contro on oi cluhea lol by sin wars lawyer do be had revolu the cant coatb politi prog pre It the scene during oi age Franco loses his cy that all oi oi latest gov is blood pray over rag every their at mis the Go NEWS ROUNDUP FederalTGovt Reluctant With Provinces Davis WINDSOROILICPIhd lealloviherner er crri pavernmeatniildahbm mrmmwwmrlt pants IbIrtIliua uedlbeeirtur uvummcialgovcruansln Ibo raw rpiv IanInnJrgnationaleoo stInlbr bearductantinlbe conic strategy Ontario Pro all William Davis said hi Normm OT hunolabovntbvaamemlba aim at the provincial gen meal tor aeration be hears its taro Iev It govern meet suburb nn making mmth ncra cooler erase bI told member oi Camera hancbecsa Obi laden Iipaovincisl cooperation III key to his governments to nude strategy The luncheon kicked oil baitday visit in Windsor which included city All meeting pith Reyna Plank lisnsbruugb Ind In am on an opera liar tell on program On the program kir Devil lm out liyurold caller hI very surprised II Prime Minister Tnaiean did not run again In the neat tcderel Ilectlun in Davis dealt with is call era one or them trorn Warren Midi in the course oi the hemlong CKLWTV progrlm Iblle its iornslnnresl mnum Generaltiosptlallt returnedth etrcn amen metastatic Ibentbehoe marsh The station switched In carer pom tiararosy Itter grain knocked out pom min the city Ibe III eloeed donlw 1pm turbid Man Sentenced runnuuv as man who balked Mbury out ot arson worth oi morebvn dire while on probation tor In other ottenee was sentenced to via months in tall by Judge ratchet rrtdlr Girerd pleaded guilty to ll churn or true pretenses Aldrin nerve Attorney Herve Ssuva raid Chard ob tained merchandise tronr van inus stores by cashing worthless dirqucr in us convicted July oi poucsriraa pt weapon dangen our lo the public peace and III cod on yvarr probation 9His was amtrnced to one month consecutive on the tint the remaining it counh to be served concurrently To Urge Action CALGARY iCPI Dr BIrber Indian claims comm IIener care be III me the teder ornament to Irn vnvdiata action on inrm live Alberta YET greed dame Dllckiool and Pet builds up the uwrnmcntlgreglsed In 1001 to pay Irrinallnl on manly or 000 annually to rub oi the tribes Dr barber vueprerident oi the University at Salkrtehewsn in Saskatoon told represent the ot the live bands Thursday LbIt be thought the lodcrrl rovcrnruenl hav displayed ru prslne lodiltereece to the rights oi radians Ills msin Wpr as claims cornsnlsalaner be said Is to bear thl ladies grievances and recommend permanent Ionn loc clailnr procedures Receives Bomb LONDON lAPlr Judith Rsrt lormrr cabinet minister received through the mail Iri an explosive device that let ed to go ell Scotland Ylnl IIs checking into Iny link with dolinter group or lrisia extre rn tr Saor Eire Free lrelendt smallapuerrllle outt err hounc Iweek Igoetamp oi lending bombs to RP brls home the fully or their IilLl Ithnlic British Imi In Northern lreland The package wIs received by the secretary at him Hart minister In the last labor gov ernment and now the opposition development To Sell Market TORONTO CPI Tb City or Kitchener Friday received permission to sell the city hall tbe Kitchener larmrrr market and other city properties to make way tor ti million downtown rcltevelopment pro ect Approval was conisined in letter given Kitchener HIM Sid Rickennan by Municipal Al islrathiinlator Dalton Elie It Toronto meeting The development plan in cludes shopping pleas to the arse oi the resent city hall tourstorey alons store In ltslorey olilee building art or which will be leased by city tor oltice space Back OnAlr CIIILLIWACN 110 or Radio rlttlon Cile chilliwack returned to the air in this pow ershort Fraser Valley city Fri day latter voluntary closedan LOBSTERS Available New at BARRDT MIAMI RESTAURANT Air Coaditloard Open 11 to Sunday to new it boll cwslsu lines It llrsdiord EL Hull merchants at best 5ch were Ii DALTON Mud To Change low TORONTO CPI Provincial legislation conceran conict or Interest will be changed this Nunldbli Altair bilnlrter lion Bales uld hldsr lir Bales raid in an lniervievv that change in the legislation has been considered ter some time by ottlelala in his depart Imnepll Ital In the department oi ee six charger and one month on am mm as it atanda now Is satia actnry III said be Is bsvvy Ibolrt litmlclpei Act which Iryr In part that councillor must dis WAR htth cimvha Insoled If to not take part In the martian tiara or discussion at or vola on on with res THE wet proposed contract or other nutter Unannounced HAMILTON CPI tall uelldressed man wearing sun glasses thought to be Industrial irt ii lnirrg ot New Drum IICI made In unannounced landing at liamllion uric Akv Thursday and In driven taxi to Toronto Air nrt manager Sidney said and sea belongcd to lure It was certain the Mr Irvin marked will the Iuillllr NCI but denied eIrIlrr reports lhri ousted him as resting the turn was the industrialrs It was his lane didnt talk to but personally but saw him and assume it was Mr Irving The Lndurirlslirt disclosed earlier this will be bed rooted to the Bahamas trom Saint John ND IeavIn his multi milliondollar empre In the bands at his three sons Called WASPS SUDRURY CPI Leaders ot noun that let the leads liberal Association have been describId by Sudbury ilP lollies Jerome Is mlillonaire blrtys spokesman on overseas mm it was inevitablelhat Prime Minister Trudeau would on their toes be said in discussion with students and HURONIA SYMPHONY playmate Barry Demequ Conductor Russians rivals loprano Central Collegiate Auditorium REAR Schuberts Urinalvb ed lymsbaurmrrka by lscbIlkoveky IIIrb lintvarl ud llycr Beer Tickets It the door Wed Only $300 Students 00 Series Tickets Council it students 0w II lircaauv Music Store Group Formed TORONTO CPIA at Canadian pie with hm born the lederal govern ment has turned sanguin UNWIIWULIIMCE ardiaaplayaooprotrsdeualu radian rtsgu Tbs laceration It Ptsrvriglda Coop III Insotmeed It nets centemce Way it will set as Timon between tayvrighta Isai protesxlcul Lear To thI phyIrigbL It eilexa reading service to determine the prndrcticn ends at over pay do In pro theater librlrlea end the pi gbt btrnrclt with rop ics oi script and market irag service to direct the play Irlgbi to the theatres In which sling service bir lay best suited tar pro doc on Cases Adiourneci BRANTPORD It merges against lvro Toronto Into arising out or an Incident It IDA Tupark Laid hear III in provinciIi covert mull tbe cues at live other run charged during the same Loch dent were Idioumd until April Craven AItorna Currier Rroda told the court can notion ran it against Melville WIlkInr colourder oi the how Democratic Peri Rattle wing in being Ippe ed and that putting the er at he tell It was best to Id tbs other user cblrge cl vulul damage Igalnst Joseph Flvxer and charge at obstructing poUrI ntticer against Eric biliis IcrI bulb withdrawn Assistant Fired 10mm ice Dnrotilo In assistant Em Thsnrines Genusi Itoe Ital was tired hidIy iur Epls re on religious mountain Itibs SLCI psru ceadue litre Elisha started work II III hospital Plbull 1m Ibo dIy Itlcr In eaun tlen was oi the labor atlnnr Act came into torce Rben Ibe received notice at dismissal she ap cried to the ml which ruled lbat the act exempts only there who were employed on Eb It tbv time the clause came to labor relations died The clause grants exemption horn union membership be cause at religious or other be Iieta Threaten Action PARENT Que CPI Com mercial shermen in this town llu miles north ole blonircel have threatened to take action It the government does not till ban impaled on commercial im IINEMEN same ICE Rabin last June this to am pecic mercury cmiamlnadon The ban Iticcting Collin re servoir so miles north at bear III put into eilect alter tests at leh samples showed mercury levels to be higher than the maximum parts per million uttered by late Hopes To Learn may vonutncuen Dr cbael RImre Arrbbisbcp oi Canterbury as Friday night he hopes to learn more about the mallcd Jesus Movement dissing week he will spend in the United Staten The spiritual leader at ti mil lion Andtcnn Church memben mired here Ior the third ln nual national conierencs at the Trinity Institute About 1000 copalian clergymen tram lit the 05 Ire ea UIoIl peel to attend The Irdabiabon arid the Jesus liloverucrt bed storied to rpyrae to Britain It shows boredom vviib the lnsUIUUonsl church but revive or interest In Jesus Christ Dr RImrey said Pause Welcome HAMILTON CPI blsior North American airlines would welcome pause Is the develop ment ot new passenger IircrIil to back on tirm tinrncisi ton ng Leo blclntyre director oi domestic attain tor Ale Can Ida said hlday blr llclntyre told sympos ium oi the Canadian Institute oi Traillc and mngorinlim that cveloptd air crett Ir going up so last that the the cost oi newly planes Ire humming too eaprn tire to buy THE HIWANIS CLUB OF KEMPENTELT BAY PRESENTS 7Way MI Conodu uuuuel TUESDAY JAN 25th I972 8I5 pun Iieilh McCoil BARRIE CENTRAL COLLEGIATE AUDITORIUM TICKETS AT oootslso Rritirh blumbia ltydro line men aauggll to mix cables brought down by Trailer north ot Vancouver Southwestern RC laces crib tcai power shortage lollovin veering min In the Sousmisb area severe winter storm lbi brought dunu miles at power TRY BARRIER WANT Am Ind telephone lines lCP Pbo errors mall lot olcrrc calms rIowu rescuer it TWO WEEKSI FEBRUARY is FEBRUARY l9 SUGAR NEW MUSICAL COMEDY llArlNrrsaoo taro are use unto too 00 less or are 00 are so use are are ROI OFFICE OPEN JAN ll EVENING mo MONnTIIUR TRL AND SAT WED HAT SAT biAT RUN EVE DEAN MARTIN BRIAN KEITH sonaelialngbig TEOMOOLOR STARTS SUNDAY FEATURES lbunrelooldngntV lheiuceoiqululn Ora Complete 5be IIOTH FEATURES FROM PAL ONLY PLAYING DATE MANAGEMENT nrvnoruruv JOB ENRICHMENT PRODUCTION anvron aruvaorrmna serum roe ENRICIIIIENT none var orr It has been tropic naented auccrsriuliy by hundreds of managers in large and smell organisations In Canada the United Kingdom and the United States to yield impressive results In personal growth and organizational cllectlvcness SCHEDULE Porn Thursdays Ill0 am to 500 pm Fobnrary 10 17 and It M1 DATES LOCATION Georgian College Darrin FEE 5000 This includes seminar materials lunches and graduation dinner SEMINAR LEADER Dennir Ross VicePresldcnt Thane Croder and Associates Ltd TOR BROCHURE CDNTACTr II teddrr Georgian College tui Ducknnrib street barrie Telephone lilil limit Man Loses Raund Over Lanuages TORONTO CPI Therm Irma another ro this leek in his raremarl campaign to bare the Ottictal burrsch Act oi Canada invalidated Ior alth three Impr lbw day the Byrsrold bar then sat tcrnacr president at Ihe amenan Com or Canada pmerled complex II II Irgu mesl Igahsst brliur Canada balm OtLIrlb Anon Court Judges Asthm lally John Drunks and John Axnup errrrt disstch his action Illic tart rams Inr dctence The Ollldsl languages Act pIssrd by Parliament in 103 maker heath and English ulti rial isnnnru oi the laden tment It also creates bl districts Canada In world tor hencb la the courts in these districts Rbcnlbebtllrasitillintbe manning stages blr Them III Ir that Its passaga Inuit slats the term nt Un lndlrssus Ind Lul mush Nev mud and Nora Sco tlI never lurid have joined it Preach had been untreated an otticlal in prnvzncial courts Quebec Hauntbenchma ternt by no Nlnater can and his abate to change basic character at the cut from the at It Iie into dual hunchEnglish bards Ibch would Ineviubiy be 00m ltd by Quebec In hm rm be started Suprrme Court Irtion Iganrt the armament olhcialx asking therthtoruielbeaciinn He argued that PIrIlIrnen did Id bu hutsdclm input the law and that public tax money In being Illegally sued loinlplcmeat It Woolworth FURNITURE TAIR STARTS MONDAY WATCH FOR IT IN MONOAYS PAPER JUST SAY CHARGE IT PLEASE STARTS TOMORROW ROAD TO SALINA AT Tali TONIGHT sooty TmAtlan I85 Duniop It SKI BUM AT 900 Chrome end Hot Leather 1285i5l 96Ooo FAMILY DINING OUT NIGHTS Monday to Friday HOMEMADE STEW RAINBOW TROUT with dumplings with torlora sauce HTS Children under I2 $ll5 Complete meal includes Dessert and beverage ooemr