Sport Flashes From Windsor GEOIHRE ONLY bltlJStlli litititflkt itch 111 11111 lii1 o1 1111 111 tll lll 11111 111 111 ilttnttattutt 131 MidiZ FREEIER av c9111 151m gt p1 11 tII 11 11 135me CWT 7YEWZ wmeuwxum THE 1111 111 BETTER 1111111 Opens new horizons to glori ously Better laying Its all yours with Marquette llonte lltrecer more tempting vitamin packed meals juicy tender meats and fowl luscious lltllts and vegetables Enjoy an endless aricty of the seasons best all tar round All lvtarquette Home lttttiytcis are designed for Fast Freezing as wellas Stoiaec lripleSealed doors For Joni plete Satisfaction INSISI oil Marquette SMITH FURNITURE STOVES 29 Dunlop St Phone 4492 ongtatulations to 111 11 tzaBErH 512 iAlktli stittltliiir alone 111 gt111 positiou au1l ll11t 11111 not wast ond goal came from tunnpy out passotit lav Maye1 11 was lniark of the second period lipiiards had opened 1111 toitake eaie of the wingincii advancing on each sltl Stan valketl riglit bulletlike tlrive It was Sititilllirgu 1L mumhh ml ered 1mmed1ateir wwv FWh Jack Atlanis praised flic llcitl ltvliilt 111 VllltlSt1S eiitl At one ltinie they hiltLSpits in tlieiio1ii1il showed he was 1iii 11t min111121111111 campaign for 3110000110 ttttJl 111 1I 111 trot Hiatuizi 1Itl 11111 11 111 11111 tIt 11111 111 llaiili liltitliii l1i 1I tlII tll1 11l11e lilllttfl 111 111i ltltl It til ltisf psi 1111 111111 lit t1 lAvaiiu Mtilttl 11111 unveil In fiont tiIll fit 1111111 playI 111 1111111 1111 handicap of b111gt lliiiiisitt 111111 Itl 21nd 111111 1111 inisnlt tlie llllltllllt lolloued tluotteli and obtained the rebound Very Igtiickly he 11111 to 1111 11 niouieni 111 pl11un the puck where it liiliillttkl Ilycrs secl hard gtl1ot bout the defence linl ou which lvzm Valnade dnlutl make more lalli ll 11 the 11lfll low 111 the press box went home llc said all he came for was to see iariepy score one of 111 fiitiiotis drillers The last time 11c atteutl edlie was rather peeved at tiar itll so they say because he was foiced to watt until the final 1i ond of play before ltay connect liilinsley did come 11p will gttlnltf tittt bil The initial up poriunity for Iran to rise to llitSIlhIUHlh which heights was around the 1330 mark of the first period Whit hittl suit streaked in from thFTett side utter taking pass frqu llillf cad of tryltl inrrett at centre 111 ling to outwit the goalie he shot for the short side and right into Walinsley path Also ltayero to lleitl to Meetr combination liatil laiIl right 111 on top of Hptts cage guardian but just what happenedJ scoring break came when ruggcdt Stan ljulIgquFllitXlrltlwll1trlilliiL Ice channel in reaching Wind ors defence 111 found the rear 111 on Walinsley and letgo with lavtro Megcr llltllltil their terri fic checking job and especially lono for one minute and ill sec onds The nearrecord crowd be came so enraged owr the show inpfllieir boys were making that they began to ride them to fear 111 extent idnt agree on some of the jcalls referees Itrank Elliott and ICharlie Good Jr made ltllliott asleep wheif he mistook Stan Long with his curly idark hair for Paul Mcger and his crew haircut The incldeutrcamc gt1 11 llxt 11 iv 11 111 111 11 41 1111 11 Ii II 111 14 11 11 11 11 11111 When Ray iiiriepy stoietl1 ftll ed Quite an honor about when Haidy and 1151 raced the length ofthe ice foian iced it 111 1111 lied ross Port Nursery at llalifax 1nitdilutes on the hardships of her past life lled Iogs Seaport Nursery extends tlie first welcome to 111o11111tli of displaced adults and children from Europe =lted iosri welcoming services to immigrants are sin ported t111111i 1111 tilled 1111 Spitfires lo lool 11 them one vottltliit loom niggli llotel Noiton lalinci was over 11111 1il llairie supporters Moiry Stianriiatu tliris llakogeorgeDon lliltl rt and Ken McKenzie 1h Neil Laurie tcs Allsopp Bud lalin George Dangerfield Bill itleIIItk 11111 iraham Bert Gage iloy Christie iloss Smith to men IIop but small handful were piesent on the scene Byrnc llaroltl lory and W11 llarris flew 1111111 from Malton and arrived in time for portion of the first ieiioil and tits last two Jimmy titlinotI lohu Stevenson and thick lladdeu drove down and back all 1111110 space of 19 hours and as the story goes went to work the next day Compliment the Barrie followers They out t111red the some 5000 Windsor tans gt Many thanks to George Danger field for making it ptusiblc to breechH Iiyazvle1gtviiltintlt t1urin Wednesday cstitltt and educational jaunt btllst Saw the whole assembly line Street the process of 211 car is taken From the time the fint hole is drilled to the final drive ottt of the factory Must confess though that it is hard to believe that they are producing total of 2110 cars daily to the speed of 11 an hour to room 207 some time in early morning atid thought he was 111 TNTTWng iiti111liliiltlilii iiltullttbl helplessly he liatl WmFWThtTtisel ttiek show him the room Iltltl then on entering tripped OVtl liis bag which letsr Sinclair had left in the middle of the hallway lhat wasnt had enough He he arch for the 11111111111111 IN MARCH sen ILunlit ilc thrilling 11 glimpse of 1111 first blttebird 11 is not l1ard then to think of these birds as symbols of happiness Radiant llJlllt and chestnut red and with song sweet and low they are altogether attractive They have been seen in March year after year by observers of tthoyden irio Museum and scores of bird watchers elsewhere On rural and suburban roadways careful titflll tiny of trees telephone poles and wires usually brings one or more of lltLm in view Notonly 13111 birds but horned larks the viml gtiard of the robin invasion song sparrows purple finches and other harbingcrsol spring are not on puck Haidy knew he Vwouldntleommon thrills encountered in get 1L without beinghit so did little interference work Stan dumped and crashed him into the boards penalty was called to llaidy 1011jntcrfeieiice and to Meger for drawing blood By rights it should have been Long who sat out the five iiiinutes lidy required four Stitches During them last period When Windsonwere pressing to start rally they Ifound their spirit cut short by Long and Garicpy Spits werc rushing like mad andgthese two took it into their heads to put ian end to these attacks RedEyre Hay travelled the cen tre lane with the disk and was sent up to thet0p row greyS by Long That ended him Shortly after VEddie Busch raced down the right wing boards and found Gariepy handing 01111free take offs so assailing he went Later ing check by Gariepy and hewas forced to take to the bench Skinner dressed Hay and Cam Church in place ofthc disappoint ing Bruce Giescbrecht and the fluqstricken Jack Taylor Jimmy Uniac withstood his injury for two periods but failed to make showing in theg third period Quackenbush hurt his kllee when he tried to use it on Gariepy and instead his play backfired That was another worry for Coach Skinner Viilight mention also the routine that theBarrio players follow and thatow1nnors 1A1 11 pan an Marcel Pronovosprccived4101tw rmrch especially the latter half of the month That Ontario folk in increasing numbers are allured by the fascinating hobby of bird watching is noted at theme Ontario MuseumWhere constant 1y growing interest in the vast Collection of Canadian and foreign birdsis evidenced The Red Cross Campaign in Stayner has rcachd the halfway mark Midland Recreation C0uncil has reported that it had organized events during the past year in Which400boys and girlsresident of neighboring municipalitiesahad participated AUCTIDNEER EXPERIENCED LIVESTOCK MAN For Successful Sale of Household Furniture 01 Farm Stock and Implements rnonn smotm 23111 fill 5232311 EXAMINER 1513215 in Halifax Nursery duo =4= 11 young mother as she rests with her baby on the threshold of new and happier world Just reopened after being released from Artin occupation the Il11l itll it ll 11111111 f1I I11 III 111ti 11 ill 1tii 111111 III 11mp 4111 111111 11111111 ittl wi lll 111111 r111 11111 pa liltlf I1 11 litll1 piaxcis tll tit least ianolsteih Breeders lnwl iutl lllttgtl of them Stilllltll itlttf filittl Windsor resIGCl Herds Graded Yanpatttr 11mm cryriuiportant in Sinicoe tonuty last ck print 1111 1215 to be 11llttl the loltiug llolstcins toi inutiber oi the serHtc tillerctl yearly and applicatioie eic teceitctl by the recrctary of the local club llreedcrs liiitl that helps them 111 their herd improve classes females and also grading classi lltillltill tor bulls the grading service Anions Ily11cr was breeders 11sliley llittit lliere liu breeders got Suncoe time them Karl Kulisli loyston this vere Mctague Il arnhardt Hawke stoue N1 lt 11 TI Ruth cn Brethct Mctague Cochranc Ronald Allan Leonard Jeffery Wilcox Sous Gordon Atkinson Terswell icorre ll Sonics Sons lturtlier par llsmel Lousway Wes Deliner Russell llood ticnlars iiiayJJo secured from 11shley secretary of the local club Stayuer Wilson and in recent Sunday moriiingfl arrived Stayner 1iiport for brcalxlast iers small anes truck was mot inter used on Toronto auto whichI flames llt tllt JlS into main Many thanks too for Wes All1 oppw11o provided the top laughE Tfthe trip when he wandered 111 Twas out of Lision lttllllflll OE=OH===OY BARRIE MARKET Maple Syrup Makes First Appearance 00 The llll raiiiples of the 1211 supply of maple syrup appeared on the llarrie Market on Saturday nioiniug Dealers stated that be or1 Weather during lllc put Week had been er tavorahle int gout sap r1111 Pintts liltlrtzl from 40001 jtll The warm Weather also brought out many buyers so that tiadiizc was more active than it had 11111 during the pitvious coiiplc of ivteks The farmers say that they lniye hardly any trouble getting to the loads lutiltry pioducts were plentifiil and moved icatiily Eggs lll ii utost of tintn irc bare illtiatlc do lIti1 laiee 1it lltllttl til fiit it 1117 Spring Lllllb ens were quoted at llitlflc 11111 illill lug fowl at 3711 11 lb large and attractive tllllt oi lioiuc billLing featured ltttlolt of bread at 201 loaf fancy llllli 11 l1c tlul drop cakes at 35le11 111 and pies at 30c eat11 Large pans of buns sold at Iltle cacti Vegetables cc HJttc lotzitoir sold rapidly by the basket or by tlicbag btit other vegetables true not abundant Cooking apples 11ej selling ieatlilv at 4711 fil 111111 biIslitl Average prices verc as follows lfggs accoidiiiy to Islc ltltl quality dozen 105101 llairy butter llc iSprIns chickens littc to 1111 boiling fowl ftfie Maple yr11p $125 11 Vegetables Frults lItc itluious titIt tilti aijrots basket fitlc Potatoes tiqt flllt to 1111 75111 my stari liitsnips basket litlc Apples basket 20clo 5111 51 111 151 10c 10 15c 10c to 1511 2th to 251 ltle Swede turnips each Beans lb Citron Small cabbage Horseradish Beets qt Home Baking 10201 1100 Illic Bread inns 11es School board estimates for Stay iier this year are $7500 Attention Growerst This Year Grow Cucumbers For Prot Canada Packers Ltd Contact MRfJ MCKELVEY RR BARRIE Phone 159 rcttun could Vbody ornoarnntalion new colbrs new fiend richer upholstery fabricSLAll lejndlng new beauty and luitury t6 Chevrolets Bodies by Fishifo the nest bodies made awaib bible only on Chevrolet and higherpriced can lfMeet the newstundord of BigCur beauty Ydoll Enjoy BiQiLCai performance when you New frontend styling new radiator and curt BigCar shiny will yours well Fortliis new Chevrolet bringscou UnisteeLBodyiommtionJhLKnnedion Ride and PositiveActionHydraulic BrakesMoro features combined only in Chevrolet cindhigherprlced cars4 more reasons why people everywhere ugree0nly one is No onlthevrolet is first ii TCHEVROL IleNDAY station Congratu ations To Barrie Flyers 11 ll AY AYE MALCOMSONS iNSURANCE AGENCY DIAL 3735 41 DUNLOP ST Andrew Bell will be paid $700 will complete the installation of for assessing Tay township on the card assessment system for an ad present system following which he ditional $1200 Product ofGenoral Motors Men and women everywhere agreeiiOnI one is No only Chevrolet is rst in Vigilround value asrin popularity Consequently more people driveChevrolets than onyotlierVmak=accordinglo officin notionlwideregistrations andmore pople wdnl Chevrolets thgn pony other make dcdrding to seven independent notionwidekurvcys Here in the newl948 Chevrolet is recordvalue For new and even more luxurious stylingicolors and uppoiptmnts have been added toftne BigCor comfort peftormqnc anddepondubility which identify Chevrolet as the 0th cargiving BlGCARQQALITYAT LOWEST COSTlv To exomine this new and finer Chvrolt isjtoknow its your Nol coryourgNo investmenttor 1948 Therecordbrdking demand for new 1948 Chevrolet prompts Lucio sulggestlhot you Veepyour present car in boedfumiingscondlon brbringingiiHoorforsltilled service now and ufregulafinlervals pending delivery of et Se us forliruly dpendable service owna new Chevrolet VAII thegpepond powr all the getawaystpminci and te liability ofqwquds champion Valveiii Head engineplus Chevrolet economy Yes fthe some basic 1ValyoinHoad design found elsewhere only on more expensive your new Chevigol today 1w 1s1=1 s1 cit5