THE rxsurvenromu unconcernan WhClilS TheiiealVclluttl Gtll liltilReimN Of The lWiIiter Carnival will Wt tmhmgmm Emma Prrbirshcd by Canadian Newspaper Company Limited 16 Hayeld Street Emil Ontario Kerry terrible MIiaharGenaral Managar Walla Editor Emaritvn MONDAY LAMA rm IAttld CE FOLLlES de QUEBEC McPherson Managing Ethics mi reset betasan motorelwbkefMI Nmnnolorrmgun allele unrumrrsnbbm rotht new not one It mun woollen morndnrnaeccamr learner than mqmmw be are paepggzes ye in and ml ans arm is the hard working guy that makes Kemp cnlcll Bay look like small Thunder gs 523 33357 lithium pc or which creates more sales and employment etc GOOD VEHICLE Motorcycle tea on Ice epfkes and studs sanctioned evust Skydivio 1lllICnloaodhls ll of frorscelers and 11 tales Arena variety show headliner intuit army and weeks of Donald Jackson Olympic mods work to make it happen Itlmsy Illst seem easy bat if you went to prodlion drill etc know srbat makes carnival go Dog team races it learns clcirus 1nnastica follow John for pic of days it mile source list week before carnival surfs This is tremendous Important and difficult lob requires great deal or know how ltin etle school competitions Sun morning pancake breakfast Ileliropltr rtdcs hum and and experience abn alclgb rirlcs pony rides snowv illicCann denotes his services rrvvbllo rider Reduction In SpeedlLimiis w1i3clgdCgtnBlonds Near City Once again an atlem all ms to redueetbe speed ton Highway 11 between Barrie and Painswlck Last year group of parents asked for reduction from Dto 35 mph Last week jury inquiring into the death of arm time by car near the innlswood Nursing Home suggested that the limit should be so in both instances con cern was expressed for the safety of pedestrians who use the highway Certainly as this newspaperstated last year there are sound reasons for reduction of ed on this busy section of Highway However the decision to ruse or lower speed limits on rovln cial highway rests with the Onto gov ernment the past there has been reluctance on thgpart of the government to reduce spe limits beyond the boundaries of bullion areas fontsitl township through whim lttgh sssesmrmduowrtmgm ments for reduction in speed in the mornln between and fl oclork scores of chil ren must cross the highway on their way to school In the afternoon between 330 and 530 children are re turning to their homes as motor traffic increases Crossing guards are hel ful but they cannot always protectchll run from passing cars Perhaps best solution on highways in Innlsfll and other townships in Barrie area would be gradual reduc tion in speed itighway e27 north of Barrio is controlled 00 mphliimil then almost sbruptly 80 mph limit near the city ltm ts It cut to 50 then to 40 would alert the motoristto the shuttle llmlt coming up shortly policy of reducing the limit gradu ally standard practice in the United States but in Canada drop in the limit comes much too abruptly Hockeys New Rule 54 Early this reason Toronto liaple Leafs player intervened in fight in progress elvvecn teammate and an op ncni flu lamented the fact that ho not know of the new rule when he found himself with game misconduct and its automatic $100 fine The same incident has occurred once or twice again llb generally the new rule has done away with those unedlfying brawls which strewed the ice with equip ment and sprawling players While they provided some excitement most oi the rent buffs oi hockey came to see the skating and stick handling skills of the teams members and not their skill at fistlcuifs Gradually the authorities are pruning away the flaws that mar this attractive sport iiowever there are tow moro geisha that would still further improve Pits penalties in mlnutesi should be rationed it is obvious that player who gets many such penalch in the season is what might be termed dirty player lie should be either entirely banned from the game or his earnings down graded in proportion to the number of minutes he spends in the penalty box ghere he is no use to the game or his earn The freezing oi the puck rules mostly in the corners should be overhaul There is too much holding in there bouts flung the boards and too much in fights ng Keith biagnuson of Chicago is case in point Generally speaking he is skit ful player but he also rough player and last scoson gathered 201 minutes in rules tightened he shows for better record Dirty play is one sign of an aging player makes up in running prac tires what he has lost in speed and skill There is still room for improvement in the rules and gradually skill and know ledge are replacing brute force lChatlram Daily News OTHER EDITORS VIEWS lbfalnlchl Shimbun The business condition In Japan in 1072 is likely to becorno xeverer than ever before for the Japanese enterprises They are already confronted with the lflvafects oi the large yen revaluation end the prolonged business slump The overnmont is switching the emphasis in is economic policy irom high growth to aociai welfare this switch in policy will pose new trial for the Japanese companies which have been used to high growth policy for so long period la or unions are strongly pressing for the wage raises to offset the chin consumer prices and various civic groups nntlpoltu tion and other consumerism campaigns are as active All test year Despite the recent currency realgnment foreign countries are restricting Jr chest or ports To cope with such ard econ omic circumstances Japanese industries should work out longrnngo prospect over their operations The have him erlo sought mainly to expnn shares both in the domestic and the foreign markets only resulting in an excessive equipment investment Such continuous excessive investment led to the current grave rio presrton and the forclltn cautions against the flood of cheap products from Jopan Now Japanese ilrms should try to change their productionfirst policy into pol icy to seek rational profits in their bus iness and excells In this Job but why does John land why do Ilol food and drinks Deer garden restaurant on the so many other propiel give time dock and talent to carnival often at Carrrlval gala parade Solve the expense of their own buy dly at pm lncsr CHALLENGE it rnuy mean different thin to different people but urobab with most of these dedicated challenge and excitement Mcompdalsmennsnuqu is tsovcrco ngob and ltckfng problems in the Der people its getting caught up in Cllfiii Ball Barrie Am lh ovary Bots nontr bind stories two narns trends Carnival Bavarian party Set urday nlgbt at Armouylea 01000 Gold Club Drew Soccer on ice Friday oidat dome and par dance Col Nockey itiarrlo Ilyera change of pace and Um Catt hornets name Arena times in or the fun and let lco sculptures public elem lowrhlp that develops lia be top art of the community and iyimlmm mm to run on your contribution and it Numerous food concessions sure beats sitting on our be nmm mu hind and complaining or the Mills or lack of community an cogniscd or applauded for their reason for pertlclpa good thing because ve people ever think sbou undreds of man hours the eontrlbulcd to Carnival few the it is impossible to describe Wh have Carnival who evrry committee member and hen fat from Sundry Feb So ramlv plh queen contest Imperial tr Strangely enough dont get think anyone cxoectr to be re My special Wee lon activities end efforts This Is hot girl of the mnu gtny mung wrung hockey snowmobiling ice ill for parties and Actllltlu all over the city WIIO BENEFITS sga esdpy M0 pm cartilva We cant overlook the edvr tiring value of carnival for the many sponsors and commercfal enterprises that participate in carglrrvakuhlrol them if is read nraev cslnprurnotllb products and tile aurprisln tblt more people dont take root age of thla great WW Income cam of course com mercill firms is full advant ol the val to sell their product or servlm without coo anything to theeernl val this often turns off would be volunteer However it is all part oi the too and this trotron that is camlval libero do we go from beret Docs corova continue to km and if so where will we find people that can afford to give the time repulsed and absorb losses to revenue from their rtgulor occupation Should car nival become in Barrie what the Stampede is to Calgary or itchy iv ilk mun no rat Should we Ilka rtcpi7 to remove the financial risk from staying carnival by becoming more commcreial nod would this tend to discourage service clubs Ind group perilcfpstloni These and many more even lions must be lowered by the Dorrie Chamber of Commerce and tubes carnival committees But our thing inure weather co operating and with any luck at all those hardworking Carnlvnl committee people are gin tnmflvs you one of the of ca vats to Ontario from Feb to more The best lmsiblo way to show your appreciation Is by takln art in the carnival events nvttlng friends from out of town to info you it to per cent of our am no ldents brought one extra person to carnival we would have Certainly not the whopping auccesr if you cant his function and involvement nnd people who do the organising act on committee this is one you are sure to miss someone and hcva heard many busl way you con contribute 20000 To 25000A100holics Are Listed in Nova Scoiicr inn is one oi series of articles on the problem of alcoholism in Cansdan Dy CIIlSIiOLllI AlIcDONALD Canadian Press Stall Writer Nova Scotik lwhere drinking it allowed at to has between onto and 25000 alcoholics dip linertr Exteriors re Bayilcld street licrro Ontario fclcphono noun Second Class Atoll Registration ilurrber 00 Return postage guaranteed Dally Sundays and Statutory Holidays cxscpled Subscription rates daily by currier 00c wcckly $1120 yelec ly Single copier 10c by mall Barrio $1110 yerrlyt Slmcoe County 100 yearly livlanca vfrCaoAdl troop yearly All other counlncr $000 yerrl ltfolor throw off 100 year National Advertising Offlccsr it Queen St West Toronto dill1110 M0 Cuthcart 5h Montreal Member of tho Cansdlcn Press alnd Audit Bureau of Ctrculh tons the Canadian Press ls exclus ively entitled to the use for re publication of all news dispatch onto this spcr credited to It or Ibo Assoc eted Press or neuter Ind also the local news publish ctl therein The Dorrie Exenttncr elutnu Copyright in all original then its ng and editorial materiel cro oitvl by its employees and re produced in thlr newspaper Copyright llcslrlrstlon None ber rotors rcglster or laid itarvln Burke director of the Alcoholic Research Foundation in Halifax The province listlng gross Isles 0035 nrlllion tor lin uor beerand wins in 1110 compared with 0J1 million in 1000 has few treatment centre for alcoholics lfr burko said there are no detox iliclliola centres or sufficient hospital facilities Prince Edward island with population of little more than 110000 has about coon known alcoholics The prov ince popular with aumrner touristI also had gross liquor and beer sales in 1070 of more titan ti million compared with about us million in 1966 llIILIt ADEQUATE Tbs drinking age there is still at and there as been ill tlo move on the port of police departments to take drunks to hospital or clinic rather thin to left And dilicills 1a lscllltlca for treating alcoho isrn lrn inadequate the melee treatment facile fly on the Island Is lobed rehabilitation centre operated by the foundation in Gloriolle town There is also ribbed halfway house there Iteatlut arr storage of 00 persons monthly liowcver alcoholch my be admitted to tr hospital In Summerrlds for two or three days as part at on ex pertmcolai program repeat with the rebiem provincial commission on alcoholism has been holding hearings in New Brunswic for several months and is ex cried in present report to lollsiaturn tbla ear Under tho rccenliypaxa in toxicated Parsons Detention Act llnrnknness is no longer treat offence there icton director of the alcohol and community services uti malcd there on p000 prob lem drinkers in the province 4000 of whom need clinical trcotrrrenl And be estimated the average age is it to ti KEPT UNTIL scorn New Brunswick police are expected eventually to lake drunks to detoxification vcnlres scales at the mo tool but new mort are lust locked up until sober There are about 00000 alco boiler to ebec about half oi them in Montreal are And ltrntreel police sold tbsp take kindly to the drunken frndcr lvlng him chance to sleep off and then re lessing him to the citys phar tlebts mlsdons or the the provincial rovero rncnla ottlce tor the preven tion and treatment of elcobob ism end toricomsnla conducts outpatient cllnlcs such as one In Montreal where doctors and social workers have therapy program for alcohol ics it also hrs eight borplialr alcoholics across the prov cc Ontario has more than utooo labelled alcoholics Nr Soddlcr said And there are more than 113000 others in the province who have drinking problem in 1960 the last count about on per ocnt oi Ontario res dents orcr the age of 15 were consuming alcohol Of that number an per cent were calculated by the foundation to be drinking amounts hora ardous to their braille MADE Illlll SICK Dutch explorers gave the dude homo meaning nauseous bird since no cooking maria tbvm Dr Carteo of Frcder palatable it its is 5E rlniudilrtlabr ac rencen lrata us hovercraft Ail tarbal cal knowledge from the three menls was to be rude ml in to all tiara mufrfu tbe Bra dDr was success to craft to most ram but lackbd Idemuts performer our lee conditions Canada 11 he become snitch more curious to establish its sovereignty the north lo the past few yvcrr of rst Canadian la base hxdtollyammllnpiamot United stalu daign Ibo unvong will not be followed in drofo the violence people say Canada has spent in million developing and building tbl Bras d0r but few rcoptbr ago Defence Minister Donald Maodooald annexed tan wart on it would stop and the crll would be put in mottoballs itslltu for period of it less the years Then came an announcement that the Boeing Corporation of Seattle but been awarded ll bflllon contract by the US do truce departmenttio develop nco coeratian ol hydrofoil for its Navy MISC SUBPICICN nrls bu retard the immediate suspicion in Canada that to few ears the Canadian row will knockhrg on Wnrbtng taoa dour asking for permission to buy Ibo Boeing hydrofoil host for often that the first dtir etiy rotting away to its liaiifax tomb its even conceivable that some of ills Caovdtoo enginan who worked on the Bree We will be employed lg tbs Boeing people much Canadian aeronautical engineers who do vcloped the Arrow eventually lormd themselves working for the National Aeronautics and ISpgcl Administration Lending some weight to this argument is the current status to of lira CanadaUS defence pro duellon sharing agreement With many Canadian plants gopplylng material and tempo mate to the US armed fame to aid in the Vietnam war Can ads has built up vurpus of heart than not million in its bllaieral atoll trada with dis pb US This Ls one of soveral irri lInLI the U5 bits listed about in normal position vieHis Canada end one of tile items currentlhy under negotiation be tween Itwo countries Waablnglou naturally wants run of the by in the NO REASONS lbut it was millbailed for two basic reasons The lost is too high and there are not enroll other countries interested in buying If I0 make it an eco nomic proposition So far this the sauna argument used for scrapping the Arrow first the defence department says it is also question of priorities Cancda focrs the ne cessity of replacfnrpntls long ronge antirubma plane the Argus in the our iutrrre The present Argus fleet Lr gwd unlll about ins After this the planes mint undergo uy cr tenslva modifications nod orrr haul or Canada must buy re placement aircraft Three or four aircraft tonne trim in other countries are idk log to Canada about new plane and we are log to work out the beat lb deal por tlculArly In arms ofrnsklnx sure that Canadian aircrat firm are given large part any subcontracts for compo nents Defence Minister Moe donald has promiscd decision by the end of this rummcr second priority It the need for the Canadian havy to obtain an allpurpose lighting sbl tlilil tbv cspcbtllt of opening the icefill Arctic waters Both of then pdogiitllea intuit be trrres on will absorb hm sbare Canadas defence budget for number of years That fact has moved the bdrofoll program well down the of urgent pro etc We haventxalonld breadth only set it aside 102 five years 45 point and develop it operation s11 it to hard to say what our deikbco remrlrcmeotr will five or ten years from now But there is absolutely no suggestion now that Canada will buy any hydrofoila from the United States or anywhere cisetht dcfcnchtieparlmrul official em ula if that statement is true as appears to be then tbsBree dOr development has bccn batted because of Arctictce and not because of any chill ecouomlc winds from south the border CANADAS STORY Alaska Decision Bad For Canada By Bob BOWMAN The Alaska panhandle that do prises northern British Colour is and the Yukon of seaport is the result of decision made by Britain Jan it 1001 to sub mlt the disputed bormdary to an impartial eommluton When the United States bougot Alerts from ftusslt in lost the boundary was considered to have been defined by an Angin ltusstan trsst drawn up in 1010 the del lion was cm Ina our but was of little concern until the Yukon gold rush of 1th wgen Canada needs put to an ror turn an equl merit The and Cam both claimed Jurisdiction ever the territory at the head of the Lynn Canal The dispute continued until 1001 when it was submitted to the recalled impartial commis also it consisted of two Canadi ans Sir bolus Jolie and Allen Aylesvortb with Chief Justice lord Alvertlorrv of Britain as their chairman The US so pointld Eltbu Root Henry Cabot Lodge and George Ibrner float and lodge were at new THOUGHT For the which cause also antler than tbtogat neverthe less on lot ulsanredr far know reborn have believed and not persuaded that be is Able to keep that which have committed Into him latart tkal day Timothy lllk If you forget cverythfo Its about God remember the that ita is able and willing to for and get to do and un torareandtolcepood ta fora and life and llbertyl ready on record ts Isvorlng lite vs elalro white firmer was West Coast brnloesrman As negotiations continued President Theodore Roosevelt the us became impatient and warned Britain tblt he would send hoops to enforce lbl American version oi the bound ory Brllelo did not want to risk war with the US and ordered Alverstone to vote with the Americans The Conadlsn delv gsles were helpless and so the present boundary came into ect Tbs bad decision from Can adas point of view led Prime Minister Str Wilfrid Laurier create tbs department of exter nal affairs or Canada would longer depend on Britain mailers foreign affairs was so important step in Cattl gllsn independence DTIIEII Jan II EVENTS Nthlittorth uon general election tutenter Columbia far more be its first meetlng New Wes minutes italCPR telegraph was completed between Minute and Pacifc liteGrand Think and North em and llsmiiton hallways amalgamated itGeorge 11 Murray alrned os premix of Nova 5004 tla after being in office for years tillit wu unnounced that Canada would build limit pooper plant at Dca Joarblrnlg rr lttyrAl rvAnlu New Brunswick was given name from the house to BNM nick Eating llingland at tilbd me prnvnee was our hired in rm may be to position to go back