Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Mar 1948, p. 4

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PAGE soon users chad Womans Viewpoint on This and That Barbara Ann Scott Oiyzizpn world fichegt1 2114 from 21121 1111 twinif pm tured 111 1111 stump 1f the 11111111 11111111211 Mis 31111 Hutu1 collects 111 1iltl ci111121a11 gt1Cll llUlitisttl this 11 of 11 km cratingr 11lt 511 itlil Jziaau pH1 Hz 111111101111111115 1111111111v12gt 1101111ng 11 111111 111 121 Must pcoplc in tin1111 5131 iv 14 dumpinnt 11123 111111 11111 111 111311 111 21 $11211 111 11111111 1111111 19 11 11111 us 11 115 of 1111111111 were EttLlYLtl 11 11111111111 1111 1111111111111 gt Noah in 1111 says 31 11c 111 1111s 111111 1111 111 1111 11111111111 1111 iiiuza 11111 1111 1111 111 111 as 1111 1111111111114 11 111 11111111 11 $111111 111 11111 for 11111 11111111 ltl 1ctl1l 11 11 1111111 51 111 still 1111 511lt 111 i1i111 hm 11z 11 111111 li 1111 3n 1111111111 11f t1n tumor 111 111 111 1111 111m 1111121 11 1111 NERVES 1111 ties at 11131111 1111 1lt1 1911 4124111 11 111511111 21i111111 1v171 intuit1 folitli 1111111 11 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Vitamin 111 111111 11111 other 111111 111gt11111 1111111 neededininciulsiiilliistinictistiil 11 mum Nihl tonic 1111p build up your viiulity My my mud and aid in tuning up 1111 1111111 NHL IIld mp1 SSltll$11titltutti1111111111111111 VHF by Huh 01 Willi Cuilitlctici Gin lrtli1sts Ncn 151111111 chance to 111111 banish 1111111H cursuiiil1111111114 11 lltl11ll 11kt ixltillailluiiil tlll int 1111 cv 1ins 1l 111 1111 11y purl 11111111115 1111 patrons 1111i yuus 11111111 cnjoy 111 l1 111 1111111111 bctlci 11111 1111111111111 1111 1111111 ww mwm Nu 11D l0 111111 1111 11151 is 0111 issuiantt lt lountiiully spicud lili 113 Let Us Help wi new We will Wash walls lit1111 Windows SpringCleaning liolishjloors Store windows 11111111111 teach week PHONE 3107 Cleaning loouunu1uuuu uuu11u Electricity for your ng Machine Any treadle or hand machine can be conver to con venient electric model Complete unit consists Motor Foot Control Light and all fittings Free estimates 0n repairs expert of any make of sewing machine by at 1111111111111 GUARANTEED RI FINLEY 45A Elizabeth SfiBarrieJ Phone 3361 vou WOMENWibsiif HOI ASHES 111111 so FEELCHILLY Herefs Good News Are you between the ages of 38 and 52 and going through that trying functional middleage period peculiar to women Does this make you suffer from hot ashes feel clammy so nervous irritable weak Then no try Lydia Pinkhams egetableGompeundterelieWuehe syrBrilptoms Its famous for this any wise middleagewomen take Pinkhams Compound regu larly to help build up resistance against thismlistress Pinkhams Compound contains LYDIA Modism LYdiEIPIkhal STVEGEIABLECOMIOEIJNB It helps naturclyou know what we meanl This great medicine also has what Doctors call stomachic tonic effect NOTE Or you may prefer cussed 111115 Kivell John 51 lReceives Note of Thanks lFrom Family in Poland ailrn 11 31111 pus11 1111111111111111111 11 1111111 ltltltlldlll 11il11 1112111 11111 112 1111 till til 1213 Miss Joanl 11r 11 Binarrul who recently 1111 111111111 thaw1 of the Darti 1111211 11111111 i1111r turnival int 1111 111111 X11 chosen from court 111 11 111=lt11tlt she is the first 11111 outside lnil11l Status ever to 11111 the award Miss lurr 151116 1111 111 ll 11 l1rr assistant 111 1111 rmslit traffic manager t1111iizi1 3111111141 Runways mm 111 wit111com 11111 11111111111 utilii 111115 11 and ll John i1imn 111 11111111 llcud wcrc at 1111 lricriiis when about 1111111 111111119 afternoon 111 11111 il 1111121 111 111 11111 i1i All Cdiwitl 1lt that 11 1111111 111111 NW WNW 11111 111 111111111n 1111c Hi 111111 11 111111 11 ltcv 311 liup 11 11 dei WHH 111111 11 11111 if 10 lll mum 111111 1111 1ii1 llulltlrilil 1111111 1111 11 11 WMll VJ l111 11111121 latson also of 1111 1111 ll NU mNN 1cro 11111 attendants Mism and tho iisuul aunt1 i1111h1 Hlmmp ll 1111 111111 11111 11111 111 111 11 lionsl Him Ill MW ROW Vlml 1TH HM 11 1111411 All iltnduiits are livl 111n 1111111111 111 1lli 111E1 111111 UH Hwy WW 11111 111111 than 1111 laiit litiiililip 1131111 111 111111gtll1l stoij ol 1111111111111 111 1111111111 11111111111 121111 tillltt 5111111111 1111s 11111111111 11 of last 31211111111 11l1 11 and 11 Surinltin 11111 ll son 11 reply 111 11 11111gtl tliuitci lcniliivrs llltll 111 111111111111111 by llM lflsic 8111111111 Sistcrs lillio 1111111111 11111 111nni1 11onzird have interesting 1111111s 111 1111 tliuptcr llll tll 111 tailyycuis 111 1111 Luna Sync in 1111 traditional 1111111111 bronchi to close another huppy 1111111 for the rccurds wk lrom rugs to riches 111 11111 short yiurs that says llic l1111111 ciul lost Is 11111 story 111 unadusi ldrcss industry lllt11 1111 111113111111 from the war yours in powcrlu position to conipctc in 1111 hoiiri and export 11111k1ts with 11111 fashion moguls 111 Now York Paris London Front 11111 liastc parade 411111 nch falls 111111111r the industrys ltllililllt forward to 3350 millions 11111115111 of other busincsses st fit as well from 1111 growth of Canadas 43 try rcmn rhubl Last Wednesday afternoon 11111112 35 members of the Women Touch1 lets Federation of Barrie and sur rounding district held nitc1111 After the served 11 Prince of Wales crs had intended him as dinner meeting has 11le1 MRS MacLENMN ADDRESSE ST ANDREWS AUXILIARY 0N HAPPINESS rcws Church met son and Miss Morrison with duetfChiist Arosc Thisbeinrrzrspcciarmccn Mrs MacLennan chose ness as the subject ofhcrmiid in addressing the meeting an freshments llliw 111117 till 10111111 512111 lmzwith large attendance iii to bcnc lashion indus lunch was The leachI this event New instead to donate 111111 mon 101 the Help the Cliildranund On Tuesday evening March the Evening Auxiliaryof St And in the Ladies Feliziige itll113$ HunleTwandmhIissl McCulloch MissGibson reported 0139 15 GOdlessnessv and We can on the Bale allocation for 1943 13 mUSL which wasacccpted Mrs Fcrgu 15110 101d 0f the WMS W011i in the mines and how many nationalities attend the one favored Happi The members are very grateful 15 Mrs Machnnan for her kindness inspmrrg messurge Thc soiil coininittce sorted rc l11411111111 111 3111 11111 1111 lllliliil 57 111113 111111 1111111 111 11111111 111111 liltll 11 111111 11111 11 1111 111 llurry hr l111r 1111 11111111 111111 lionic in 1111 Switch Scitlcnichl 1111 the 111111 11111111111 1111tlplctl by Mr 1111111 2111111 thi lntc Charla 11lt1111 for 13 yiurs on tlicir furni Kill1111111th whcic their son tlillllllllts 111 11111 211111 1111 mov 1111 111 lliizhvuy 1111 one mile cost 111 11111111 1512111v11ci11 the reccp tiori 111 1111111111111111 with this event was 111111 Mrs Watson 1115 been active in WMS 11111 Institute work for 7111 vc1rs and as hobby lovcs ill Easter Meeting of Collier United WMS tollnvr Si Uniisd tlinrcli W0 nicns MiSSionary Socicly held its 111111111 111111111113 1111 Friday March at 111 in 1111 SS room At the idoor Mrs Merrick and Mrs Me Ilman cxicndcd cordial welcoiiic to 11111111cis ind visitors 1lirs Giiiliam conducch the lhusincss and called for lllt reports ers Robertson reported two incinbcrs Mrs Sinclair lC portcd 1711 calls made in the past Lewis reported 11 NOW 11 11wo niontlis Mrs 11 the liincc 01 Wales School or 113119 Most of the time was spent iiilffllm mi CCIT wowed at nude Conferences 1m hihlllllt1lltlll badges Miss Goodfellow 015 of me samc Undo divsrequcsicd material or money for and mmhodg quilts Miss King reported the sinnption in ni1rio4nid the crime as result of it and urged WMS workers against it Mrs Felt then for 111t1ke firm stand took the chair the Easter service and called Mrs Lloyd to read the scrip fthc1 resurrection story and tcr the was taken lrs Armstrong Mrs Aarsimfand Dobson sang an Easter message delightfully Miss Mayowna fro Czechol Slovakia then spoke Parlor The Easter theme was been working the WM carried throughout the meeting 19 among new Canadans from The devotional period was in Parts Of Europe Shesays The core of thetrouble in Eur be vital Porcupine gold closed ivithhymn and prayer sussn Smith Mrs Armstrong Morrion and Mrs Vanderbeek 21111111611181 21mm it CompleteStock l1Hear Your Favorite Recordings at BAR Home APPliace IBranfch Diai 444 in lzxabllNER BAthlh ONI HI 1111 GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY or 1MB AND MRsw IOHN WATSON 1111 111111nd 11111111 rlsltlh Mrs Agnew of To dents of Cunadh and United States 11111111 Mrs II Wilson of Brad are enrolled in the 91 honprofit 111111 Mrs Jas Stewart and Miss Hospital Plans on this continent of 1111111 1111111111 who 1111111 on cvcning 1ng ARIO CANADA 88 WEDDIN lltltiMcALLISTER 111 much interest the pretty 111111111 111 311155 Betty McAllister daughter 01 Mr and Mrs Alex 11111r1 Crecinorc to Mr Basil 111151111 son of Mr and Mrs 1111511 Siayner took place on Saturday February 23 with Revl McNicoll officiating in St Mrs George Halbert Has ZOth Birthday Leap Year Day 185 an 51111511111 Cottcspondcnll Mrs George llalbert of Allistoii marked her LUth birthday on Sun uay February 29 1913 with family party 11 the ironic of her daughter Mrs Sandy Ellis Actu 1900 Leap Year was not obstrved Among those present wcic 1cr 5413 SH three daughters and their hus VHUW winer 1bands Mr and Mrs llcrb Dunn llzc IJIidt wore brown gabar 1i11gt suit with matching accessor corsagc of roses and as from the groom strlng of Mrs Frank Duggan zit pcni 111111011 the bride wearing brown gt111 111111 corsage of roses lizink Duggan Barrie crriinmnun for his brother 1r11tption was held at the 11111111 of the grooms parents 13111111111111 the reception the happy couple left on their honeymoon in Niagara Falls and the United 8111111 On their return they will ionic 111 Stziyncr WRS Newsprint is problem with inns newspapers these days Brev ity in copy is appreciated 11111cis tltld drawing 11 Watson has been church titttl for 49 years also Bible 1luss teacher for considerable triuuth of time for both Churches 111 11ilv life he was breeder of 11111 cluss Clydesdale horses ape his many ribbons testifying to his gttltttSS lliccliildicn of Mr and Mrs Watson irc Karol 11 home Char 1111 ll of Scotch Settlement Jean Toronto and Mrs tontts 111 erundcliilurcn Mr has two sisters living 111111111 of Newton Robinson Mrs Brown of Scotch Scttlc while Mrs Watson has four llciihzi Bunting of Vancouver 111111111 ldylwyldc Bond wnh Mrs Earl Rowe 1111111111511 the tea great illtlcaSC in the liquor con thankoffering be has Christians httICIITT Mrs Robertson thanked the er and the meeting was Claylon SteWarts commit tee scrved tea in the recreation Mrs Clarke Mrs Aurora lMiss Audrey Gray Tells Soroptomists of Work 0f the County Library Miss Audrey Gray County Li brarian was the speaker at the regular dinner meeting of the Soroptimist Club of Barrie held at the Community House on Mar Miss Gray in explaining her work stated that it is pioneer job and is regarded by the De partment of Education as an ex perimental development In 1938 Dominion statistics showed that 95 of the rural population of Canada did not have access to public libraries In Ontario the solution to this was the extension of County Libraries throughout the province rarywas formed with Miss Lila McPhee of the Barrie Public Library in charge But later as the work progressed it was neces sary to engage fulltime librar sian Simcoe was the first county to need the services of fulltime librarian for this work By County Library Service Miss Gray stated good books are made available to the people of the rural part of Simcoe through 20 libraries and 10 deposit stations The books are rotated from one point to another thereby giving ryone wide selectionmf read ring terial The rural schools are also ovided with books and it is found the average child reads three to numberor rec current events were 11re car including es by Eleanor Atkinso Th Balkans byVTWilliam King and Frank no Frankly Speaking Byrnes books on Associal hour was spent follow ing the dinner with Miss Fern Hampel directing games in which participated with en everyone thusiasm 1111 reception was held at their by the Ontario Hospital Associnl Head tion isn1ntli in size with over and Mrs 10000000111011cd There are 16 of mum in the the 91 Plans with over half 11111 Mrs w00d and lion enrolled Net growth for111 In 1940 the Simcoe County Lib books month by 771 ames Mr and Mrs Gladstone Murphy and Mr and Mrsf Sandy Ellis Also present were Mrsl llalberts two sisters Mrs George lllgt oi lvy and her husband and Mrs loni Whiicside of Allision ind her aiiy she was 81 ycais old but my two brothers Fred Arnold of Thornton and Herb Arnold of Gilford and their wives Onc sis tcr Mrs Chas Banting of Barrie was unable to be present Grand children nieces and nephews brought the number present up to twentyvlive Mrs llzilbcrt is victim of urtli ritis and of lzitc years has been confined to her home most of the time Therefore it wash happy occasion to have so many of her family and friends gather around to wish her happy birthday Those assisting in serving tcn were Gene Murphy Marion Dunn Jack and Fred Ellis TILL large birthday cake was placed before Ontario Blue Cross Hospital Plan 3rd in Growth on Continent 11Tlic Ontario Blue Cross Plan with 229971 new participants had the third largest enrolment growth in 1947 of 91 Blue Cross Plans on this continent announced Dr F1 Routlcy acting director of Planl for Hospital Care upon receipt of Norman this information from the Aincril 0t Cookslown There am can Hospital Association Rankingl Watson first was Mrs Cross with 4111662 new participants nid and Chicago second with gain of New York City Bluc 2117251 Approxniialcly 295t100 rcsi which the Ontario Il1n opcrzitcd the Six others conclusion to blow tlic cclcbrnnt out twenty candles After lunch all gathered around as 11 Hulbcrt speaking on DCl half of the family paid tribute to their mother for her selfsacrifiCc on their behalf and for the eu couragcincnt Siltlltll given them He related some of the family his tory and expressed pleasure in having our of the remaining ve brothers and sisters of his mother 111 and one greatgrandch1111 111 icccnscd tlicin prcscntcd from the sons and luiiclitcrs Fred Arnold rcxprcsscd the good wishcs of the brothers and sisters after reminiscing presented gift from them Gene Murphy brought birthday greetings from the grandchildren There are ninc grandchildren and The party came to 111 end with the Singing of 111 gift little present 11 this unique celebration For Shes Jolly Good Fellow PHOL REWHSOH and Mrs Jim Plans in 1947 was 3722029 Coni Scott in the afternoon menting on the phenomenal growth 01 Blue Cross 111011121110 Iliinds were present from T0 since its inception in 1941 Dr ronio Barrie Becton Totlenham Rouiley remarked The Blue llllSlOIL COOK910W Bladmld Cross Plan is not commercial Newton Robinson Ncwmarkct and company but community serL vice in the public interest through possible hospital care The Board of Administration serves without pay continued the acting direc which citizens prepay the cost of tor and these public spirited men have never been paid for their schiccsnor do they ever expect to be paid Use The Examiner Classifieds cum wuhrv YOURE STILL LUCKY YOU HAVE YOUR CLOTHES CLEAN ED Al NUSERVICE Heinz OvenBaked Beans are just thejhing to provide active kiddies with proteins Grownups also find this meatless dish especially during best cooks nd they get better results when they use PURITY FLOUR for all their bakingrfor cakes cookies pics or bread Try it yourself Purity Flour Mills Limiter Department 43 111111111 1111111111 The most useful book in your kitchen 87 tested recipesAt your Grocers r100 or sent pustpard on re ceipt of coupon and $100 Published by lbs Mill of Purity Platinum Purity 01m 733F41 for which enclose 3100 41111111 hernia grandsoinr of urishment STERING Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs Repaired and Recovered For Free Pickup And Delivery Coll 1111119 11 Sons Ilionc 4365 Free Estimates Please read in copy of the Purity Cook Book uininuuunoiu Mail to nearest officeSaint John NB Montreal Omwr Toronto Winnipeg sidearm Vancouver Normmunu1 ylv I3 ing Len ntroqt is back 11A SC Given toRth AorsOn Pres Unity Auxiliary 11 The vicepresident session andtlienturned the meet ing over 111 May Nesbitt led 111 group of we ship both educational Each member her The Unity Auxiliary of Collier St United Church held their Ears for meeting at Mrs Nesbitts 113 Owen St on Monday March Audrey Gray presided forthe business Th Misision Study prOject was and interesting was given paper of immigrants from certain Steps are being faken to rev1ve the Alliston Fair in 19549 Iso e11 James and Eleanor 1Mitche11gtvvho in lovely service 4Coltimbia Capitol coiintry and the district inwhiehW they bad place and thus the knowledge in Canada was greatly increased in the act was deeply Refreshymentsrand social hal hour brought the evening to close settled vIn trim these papers were read and pinned on to map of Canada in the proper thegroup on nonAngIoSaxons feature of the meeting was the presentation of life membership WMS toPresident Ruth Aarson This was given by Mrs McCuatg retiring advisory president of the Auxiliary 1as farewell token and her thoughtful appreciated by the Whole group as well as by th president needs SURE YOU NEED POSTS BRAN FLAKVESevvV Because Posts Bran Flakes supply the Natural bulk your system feeling And Posts Bran Flakes supply avor than keeps you coming back for moralmorning utter morning Plus other ports of when lopmnre allround nourishment 7w ygt fnd pretty rye onloyvllfe like AND YOULLLIKE THEM TOO to help keeprfood wastesmoving promptly keep you kiwi if Product of not Food

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