THURSDAY JANUARY ii 1948 ms 311mm EXAMINER amour NlAlllU CANADA PAGE AAA waits DREW ms roman PLAN iwo 1948 ONLY CITIES osAi MINLSING 55 siReasonobly Promising LEFROY vIldAI Dec liUziiazlo Hl Av vau axial needle 12111o of tzulAAA Pittle Dres goes ahead AiIJlA By LEWIS IIIALIGAN Arc gtllLAil cmaga to as dcmo MN getairway on the 5A IIV $1 gt IAl II Establisth 30 Yell There tzylui tidal came organmats or popagalda 1th mvr AM toutdug 11 II III II II IAI AAimlimncv 411if ti llruirir PUTDUMS finitel 01 illblaiice zti agreczmn Dew zrzuda aml gt do Zlun lo the actual Civil 331 rgilb dild lHWiiislb 14 us Lift the rutil PIOJKCI hit iii1le Silt Av AA Real Estate Broker unions Sals At cutout tartandry AA proztiutc AC AA in article Atppc in lkcein ch there would be no 011595v L0 Tb3 am htuhoer Ihmdhhz p0 1555 iAAd lliltgt5 lney lencral Farms exchanged ed pettwcli Prime vlmAAs out But exert Miss Ad to hand fir 110 03 VEw LOWEL II II id llvlliill lieyuta in tI ILW NM lleritiEpmzi cit us if Ah labor and the freulon of AA ence is less hall the pub knmvtng full wellItlAal lfthey suc IIIIIIIIdDd IIIIII IIIE III II IIIIIIIII DIIIIIIIIIIIAI II III II PHONE 102124 AA liltrA he I5 ted I0 MAJ duhoz teetlcd human tAAlltlll III In If It III IMIIIIEIIIAIIIII II II Llzdcveioputezit Would be turned II II idln tr 01 Adm 301999 4523 if comlnums nitmi the in Canada thoze rights and free II tY one to Ontaizo oil completion acuizttur iLor ed scornS the pix1110 still rr Ar to Root age of the agtee 14A his on unions exceut Aie gar rent 3310 dour would be alwlblil and labor total unions would be operated by gov ilaclm Al of hi tau bee List Your Properties with us Johnston was rcclectcd to the hII havi prevailed Ih MINI But the Jlcat unitwiry of the crnznen agents its mother ald com tI WWi WEN ECbilidill 533 now ueicon =1 rtLA tn MN iIMhzhhh IIIA All plenty of evtdencc in trade union II II II LII1I gt llAe AI llIdU A0 iI ctAtAt1 aAiseiatA ultilid Juli GISClpllllld And they week2 dig circles thatwhat communist lnfiu WW AA JA lH lJCk upIA vlzs luirc ADA CHESTERFIELDS REUPHOLSTERED wring Will the ullVLclliin that dill tiiiildd ummm York Countv Seckeep my Axial Alt IIII MI 10 IIICIIm VELOUR Rizll lAl LSUH BRULADI other countries are workin toward that wininuhlsts are party melll II II Coll more officials here say pt 1p 11 ut fail pmA lIzIIIl Ax IiI Iqu AI Animal Anutiilw illlltMJ ii At AA All Atlilil muncmaiy on 51 the same goal with Soviet Highm bers llrt and that their Job is hm Ipshmihf Will be held an Um die Lauleace piotet AvsI at Atraltazi 31le lAtAIzi II AiilAlj 41 home for hc oceazion the way No critictsm ol the Moth WilUICVCI lgtgtlbi10 Cilll the owning January if ltrc will mow lid 19th At poAliI As lrlltll II Au erland can be tolerated bckan address ana muncal nuzitocrs NYL Of $30 Admigh on Saw Maintain Dllttllll AM TELI 4314 BAYEHILD STI tical faith of conAmunists Miss lllompson quotes from It HALhm watch 00 Johnston Wlm developmenti cozilpiising IIdaAm liilt at out Ivl1ltltlil1tlgtI 1mm IIIIIIIIIIuIIIStI IIIIIIII when Allllfblllh llthn School on liiuAua Hutnimttcly sot000 It would ll LlillrliAlAlllUt AlAAt tlnit llL ipI IIIII IICII IIIIIIIIIIIId HIMLEILIIIIIIIIIIt II asked Why AAImHImIS III pimple Mk Janna 10 Hit aitnuAit siltool lltllill has then up to the plowch to Itool ta lc ptittatah Ant IA iUiJI Ion earth replied this cnltghtert feeling so well again III IA Miss Darts Blllit of lulSonbura huT Cos urlo ttxgxl lcrn pintsmere llsltaiia rd lclerh Chpsen nish 11 11 Jam will be much lOllOl if Premier tli tuttlltioii llr itlttllkkl lb RE masses all faith all belief in moral il INN 50 Arm IIS m0 IIII is IIIIII is iubAm any prewar year mulchI Since my the CHIIIHIIHIII inglfltlllilllolls to Louis lruax ETr 21 communist ac AtctAvc cialtillttlts Alss lhonzpson ays there is ldhll its ul 1M lulu awrm it PNbmw 1L1 lmA WMS v1 mett Ahc Bo werr n1 vi wki vitx mphhe hCCIIhItc of II dIWIIhhjc thIh Alice has cxtsted is definitely on the Allin 01mm 31 is A111lttia I116 1111 lull Am AI AI IgtIt they anti thousands like them in Asays ale fully awake to the tact mmng In ylMIIIA Chem lilb Mould in A1 pltAllALHC and will AM AAQIAilum lUAA A0 and Wide Range of Colours and Patterns ltidi iaz It Will thus of thll the splfllliui MilllllIiHWl leading Wm mm the Colitilluation school on tlostday DA rm mmllm Ub A5 III IIXIIIIIIIIIIIOII III IIIIS funIr ihcrighmhhmx hp Bugmi of Under terms of the lQil atlfft ltnA iltll lml beciczarg Barrie lligh Sch ol District of treat OhtariIo Would get the power atom to the National mnvicw whh mam KWx yI pointed vice chairman power llotlscAexcqgaliln etc for Yor tally Noninher 1A5 IIII KI AI IA AII Attv tcsuhc his Attldirs at QdLUl DAY OR to the bowel Union as paradise Sgndfurd 1AhApIhA1 has not been All ltd AW NJ gttll matainciy fol generatingpim and 1A ltltLil nAh Injugat Ii board and liarvcv McLean ed age has slowly destroyed in the KHCMHOF F0 Bulllc 5P0 Drew fails to will Tor Lite masAcri llatitiotl tto two you int th eerallv sic mu thelefoie who was elected its llccve of LSSH LARGEST STOCK OF AIAIAI and metaphysical roots of the mas lildh HUN UL Md lvieid int AiUll ltfllllhlli wnsllip on Jan Mil WNW 1348 HUM AIJIIiui 11IA 305 have Wilhelm way NOW Mr and Mrs Gordon Bush iillilldil RIFHUM will NM NS lIthltAHt 1i uh Emil AAt thilt ilileili ILiisilniiiillv limimSmgv these IAUUylcssmo have mud II IICIIIISIIIIIIIIV JIIIII III with MIII IIIIa IILIIIII pm III III MIN 0mm on the lCl protect me iuoit It pphiu IItkllIl hornsqu llw hope Once these ll1 Emmtuhh Barri WitsAm fol uh Ithhuury touting 154 fedeldi UHWMIN twinM Ai Milli NiL liil Iahy tlnfiItresNn situations allriiig AND BEST EQUIPPED SPRING SHOP iv the TliillLllitlt of iic mt ad Ipl Ithg IIWIoIiInIrInIIsIinstitute lloli stands to iCloil that uro All It IIIIIISOIYIIJ kXIIIfgdsIIflh lull Ecoitirltltcs we tarmac illgl ptrttct=it1tictt cltcAuilcllIfw anliS lllTnkUZCllfimir my party hAshihldhyI Iii 3I tisc and enjoy Din the busi its1 combined rCllClllC than if it one ttluo ill the overall lltil11I COMPLETE STOCK OF ALL SpRING ACCESSORIES Mr and Mrs Vincent Ludlow 055 llmltd Mli WilStill 10 Lltd lg poucralone said art official of Mr ruling to Mr Savcll world lli Pig illld Edwuld NV IClUlHCdi1Um0 Chliim bLiWL mm the transport department He ex loit of lines lgt oft about out on 1101 Ml Willi Tinmll limds Clc SillAl WNW will pressed hope that Premier Drcwililh from 1hc trar1i1uc pcaknhd Forqulckrelleffrqmlichln canned byecwm M1 and MH Slinford Ilmmer were rcmombmm mm buskms Would wait until the fate of the lnaller than at any Aime in the past mfifiongoIrmgp glhuicu and baby of NCWillalkct visited several letters were read front re 31 lclttdiiqui whole roectis decided by Conlino decade Willie pzmluctlolr of DIDDPIE llPo Gnuelu 1nd with Ml id Mrs Pd Iallmcr Cmmm 1mm Lu Md Mimis dress lllKlJ the Canadian Govcrn Ilihsvillllls or medium wonl run IIiIfiIIIigiQIIfIIIOKthIIIZQTIWI fiuum Barne or him close to thllllllt peaks and pIpIpIpucm run be IjodgcI fin believer in the chmch He will find tn answer which is nothing more than rational example is their use of the word democracy which is tortuer mlo meaning that is the very op posite to the titleloin accepted at plicatlon of that word In fact the use or misuse of the word demo II emcy by sottot loaders has been largely responsible for the decep on Of 901 Bilmm Em ope into the ocliel that commun ism offers the only hope for demo crhtic freedom It LS unbelievable tht such pct versions ofIIAhc truth can find woman Wilh the meal 5505 II Cllllgniened peopltwat ihhi pub comes as difficult to cut them with logical angumcnts as it is to dis cription of most of the arguments put forward by Soviet representa lives of the United Nations coun cils and conferences Otle glaring toccnttvI were sent overseas and very intcrA The friends of Mrs Lorne Plax esting letters acknowledging two of INCIMA ton will be sorry to hear thattshc those parcels verc read Plans 15 phlicnl in thc Vollesicy impi Vl0 made Ito have it lliix rtltliil tal Toronto and entertainment on Feb Ito Village Nominations help to raise funds More details Nomination was held in the later Tcn dollars was voted to school on Friday night Jail for Sick Cliililrenrs llospital This Village Trustees with good at meeting was under the ClilVtl Acndancc lhcso nominated were Aship of ers Campbell convcncr oi ruminant BriiucllI JI McCrack Home Economics and though rltt nation of his unratioital belief This last sentence is good dcs on Adams James Willan was unable lo lllllllli ill Plli Results litter gram was presented as follows Mrsi Walking in Snow Exhausted Magutrc have fine comment on Lady of 87 the motto house depends on the OilSunday Jan Mrs Cripps Depth 0f the Pocket Book Home iGrani who lives in very isolated on the DOPUIIM till iitilliA spot rail out of food and started Mrs Cl35Dty read paper it Gill mm ilel imme Allelleilln fire hazards ill the home Mrs only ll SilOll liSlllllCC ShC Vlls CX Mervin Flaljck read hunpynyu dusted in IBM SHOW 215 the mild poem entilled lcaching Them to mid 110i been DIUWCd OUL Nell Drive An excellent paper on the bushwas at his barn and happened satisfying homa WIS mm by AM lo 500 Ml Willi in help Of his Johnston Next meeting willbe daughter Shiiielv lhey 301 he replaced by the box social Tea side Of Russm 111ml emultry WU lgt09191ll50ib010d mm II talhperverslons and gained in the II belief that slavery to lheil Sovrct the houScI She was pm 10 bed IIOIIIICSSCII were IMIISI ITOIIIIMIIII IIIII dwialms 15 UN Oiliy lie firm if and given warmdlinks On Mon Mm AIOIAChAIHAdI lrecdom day she Lwastaketr to the Barrie The same sort of tuitsyturvy 10 Hospital in case of complications gic seems to have solidified in the butIsile is fine now Quite an ex minds of the communists in Can perlence for woman 87 yeails of age it BUSINESS da although some of their leaders Ennmnm by Many men make the mistake of regarding themselves as completely selfcontained Actually allof us depend to some degree on other people in order to make living In most pm we are parrot large or small group GILFORD January 12 Miss RnlhWCll was in Toronto for low days last week AMisstMary Sturgeon is the stud Anl teacher with Marguerite Bell at GilfordI School this week Mrs Liberty andsmall son or lCapreol are visiting Mrs Liber tys mother Mrs Porritt illrs Plant returned from Oril 1ia onWednesday after fortnight with liter sister Mrs Palmer Congratulations to Mr and MrsI ilcgtg Davis on the birth of son in Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie New Years visitor with Mr and Mrs RoberlABoyes were Mr and Mrs Sauuders of Churchill Miss Faith Beatty and Mr and Mrs Feu nel Rolhwell of King II The Gilford IWMS held their January meetidg atJVliss Roth Iwells ers Lorne Neilly presiding Mis FKell conducted the worship service ersW GA Neilly read the financial report showing awery successful yeair Mrs Bayes and January 12 Mrs Gordon Dulton of loronto spent last avecleith her parents iMrs Elvin Pearson and Juan spent laSt week with her mother Lear Stayner Mrs John Corbett went to lo lOllto on Saturday to spend the rc lnaindcrIof the winter Sorry to report Mrs Pat terson under Ithe doctors care Mrs MoMaster is in attendance Last Tuesday morning iMrs Ad dison McKenzie had the misfortune to fall in her own home breaking her right wrist She wasutalten to the RV Hospital whore She is still patient at timeof writing Trinity United congregational meeting will be held in the church basement Friday Jan 23 with pot lllClSlllpel at 630 followed by business All lrmkurers and secre taries areaskcd to haVC their an nual reports prepared loughIAfor Pedestrians With the snow piling up and with the snow plows keeping the two main streets open people are not keeping their sidewalks cleaned off And we cant blame anon as in many cases the sidewalks have been no sooner cleaned off than mirror dGREAl in lhekIscope ol activitiesCanadiun National IRailways lite largest rail system in North Americci It provides transportation to all lheknine provinces of Granada Iand wjlhI II Among Canadirrii Naonals famous trains armThe IJAConiinenlal Limited The International Limit The Washingtonian and The ocean Limited Mrs Drlbmugh were enrolled as else we deal life H161 rs and plans were made the snowI plow came zllollifllling Ofv1prker mers I01 some to send clothing Ito Europe and up lithe Sidewalks andthe IveranI cus Japam dithA 30d In 591119 03565 111111 We group reqmrmg our setVces WindOWS SOlhe lledeslflans ital9f no gt ildlfse grlhajgdglia can claw Axonstetlmcs 3lackegloneach side of ALA ammread maxmumlu 955 unless he 1185 harmomous rrrrr January 10 spacefor walkingPedestrians and QialloiwithmfhosgWith Slbgok is Vim friends in dritcmutilateethouseAevcryImteI AA lU lOnill 6181 lllIor we Oll Whomhe trltfzthlyice Wednesdu leans ein coo III 12le willing 68h tlliifb lgswaliler Icatmphn penLwej January 12 ne 1ay in crime It means being interested mII Mus Nixon Toronto is 51ng IFIIIFlnlllIvlll1lgb ghzzcrlaiglgd IIIIII MLi eree mist1 he peP15 legs and higriigjigguldlisshdmi not ants visitors aHhe monthly WA meek cl fleet ofpcissenger and cargo ships sailing to the British methods and being tfoler Ion Hospital and improving slowly mg at 1M AI Sawy ThIII dIEI IA III iffer rom Iv votions were dl en rs Boar eI gt em thndthey bein lorlialloloitgldigggtlivdggllgnknnigh and Mrs HI IlhompsoitIIIThe riwNVesi Indies andaleHQlh IPactlic ICIoIaIIstrom Vancouver Y9 It means Mr and Mrs Ralph Bke Visited lQSISOIl thoughts contained the beau ChefukandinendiY pine lotterlspzrrents inToronto for liftlriilpltyliioumillalWM Nobody loves the lone few days our paths wrth dlvme radianeechat we may 60 outifroin dayto day as wolf type of operator But the IIIMDmrS eLnaiurst amwlllgugslpnifa asmquhtm Edi man who is really cooper in health readpartsfrom theMtssmnary Ed its extensive UniledSlales lines serve5mony large Americim cenlrenlt maintainsOO milesbl line employs more than any ii jg in 1er men and womeniand hasolficesicill over the world tunodign National owns chain ofInineIidisiinclive Igholelsr and three summer resorts in CcinudaJl operates Chateau Lauder Ollavia one oLlhe worlds mast distinguished hotels Jno ofnine Canadian National hbfgls and three outstanding summer reiom outwards ili was rtaiisfcanada Air Lingtruer 2pm Vtmmwm lights for Thee iMrs ADoggetl 11 in all Councillors for 1948 are as fol Mention WlShiP SalVice Mrs ammbmlds gOOdm bridges the Atlantic to theBrilish IslesCanaIdian National directions And he learns inblicaushe isreceptive IOLgood advice and ideas II from wide variety of sources No Wonder employ ers prefr his kind No won success Lifeinsurance is aAcoopera tive risksharing plaanhich enablfpeople to provide against the uncertainties of life task generallyjmpos sibIlI pr the individual to ac complisIhIIIipy himself der IIhe mecs witli greater lows Galbraith MoCalgue Peltii grew and Butler Stephenson is attending the Dr Shouldice reunion in lifRoyali York Hotel Toronto Mr and Mrs Hoogeudyk have closed their home and gone to To Ironito for the wider The new Recreational Building will soon be completed the steeI having arriVed all Last MrsI Henry MicCann CoilingT wood is visiting her sister andAher brother George Gugiufwho has been ill for Weeks Ar Renald Baker lelit on Thursday for udlbury iwhereheI has accepted position with the geological staff of chemicalnationer Nickel Co lheFmegln Missionary Board received cable that Rev Mr Tombs and party arrived safely at Bombaylndla on New Years Moro REPAIRS PROMPT COURTEOUS EFFlCIENT SERVICE lieclfsillbdid BApplijrrce TED OAKS Gordon Henry gaveIa talk on New Years ideas stressing how ntUclr leisure time is spent in useless nyessI if Plans were made for thepol luck supper for the annualImIeetinzg on Jan 23 IIAhellreasurer gave complete report of the years work The Ilmlpotlanceof theM fuIIndItwas discussed and donation wasgnanted lo the general church fuhd 1A reporton parsonage Iex pendiilures iwiasAgivenL This meet ing rproved ia very interesting one and at solo5e the hostes assisted lby ers ASimtpson servedi refresh intents GUTHRIE CjJanuary 12 June Ifresbyleriiau Kirk will hold its annualineeting it Friday January 16 at Alex Grq uims fol lowed by spcial eveniI ThePresbyterian Wolfkiens Mis sionary Society held that January ietinig on Wednesday Jan at Mrs Alex Grahams The Presi dent had ohangve the meeting with Mrs HfCaldlel and Mrs Campbell talking apart Mrs Ctmzplbell closed lhe1meeting Telegiiaphs AntoiInlain l73000 miles of IwireIIcircuil grayish IIIeIAe II vArYIv 54W dog and Aelficienl cbmmunicalion will allpusioflhe world Chnudiqn National Express bus worldwide ramifications But Cavnudlgnflglalioncrl is more than kqunsporicilion clonipany Colonization Agriculturelnduslricil DpVelopmnllI PicturejResdurcesthese luresomeroiher departments of the coinpanylhcil mak its services so complete By every slondurd ofjusuitteAyivaIIitie wordfor Canadian National AALon3Jili riplyingjiolwocn Canada andllie Wort indis and iPrim AA along llrc Pacic Coast lornr pManriddNilialimi tih IhFb 44 Essqxdu Allandale Phone 3609 ultrafiat AI Bepaus on all No lahdbowlrliigPEd ard Is IA Electrical Household Appliances land attains attitudelgreaer II than 4501eetIalbovesealevel is