Mctk Home solely ARule For Hobbies thi tlui en In the tei cho rur the strict her IldI Iell school may ridinr Sho ihsl tho thlr ibri tilt in in to Ibout Olym when Ill no lilo to Olym end red or IrrInI II the oi the rnlorinin Ameriero return lliil hrs to iio to oi tho lluric AD yet it moved Wel hooters the klyeIrpid mother It Prrssnis mmronoirrroirrrromnnhs hicbord curd rIprctentItlrI nl Kelmrr oi CInIdI limited ANN LANDEHS presented the neon Groh Tro phy to members ni ibI BIr rlo Business Wemrnr Ioction bop curler Ii th SIbIrdIy Chancing It is Foolish It Could Ruin DtIr Au indent In ioonurer who doesnt wont in iIlk to Ipybody Ibotrt whats on my mind becIuro ihoyad think rtrlii Iuoy III in which Im not lrn tryinr in turn Ill nn Ibout dmrs bw iorIioecldelirmttoorpert meet llliio hlprt oi th Iluli We run to two husk Almott Ill ibo Irtlciu mention Imb iionnl rthillly II In imporilot irctor ne uy In nnrtebio person is Imoro likelyhio gt into trouble with drup on son who ir IAIOII ibs oueo it lwrni to Itk II this or con teenor ellth isrirblol Do oubI Iny uihinxolo look ior Id preetIte In Inner lii bet oi oi other intoIre red to would ino Them0pm blind Deu 0tliouooprobsbt been resdlnr Irilrlet no mIrluttII hlott ruthorltlcr rIy thrt nnI oi th kIy iuiorI which dotep minor whether smoker will or into trouble with pot to tie Ivel oi emotions rlIbiliiy Hero III romo ertors teenInertnl tIrir Imscli you out lets out Ind nrrsmssrr TUESDAY JAN II Much klApril lllt Kerwin whom to Ipp your roll to Iii the bottle our Io roririrr Ind iomily liketh no IpI in dislinruis themselves how TIIrnr iApril Ibhloy Iiit We should be one oi our mero monstrous dryr Ind loci on ciilil try to time bill It youre doing thot rsileciI uncbn Itructiveiy on your duty liviny ilenrlnl iiiin llJnne Iiit Novetiy Ibounds in prohition on Ill It so iodry some otrtt Icmo Iubiiy hidden under Irmil irr Iurintcs Anythirtr you do will Iitrnct minor distort but let It dlreonrert youso IhIIti moor inner IIJI Oood humor comes only Impoth the wry ior mlny more enio ments little can on rrwbe you choose to invest your iims Ind eneryy leo tilt IIAI liir Coiloel olhtrtoilkorni Indcomlder whether our con Iel tereuer will erer er eliecllvenerr or II ieort explore your dilierencer Vlrlo Itlr Mopi zlit novnrsrftous by Itns mutt Mr Ind ilro iImer muloy Toronto visited ltlr lliil hlll bowler hie Ind llrr llrne It ell on lhhl weekend were Ulh dI Pesrron lllsr Ami ml liter CIrnl ltrsseti hon Johns lip lInd ciisvioord Ind co thm Ill ol Toronto Stephenson returned to the ter openrlinr th holidry it with his pIrIptr Mr Ind bits torrid Stephenson Sorry to report It the time oI ltriilp William hititer Is itsoi Prnclenyutrhepe Genre It lioopliri Ind Krrl lllller ll in iloyoi VlClDiiA iiot its her undcrsonosnryery erInoc ry hir Ind Ilrr Arnem Crsip burrtnrrlted on Mr Ind lire Sill Clerk Seturdry lire Tbeo htieiiInI loited rolstlies Ii on bttern Sundry bio Mrs Cliiiord hiephcnron Cookp town Violittl hit brother tiers and llrr Etcphenrbn honor out no HOUSE CALLS soc ANNE one tcu two who wrnls to burn her third child in the tumlort at her own homo wrr told by it lilnnlpep obsttirle cittn thsl no ccptilohle doctor In llnnilobu will Iiicnd to home tie iiury hlrr Iilllintn Nilllilll mid hcr ismin doctor nod to deliver the baby in ospltol Ind Illow her in tciurn home in hours tour but would not birko tho house crii end with it Heeling mowed rooruc thrill to bu Ind Acuitde whamdmm Haiti oorlyiirlli la red dwmorl Brighten up were your most el llllil Itth Indrenrrh ior better rule It Iiiolrr Therer mtlcb you can chose now Lib Sept Dlki Illl Ilrrcb out to meet our peers Ind co co to bu do better crroer Ioclol position tor youroli Slrsnrcro otter Ittrm tivo proposnll Scorpio t0ct IlNor riit ulItive venture shows llil to tile Round up doirtlr ed lecird routines Adiourn bu host It ibo errilcst icrslblo ilrno lutitrrino Nor itDrr llir bI rpeclnior wIirh Ivrnio develop ior your iricndr until youre riled to help Crpricm tDcc Wm IIit Your weeko Icilort pirn piekI momentum share your II Irtd lime hobbies with likeminded lrlendr Ind bcrbrpr new In ourintnnce in leisure tints Annular in It kob hit try out your pet ideso new rhort edit with Ipcciri Itirn iior io unoniletpciod ride el ee tt Pisces ilrb id liilrcb roi Your rbeIriul mood ohould pre cril nror petty nulbbllnr Invoctrrs vrrtunwe MONTREAL CPI PIlrlciI liossion director oi thI Needs muir Celtics In Him Ieyr vi IImirs Ind Ipoclsl dict nsy rovido mIIc euro ior may oi mentol iilnero Ind lesrninl problem mendr the mero min treat mettt bored on tho thcor thI Ichlrophrcnir is blocbr col to mine not an be controlled by lIrIe dosbl oi tImlnI Ind lowrurrr diet Since the teeth mom do no buntwe cut more doctorl should Ixrmlno the thorny end or trust rive it IchInco Annoimco Nev Substancor Shrinks Piles lubbobomrsoebobwimiow woodmanrum ho to bauoru itrhln rtcussl loddequ in one Iiier crse whi really IsiiIvtnr Ila ll reduction Abrtnkus took pIArI bloIt trnportInt oi Illtcuulir werorotborourbtbotthioinoprove preni on mlininod over period ofnuny months lttiI nII Ictothpllshod with we healinfrukulhnro llloDynol which uic Iy helrI but in on return Itimulriurmwtho now suede Now BloDirto iI oilerosl in olnl wound on pooilorv iorrncrtied iropsortiion All loriiItIlirlruI stereo islhhcilon or your money our Lite ned om th kids youd to ho loin wlihl Anywiooolyololoitbr Do you Iet dependent wonder it theres tumulhlul tully wood with youl Do you cci you In dino poininlcni in your pIrtntII Do your pornir buy you on much ibsi you went to its them but time to rel Ivcol ArI you till in situations when pibIr ur Ire Item to ho hind ill lm IsoeriI Do you cry ior on terror Do you not into hurlu with pcu to poor rmIll thirty Ind re ii him Do you Ihoplill or shot ibihrr lrorn rchontl Are you orerweirhi but dont hr the will power to my on tileil Do you lie toil Are you sick bitch with bord Iebee ttnmrcbrcbes or other physical rublean thII tho doe or erni Irouoniort it you Insuer yes to more oi these questions youd better think Iwico beioro inelin Irotnsd with rhythlnr thIt miph Iiicr your meniri machinery This mqu muriiuInI well border riuii And seen It you cm trrwrr no Itrrirbt down lbI lln comb der the loci tht you could be one It the unlucky kldr who runs into trouble trth the it could ruin your tile letters from irrnuers Ind lllrir pIrIan thri make you wonder whether such thinsl could mm in AmericI The inr lfortrlnln lo moriiurno ll IrchI Ind loburnone most IiIlu Any kid who leovcs hirnscli open in choice it lotion one heck pics iooiltb chance AIM lAlll heIr Ann indent FlIIrI rush your shower bccottse itIvI been hroinr plenty oi trou bid oycr tth nucoilon it put it Is rimpiy Is possible to It irlr ior worms to use III to or her wry with her husbrndl es er notllctnpbie neIr hlemnblri it brr been Irld that Iii is hit in love Ibd in your rituoiloo ielbdih to the opener to your question to yer People cobhot be trullcd ior tutor wbItover wcrpon term than hell MOVE OUT poutble moment Ind Iy our mother wbrtotor youpcsny Ii tntts to live It nervous how much help will you be to her tbcoI rptrl held It the bittie atri inr club Above to it ore Evelyn liIldeI rice term second Donors belch turd Torry lilo lord Examiner Pbcb Tile beeri morn Irrelusly bdrm now out si thIl noisy toy rim lintclieuhio Is is our seem your urrnyuroti more uit mdmiy beam morn lolcroslrd to sports run in Ind bobbin bile tbooo new interest me twice ibo Monroes din ith it set believe at nine tones doles in ian they they lncreoso them llhlsbicr no he espociuliy Arn Fons um ibo Council on Inilly Hillih In Cowl Ale ibourh rnInuiIrturcrs inks cm in rank on lereis Ind prono than on Wyn my calls I31 Itmiior lKdVlliu require to lIl pIreolIi sopcrrttln DANG llGNl Sum hands In lloiod bIloI by the Darnell nonprodi on gauntlth by the drug Ir Inl ismin also The palatial doom oi even tho ILnplut hobbies ow rurpctro you hrhnmhnr lookin Ii id run throupb teioe Icopu ior too loop tlrrso mo tiller do not are quoto protection FImiiIrtrI youneii with tho lnstruciiusr Ind wIniln thri com with ovo rhcmlr bi elegy or polls on rot Neoor leer mn ablld Ilono wbllo be Till IAN EXAMINER TUESDAY JANUARY ll mo TQDAYSRECIPES LAMB IOULDlR NOASI Wll CliUihEY OLAlE board shoulder at lImb roiledird lrboul pounds lteupoun IIli terspeen musiIrd pow er lk ierspoop tr it sit shuttiziyp int um onion Illeed ie cup boon it cup Inter iiprlnhio bomb with litsi three introdients Spretd with two trblerpoorts chutneyrhd top with onion Horst two hours on rock In Iboilow tootilnr put Ii lit DrItn oii dripplnns silk remrinlnr chutney with honey Ind wrtecv pour over lItdb IIIkI minutes ionrrr or until thermometer mister lid to decrees ior medium dons biotin otter Serve with pain dcipplnrs or my encircled by yepeiublcs rors lit to 12 For something quite Ipcclrl ior rib isrnb chops try lllll LAlill CllOll GlilLL rib lrtnb cbopo cut Inch thick it cup honey ierspoon nuimop terspoon clnnrmon cloned pelrb hIitcs slim brcou broiled Parsley ilnith lsmb chops with honey mitt Iuimsr Ind cinnonton rprtttkio Imrll Imount nrer cocb chop liroli cbopo three to tour Inches item but Iouree tire to room minutes on cch side until done In dcslred libcn chops Ire turned brush with honey oprtoilo with put II the remILoiII rricer liIeo push on broiler rick brush remolniny honey sprinkle with Iplm Servo wit brood Ind rurnisb with prroioy Delicious So is LAMA AND ANTICNOKEO trbicrpoons butter or mIrIIrino gourd boneless irrttb Iboul or cut in it Inch cubes medium onion rileed cup stock or bouillon iorrpoon roll it tootpoon pepper MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT JOE ENRIOHMENT PRODUCTION EVENING COUME FOR PRODUCTION WPEHVISOMi ieb Enrichment opceilter prIcichl methods ior molttttt ingleroployecr Ind coocentrtter tho rorrrInIomenl oi ro tbol ibo irtdlvidurl employee hrs prsslcr opportunity igr Ichietcmont WHO lllilllhll AilllNDr Supervisors to production or mohuireturinp Itlotts CONTENTI lho Suervlrorr Emrrrtnr ltoe Ilotlvo on Throu licuoinrtul Work Vorticrl lob llil no New5kill lrrticiouon Through Green lirbtinr Plrnn Enriched lurk llodulcs Employeo PIrtchpotion Hork simplltlcrilon Ind Problem holle Skitio in CordIrencI lenderspr irnpiemenlolton oi Job Enrichment biiiiirilio llATEt inourry It rm OCIIEDULEI lb liondbys 100 1000 pm LOCAEiONl Illsto TEE soot lII Cohort hloin Compus error write to Gcorctto College IiilIINAii LEADElii Robert liInIrr Consultinr Artocieie iitttrto Crorlcr Ind Arroclolrs EON EUllililill lNFOlLllAililN CONTACTI Mr Peter lItr chrrien Coilcrr int Durkworth hlrcei llIrrlo Tel rioionl Ext perms ounces itoren Irticholo berris thlcspoons lemon iulco tIhlexpoonr hilplltpdil our thlerpoon chopped pIr tiey Melt butter Add lImb red onion cook until lImb is browned DrIin all errors hi Add our three ingredients Itlr Cutcr cook over lost but in minutes or until lImb ls tender Add Iriiebnko berm covet Ind cool tire to It ntletttet unillIrv Ilebokcs IrI lender Blend lemon ul until smooth nil flour Inmw tri ibo lImb ndrluro into ilolti mir iurs blend well Grodurlly odd iloue mixture in lImb mixture bleeding weIL Cook until ihirk two to live mtnttteo rilrrtnr term It theyre bondrwubed comtsnily Serves tour llOUiD ion rm ALE nouns uthuytmybo upem emu ospecitilr ll be to ml In Ilmbul Mk ench experiment Ind nIle otuo to turn the rirhl infants 1th bin it keep seeds Iwa innn his one red tuo win krnditnr Icy or iltyoid subolsneo ill lull Isis Ihen ho to lur tblihod HOP HOME Prints Ioionts Ind other mo rerun employed by the Inuieur Irtlst should be Ml Ind stored properly Alqu km linden open especially when prior ooh soon it mirth prints or clun tnr bmbes Bo ruchtl iin be does not ll rottedin up his Ikin Ibsocboi throat thI ports lirrp eye on Isnioo undiermluu when they Ire rarth wox rod ruin roiorldr unis llrklnx herded imiry Ieemo hrmless cnouxb until blhy bro Orr IwIllaws one at tho tiny cryotIlI or In buds rod in the dinner your he inn enthuai will work not end rIctrIm the Iron liter every use NOE FOR HOMO Young men or crochcllol notice should rtmrmber thl bed or cbrsterileld is oor plrco turtle Ind need ichib rewinyo rrrtsiienwyh to two ow IhIrp enough to cut should be kept out oi the mob oi toddlers is must the Camel Idvlrcr llin you tench rum respect ior their hobbies Chemirls pins Ind even run In brcorne doorrrous won as durinx road sutured rent And IltrIyo keep bubbles my from mom or children who my not be this iurI enough to handle them Body Shirt Earns Top Fashion Spot TORONTO it One oi the Nest eomyvpcnix Ii Ibo unIlr drd lryoted look is the body Ibirt rIrelch Ihirt with Null briirirlcr to mind its worn with Iklrll prru hot poets Ind with or without my other Inr menl above the Mill bittriettr Fisher dcsipnor lor Exquiriie harm it on thin tho mrkerI Ii irrdliortrl under our will be proluctn more Ind trioro oi iheso hr inner weer hall outerweer Ilyiu ihcyro port ol the new wry oi dressing the bIs teen mttny to trilerr divide ibelc ioundrtlolt deprrunents lulu indiilopnl Ind roeIllrd hotlyshop buutlourr hlrr llsbor our the body shirts run be worn Ind cI iur like Iwcrier Gun Ire ltbpcrrcnl otrelrb nylon You up local them touyhiy ii you Willi to but donl recommrnd ti Theyll lnsl Ind dripdrircl lliiiiil oIrrtrooM score Ea Allllll MOO Illlll INA BOLD ill 999 soosnrrr Irrttt Ilklolti Ii ironivtors in lii Home IA ruco Iin Ito ictuicd in moist leuery dLs eryed on the Iililh steps in lunch dron Is no the irdernl Ipricullure de otmeni our in its innttnry usie red prices otli remain Il hr picntlittl II study prices my turkeyrgeiyhiox it pmnds Ind ompl supply Ii iirrrt prices lirroy till It slrtdy prices lob will he Im in Ind those ior llrrtcrn 33 Nikki snbo The routine tom with IIrrI bot pi ostrich iulhen ir port It liis Rotrtr Iprinp Iummrr collection presented in Home IA Photo young boy reenu more in me ibonlp ebelpocrepo rd ForecastHigherPorkPrices While Beet Will Remain Level lolo rttre oi btters needs Prlccr wiiltisr Ilir iiy Furor Supplies Irrr ImplI scrotr Canada with prices ro mstrtlny Ilendy PntItorIt Supplies Ito mph with prices otcttdy storm meiIbleI Corrois crbbrro Ind onions Ire to Ide euslo tn Imple supply ItuiI bst iupplrrs Itw Idcqurio lrccs ior chbIIe odious Ind rutnbuu will incrrsso Ilirhlly Ind comt prtcct will trmrtn steady poultry bolb iniAhA tCPlPotk prices ill will be higher te rlh Amortcro rupplles My less than is our outlook The outlook ior othrr loods llcrii Supplies will be hllb mintes Tho ruppiy will be Poultryr Except ior berry US CAN er ornd on icy wIikI Ind dorcrtrps lrom orden wIlep In con llith ih prinklcr bend renter ut help to spread tho rand only or will be plcnlitut Applerr Supplier cost oi itittni CInII Iuiiicicrti to Alchemists miner use tlrcttvl our trust turn lrtcssiico om terns not Vlblll notw uouortooel EOOEHBRUSH All Quinn IL It OI E991 N0 ZEMA SHIN CREAM tsrouur leoJAAl room row in OUANOIANSJONNSON CNAILENOIRHSNOWMOOILI PARTICIPATION rzaLzszs