fit it FItfol ILLAIHIEW LN llll lE litultmn llllillt IIL CANADIAN ABROAD by CLARK President ONTARIO PLOWMENS ASSOCIATION ilzscmsiuti on lJitIl null 12 told itiu Mis ltnlli llktl lenize okiti lllllllllt trail 1lidiltla Iil silklll ulul unit or Bonner WI idol tiziie Iiii Mclnilnnv icitziitine mmme um mp tlltlittrt Lt sun 58 li illltl tlllttll 1m 55 Moizttiistiiz 11o Benito tissustunt Itll iiu torl tipiesiIiituliit guxi iii ill rs l55lAlJMIi LUNIJUN it llir itliil lHt itllimti ili tlltl 2111 has iiieilltiii ol the 13 itll no iv H3 lit liiIItl liii Liil 44151 liltll iittei it unit mil tIIlLllt 121 It eiiiiei Ltilliitli3 till ctiiiii i= lrt vie liut tSllllgl oiitiint ll Cilil work iNAIJA Easter Seals Symbol Of Hope uvvnvivbrvoiv vv MMAnn KNOW YOUR SOILS DIFFER IN COLOR oi en in the in Doll ItSDAY MARCH ll xSHEARDK Diessmaking Designing Phone 5145 Barrie 82 MARY STREET Upper Apartment 1948 Room Reruns illniis iiiicti Zl scrird at llv il tiIi iiizii zit llltll it the ltlll ii lIlllll incthori wiriiid LKc to in tiri iIiE tlI be PROMPT COURTEOUS EFFICIENT Iipiil iiaettziig null be at ivi lltiiti Hi All Jtillll Fltlui lllgtltill We tinii oii short of these powdertil eggs Jlllil lllt Dirl you can so tor them is ioii do get used to them As for iis visitors Iii 51 Iinit soziii Hi xlmoi conditions 11m JIM Manihes 1o vAll lilj lltgt Linn there itiiIid to London ii ixlllllil lililll liiiil SllllllON iiIsI 11thiIiiIigs ol li 21Illtt llliitt tout tliiit liner picture of are used Iiid liitlr It lvllilr illllllltf out wile Job to ilIl lun ll ill ilt iilittlllttl gtltlll it iliotirls lure titiite tll Th nouns lilt tittier oil lllllll the llltlllllil ihoiiseholdt who is quite senrm riitioiied All gttisl inns Sillltlltlv er ration books ll their stay ex cieds two tliiys While we were never in one spot very long did turn iii our lllIllltl books in lllllllllill liititi llt rm lIngzliiiid iilil lions generalli weir iiiid lltltl llii iill it tiptllul lhi vii ltlll ll liliiIi Eliiit lood strutting more dining ilie our III is lliroiighoiil the isli and chicken iie iiil illhoiieh ment is is no whitii bread Milk and tezi iie iii unit weak British Isles ipizte plenti ItLiice lheie otll biowti hoit supply powdered Clllltt is Illi trill iiiriis IiiI iv one c1 llll HIM the standard beveriige at eeiy il1il ot coursi lecliiic illl lllLlll ltor desert you ciili llil UH Is In Emmi 11 11 puddings or Ices he iccs are good or iitoiiei llltt lie supp oi AKm Imswna although pint unlikt oiu iii creiim Ili tff ll not iiigin to ltllit All or the tltllliillll powdered eggs Like other food livestock feed Is also SLlllttletlltl rutioned The allotment Is based on milk produc III This 15 II piiiticiiliir hardship 11 the Highlands where the quail lily of milk per liciid lids never been as high iis III other parts of the country With less fodder thiI supply becomes even scanner and so the vicious circle continues iti Elebtric Appliance cf Repairs All Work Guaranteed IRONS HOT PLATES TOASTERS HEAT PADS NEW ELEMENTS INSTALLED IN siIAanIiii TYPES AND lions OLInni vItsiINoyiousr AND It IRONS Models F17 18 20 22 $125 SIANDAII lYllZS Il Older lllcstinghousc 113 25C on our itinerary Iiftcr lvlzincliester TO SAMPl YALE TYPE LOCKS TRUsz BAGGAGE IHONOGRAPHS We triivcllctl by car to Oxford FPIIRFD ipassing through some of the finest Despite the shortage of food you hcar very little grumbling from the British people They are cur iing on now III the same spirit as they did during the Will Let us hope that their llilll times will soon be over Oxford and the lIsso Expciiiiieir llll Form or lisso House is It is also called were the ncxt lllzices be seeded very soon now Some triictors were cultivating and the land looked quite dry Peiliaps it will be interesting to note here that the use of tractors Is much expected Britain now has one tractor every four acres of land agricultural kind This land will PHONE 3874 unnyls 36 BAYFIELD sr lllOlC Clllllllll than for We were informed thati lLlil living symbol of the work done by The iitzirio Society for Iippletl liildreii is iiiiIeycnnold lluniiltoii Iio Morle lst liiiiiii former polio victim is III Ottawa toscll llit oiSeils to lloiioiiizilIIL PM Martin Minister of NtlllOlllll lleziltli iiid clfire iiid otiiciillv open the compiiigii by which Incins lo iisi 5170000 This money is iiscdby the Society ind Oiitiirio Service tths 111 support of nursing service clinics spccial iieiiuiieiil camps iiiiil other Hilltoputtlit cure for youngsters like IIMMY who llll chrihce it noiiiil living Insert is copy ofthc lilllltllill designed liiisicr Sol llii Kiwiiiiis Club of lliirric is ilCIll pushing the Silll tot Easter Souls o==ouo=IoI Miss Jean LIirriithers wiis witn hci piiiciits for the weekend Keith McVunel of Toronto spent The Harm Markm my WW the weekend with his parents Dmi Miss lorni Arnold Barrie spent the veekiiid tit lltl home Mrs Elwood leiinctt is ending zi few days with Miss BOllelVllllClli mucolble LN bmudu lliiiric March lively on Saturday iiioiiiiiig lll the past couple of urcntIl there lizid been very little activity onto was weekend lfiiirv Banting Mrs Harry Banting spcnt couple of days lustiwcck with Mrs ml Lowor BfllllC Mrs Simmonds Mrs Jen iiett and Mrs 11 Bzintn visit Jto Toronto on Mbrt ay Mrs Earl Rciil and uth spent Vegetables as fl general rule last week with her pareiits Mix wch not overly abundant with and Mrs Chaplin Parry Sound tiie exception of potatoes which number of Junior Farmers mid H511 attended the annual meeting and Home Baking 131 plentiful visitor supply lllld remained fairly lstczidy Sonic quoted as high as made 2i is hopedI ml banquet held at Thornton on Feb cultivation while III America there is only one tractor for every 200 The social evening held in the acrcs If those and large punsot buns sold zit 30c Various kinds of zippctizing homc figures are cor rect they are very surprising ISIT IO ESSO HOUSE We proceeded directly to the Essn Experimental Farm just outside Oxford Hercscientific tests are conducted on wide variety or petroleum products The property was formerly ing Machine Company It was sold to close the estate and the AngloAmerican Oil Co purchased It during Jthc war To escape bombing the company moved some of their staff and teSting Yes Sir Confederation Life Gives Us FontFold PretectIOn the outbuildings into laboratories and sound proof rooms where their test engines are operated Oflicials of AngloAmerican showed us through their research plant where they test fuels and lubricants John Capton became so interested in the tests that we had hard time getting him away For horse plowman he is cer tainly showmg great deal of intrst in tractor oils staff of over 200 are housed and fed on the EssenEaton They faiilgullddle by grow great deal of their own produce and it Igetamonthly in interesting project come if become totally disabled We had lunch in the lovely din through sickness or accident and ing hall and their set out for 0x EhePOlicyiSkeptinfullfdrcewith ford On the way we passed out further payment ofpremiums ihmugh HIeniey town wen WhilethItotaIdability185mMI II I1m6wn inbtjh ijtcjesjweha Igetamenthlyincomeforlifewhen la Excellent View Of the course Ireach retirement age vvjhrteamous boarraces are eitlmEPoWeddebtitOLtheotifed1 At Oxford we visited some eranon Life Representative who showed the old university buildings There me how to get this fourfold protectionf are 20 colleges and in fact the JNhOle Clly seems to be composed of colleges and students There are 8000 students in attendance at present7000 men and 1000 women On our last evening In England we were guests of OntaniOHous and the AngloAmerican Co at rtli jHippodrome Theatre This brought to close most delight ful and think protabletour of the British Isles believeeach and every one of us is returning to Canadalwith fulleriinder standingct What the British peo ple have endured in theipat and are still enduring thattheir coun rtry Will regain its strength and will knowfvhappier days Mywife 3nd cliil dren will get monthly income if die They getndouble themonthlyincome If youtoo want fourfold protection see In ConfederationirLife Representative ng it He is trained to advise you wisely Write for tlie booklet Four Fold Profeciion Trovidcs BEFORE you INSURE CONSULT Confederation Lire up arm ssociatiou jugdig owned by 01 Singer head of tlteSinger Sew machinery to the farm and turned Inetdevery summer wwwwivw he appears to be making satis Umnge Ha last Friday was very baked pics wcic selling it 30c enjoyable and ll little helpto theme loanla and District Memorial Hosl Average prices were as follows pitzil Fund Eggs accoiding to size and The South Linc Farm Forum en quality dozen to 55c tcrtaincd the East Line Farm For Dairy butter Lini and the villagers to II vciylSpring chickm pleasant and enjoyable cvcnmgBOihM fowl liast Monday Maple syrup $125 1t The Farm Forum of the South vegmblcg Imus Etc lLinc was held at Mr and Mrs GOC Stanley Applegatcs on Monday Inlfms lnight 1t was good meeting 9015 bfmet 30 lundcr the leadership ofB Ilen Plle bql 40C 50 nett All enjoyed the social hour 79 bag Parsnips basket Apples brisket Swede turnips each Beans lb Citron ISmall cabbage vMICb Horseradish Several people in tl=risc0inintin Beets qt ity are on the sick list Evelyn Arnold of Caledonspcnt the weekend at the parental home Mrs Wm McKnight is visiting her son Gordon and Mrs Mc Knight in Toronto Mrs Bob Brandon is conned to bed It is hoped she will soon be able to be up and around again Mr and Mrs Albert Hanna Jack and Mary Elizabeth of Tor ont were Sunda visitors with Mr and Mrs Robert Arnold At Mr and Mrs Joe McLellaii bf served case lemmmenirwgm Wainwright Alberta and ij Spring Joys Soon 500 5c to 15c we to 15c 20c to 25c Home Baking 1020c 30c 30c Bizead Buns Pies Wesley Scott presiding The rec reation period was cnoycd with game 0l500 High scoresJune SolOmon and Geo VHOWZIICL liberal collection was received for the Canadian Appeal for Children Banting of Ivy were rpcent guests we ma be snowed in we may Of Mr and Mrs Albert Erwm be flooded but but we know the Members of CedarGrove lcd winter days are Slipping bya matmnGTmAemnyefthyEEC fvifmore weeks No mailer liEIW gelhe at Elmgmve Shlv With severe they may be and we will legmve and Burns Groupsi and be rushing pellmell into sunny I99kforwardgwl meat ime of singing binds with conwhgneijeatg betgasviglazlglefvcyzo 1Lint the elds and blossoms onthe but we hope it will soon be cleared bough so keep Smlhgfkis up EllaScott RegNofChristie St Hospital sister of David is in attendance Hugli McLean eldest son of Wm and Mrs McLean was seriously ill and admitted tin Stevens Memprigl Hospital Alliston where factory recovcry Georgia McLean RegN Toronto returned home to be with herbrothei The Farmers Group held very successful meeting at the home of Harry and Mrs McWatters with Read Exdminer Classifieds Givvnunimini Ken McLean and Lawrence Fraser have purchased new ttac tors Mr and Mrs Madden and Mrs Bonney Edgar visited Ml and Mrs Bennett at Jarrett EanBJMdeosml valuable An1m horse last week veterinary 25c to 50c 11 mwldcuimrul repicscntiiiivcs or months leiii since types of iisv iilctcli Tim ril iiii in the lilti condi llllltOutf liits Ililw titpii sir ii insiend is title it hit niliogcn llic lime Iicil giiuth Iizosl tiops is kiimn th tilll oil pic in Iidiiliiil Itiob is vurv guruiily in their liziie ieqtiiitIieI is tstiiiittIil Iii Lblll 10 cent of the lilltiblc llllltl III the lirllll loiiiliijgts is citliIid ietiiiiies linini for moxi iiziini ciop iiodiiiiii Soil test loi icidity irc Iiiult flee by igrif Ihc iieiircst Dominion lixlltfllllltllllll Form Nitrogen is csgtcniiiil fox tlie dc clopiiitid il id gloulli lid int liiiidince of filiige Soils lose nitrogen very riigiiclly through ciyipl llllllYlll and leaching due to heu riiinfnll which mus be rc jiioccd through legiiiiie crops manl iiics iiid iiiticqcn carrying lcrlilla ztls Phosphorus Is one of the illlllll plant foods and low proII lticlioii is more frequently due to trick of phosphorus lllltll to any Teds Ra 44 Essa Rd Allandctle Electrical SERVICE TED OAKS Repairs on all Stomitli hinders Mail cause Bill Headaches Often llPIliltllk is caused by an ailment of some other pint of the body far ieiiioved from the piiiii It may be an upset ltlllllltll or some iiiiesiiiiiil ilisoitler If troubled by such headaches why not lfry Burdock lllooil llitlerni minorintestinal disorders luiiletly for die Appliance Phone 3609 Household Appliances For lliirilocl Blood lliltcrs iii ii favourite it helps to regiilnto the digestive organs tone up the liver and bill the Iniliirul Iiilion of the bunch As it result there may he an improvement ititlie gentrid health Burdock lllooil litters is sold at all drug counters other element Phosphorus starved plants tend to llflVC it stunted root system which decreases their feed ing zone illlfl lessens their Iibilityl to withstand illClSC conditions 1liospliorus is icqiiircdxfor produc jtivc postures liieiii1tlic Innin 3225 Io 15c 10c PlSESIIFEJQ 13 weather lands blue skies Intotth illowevcr Ii change was distinctly striv of the dairy industry It l5 Iinportiin to maintain potash in till rowl were once more in plenti soils lllll especiiilly in lighter soils Mr anti Mrs McCormick of Tori liil supply and prices Ioiiiziined llitli have tendency to 1050 1201 vithl steady at 35 pound or boiling csh as well iis other nutrients very ilowl and spring chickens going zit rapidly An adequate supply of fill40c Eggsmwcre also in plciiti potash odds to the general tone and vigour of plants inrmcrs who Iiiziiiitziin their soils 53c for extra large with the gen in high state of fertility by using itlitl run selling at 4013 nnd 30c icltcmical fertilizers in addition to manure expect linger and bet icr qualiiy groin and hay crops as well as pastures that will carry more animals per acre Newsprint is problem with most newspapers these days Brev ity in copy Is appreciated The llllllllll lilniitcil Toronto Ont Quick to servedelicious to car With that downihomcflavour that satisfies Libbys Decp43rowned Beans are prepared forxyoui by an exclusive process whichbsurtfbundsr everybean With even heathEgivjesviafthtough and thrbugbgnderoesslnever before equal in bcaiisjDrenchediniiLibbys bwtt atangy tgmtpsauce rich with nourishing Igt proteins DeepBrowned 1960pr Your Moneyocl ll yrqu JL 1ccariniin LIV AFHu 19 Interior Decorating with 136 55ft panellinginitial pgpulnr trend today not soto Decanting7 aiiiivimiww Beansere trulyextra ripeI that libhyt Dup Inwnidpjoum icial Farina are the molt dalliipurhans thatsatisficsiustbeataodv could not be obtained due to stormy weather and blocked roads Many friends here wish to ex tend congratulations to lvan Pea cock son of Mr and Mrs Pea cock who was married to Miss Irene Kootnikoot of Rossland BC on Feb 26 at the United Church in Rossland Recent visitors Miss Helen RugI manBrrie at her home Mr and mgAMchbb and Billy Mitch el Square at All Benhams Cecil Dicker Toronto at Dickers Ken Iiieaves Craighurst at I4 Shielswells Mlss Clara Black Ne vis at her ho TIME FOR TIA It is the cesium on Britt bayiil vesselso pipe manilatow cell at pm youve ovu ml servel