Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Jan 1972, p. 9

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City To Discuss Community Goals item to Corie has treats It tomrrnmlty goats and prim ies Iordd be hth sac Is and tar 1m liocnlsy It pro awed rolls Iill be presenlrd lie itsalsuon courrl yy city lade on com lily min the troll ri ind ellrciire lorrn or psi mammal inching tosses IA commissions Tillulllx maximum drnuxrst to en iatioa and partscrpatrn the local distorts Adopt modern inmostsect princizlcs and mclhoda such as al rectlop for decision mak and action taken by city rounch and the Idmlnllhllle IlaII In providing hifh qual ity ol IrrvIcI compatihc with the local taxpayers financial tt rooms and desires To be the mual city in the Ewan Bay Region by duvet spur the lull potential at the area lor reiccure industrial com regionally tu llmai recreational and rompio mcotary residential purposes RBVDIIE BASE Seek to establish brood mon kIpII revenue hose by means ol lsrorable mesth ratios and eouitIhIs mass trustee pay ments Irons other public saucer Plan the future social cron onllc and phyllcal developmut oltba city harln citys wide area oI Influence lhI amenity to proscrrI the IlricolUrs ol the Iron In lllIdlhl Kcmpeatrlt Bay open spaces IIlcrcvuncs optimum Chamber Seeks srcrarrltu tho ole cl Tani clean summons rd virus chi Manual Lellhrrith Icllare oz policies Ill rrotrctloa Int clean Isrni shelter ta Ill eltlaeos plus special Isaliiaaec to the dulrsnlsxrd tor motrntloa to wards more mecninglui mi coolribstlsg cltirrnehip minds as openly rosettes lslorrratlon syntern on the II Iairs oi council the boards sour ninicos rivte Idroitllslntire turn and the amenities at the area to all interested local sill rcns ms media sad Vltilors to the city wage the religion eth nic pcrIorrrdng and chlfll art organizations and others to con tribute la the spiritoat loclai sari crdlurai dimensions at the TRANSPORTATION Adopt total transportation system nhlch is both cllectill and rllkiont meeting all her ohlocilvca ot the my at the lore est possible cost consistent with the services mulled Eacoursre ntllro citizen and visitor participation In the total Irar recreational Ird IWILI calls at this City Ind surroload In districts itslaialn hlrlr standards In lire prcylniioo police protection rind public solely Ior the role at libero at the city bi tools Ilainlaln and Improve blrh qiulily at his by prottstlau the environment through modern ur ban waste inducement politics and practices More Entries In Carnival Eloltt Contest IIII Barrie bomber ot Conr merco la Iaitlnx to hear from Individuals or organizations In terested in eolcrlor tort in lb Im Barrio Tiirllcr Carob So tar tbcrc have been only three queries but the Chambtt Is counters that there will be to to oats entered by par Ida time In Idttlm to the oats there Junior to veto and thirty sea hermit also belltluwlu and bonds lbo parade will Iorm at the West End Plaza on Feb it and travel down Anne Street to Dunlap Street and alone llunlup to St Vincent Park The ollltlsl ribbon cutting cercroony will be hold all pro at tho Five Points Mayor In Wilt Willard chrlon carniv al chairman Ilm Corrigall hon ornry chairman and nlhcr digni lnrics will olliciate Ray Atkinson camlvai com mittee member stressed that everyone ls vrolcomo to partici pItc la the parade not that the carnival committee would assist In onlryay possible ntlf will ho prize award ed to be best linat Despite poor Icathcr cornII lionsgiast year people lined up three Indqur dccp tunairh tho Marlo Carnival organizers hope the weather uill be better lhI yupr and expect even more people to come out to the par Ide The Chamber ol Commerce Is also uniting Ior cnirics Ior this ycars Irc sculpturin contest this mm is usually big at trlction to the public schools In the city Last year the Grade stod IIII be three convertibich with l5 Willi mefWlm the amt um cd oricinoit or entry en um titled lllaltih or the Seal nhlch consisted oI lira Ikklmo hunters Extinguish Fire At Medical Bldg rlhcre ten tarosmall firm In barrio Friday night in addi llon to blaze that destroyed most at the Church Fans Sup ply store on Burton Avenue Firemen were called to ex linguisbln bluzo that started in purhaio can In the hlcdlcal Arts Budding Wellington Street at 510 pm They were she called to the Ilaytield Car Wash at 520 pm to put out tire In tho llydro lrnnslurmcr LOCAL GENERAL RUNNING BOARD Everett intro and Ernest Pareto have been appointed as mcmbcra ol the lunlslti Plaonv lng ilosrd tor three yeur lcrm The trrm Ls cllcctlvu Im modialcb Tho mcn replace lla bcrt Conan and Maurice Evans Ibo molly completed three year terms 90 recentlyln Speaking Contest Lionel ilcoezes 11 ll the sinner at the 81mm Coost finals ol the clernrcisry decision at the Oral Communications Festival at tIiLerest public school last istth Lionel Grade student at Staple Grate public school In use at it contestants lsllo had Im the area dittsioo contests throughout Sunme CouJy tasty vocabulary and spur hams wit made bun to ob rioos choice ol the ludrcs believe mmt explicitly lrl the youll at today he said But WINNERS IN BARRIE POSTER CONTEST Orbs trom lhI lilth Barrie St Giles cab pack competed poster compsll tioo concerning pollution Tho boys nurkoi Ior about month on their creations lutlles were tlr and lira Knapp Ir Knapp toroi er cob leader winners were IIADC ROW FROM ll Qris lIilltan ID Iouzth prise Cark Ilciu in third prise Chris Vthiic lillh prize FRONT ROW TRDII 11TH Cory West rst prirerand Grcz Ilnmdirle second prize IElanaIncr Photo Future Is Bright In Barrie For Theatrical Productions By NANCY BELT Examiner Stall Writer Although theatre ln Barrie has lost money In the past and will probably condone to lose until from lamdatloo has been established the More ol both amateur and prolessiooal then In bright Brian Rlnloul director ol the Gryphon Theatre Com any Ind Connie llodpcs pre dent ot IattleI liitl Players In Insa icur mom said the publlc Is booming more InIre oI their lmed and Iilpport Is Increas Tha Grypllnu Theatre varo lesslonrl company established its Im has but money Ior the past two years but hit Rlntonl sold basic premise Ior doing theatre In this lrca cm the lact that the theatre solos to lose money 105 rpm III estimated the loss over the past two years It $5000 but that turn does not take tntn accmt assets that could be put against the loss The company Ia supported to tally by the tundra Founda tion for the Perlonoinz Arts The loiisdalion was established to try to paspetunia pcrlorrnln arts In Sinicoe courtly Its first enterprise was the Crypth Theatre Dr Trillium MacDon ald member ol the loundnlion said he amtd they had lost money at lirst but now were starting to pet ahead Were not making money but this comlnr your well hope to do morothnn break even Dr htacDonaId said To bcl support the theatre the In atlon isstyoorrecelrcd is 31000 grant Irom the Oriana Art Council It also applied to the Canada Council tar lunds but did not receive old Dr hlaclt Donald said they would try gain this year lor tdrlitional lin pacing Attendance at the porlorman ccs has Increased over the past Ina years however and Indic atiozu are the increase will con tinuc In i970 tsoo alluded Ihlio last yurs gures show RSI at the plays Mr Iilntoul said he tell the major reason tor the lamp was that more people store It at the Gryphoo Theatre and thc company had built up In artistic trust In the come usually lIo noted the Incresso had come about nithout addi tIunaI advertisinz We haveat even scratchtd tho surlsce at potential and Icnee hlr Ilintoul slid Admissbn prices ndpht have been anullux Iactar for tho Il lcndance be said Student prices acre that and adult price was lThLl in neluallact quite low but part at our plans to set the public Interested his Rin teul raid lie added by keeping prices In line with thosel ot clo emns the company stood stealer chance at attracting In Iudlroce The theatre docsout liliio permanent playhouse Each year they have used the Incllitlcs ot the Collier St United Chu roll Hall The hall can rent people Mnonn llxozltrumno This year the theatre plans much larger undertaking Ilr Illntuvl said Besides 10 ncek summorseasun they are planning is ointcr tour at eltn mcnisry and secondary schools in the Georgian Bay region The school propram has been irrit tcn oy Ilans Werner Iriicoln residence at Arlidtaa University In ttollville Nova Scotia lie Illnth raid the theatre or not use Canadian works dllrin Its summer season be came It nould take twice as loan to rehearse them llaav Oaan Ian ports Irunot enml to produce without rewriting serge ol the script llr Illaioal It Eventually Gryphon Thcalpa hopes to have stall writer Ill Itintnul said Although there Is no yuarantcn that the program as It now stands will be approved by the board at common ltlr lllnloul said the season is being rcduo ed hum seven plays to live while the season will be increased to ten weeks It will rim Irnm the last week la June to Sept hlr lllntoul said tho longer season allows lot more rchcara til lime and tor the company to tackle more dilnuilt plays PL SELECTED As it now stands the scam Iarcc about la massive nunle ut collcre when tludcnt masquer ades ns Charlies Aunt ta chaperono two girls The selling tslrcs place about lull socond play will he Wait Until Dark mystery drama shoot blind bousrrrtle who bo comcs Involved with hcluin stag Other plays which will be presented include The Subicct Was Roses either Youre Good llun Charlie Brown or Carnival and Alumina ll drama based on political setting where dicta roll vouuo CHILDREN Day Care Too Expensive Some Barrie Mothers Soy For one mother nho would like to gel olI mothers show once present day care or her children Is Just too expensive to make It Icasiblc needed special attention mar renting his diet and tin slightly hard to handle Site II site has had difculty in lindlnyV Itll icabrre CbmleaAuot tor Is Iorrrd to have his aim put to death because she relus rs to comply with his rcrula ll There see no Chadian plays In the program despite Ioaccr rc earsal llrncs You can count on losing 20 per cent at your pin audience tor Canadian plays Mr Itlntuul said In most can cs they arent good lie sold the situation at present Ls very much apaiml Canadian Allllt in so lie cilrd the work at linincy on Eltle prnlersor It the University oI Western Ont ario in Inndon and neural Ito ca the author at tho Ecstasy oI llits doc EXPERIAIENTATION llr Illntoul said be mild not see the situation chaocng unless Ihvstm have TllltllIIltlltltn cc to allow experimentation mi rewriting Ibero accessory We cant truly luv Carl adian theatre uptrlh are airman author hir liintoul sai tir Iiinloul said the salary ol the dirtclor in 19701971 was Sit 000 and hes lllllg very hunc ry Ilc said next year he will be on yearly salary uI $5000 to $6000 lie said the rain might not sccm like too mar but to was satised in my estimation cant ask them volunteers and sct orsl to spend their tree lime and Ircc Idcas inc nothing when lair amount cool to line my pockets he said rind results are compiled the committee Ior day care hopes to approach city council lur sutr sidlzatioo Grants Irom the Do hlrr he Iddul that he had no tolerance at the lies haired cartr pvs radical the youth ol today are turn Io their backs on their par ents lncptllude in Iorld mai lets lhcy Ire not so much ro ltctln the values oI old but the persons Ied Irisumtioru that re present these values he said OLIZZED IIY JLDCLT Following the speech the lodges lion ltactlem llcssie Cameron and Ed lane ruined hint extensively on hu Ionic roar or iaushtcr came Item the audience when to plum ltLl dcli ta sappy Lionel said It doesnt matter it you have Ion hair or heard or smell rotten hippy is pcr sun that just hangs around and thinks hes everything then to that It world notth caught In the reeds when ducks ncre rericsed Inc hasten Debby Dermotr ut Tottcobzrn school are humorous rpFclI on the problems she laced br cause she pas short ITbcret an all any site Hui that the gross Illraya looks xrtcncr on tire other side liI lust irkc to be able to see over the tract Imcph llhivicr at St Ilohh ras school spoke on the road slam treats competition xn 1vrtmtl OIVfP lloncI was presented Iilll lilo PM llllll Ill IMP Johnston Family Trophy and live dollar cheque Item the tonic Ilome and School Lollnw ciL lie will go on lo the zone finals at lamina llemnrini high scbml on Fcb it This spmhcs lrnm the it other contestants were all ucll PEACE FREEDOM Sharon Pratt at Alexander Dunn school spoke on Iltnlhrr laood Peace and Freedom She asked it man was lighting on imal why there were so many preltuiiccs in the world today and shut the true nicordnu nl pcacr was and then cent on to answer these questions An cln Iyst oc Porkaew nehoo displade expert know ltd putting In boereccb on the types ol skis the Importance ol good boots and dillcreol techniques and exercises in ski Duuna In llissunncltrs aI liars kcr school spoke about her pood Ic Iiichclle She told the crud tears that the customary inr al poodles dalni hack to tile doys obcn poodles acre used in hunting Ibclr iur was tilppcd IIIITM PRICES TOIIOhIDlIIl blholisaiu to retail carton erg average wcizhicd prices quoted by the department at agriculture as at Friday larro Jill medium 315 small 57 Ens Wholesale prices Io country stations Iibra cases quoted by committee at wholesale or dealers Extra large ll large medium ml small lulu This mechmldcalt with racial nation auntinp Irorn Christmas spcoch made by lhI lalc Ilarlln Luther King Susan Iloowick at 01an senior public school on touching speech on her Illll tor Denise lboerrr wrote Children In made at sugar and spice till everything nice Ten out part et lhcrcripc iris mil Cindy Rowe ul Cooksluwn puE is school pave rpccch an short story she had written It was tall or vivid imagery dcllchltul description Never still term the tan lmmmnlul the mat Cartier la the nCW world she cndoJ lnbn Strampcl spoke on police lion lie said he tbougIt if money and Clintnlly on the space proyaln could ho put to belles use clcsoin up pollution lime llario Darrnch al the more school talked about her episodes as irtslmas card salesman last year lcrzy Culley at St Marys school in Ilradtord para no in clill lurmatiio speech on the heart She started by telling the Iud learn that the reason misting rings were placed on tho third linger at tho left hand was be rausa years on pmplc believed that the arteries in this linger came straight Irnnl the heart nanstop Glen ivsraica oI Wonch school gave humorous but It the some time serious speech on the importance at physical illness Your body Is like tree he said Once tho trunk nos everything recs Margaret Tclturd oI Ardlrea school talked on the lite ot liar tin Luther King Mild Weather To Continue partmcat of Social and Family Services will cover t0 per cent at the cost at operating on tulip orizcd day care centre wwua when somcooe to care tor him ilrs Emais said day care wulify iaimm costs are deductible on income Drizzle Expected Overnight CENTRALCONTESTANTS FOR SNOW QUEEN Central Colloglato has cone all out In choosing Show eon tor the season Thirty girls one lroln llch class are waiting tor itii result to be announced nrst work Th contestants are Linda tui rilriphnnr llhnniln livltltll Iaurio lictuilty Sinail JtlllI slon lionqu ilranll Colby bio Caarl Cccclia llurkc Carole Dorvhaln Janis Clark Vicky Knowles Iutty Nixon Sharon hillunry hnrcn Cook tlunnlu Snulr lvridy looducr hisur rrn linkbclncr lloiodco liai iit la It Ilunika Sla lty tlaip talll Shed llca locgy llciniiart Anne litrroeola Korea Landry Kris tut helly Linda localised Debbie liolcnbsclzer Ial tour Dianne Guthrie Carol Tully Pat Vicira Cindy Scull llun rile ltlcChosncy Alrn tnmubcll Koren tlcbh and Kathy hvily Eralulner lhutot um mum she Wm tax ICIIIIS but only it the par an mm mm cat has receipt lot nl pco naire circulated late last year by the United Electrical and Radio and Machine Workers oI Amcor ica liesuin com the returned surveys are now being compiled She was not alone In her soul lmcnts Another mother whose husband norlrs Ior two dollars an hour In Toronto and pays till wrclr board while hes there said the would like to pot lot but usual would like to seek employment but mud kavc dillicuity In Iiridinp and paying someone to care tor lhrru childrm rho wrote She has tons children thrco thorn preschoolers Etc also pays $100 month lor their partrncat in llarrio SURVEYS RETURNED About to surveys have been returned so or said Mrs Eve Iyn Emma organizer at the sur vcy Results Indiralc there are 25 to 30 children In and ol sup ervised day care Otdy one or tut are com lolcly against itllrs Emms said Sire said indictllons were the pcupll one wouldnt man use at centre are single in come families with incomes cite cctdlnn $12000 year The highest number at people rimllying they would use it centre wore tuolncnme Inmillcs with incomes oI W00 to $0000 The woman on mothers al lowance thought day culo should he aiaiisbic at nominal cost The surveys nlo Indicrlnl moot mullicrs scrc paving hc lurch Ill and 51 dollars neck prr child lur care Many wvra not satised with the care their children were rccciilac MANY COIIPLAIN Quite tow are conullalnlay about the environment or iarrs where theyre leaving ctr childltll tits IZrnlrls said She rnld onc tiller at least my plo are not aware they have to have receipts bclore it caret can be claimed on the Income lair Iorm she said Some have asked babysitters for receipts and have been told to pet care lisewllttr Airs Emuis said she considers the response to the survey so or has been oulta Iavurubic She said the UEW would coir tinuc totmd out surveys as loop as they Ire requested She Is dLsap oinltd In lho ll turns tram in ustry The only company to respond so Ior has hccu Canadian General Electric litany oi the larger stores have replied Alter the survey In completed ilrs Emms said In Richmond Ilill one day care ccnlru began with 13 children Ioroirlo ol whom the mothers provldrd solo support She said the not to the municipality during the lirst month was soon Theres no way they could troop these no men on wellnre lot that mount lrs Emnls said In Colitngwood the day care centre started out slowly llrsf Emma said but the end or one month they hsdy managed to rcmove ono uomau Irorn the wollnrc rules Iccl there really is nerd and drink they should look at it as rrrvicu or the child taLicr titan the parent ltlrs Emuis concluded Tidays mild weather will continue through the weekend Periods ol drizzle ure orpccted ovcmlyhl but will end by Sun day morning The low tonipht will be In the low J05 The blah Sunday uill ho in the mid tits Winds nleupccltd to hccornc lichtarovcmicht and there will be cloudy pcriods on Sunday Synopsis Snow pill conlinue rI northern Minn today as weather disturbance to the nest of Lain Superior moves east ward across Northern Ontario this evening Cooler nir Ioliows behind this system and will col the upper Great Lakes re pious tonight In tho soulll It will continue mild today and Sunday with niicmoan Icnlptras lures In the mid to to the low its low periods at Ironing tlriulo are likely in most ltKll tics this martin but this will chance to drizzle or rain Ioio In the day gt Tomato Clourly today and Sunday Periods pl trccznz driulc this morning chaplain In drizzle in the oltcmoon Item otcrrdcht ending Sunday moro Ing litldcr llinds southerly 13 to 20 today becoming light Sun day Illgh today and Sunday in the mid 10s Low tnnluht la the ioiv 30s London Iianiiilon Lake Erie Lake Iluron southern Georgian Bay western Luke Ontari ocara Cloudy today and Sim day Periods of Irccrinn drizzle tilts morning changing to drizzle in the ullcrnoon Sevrol Huronio Symphony Members Are Well Known To Barrie Residents Tcn at the lit musicians play lnn in the lust curlch at the 197i season presented by The Domain Symphony Orchestra ire Barrie residents string rroup at Basilicw second ary school Is also principal roliu Ilc came to Barrie ruin the United States to dirch tho rrnngs in im Strcnpllicnins Carol Darker lillltlyl ll student at Georgian College and Is also tcnching tlutc Silo is pursuing hrr musical turbo still timber George Wilson my cams 1mm yam cc the cello section Anne Cameron eupations and they sit llnd and Paid Lccpcr bath sludcnts tine or make time to travel It Enstvlcw secondary school to Orillia wcctrly or Sunday and also nlcmbors ol the East tromhune works Ier Imperial Lilo Assurance and Is regu lar member ol the symphony The two pcreusslooists are ulterouon rehearsals Ilvo ol the 10 musicians play in the tlrtltt section lillila Luio llllll who work in IllC Uncnp plirynient Insurance Commis sion oiiices plays violin linico ilrrwion teacher at metallurgy at Georgian College Is prin cellist with the Kingston sine phony Jovl lliilcr tlllltlol ltho popular and continuously prow tn Sllllll program iii the do tlltlllNl in hm lllilll who ntcntury schools and also the view Strings attend all rvhtlar sits and will play at the Vch ncsdsy night conccrL Illltbn WUOIIWIND In the bras and uotrtl uiml rcctions Gcrry Robinson will play bassoon Iir Robinson Is at tho University at Toronto In at ter Collegiate Sand and la llltlll illillicit niche tee time sell lie is also member ol woodwind nuiulctlo which has already elicit vuncvri In Nuttllcrn Ontario Ralph Knapp and Robert Thompson llollr are wellknown in this capacity arouan town llalph lvna Is mcmbtr at the executive salt at Lutkln lluio and Ilubcrt Thompson is pop ulsr corporal on Barrio police Iorco Ilalty llarrio residents are in terested to hear the rovilaliztd urchcslta under the directluu ol list now mtrductvr tinny Dcvrr our The reflunul orchestra plays at Cvnlra Luiicillc Auditorium on tvdllcoduy at tilu pill unnnv nevencux symphony conductor Hi

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