Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Mar 1948, p. 6

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PAGE stx gonna tllgalvg ilk 1111 tiillt the itirhentazts and Ulirl lt wen also 1193 wwrv zed lraxtstott use nmde tot ttotttintxd ttozz pagt Milk tzi titoilttz progress to illulli tuililtii of this sttppoz SLifiuu rot truios atnotttt iI ttt llil tztcttaocti lli tro Another nee get tius yctr $3500 for tl Mcliitltiii the raid shtick ab if Liblhul tttrtltttos 510 lJtu the tits ot Wotiitl nudch llouzttti in 1048 11m $7300 iti Iltv litttl l2i lttn lil tam of tho initigtl llt spoke to lto ot ltm Legion Iltn fllttitltll iiiclt wtitlitl be iltti tttttsttrtd do its for sitiltc ioinettt this tttnei Aid orlittt also spoke ti ittvl the of expressing ome financial airI and the prcciatton to the tltt motion piestnttd by Aid Griffin for grant of 5430 was passed While the ioattt ot works had uskcd for about Sititltlti mort than was spent ll ltiit this budget pared about Sllltitltl and it was then handed hack for and low3r it also to leco Smith llrmo and iginru Forquirktellelfromltchlnxcuud hymn lmmn BLMHI Ii Ithleteafootemblempiinpiuand othltchl had been accompltsltftu at conditions use nine moth medical llqul Is mm with 00 ratscmntorf Greneleu and lttinleu Sootiiescoititmu and quicld calm IntenuitchingDonttiutirrskvour mg but glimpil lug you Dd for 130 PIRIPTIODL merits front the Town for However it was believed lfrom the parktng meters are now paid tor action was taken Contractor and Repairs on BURNER 13m 4725 THE HELL TELEPHONE COMPANY mm of Webster Electric rsarso to $7000 Flannels Worsteds Gabardines Tropicals WEBB 67 Bradford stiauandaie no 3632 Seed and Fertilizer Ourstocks of Sdefare nowalmostlcomplete Four car loads of fertilizer havo already arrived Many customers are nowbooking their ordersor takingdelivery of Clever Seeds Seed Grain Hybrid and Open Pollinated Seed Corn and Fertilizer aning This is your own seed processing plant anessentia smaller ones at one time There are Whoshelss ptancmuiuldlgutt tlyfthese susgstibns tt et te dcptti Iltt zuty Board tpprmrd and pits gttltl tt antagt ot pzittiittttll grants and he asked $1001 for altctatzons to hall lr Madmen pointed out that the llllitI Hall was used as public hall in Barrie and it lightly belonged to the Town The $1000 vats wanted to mon tht stage to one end of the hall il lilt hall and angular the ltgh ll After hearing the report of Mt Mlltitttt Alli killffllt remarked that tnIc Library llatl might be big enough to hold the nontuitp ttoti mccttng afttr the tax rate has been struck this year II brat77v thttttck and II orMoneyBaok Illonald on behalf of the low Mac what date and tasked for $1300 llie same as had Discussing the budget ll was ipointeti out the high school board had not presenttd their require litiil amouit would be lower on account of the high sthool area plan in estimating the receipts for illHil there were few substantial changes with the exception of two items There would be receipt of about $7000 from the ntarto 1tplllllittftil of Highways hascd on tinoney spent on Barrie roads tn Hill and the amount paid to the lcounty for roads The Town also estimating for rocctpts ofSTitltltl which Foren Aft with RCSCC Impenfcltw ii lhtulay mum Match be eight and tlt of age Lnilorzi it stx tti5 utter enrolment ttte lltttiz and Bugle Hand and er Stiltlucid Harris is grown IraI illtii and Will soon be up to tul ulltnu of tilt nieces tor practice in Queens Park in Apttt week shpmcnt ot new drums arrived tor tlic band and conseqttenily iiiaktng it posstnh to accept tew new recitith its tltitmmets Sports will torn large part of lilt Spring training program lar gct shoott boxmg archer and soithall lie tn full saving as soon as the snow has gone moving ptcture will be shown this lltttrsdaj evening Beginning in April one lhurs day night per month Will be vist drill and play of his own pocket 4AV terror the weekend at her home here itlntorc last week Atkinson during the week and Matt Bell and family letter was received from the board of the Royal Victoria Hos pital regarding finances but not The lengthy session of four and onehalf hours was pleasantly tn bcnvm EHCMCI Bridge and Dune iClltlptCtl at 1030 when His Wor in the hall Friday night High ship ii Mayor had coffee and lllCillt scorcs went to Mrs Shepherd and Lloyd Sawyer Bridge to Mrs Reed and Nor man King About $00 vasrealizcd umoovmvwom Willi extra donations coming sandwiches sent up When member asked if this expense was Wiringr Installation SALES SERVICE 208 Owen St Btirrie Jack Butler formerly service operat ed cooperatively at Cost Rates tcmaiIntheIsame as last year Storage space available is only enough to handle one large lotor affew be preparedinto the best possible seed in time for seeding In wordetsto do the job iiitime both customers and operators of your Notify uswell inadvance of what cleaning you want done lie will book your estimate in order received at the plant Bring your seed in when We notify you ofthIIe dateon which Ir it can be cleaned NJL notify you that it is neadyIII own=and your neighbors seed ready at seeding time Remove your completedTIgTOrder promptly when Onlyin thisway can we operate at capacity and have both your SIMCOE SERVICES DISTRICT Cot0P BARBIE MARKET BRANCH 3061 the Sunday School children lot Mrs Lucks kindness titre crowd turned out to the are visiting friends in Toronto Toronto John Rankin Penctang spent the weekend with his grandmoth er Mrs Rankin of months in Midland Moses and pupils March 12 children in Holland ing fayorable progress tint tztght Boys llilt to enroil tn Sm adcts should be the llazttc Atttztttxy at 7110 pm Lzidits pint thitii but Miiltlth was givtn against iitilllL titeettngs tziton Steti lttspctot Barrie dealt wtth this topic at Minesing and Midland and Lorne King at Orlllia Membersol Special Seed Commit tet leotgt Graham Earl lainell and Merits Darby reported action and progrtss in the multiplication of foundation seed stocks of the best varieties to the tatiets and new recruits tots night and parents especially wtll he muted to watch the adets hemg added to the tax rate the Mayor said lie hoped the taxpayers would not get that impression because he was paying for it otttI March it Miss Faith littitty Maple spcnl Mr and Mrs Edger ot Bowman lllt were guests of Mr anti Mrs Mrs lhos llant iiitottlIvas the guest oi her brother lhos Mr and Mrs John Allan IIaInu Mrs Allan motored to lung on Sunday and visited with Mr Mrs II Luck Gillord addrtsst iutllyxi from page one UiixillCL of owtirg the besti Mr lltckliizg stressed ty of farmers in fertility of thc old ittyilllLS or meadow uric no longer lOdllClth up good clottrs which are lit litti lia production of Registered nee grant was discussed at the George Gray Dom Hunters Russell Maw The President John Kidd lilmyilc and Secretarylrcasurer Motrts Darby Waverley were present at most of tth meetings and reported the Association ac tivities and finances lsaac King District iilLtl1 brought greetings troni the Provincial organization to the inst meeting at Minesing lh seed potato siiuation was discussed at Mincsing by lhitesidc District lotato Inspec tor and at Orillizi by Cup page Secretary of the North Sini Missions last Sunday llioI ltXtttltth were very appreciative WYEBRIDGE IMarch ii laiil Johnston and family spent Saturday in Orillia Mrs Rawn and Mrs Rawn Mr and Mrs Franz Johnston spent few days with friends in Mr and Mrs Allen Cameron have returned home after couple lance was held in the school on Friday evening under the di rection of the teacher Geoffrey Mrs Downer gave an inter esting account of her trip to Otta wa in December lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs Leonard and Mrs CEl iCly Next social eyening will be at Mr and Mrs McConnellsIon The Womens Institute met at Mrs Ellerys Wednesday afterj noon with Mrs McConnell in charge The roll call was answerch by current event The secrei tary gave aSplendid report on tIhei last social evening It was decidxI ed to send ddnation to the Sick Childrens Fundoverseas also baleLroficlothing tothe nee LJr II Pnemanyftiondscf1LMAidj fen are glad to know that he is able to be home again and 15 make Congratulations to Donald Rog ers and Mrs Hugh Fisher who emigratedMirth Eeb 29 Sorry to report that Mrs Len Woods who has been visiting her son Haroldis quite ill We Wish BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIB ONTARIO CANADA SEED DISPLAY Nauru100E tt Hopping practices audit tolltngwood over the weekend All vtsh her an early recovery suggested that in this way mu 5pm me wwkwd mm ML might obtatii big 11 ma Mm pumer raw iyttlwut stcdtiig additional Will it ildVlsable in lcatiiillg in Hamilton is home on some well earncd holidays tdson former resident of BCCloll on celebrating tier 90111 birthday ith Pierson of Cookstown were tne guests of Mr and Mrs latmcr on lriday ice Carnival in Barrie Mr and Mrs Law Bill Strachan Miss Amey Speck and Mr Rutledge lvan Simpson has disposcdot his business to his brother We are sorry to lose lvan Hc hits made roe Seed Potato Growers Assoc iatron others an You are invited March ti Miss Galbraith spent the titen lid to Toronto llrs Westwood is vistttng her laughter in Toronto Albert Gugin visited friend in Mrs Lon Cobourn Sin is ill Mr and Mrs lloogendyk of lor Miss Willoughby who has been Congratulations to Mrs Day Mr and Mrs Herb Harmon and Among inosc who attended the One of the interesting features of each meeting was discussion period for the last hottrlcd by the Agricultural Representative leading part was taken by llicltling on soil fertility and til large problems and Morris Darby on improved pastures Keen llllt tcrcst was shown in weed control work and many questions were dealt with by Mr Raikcs whose energetic approach to the problem of weed control gives every iii dication that good progress will be tnadc iii this field in 1948 ilen response to numerous requests from our many tie we haveopened branch store clothing for boys an ber of the WMS lunch was abustness way Mr Hartford has many friends here and we won him chE success in his new venture in itlluwdalc Business Growing Breton is certainlytmprovtng sold his barber shop on Main St and moved to the Simpson block There will be an tiptodatc store where he vacated as soon as the necesary improvements are made THORNTON March Mr and Mrs Elmer Dungey and children Mount Dennis spent the weekend at Stewart The Stew of Trinity Church are preparing specialauusic for Easter wpart of thetntat The hastcr Story There have only boon two nights since the arena opened in December that the ice was it conditionfor curling or skatI ing The Womens Institute will meet at Mrs Geo McDonalds Thurs day March 18 The program Will be tn charge of Mrs Bone con vcner of Social Welfare Roll call response proper Social Jus tom Assorted Weather This time last year we were get ting mail by the bagful after blockade of six days While we are thankful we have not had the same experience this year at the present time good strong wind could fill in the roads On the first of March we thought Spring had almost turned the corner but on Tuesday we had such storm that William Allingham had to post ponc his sole Sunday evening we had another flaretip which all hope is the last kick Friday morning with temperature of IthinorthHalfof the At 4106 as on THURSDAY MAR 194 FURNITURE Dont throw it out We can repair remodel re refinish household furniture of all kinds piece breakfast suite or kitchen suite reename your own color scheme for $1295 Barrie Furniture Rep 74 Henry St BARR IE Pho ing results Examiner Classifieds In tssifieds EAR Qengl it Report PREMIER 65 DR HANDS Mill FORES FOR TOMORROW MARCH 15 below zero it seemed lionlike ti cnough tor most of its 01 in FRIDAY reston Bl Mrs Giffen served by thelrostess assrsted ANGUS Aunt FARE AND ONEJHIRD III III II of mm value ein eIroie Ergiruggngv gaggle tion and minor disolrders of the hver undilnciiidihgz PMMONDAY March 29 stomach and bowe Lone destination not lite tin 12 midnight rmday Much ao com uy Wm Pacic M11053 produce dale at all drugiccunterl uh Wm Kirby andQIW Duck worth spent last Week in Gait Mr anders waiter McMachon spent the weekend of Feb 29 wtth =iieipgiiautenz Eliminale Wish combination valuable vege table remedies blended together under rigid standards of purity Milburns LaxeltLiver Pills are often The bill the eliminatory or its and clear system of waste ah ia often the cause of constipation sick and bilioua spells Iheadachgs and heartburn Once tried you 11 mm be delighted by the renewed feelmg of wallbeingwhich they belpItq MllburnaLaxeLiver Pills are one or atom norm mowI girls from ten minutes friends in Bar hich Will be specializing in toten years thers nd fathers of thIeIItowrtIIIand in and view our exclusive lines for her spapgeiigg 5y We cordially invite the The WMS met at Mrs 13K 77 districts to CO gt roun lng Eeb 21mm 18 gelng scripture was readwacl ICES to It You budget ternmelyggrhmigpleeghmf by iiirfrilipsonx andd1I3iIsIIIIII1eanIie May we acid lira th 1s one of the most vane ispIayso futigprqnBlzgilgBi ilhey Tie That andchildrenswear vershownhere Bindsv was sung in imemorytvOt Mrs MCQuayDaformer lifetmemf II II

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