Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Jan 1972, p. 7

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II ml or II II Iny lo non rm om hundy III on uruy tent yrIn lit Id lll WHICHONE HAS THE TONI Model All llrnn ll nun rompInleI Ir lorklny Io Iool rlopment II new lourounro rouodrd by the lrtut In VIII IIylrI Ibeurn In New York Wll ANN HINDIIRS Iornnn lnlo lorIrttInI ultII anrlnI III with III dev lrItbrmlIbt III nhlrh do III drlrotlon IAP Pbolnl rungcttor In The Bathtub Teriies Weekend Visitor Dun AuI hndrrrr WI not In Vllll my brotbrrlnlrvr Ind III ulle IIII Iorbrnd Ind Ira Itllt IbIlln mm In oxperlrnrn Iliad rout In Ibolr homn PIrInI not me mum on III IIrII IIy IIrIrrInIrw Iold when no IrrIrrd Ibo we would burn to IbIrI Ibo chltdronr betb rwm becrueo III betbroorn tonnortrd nItn IIrI run ooreb whore no on Io Ilrop III nbl uIIbIo No other Inplennllont Alter In erbrd mt Into Ibo IdIoInlnI lobber to nub my hrll ItnoeII dIId nl IrIIbIt Then run them IIIIIIIer In Ibo bathtubI rIn dounrtIIrI Ind Inlld my IIsIorlnInw ubIt met thInI nu doInI In IberI III III very cool Iqu lIIIId lg bldI bid bun Iron In run by Inrlr unolI Irt you run It Iurt Irony Irtrd went IMy pIInnod to do with It In Ibl lIId tbryd probably III II Ievlbo loo II Ioen II they could III the children lute outlor wlln II EboIIIrn rIId It III berrnlenr III III IIIIy to be Ioluprelr dldnt In much IIIop lbII urtrnd Ind rltll Ibnte when mm It IInvInI llrerd In In Idlolntnr room to not my IdeI oI mlIuI weekend PIIIro tell me It Iomemlol thrt Ioolr ltto rrocodIlI lI norm lire Ind II In lIunnn ton row It III III must tern urIIbtd II No ono In trend IIIde In em rrcn one II IIIqu HumFully CAI DrIr CArr Your IlrIrrInlnw Ive you the rlrIlIlIt goodsII neunn an new to be Ilye Irtt long lnInI llI orIrnlnol IbII InlrnILI IrI rold In the pnbllc II novelty onI Ior Ilds Thou Iendn eI bIby rhleby Ind bun nIrr IuIIor Ibo rune In late II Euler tune Noel eoole dont know wbrttodowl tberblck mend rIbetr when they Irow up 7an IIuInI we not men In on Iround In bulb tub nopn your IlrtorInIII IItoobInI to too noon PIIIII In her wanted It Anlmntr Itlvo rlIlrIr I90 SET IIIAI pour Ann Lendrm WI Iur rrlod that rIcInUy nur IUIHII Rn went through our prrronet ppIrI whlrh were In desk drrwrr nIy wlIo mum to II IIIve IIII be would do IIIlll tltlnl In not lrnp lIn not III not proud on but III on bro Illlll Io Inuw the truth Irrrnzcd lbe purer city In ourn Ile III would know Ior nnnn ron nounn CAIRO IAlI Eryolr role IeInIn chInol nnmbor IIrr IIIIIII IIIIIb nInmommendod LN LAND run It ronroone removed thorn burn rnourh work IIItr II nIpyoned quIn lly wIII Ind bIrI Inbrrllcd tome moneyIII more by nny mInru Our Ionlnlnw Imour ol the Inbrrilunrr but In hllIII Idcn ol the nrnnunlr We bellrro III III brnlthy lnlbml In the dclIIII Ind wee rnuoplnr Iround to Item more WI Ire uontlorlnr Ibnut Inn II you hero hearing your prusen hmlng nId nnu In no IrrInII our ullln no that our dnudtler would Innr Iho Inrcma Ironr Irrut Iund but II In Ibould prodo Imo her mom bI would NOT Inltrrlt lbI prlnclpIII III Should we trIl our dnuIbtrr roan we knowIor brr own protrtulnnIDlrrnrbenlrd II ArIIunI Deer utrr IAI see IIwyrr Ibout Ibo will III wIIt IIlleI you It Do not toll your dnurb ler Ibout tltlr Incident It would mate problem between her Ind ber burbend to noIbInI IIorLInyr ulth your IonInlnvn II III In In urtnrnlllry lnlrront In your rnonry III III uIIt rel Ibo mrnrnguIrrntnnlty COSIIrl OPERATION MONTREAL lCll The Ir rrro yrlro In Ilnntrrol Ior rur fury Io rnInrrc brunt Irorn no to Iroo 1hr opmtlon whlrb eon IIII up to two bourl lnrulrrr Iruortinr yrIIIIIed learn with the urn no In nnd Irrl II nnlurnl brenru Ilowrtrr there In no yunrrrurn II In how long this orvorntlon ran prevent Inrnrts Irnnr Innzlny ol llorrlo FrInII IIIIIIrI roblom or trouble WlllI IBIth Rule Drop In Europe Causes Alarm PARIS WI mm In dropptnI nun errtynbur In bm Inn bIlov III ro Ilkwl Incl In Iorro coon Ina Inelultny III In LoI Dn IrI bloc IbrrI bu rountrlu IrI Int IpproIdInI lbI Iml oImurn pnpulItIoII IrvIb TbIII In concluslm el ItrIdIrI on II rouIIrIII an MullahPlant OI Ibo duh NIIlonII InetlnnI II Demo moblc SMIII IILI My dInIIIId ml II Ipproxlnutl room In IInntltntor monthly bulilrnbnu rm In Itr rrntblnx mm II mo III polky to nine Ibe ntr no III tboory IIrIIr popubulon IIII Iormn monk Ind pollllrll your Ibe IoIIrImInI conddm hm llnd IItod In Im II doneltv IyIIIIbII ro Ionma Ibo blrtb nlo lI bold III Itudy IllIbIly Iboro Ibe ro planmt lord rmddllcmms on many an rer llnlnnd Ind Pmunl In III Wool Ind meboetouttn Ind IIunIIry In the III DIIZ 10 Ille Portuluur nInIuoI tr duo bully to the outflow el Iorlrrn boIlI ntrn Ind IIIIIIIII to more lnnanrIIIirId rountrlol Approublnr Ibo D0 Iml Iro SIIIIIrIInd AIIIlrlI Ind mt Oormrny Blrtb rIIo nrrra In two demonwound wunlrlu Ilollnnd Ind Brllnln IrI drlltln denurd II but In III III Irorn Ibo level ltItyI tum IoeII IIrnb Ir NoanIr to II IIIIIoI but Io II IIIIIII mlw do II III III weteryou need Nepplneulethohomewnn Illtlrn hot water It needs when It needs It Look to Natural Gee WnIor Hoetlng IorIIrnt klnd or hnppl none In day pnye Ior III the hot THE STARS SAY 030 JAN II Ark rm MM III inudrmnn my bzl In mu rnmry Ind tbrro II no oulrk to ma um Ilrno an arm rbInru Tllll and II IIIy III thy do It wont rublnr mrlblnI In ouIbbI Iru Ind rnII rouge lrnnr Irtlyrtrzny In 6mm Mu IIJIIL In le outbid Ior uInIod Iunrymrmryboundumu Itkntlnn InrdIrIItInIIrun upaoted brbInIerr Pry In It lrntloa tn nnneu tutu Uuo July Mon linearIon Indudo one It coronal rrllknt oI you Ind your rrant In You no rule Um Ian by tbonrbtku Imor ho III Mu II III III tnowytoboIILIIIoIdloo muob II mullmrnl rIrI Inn on nooIIrIII tub It don mmptLy Ind nrtl lrn IAII 53m III Arr Inbrtly complex undo been Ioul urrInIIy mt bI Inrlrd IbroIrIb on nullen you rInI been to bo boIIeInInI out born rum droe Ilnoo Ibort tIob III In Inner oI Ipprolrblrrr III 190 IIer Nunuryn retr belo Ibo re puorntrnt Irrel Ior Iorernl bun II null IIllInI BnlprIII In no IIIII IItrr Ibout Iour eIrr below the ropIIre neon IrII IIImIIIIr Ibo Ily llIlI Ibnut m1 buI rm In drooplnl bub denn dunno Ibunly II II III up YquolIrlII blrtb llll Ip prnItbed the DG lllll tut you but mm but on In nny up tnlr you Polnnd uld Bour onlquan II uprrIeanny IporIIrulIr rrcovory III tIIo bII been rllrnblnl II In In mIelnI rIII IIan II durIIy uI no7 hum you our bring III III Inn ur tlrII non IIIr DII 1m nI Willa Ixub Han rnItlm my IIId you to who than run Innpnrlned In nngnnrntr Oran umber nIIluy nor Interby you In IN 5N Ill Dope Ink Irlrlnl IrrIIItIaoI II Irma yur uprcted Inn ml you my IIy WILLI beyond In In IprIIlI Wu Nor ED XIII In my to Into IIIIItlou Ibrro yon hm loo mi II III mpmsiblllly Ind NI ornth My In pod rnIIIrn tomb IrIblrh linl Cnyrlm Der Nu IItr Mm In rIrIuIIIy ruln to be III noon Ibnn yurro Indy Ior ll you Im Innan IonJot tbrrn eroIrI mdurtb AIIIrlII IJII um III null drIIlI mIIrI Ior IboII rub IpproIrh my roomy bldo your rm Ind Irwin Plum IIIK IIIIIrrI II Your Irlrndn In Dllllll tnouylr IodIy rrILlI no lnrltrtnrnl Innn youoley It rIlrn Ind tollrctrd NEW CARD GIIANDIIERE QIII ICII Smut ml at Itudy by lorII Irme boIrd numbm bII pro durtd Inrnr oI Inboot rs sort rnrd dulrnrd In Ibol no on bow 1ny In Improve lbrlr Iobolnlk perlnrrmnrn ltnrhm ny pImrLr III In rrr IanIIntIr Iborrt the not roport rIrd thII Ibout II put ernl bIII IIIIrd Ibr nrbIoII In mrrI lIIrbrrI Ind dlrrun lbrlr rbll dreno Irrdrmlr record MIMI YOUNG rumour per cent oI IlII women undrr III no In Ibo llnltod SIIIrI Ilo mmled Gallons and Gallons mmwmuummmwmmr Special deals for homeowners at Associates IIyourrbIryInIyonrboqundwbloIorI Imunmmtmnmwmyrtuyu nrvdrIsb Thetmrwwnrrybublolopnyonebmndord Iowmmmrbnmumummboob Thenmomtywrmbomhbetodonlybyeho roulry you hm In your MINISM mybr sum or more 5o II you Ith Nylolntemt dew mum or Ilyoumdmblourmdnrabubounyoebrr Iced rmon tell to AIIodIIeI Ibout looIntern Hornronrrrorlmn Seoloimrxhbmudlywl be Ionytrrnr Ind Orrno Itroh norm ASSOCIATFSREAIIYGIEJITLMIED Gulfstream Natural Gas Water Heater doesnt know when to stop uuulubiun Dlrhoo whether you wash them by hand or muchlno nood more hotwnlor than you moythlnk But wltn Natural Gas Water Hootlng you dont have In thlnk nboullt at ForNeIurol Gnowuorbloeung you can pay nIIII reto ot Iust 5270 month or no day no matter how much wetor you use And GuIIeIroIm 40 Water Hontor rente Ior only $195 month 199mm Ill srr nn GIIIIES In IlnrrIe lhln comlng Wednesday Irnthoqulekont mosleconoml col way When you pay no Iltlle Iorhupplnoeo Itnoolto be worth Itry IIIII wornrn be drnltrd In one blI Iltrrrr to Ibo PHI to dIIrnd le IhIIr bomrIInd Ildo by oIdI wild men nrwrprprr rrporIr II lnlltehumirf You nend many many gallons here Weltlng Ior hot water lo waste ortlma and pallonco Natu III III Wnlor Hootlng puIn on AlrndltloneleoonoolIleroelnmlly llohttno when there IInt enough hot water But wltn Natural Gas Water HoItIng everybody can hnvo not both or nhowor In POICII In AIrlCllnIe Mdmunx mum UNWANTED HAIR Rumored by rnpnblo IntI Talmud member III OnlIrlo IIrerInI Ald Arsuclnton ntr IIIIIon wItI rnrure IbII you III III mort In beorIIIIII romlort end prrIorm me ondto nllthotnonronnot Iiolonr Itnr romyloto nenrlnn Ild rrnlrr lumen lest IuIrInlretl rrnelr IrrrIro you rInII oI rlrw II III brnrlnx Ildr end rroulnlton Ior rontlortnblo rIr II yrIrI uprrlrm ruold Imprrulonr um Mumllmd lhono III1m non Ior II Inpolntmrnt IItIr III GIIIIeI II Entonr Cnlnloruo Solon OIIIre or II non Hm IIInry In your own bomo wry In

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