15 51V pmnckg 1111 We St Barrie Clark Prop this Jug Mays ierAn ciccV VV VVVVVVVVVVL Vullcr Patrick Stand joti Where does lllli in ilati in IIlIIIItIrmIi IIIHNVd um II an kI dc 33 at St Patricks Crux fit into the 11 1111 111 Water to 11Vla11V lttVi iiinlooyJength Union Jacky Wk 1V hymn KPEHVC OlVVlV VVHVKETV VV 111711111 git all when Ull sett lu and 01th ttu Ettlumltt Ni Vtti 15 IO IA MM 31 V35 111 matching headdress Her boti 11 gnuch rcplwhuu Uri iupreent crickets from entcr lions and titlltltll all tittli Will well House Voffu 15 triztvm tWVV mum Va in limit VV VVfV Vld Vmb fcln lrelaiid Few of the speakuis hat mg mm HAM lmil lV lltullcliz List 11 115 ric tie groom gave the real answer but llltV ercatet blended expel5 and V011 V1 lziei 111VV illll and to the pianist pearl considerable merrinitnt id sznipiy nil Vz pluugttt 11 311155 Velma llubberi Adarnson was Judged the best Mint ousted for and ltVtt71t gtiitiilt Vol a1tm111calVV 0t lhc blitie played the speaker Then there was the biliiiitV our mt out IIIIIKIIII III IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIISIIII comes mu Wm CIIIHISI Id 112 Zgt 1151 vast l1 11 H1 111213 31 lpfm1l1jt tllllb Wndtd by 30 LT 111 31 1111V1 110 ad D111 ZV VI VV VV 15 held at the brides mm VCVlIllthVlVllV VV1l1VLVlVlI1gtV VVIVVIV1VVIm 11 home where the humus his recording and lVtllVllilltltVrlhlViVlthE Alt lithium i3 taut0 Huawd in figured $11k eqtiipment and the antJiul ttit Guests were present from able to htar everything the 511th VVV girl VVVVdVV 7777 VVVVVVVVVVVHV BVVVVHVVVVV OVkaood in he mbwadcmL 1z1 111a 1V1 1111 Tummo and UHVVVV Tm program mm with V1 NW sump WV 11 31mm 11 mm jigq Mm 11 51m 11 VV VV it VVV VV tlit0ltl couple spent 110th dt tilt DWW ill PKY ll Wit IItt ittthtltll 11 itllll 1231131 lttilllllltitill at Niagara and LINNx Willi ldll Id J1 tomato into tla at llll ilillt 11m 111111111711 101115 1111 11 Haves calling oil LV Vtti llgtllill lit we and 1x malt their home in Blid tl CVO ar 1l1 11 Lima IfIIVi VIVI 51 Ortllias new Matthias poWer tgti tw 71 do lant Will irotide 300 aitd mm Ml Slitulll lll lltlt 1V 11 it potir SililiCS tl117 Sttlltttliil Miltkll 13 the Iinothcr liege plant an additional Wt Ntlihl littllttlili 11 1V 11111 11111 11iloit and rayon lllVlllttl and other friends of 20001 k1 111 101d 1411 111 111V VLPw in 1L til 111 111 Nu iiltlllkl light Le iiittetttt itathied at her 11 1111100 11 11 Wild lit 111 Vltt 111111 Vm WV 15 VKIIIVVIVVWHV VHM hmmmd hm With hack and will All but the ttti 11 be liolltilar iteril1111ltttltaneotllt ltlitiwer In Iii11 iitililltsl one lltI1 11 as lllgtl their iitt1tutl liIisiItel the gift Iiterye 1V VV VV VV ttftt ttUtttanVVUthVtV ltVuthlll V7 777 717777777 learntti to the britletobo by 11ViV1VuV1iVVVVVtVitV VVVVV 111 former Borne ixleaiioVr Staiition and Brian Pratt 11 ti V1Vta Vi VV MV VT V111 11111135 expresswc of good fHIItIItIII iIIIIIIIIkI IIIIIIII IlIlIIl IIIIlIIIVI iglttltiia 311111 11 t11 caching In amalca lllltIitS read bv Miss Hazel surmmns 111 VHF VV VVV VVV VVV VV 111 t1 rst1 i1 Proscd for Her Work 11111111 utttV 777777777 mlII lnd IllIlII lt1lll Kiln Nipper as lttitti 1n the uni iVV 7Vl1 llllVlltHVlli VEiRV 11 15L P0le Program 1V am ltttl tt ppiii liIlItlIlIlIiIlllltIlt 1IiIiiiit IIIlIlIIIl Bunk Mun ll limit neaspaper of Kingston At St Joseph SChool Tl lmwuncn 111 51 lwlmvmi 1y LHmV Vmwvvd 11m 111 11115111 Vl 5V 11 lllt with UllllllllllCllldlg W05 Very Received Jimmy 1111 101 Mum U11 111 all if V11 1111 1111 to the work or Miss Vera womcntlie world over EllZObClllAttlfll Slitllllllltl Hm 1mm gm HTvin iV it 11 Vlia Barrie turl graduate Thu mum 31V panickg Com EVV1VVVIV11 1an 13 11121 lt Qtil Oiitzii iti ollttzt of All who tlIl sponxoreti lV St Marykz Pll BIue GIOSS ICIICSIIIng IIngerIIIg IOSCIIIUIIIILI VVVVVV VV VVVVVVV VV VVVVVVVVV VVV VV VVV VV Th illitwmu Ill VIN I1I1IIIIIII1 IIIII IMII 1I Of All it lttltl the nights of Mar Give her One gill iii Blue Grass 01 th8 ii the tziitito mmmm mm mm umng IVVVVV quV i11t1 1V V111ttVV Vt11u l1111Vh 111751 lltighs Anglicah lti and 17 in St Josephs High Sutitlnvoott Norman Sotithwnotl VIVVll Vfl lV111V Vl= nit 211 Vhlit ls th Witching at School Auditorium There was sequence On eloquent and nitigiiihconi VV IVVlemV lVVHmVV Mm 1Mde alto Vlgt11lV11 5V1 111m VV VVltll li111gt ttnttv illSllllllt oi Jainai capacity crowd each night to wit lat 11ll ltllt Toxall lithcl May VVlVlilV new the rousing tilltC71ICt Irish 965 Um iIlltilllDStlll Joyce llottles Shirley VVVVVV VV VVVV VVV VVVVVVV VVVV ll11 artich in part as follows Vitlltttly ZTltt AbSttthttlltldCd Blue Grass Perfume 200 to 7000 Blue Guns BuihSntt todmngc tho Willtt lilllltltt llltt lilllly INV EV iVVV tlaie llillSi admire Vera Ctnn7 ltttltgltltllll tub to perfumed pool 550 11 was mirtney illeNahb Aime Met 1VV VM muraue 1n putting on The cast included Margaret Blue Grass Flower Mist L75 to We GVVVVSBVVHVO OVth hm 1Vl italic Andrew MeNabb Rae Nor tt ViiIinV 1111111 VtVlt VV= 111111n cxlnhitioii It opciiedl tllltltttt MittW Btkcy J2me 550 in tubtime cnioymcnt 450 uInd Val ENJY NU 11115 141 ltlllt llillll Norreiia Well if II at the institute Gallery on Moii llltttlS Ellttl Hiplittt JOllll Blue Grass Eau de Cologne 175 1000 CAN 5193 My SUIT 10 XCiJolmston latxy lIliititt Retry ilall 51 1l Murphy lhil Sauve John Cam 300 VVVV 1311e 505 Hand Soap Loo and SERVK l1 LILANLRB ltireli Little ixathlecn llpti Mar it llillllitltllls eiloit be won Michael Murphy Bill La Blue Grass Eon de Torlctie 750 to bbx 240 77 311 1M Mill tl eaiisv Miss rimming has not been kl ldtttt llilthCS Moore Joan lllitllltti 1111 Shiltttnri p1i 1111 11114 110110111111 1011 nQ Woods anti John ASuso Blue Grass Body Sachetfortopio Blue Gm Dmmg POWdcrsngwy tlllIlllIle illtI ll Mild to iltieet her til get the feel ill llit Wing lho ml int6171139011 toe fragrance 275 ogsugoImHhc 5km one boIhIng llll 11 gala lltitl 11 11 11111111 1111111 1xn11V1V mgmnn Shmtsi llnb Marslnill accompanied by 11 VV of Mn Weltnm t1llll=tll require so many pieces that the 1laisie Barkcy sang The Hat My Gt VSOCW GXQUIItOlY BIUVO C310 Brltlluntmc to loud the SIVV as MUM mm HVVV VVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVI Standard might we m11ulhm wow Upon 51V patriCkS dmntysntin pillowsl50to50071 hairwtthsheen and tmgrunccl50 Imus Um lIIllIIwl WW lVWSOl lllllldH luly II and yellow 1111 iii happy ittttaltiii 1t came as pleasant surprise lht SCCOttd ltthtmiSSlOIt 21 and tltllll1 rake gt11111111untttl therefore to find at once coni CltlllllS including Lorraine Hef ltll piett lilit liilttt Hill 111endable groupoi the local scene lttltl M15 llyllls ShllleOlC lmel broom had prominent place 111 as well as high general stand lit Liltlitlltc Milly DIAmbrOSSiO A1 the prtictttllllgta pitiiilstoii til iit VV JVOSC AIIWDIOSSIOV and Jeanette lllllittllYtV and Stilll bills were Vera Cumming 15 an artist from Laruao accompanied by Margaret brought in Littler colorful pai whom Jamaica may expect great MVcleVlnllon sang Mozarts Alle asol and the giiesr ot honor wax meal if she remains among us 1091 1mm TthV PVValms by FaureI VV 51111111111141 mm 1111111 Among maugh Im Looking Over Four Lcat the gifts was water color 11ai111 Jg Clover and Little Bit of in by Mrs lifeltion llilltlfi liltlt Heaven present were sereral llltllllltln ill Use EGSter Seals The entire program Vwas well rc ccived the den TmmjVVjllV 11 ml For Cllnlcal Work int Miss Pauline Nalmii ltNl 3121 39113 RCV J1 M1 dent of the AYlA 11 1111lt air an ev crew of the Rev It lIiiillnanIllIr Iii ren dcancrv stall Rev McDonnell lV VV Lawn mm mm Mm mum My VVVVHVOVV Easter seals were or Victona Harbor and Rev has 110111 tllgltgtti as 11 111111 111 3111011 the man during the Dougherty 0t Qrtlha were present the rst evening of the concert the past thiee years arrived the tickets to Club Ell uerththr prizeVVs won throughout the even ing 15V ANTEVN MILLS side will beholclVViii the basement weeks of March to 28and for lull ltftll 0f lltt tthlllh and by everv seat sold crippled child togemerf ms tth 1011 WW0 ttltltt llttll somewhere in Ontario will be IrivI group yolmg new W0 1111 11153 Miss 11W be On another Chance to ght EMS from OriVllia and Waimtnster Vlm MHWEV married Thomas COVVVVVVd of Dam The VVVOVVey Vaised by the Followmg the nal performance make it with Canada Com Craithurst Michael Murphy on behalf of the Vsalc ofLastei heals helps the work Shirtii lllltl it will he itnoiiritcirith 11m11110d on bv the Ontario 50cm m1 made PrVesentallonV R9 Lawlor in recration of the hole lannlr rearm whipper makers say 111111 tor Crippled Children and the Ser his work as direclzgr Refresh Cream KinI Whi 11 divvice Club sponsoring itwork the 1tialityolLanatla Corn Starch 111 pims limpedimmrsn 11mg such as arranging orthopaedic mems wele serVVed to members is the reason VltiVVLVcits popularity with meat from hallpint bottle of light ClttllCS transportation for treat the ll Stiltllicgmzs at the Vhomc of IVVVVVVVVMVVVS VVVVVV7TVVVEVVV VVVV CVVVVSTV 91 heavy dam VVVVVVVVVVVV WVVVVVVVVV mCmV discovery afflicted chm rs V8 ro he yVVmV1mV1pC calls for Cm isf lrtVchdVtoi put on chargerEDVVVZIQDDUUHE aPlVlantCS andV 031 Read Examiner Classied AdletSV Starch lC sure to use Canada 10 lpplnm Infill 1119 gtIV 3000 11d bOtllC Silaixcn he whipped it 031V Elmo Cll ten Voin ll its tepctnlulilc qual cmam 1S am11ab1c for immediate received clinical Vcare from the 1t ensures execilcnt results use or it can be stored in the SOCWW 01 Olganlzallons working 1011113011111 1101 decorating 11chi in conjunction with Vthcm Not A130 Manufacturers IofCrown Brand Corn Syrup cc3 desserts ctc in the cases are charltyV It takes VV 11110110 than an average income to lribkg Dw HVVlerovidc comtortV for crippled COMPANY Iimheidm Masdnit Tcmplg IBarvicv ChinIi Child and 1W with ziair income parentscannot bear tei 101 OES held an afternoon bridge party and in tho evening mggexnrvice aubuieh 2313 it ffunglVVVCENVIV bcrs from all over Ontario the Vtulle afternoon session were won Viman ifgmccggrsaigatceenttrsel rI 11 1qu work done by thesedpqulig spirited men ampng cripple I11 ten R0 3IwilliIethiIiiiiisitiiiiisybdinMidi mums th prime movcrs in theeffort but tomcat pthmEd by those PFCSQVnt iVJOb for one clubVto hindle and 777 others such as Lions Kiwanis Fireghters 0f Minn Borden Shriners Kinsmen and others staged aV St Patricks dance at added their support Club 79 Two hundred attonggdfrnsaiety recgrds show that and much credit goes to Joe Lbng 50000 childrenhave received aid ton who arranged liewnmrhunj since rst started in 1922 As the pmieint Mrs Peter iCks proved years go77by=thmrk4ncrem VV to be theV lucky dancer wirMe children who may have never rIe found herself Vthoiwinncr of $20 ceived aid are discovered through forVanoor prize Two boxes of organized surveys At the same chocolates and 10 complimentary time crtain types of crippling diseases such as Tickets and tuber cular bones have declined main concern is the discovery of crip pled children who may notbe known to authorities Hardly any case is beyond hope and through1 lilUitBtlAY MARCH 21gt 1048 lSt Patricks Program representative with ClENCE hall proved there arc the publicity created by the use of Certain 06d ar elements everyone seals ant them they Else It needs for health If there arent II March 22 15 9199110 cont more Crlppled enough of thcmin childs food 10 Cole has 71913011113 had the nhlldmn Who need attePFImV VsVerrous things can happensuch phonc1instanedV ItVVyou knowot crippled child shined ngwthV soft bones pom M15 Evelyn Mattin Barrie r1area kmdly maid 391 teeth faulty nervesJoss of appeti Spent the weekend at hCVV home localeervwe Vclub or adeViVseVthe defective eyesight AV hereV 1V gomeiy gin tVV ovaltine Supplements thediet T9111 010 35 YO eleinemsffte Itl edMlsjvguthEalcgggu 11331 buy and use Easter Seals to aid brainary food2g+beeeselrcie$ gt 1I Ia prlests VAV glVlVljdrszorthy V1CVthVlseV for Ontario gvgttgg3ftiihlSignlgant portion QWonderftil news This new modern form of yeast die famslmllhe VLA7BI my felweesms Pl needs no refrigeration You can buy monthssuPPlY flood conditions pretty bad in the aim WDgRlbOtlaVlIT 312 lowland hereabVouts Valid Niacin and Minerals calcium and keeplt 1n dig cupboard Irsiays frfshtl you need VMrV and Mm UAW G11sda1e Phosphorus and IronV Viijust dissolved Packageaccording to directions and have returned to Penetang after In addition it prowdes the basic 11 few days at TV VF1em1ngvsV foodVsubsmncechomplete proteins 5163s teas Yeas leesIyoqtpetfeansmgsi dehCQus Mm VFmd Newtng MrSV GV 10 meld muscle eeand Vbodyceils bakings in superrspedytime Get new Fleischmanns Haight and Mr and Mrs Scott hlghenetgy foods for mm and 11110 31 Pg ty visited friends in Tofonto on endpranceJtthus actsasaninsurance 598 ty eafstat1y0urgrqcer15lOdayi VMonday against food deciencies that retard Once you try ityoull always use it Wits Mason has returned homel fISZIdYIOI Ring ligaoughihefanotional normal 801Wh afterpending the winter monthsl ggt 95233 15 lm WQme Soif your child eats poorly is thin II I1 Dirggledwghter Mrs Walter lzomohotztgegfontlfaultiefmige ilf undetiVpfgrVprhap nrvous why notI VV The Easter Church service will Iiihllrlhgmartfegetublglgripohnd tilbile gowtilggiliegaiune for Om be held at and Wll be 3011 um sympmms Pinkhma Compound ppenteI 86 13 has What Dtm can BWmChic ucte by the Edcanalc Young tonic856cm PW At el unlit EPNIIIAMS Willi