Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Mar 1948, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR II II II MONDAY MARCH 22 1348 fzi I5 ties to laltli whirl tl II slay ct one initiate li la thulw 1m IIIII Ix gt tDilSllldl shot that never ill ng Lions gtCiatchctl pull on in mm 31 ii Bar happened to find the ait laylnc on llI II llltktiliU Um Itilillil Ami stalled to roll llolmtl lithind hi lowin net in land iili will ovcl his own blurlilti lnd tl the red line Wilma littIIil IKlwnnrs tritltillil liiv lillll Iltti till likliiil Hitl iiiii drive UHE tiiit cattli Ilylilt ta undid in the Cllll and all for the net lUnable to print Il llil llll puck III lonl in front of tilt ii uld lain tin IllS coursi Itr wily still lllllll MS TIM ill Iii rilillil lsee what would happirli to those II llilstdrleal tltiilltl in noilll end gtii the link lllll we liilll rI II llhe scraping tit kllt telling ltillll Canlpalgn for opelmgI March and the odd tiy ol nully tatiulit CrumheSI wheel ChairSI hespital beds and only ll igt iil liltrnd lllli llili2i tlflillltl Hm Hm mm with Hts Imam 1947 er expenswe 311d hard to Obtain supplies are ispot What matriarch emit depends on colitrlbtlt ms to the national loaned free of charge polnt of nail llaii lilitll tlii siliia lltilt lll its own litilltii and hail GUTIHHES FINE RESPONSE tllllitli the tyililvIlL iiiilllrll llletry FOR COMMUNITY ALL his aim men llttilaln more Th Grill 11 15 In the Oro community of Guthrie will Ki I11 711 ifSURGE Elinfllgilimgml c5mpfg beg is it it the coath Silliiil lllilltllltll lt slructtonoornatecuniiniihiiy hiillfoAls 51 WNW reported in the news columns last 715 but WUllil gaa WCCk the drive is off to good fltITSIY AIle lliat ended the first period and III II Start IWItll 52000 already pledged II imlugm on HR 1mm Srhml il hulIML NLWh itillltllll lid 10b bCLdUbC 0f Pllyb and With the Ontario Department Of BILL BARRETT Alicliiiiave Alaskai tll lisibility of pllnc ride lays The chance for llll yollil Vi AUICUHWCIM1Kapprovedagwm Ime Hm mm IIIIIII will ltau this or yspaptl thm from here back to Michigan He was 0f25111 centof the cost toward the had arrived and kidtlitis tllliill Iced the seats to tlltll their partici pants to Victory llarrle scliools lilllll lying on cut at the Sal valuiii liily slowly dyinitwof licaill condition which requires liositall true on the market ili this town lie didnt pay his way back to Michigan The Red Cross did project up to limit of $2000 The Guthrie citizens behind the project are so happy about the response 15 initialized became Tin UNEMPLOYED ttliat they feel confident the full fin were first and the ellls came out HATS OFF TO Barrie yers 34 DUNLOP ST ICAS GROWTH IN 1047 TransCanada Air Lilies contin ued to expand in 1947 The result was the company cw 1527471 ton miles of mail 1072517 ton miles of Ihave their news in by Tuesday gaV PliCC 01 Willi WI in his express passenger miles and 23017821815V6ntlc Congratulations BARRIE with eagerness to not under way Stlll RELAYS loilr girls constituth 2i lean and each girl was ventured to skate two rounds lIiiteretl were King Edward Prince of Wales Victoria and St Marys schools Prince of Wales broke into all early leadand held on to the till isli But it was the most thrilling lastaninttte sprint fol garlic Vie toiia crew fought from last to second and diminutive Dorothy Lainsont playim ie anchor role cauglit Betty Si on the filial turnbuttook it too wide and miss ed by few stridesoftlnisliilic first She lcserv much credit for Dorothy had started well back of the pace and provided start lintr tiniin for the spectators Members of the learns were Prince of Wales leecy Cameron Ruth Cliantlcl Shirley Jones Bet ty Swilxcr Victoria Marion Ilill Joyce Lindell Mary Jane Agnew Dorothy Lainson St Marys Car ole Marshall Elixabetli McVeigh Mary Helen McVeigh Patricia Ma VanKouglinct In the boys relay Doug Baker four rounds which proved enough for his mates to work on and they end Victoria took second Kine Edward third and St Marys f0urth iMcmbcrs of the teams verczl rincc of Wales Doug Baker Trick IEnims Bobby Garnet Steve Hook VictOriaI John Walton Paul Bory Isuik Bill Kirk Douglas Astridge lKing Edward Kcn Robertson Lar Iy Reid Bill Goodcliild Ted How croft St Marys George Citculick TratilKcmiTP RURAL ENTRIES Rural schools entered boys only for sprints and nine were repre sented at the starting line Gcrald Hastings Guthrie managed to re tain hisearly lead to nose out Bill Gethons Cherry Hill who came with bangup finish Others competing were Elmore Corbett Robin Wright Sitoitdhi tPea cock ThorntonEarl Green St Pauls Vaughan MadillfiUlopia TdMills King George School The winners of the relays ic ceived cup and crests Captain the DangereldMot0rs Trophy by fWiAStecklcy President of the Kiwanis Club and Ruth Chantler received the George Wrigh Tro phy on behalf Of her team from reterisinclaiix Presidentiof the Lions Club to givcuIPrinceof Wales perfect evening Gerald Hastings was presented with the Barrie Creamery Trophyby Mr teckrleyi fiSECOND PERIOD Oncc again the LionsKiwanis fixture came upon the scene for the nal lap Kiwanis held 318 edge and LionSw determined tortie the count Lion Tamer flaccid off the puck to start the ses SiorranthhIen Emms with the help of some playemrhatL to carry the Tamer off the ice Stan Na ier acted as Lion andwore ariiot balled lionsuit for the occasion TedIOaks 1was theTamerand ad vanced Amwardthejscene with can tion wearing show shoesIaparka andcarryinga whip PrincipalBiIlLBellMas the whole show forILions as he hadnumerous chancesto score but couldnt nd an opening in AlScott who seri ously speaking displayed stand but exhibition of netminding for fellow who isnt getting any younger Whatsthat you say ii iiiiioiiii iBiH had undertwo Ibrcakaways and also was EWardeda penalty shot because the puck was held on scramble Scott covered his gan gles well on this one We must compliment Bruising Jake JaCobi for his fine ability to loaf iaroundcentre ice area with outIstumbling over hisfeet Notice the large hole made though when the puckhmbled toward him He got so excited that his teeth bean to talk backto him Freddy Nor ris was big gun for Kiwanis too Did anyone recggnize Doc Bigelow andI JedChurch on dei fence in the supposed role of pro feeling A1 Scott Since the xture igelow has spent his hours runi ping th Church for repairs an lliole lnncy King Edward Una Stacey Shirley Mills Betty Dawson Marie 10mm 15 US mwn had little trouble holding it to the aul Brennan James McKinnon ermydlibfy Call 17 if PHONE 102m nobody has izlvell him the money to ItillllttlI and hes loo weak to go out and cti it himself This lilitll is fit years old He hast Iltll iii Al since 1041 BCSltlli illlll lll illlUliltl col is titan who has lived here since 1020 Hes 73 years old and his heart is so bad la caltl climb the stairs leading flmll the btlsclnen where his cot rests in the first floor lle should be ill hospital bill he isnt In another cot tonight at the Sll vauou Alan World War II veteran llcs healthy lles iii his twenties He has vifc arid child ill the state of Washington Somel one lll Seattle told him there was woik ill licliorac Ile borrowcdi $135 and now hes here lie Cant tlct uj0llulldl1 cant borrow money from home He went to the Rcdl Cross litre and the people have liim enough money fora cot and couple of melils day If hes lucky disability check from the govern merit will arrive and hell have enough money to act back tothe States Ilcll only be $l35 in the Wllli WIFE man and his wife from Fairbanks looking for work They left three children ill care of friends at Fair banks The mans World War 11 vol with no money or friends in town They went tothe Red Cross and tonight are sleeping under rented roof on very temporary basis Earlier this week vet who hadi just gotten out of the lll3rd ieti cral Hospital at the Post IleHl vhn vice versa If anything this came broughtu niticli welfare to each professional man CITIZENS BAND To fill outtltcWnigliimaridplacch Lsomc spirit into the rejuvenated playcrs the Barrie itizens Band directed by Balidmaster Al Austin was on hand to provide liiusiczjyj selections for the audience and to keep intcrcsti at peak during breaks in the program Tlic lcelandia Skating Club Toronto which has been organized for the past three years exhibited pleasing exhibition of fancy Angus AlanvDawsoni CQkalllL skating routines and had great variety program They were help cd by Barrics own Mr and Mrs Bob Ramsay who were brilliant during their appearance in acro batic figure skating IMrs RamSa did alovely solo number Little Wendy Mason aged four years caught the hearts of all as she went through short and pie number which included her learning throughout theirst six months ANDIA FIGURE SKATERS TwelveyearOld Judy Ann Clink was easily tops of the club when sheIdid single to Faust Ballet music Later she presented comedy nuinbcr called Nitrscmlaiid and Childi with the help of Sid ney Hobbs Actua1 dancing on skates was SailorsgAhoy by group of Icelandia members Highland Fling by Shirley And iews and Mexican Hat Dance by Dolores Taylor and Annette Steph anie An extraordinary number by Dolores Taylor and Harvey Pass eldialled 1the liftY proved ex citing aszHary had Doloiiesturnf ing in many Onsbcoie the night was over be clowiTHaik veyPasseld had the vinmgs fry in tears for anIopenerfand laterw the fOriental Fantasil by Jack Cori was presented as aInovelty selection The Jester by Fred Rowland ffCountry Dance by group of Icelandia members and the Grand March and Club Yell by all performers completed the nights entertainment which was Established I30 Years Aw sPOLLARD Real Estate Brokr abusesLotsITobacco General Farms exchanged Bull NEW LOWELL OryIthlel De Schepber 4523 List Your Prdperties ivith Unemployment is 30 per cent liiilliel ili Anchorage this year than liiSl TheRed Cross had 100 per cent more calls for help last inotitli than ili January 1947 February has been even worse The first of the year medical funds were cut off by the Territorial Welfare De partniciit because the legislature hadnt appropriated nearly enough money Now other agencies are feeling the pinch and the city hasnt appropriated any money to fill iii during the lean season forced on by depletion of territorial funds All these facts were pointed out at meeting Thursday of welfare people including Major Clith eloc lcrritorial representative ilarearet llafenicistcr Senior Health Nurse Marie Kohler Red Cross rc plcscntzttives Mrs Gladys Chap man alld Helen Cass 1qu PINCH ON Since the pinch was Oil they thought it was time that Anchorage folks kricwjust what this commun ity lacked compared with what com munities Outside prbvidc system whereby the city government fonts some of the bills locare for the ill and homeless As it is now except for very minor aid its all up toithc territory aiid the territorial legislature has dropped the ball EndoWed beds at our lOlie hospi tal IEiidonedJieds mean when poor person is sick he can go to PREsE anccs required will be raiSCd and the deal for site between the Guthrie Arena and the United Cliurh is being completed Although only hamlet insofar as population is concerned Guthrie has built up community spirit which is the envy of many other hamlets The success of the current com munity hall effort is but the latest example While larger centres have been without them Guthrie has had its own community skating rink for years Orillia NewsLetter the hospital instead of local flop housc and his bed is paid for city clinic Now the only clinic is for venereal disease If you have something else wrong with you your only alternative is to ask doctor for free help He wont turli you down but theres no system in town whereby doctorscan devote time to public clinicits done solely by individual onthecuff treatments definite appropriation ill the city budget for Vgnedical assistance As it is now the Salvation Army plays the part of clinic andhos pita If medical cases were re leased from there it would give room for rehabilitation work There isnt room now This week IMajor Clitlieroes daughter has given up hen bed for woman visitor be cause its the only place the wo man can find to sleep NTiNC THE NEW GENERAL ELECTRIC PORTABLE Thalia WELDER TMNLEDIATEQPELIVERY4 Designed for was ion brosisGarages VchhinShops4Home COMPLETEWITH WIding RodiHelmet Gloves Hammer Priced AIinLowAs $18400 plus tax 2I IIOOPERATE minimums comm BARRIE l7 MalcasterISty ONTARIO Ph91192379 On Winning the if Jr Chanipionship URRY BROS IISportingI Goods 36 BAYFIELD ST licenses will be valid has been set at March 22 it was announced by Hon George Doucett Ontario Minister of Highways No extensions will be allowed mixer 22 LAST DAY roman LICENSES Final date upbn which 1947 mo tor vehicle permits and Idrivers hemmow=

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