Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jan 1972, p. 3

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Mar Mgr has 933 avg Armoury arid Darcie Home Show At Asmciury Next Week The herrts Vs lions Annual ltornrShow is on next ttiurs dey Friday and Ssturdsy It the chairman llurrsy Iioere upsth all the rpseo sralislle to be sold wt 1tio Ides behind the show is to give merchants cheers to show oli new products pew tricoe Ior borne Improvements Ind to live people lde or unit types It Redness nvaiiabie irorri local The at new ibIIors this your In eluding licseocl Pigtlng which will shine will ornaments hlr lineree iirm oi Overbeed Door wlih new product ho eeld hssrrt been seen anywhere be iore Allied ltedto anthrllth dire lleaith Sps Onytleld him ilure ttlnrt Tupperware In Convertible Pools Ior tboeo who up still nmembrrwhat sum trier is like We tried to keep irons being repetitive We approached large number oi grins In tried to get groups rm pro ride is with rtliiereit typ ot displays tree ron nurinrns Thetlorno Show orlJinsily storied under the direc on ol All mice winter employ Involves tot oI will and they dont know II this type oi show realty serves the purpose theyre trying to achieve the show will be open Thun rly Ind Frldsy Irom 130 to piss snd Saturn Irom iolo Ins input scion so ecnts Iloere said any pro cecds ill be turned him to the VIIYWCA to help pay nil their building Susall the downtown area had illlle tidihdilltifmht Ior hinders encouraging to build homes during ter instead oi going south hlr Plcktos said Its the home buttdtng situation Improved the show greduelly turned to product tor the In terior sort the Ys lien to Wired liorre sol this year the club will be studying the need tor the show since It Burlington Development Chiei To Speak AIIGBIIDC Conference ilrrdustrisl sod business devel content will be the general topic oi speech by Gordon Blair dir ector oi business development tor the Town oi Burlington to the semiensuiet coilemrcc oi the Georgian tiny Regional Develop moot Ootnlcll The coolereoco start It lzso lm on Jan to at tho Continerr lnra wi arel discussion tltied soc Illegloirtl Develop ment Oouocil Build Them or Scrap Them Independent planting consulb Int iteddioeton at Toronto Fined $50 For rustic Ciuheti oi none was tired tin when he appeared In Provincial Court Thrhsday to plead guilty to charge oi tbeit under tho sclot stole two Ilabing lures com the It mart store on Bey tormcr consultant tor the Cen trII Ontario itegtenei Develop ment Council will be the shorter slot and onset members us John lirebi mve oI hteeiord Ind Ito Del Vitlnoo mayor oI hmntins Ooh hector ol the Councils corporate section will discuss Toronto lndrntrtal nirvey tott owtrrg which the director Ior 1m will be elected Registretion tee tor the day Is It Ind anyone Interested In Its tending ts welcome The in eludes registrstlon lee rind din oer Taking Lures lteid st on Nov 1h The value either Alter lining Cinchct udgeF licliebon told him be obvious to you now that there is cheeer way to shop and that way to pay for It Darcie Mari llurtln Mishap twocsr collision on Highway ho early yesterday aliernoon co suited he been tnurles to ltrlt torn tiller oi Iterrlo an esilmstrd silo damage to his car The mkhap occtrrrrd near lilo estog The driver oi the other vehicle wss ltugh llcihsit Orr oi Sterner homage to his vehicle use rs lirneted It tied Gttler was treated and releen ed Irons Royal Victoria llospithL ow Iigainsi Detectives lire Dismissed TORONTO CPI Assault chergc against two htelropotl ien Toronto dctertim were dis missed In provincial court Thursday Dctedlvcs Patrick Neslon and George tturilcr rcre chsrgcd with conunon assault by Daniel Flemming iii oi To ronto who instilled ho had been punchod titled end srrrashed Igslnst nail sitcr being called to notice tlltlon regarding breah elbishonse tbile there herald he was questioned about In Indecent IS sauli on Ibyeerold hoy lle anid be their the youth but do nled assaulting hlrn It said be was beaten In In eiiort to lorce mniesslun Both oIIloers denied touching him in violent manner Fitm rning was ehsrgrd with indecent osteutt sort out In cell The next day he was removed to Don toll where he steyed until he was released on bsil two day later NAME DmliSSED Flemming riled his complaint alter the Indecent usault cherge we dismhsed In octo her Five police oiiicers and one correction otdcer Irom the tail testitied the prisoner never complained about besllll and bad no Injuries to rustesi be bid been beatin EMERGENCY uuuirns Will Dont ow Diary Out TIE BARBIE ANNIE TIIIDAh JANUARY It In 12 Cars Removed In City CleanUp City streets were all plowed Ing snow but will likely roo endsendedaa necesssry by carI tinue to rue the teletrorri Ire ty this morning end elly pit tor the rest oi this winter works crews reported little lettity In removing yesterdays Snowiattsu snow errumuihlion but there was The rnovtsll sought rnsny mo lortsls by rugprLsc both cIuaiu OTIS III WOID ers oi can tint bod tobeiowed my to siiovr va clearing some drilling in outlying mm mg Pious went out at midnight end sidewalk plows and sender began at MIL tie said sending only done It elop areas and in other area nrudod No snow was piclrd up and none was dumped on tho rcclorrr stion area on the Inkclront but he sold the odd load might be dumped there today Irom down town psrhlng lots there Is still no change In paltry end We havent bed ony Iurthcr directives lrom the pro since he said resetring to the controversy over dumping snow ncnr wslcreoorses The city is studying other error Ior dump Parting ls prohibited on city streets between and em and last night city police super vised the sernoret oi it rest tell on city streets during these hours School board ollicinls said the snow did not loser early closing oi any schools they hnewobout except Ior our in the Ceiling iaood dist hoard oiiiclsi said closing early is decision mode by the principal end the bourd Is not always lniormed oi the closing lie sold slippery roads rriey have made buses late but no reports oi buses letting in get all children home were received Parks Recreation Program For Winter 72 The tilt winter program oi the Ports Ind Recreation Commis sion will start next week In the adult cote iTit there will be womens ttness pro rrern It hlnple Grove school on Dresdays between Ind 0110 pm mixed badminton pm cram st Control rollegtrte Thurs days between and 11 Scottish Country dancing pro gram Steele Street srhoo on Thursdays between and it to pan and mens activity procram at Maple Grove school on Thursdays between band It pm The rhiidrrn programs will include gymnisstics It Codeint tori Street rihool Tuesdays be Irreen and pm tun club oI games music drama and arts end traits tor girls at Steele Street Oodrlngton end Johnson rehoob on Saturday between 930 and It Inc boys activ lites preterm oi volleyball rt Anabataoca denies nutol orr occur and suits and other general ao ilvitles at hippie Grove school on Seturdsss between one and 1130 not and on arts and cults pro ii Tranquil re In Essa Twp No big surprises ere expected in Erie Township this year ac cording to Reeve Georye Genr su tool anticipate much dril erenea tn the tnwrnhip in the coming year he sold There are several things to be nished rod when we get them out oi the way no out get busy on other things Anions tho things to be Iro the new bridge on Cori the Notiewmte River The old bridge wer once over the Theme ittver near London but we irrored to the Holloway lie or the beglnrdng ol the ten ttiry rtunstnietlon on the new bridge listen in tho toil and is split ed to be completed to he spring new rubdtvisltdoln lirrhApru tr session rep in hefcobsisllrtg at so homes lloistred end there err on erltnu sled 100 housos still to be built subdivision to Thornton should totrl some to homes ANGUS SEWAGE PLANT The Ontario lVetor Resources Connoisslon is conducting Iltt dy on the toesihltity oi prov Ioctil mm and writer treat ment system In Angus shelter to the sewage plhnt recently ap proved in Aiitrton there are several things would like to Ice happen in the township In the very neer tul use said its Geurgts Among them ere icnslbiiliy study on community centre in Angus end the widening oi the bridge on Centre 6t The sense said the bridlr has been source oi controversy or some time and Is bemmlos burned both to traiilo and oh mt Itooeluily we can start doing something about it to the com in year he slid Reeve Georgi void the road system Is good throughout the township lie said he had res relied only one complelnt lit the past year about the condition oi road Any epccrrlation about chin get to lure tor the coming year would be premature be said We cant even guesswliat will happen to llxer until we begin to receive budgets Irom reboot bosrds in the spring Set To Go grsm at Allendele Heights school on Tuesdays between m0 sud liJD pint There Is no cost to partici pants in the ndtrlt badminton Scottish Country dancing Ind mens activities pregrerris Oro Station Man Gets Six Months lor Escape Try SUDBURY CPI Theo pris oners from the Burvash reloc metory miles south oi here were sentenced Wednesday to six months each or attempting to escape custody Druoe Lentin tidal Oro Statgon 0n and Leonard Gsllih It oi St Pauls ti were can it on reiorrrie tory grounds or en they made the attempt last month Lenlin was serving it montb denite Ind thmontb in determinate sentence Ior iraud while Onllibois was servinK ll months definite eird oi months indeterminate tor break enter and theit The escape terms will run consecutively WInleriroiic Ill Wyevale Ian 30 parade with ilosls bends and clowns will store the Wye vole Perlr lithtcrlrotic this year on an 00 Following the parade rchcds tried the noon there will be snowmobile oval end or races broombett rtngette en hocth genres log sewing rid ingotwar contests recruiting end time stating displsyr slate and snowshocing races and snowmobile sodsleigh rides show queen will be crown ed and there will be many trophies prizes and hot iood held tum Pm mud Thor will be an additional it have to pay in nominal entry until pm miles north oi Barrie to rttiiu irorri Illness bench The Historians Want It Every year aorne oi simroe Cotnitya history goes out the INN The Slrncoe County Illstnrical Association has dedicated ltseii to Inlormlng the public oi the desirebrthy or retaining many such pieces oi history ttrms oi htslortcel vslue era oitrn sold or thrown out because or the owners lack oi know ledge ot the Items value the society says Frequently we here com Mental llealtlr Centre Chiet Htlends5emiriar1n Dr Barry Boyd superintend ent oi the hlental Ileailir Centre In Penelsnniltheoe was one oI two Canadihns to ettend our in ternational seminar on tesychirr try and the law held recently in England The other Canadian nlloniling card the muting which was held oil the Ditchtey Foundation large estate which has been entirely given over to the holding cl in malionsl semhrors was linier Justice Patrick Iierlt chninnsn oi the CnnedLrn Law Itclorrn total oI 3b wellssnown per sons in the Hrltlsb and North Aincricsn psychletrtc Ind legal worlds were present at tho enri iereotc which was chsiren by Mister Justice Sir George lrtt cc Judge ot the litgh Court oi Justice in the Queens Bench Div ision England Dr Boyd said he iound the oooierenca extremely vriuabie especially lberscussion on In Institutions snnrrdaie ior treat most The question arises as to whet rights the patient might have In rciuse any treatment we might decide to give Dr Doyd Can we tom him to take treatment ior his irtentat illness or run he tell us he doesnt wnri treatment and wishes to remeio as be is he asked Anoihcr session arotmd the question oi he dolehcc Dr said on tltorities are becoming quite con tcmol In this regent lie said many or the points brought up during the seminar were oI considerable interest par ticularly In view or the itch that Oak Ridge Is torusmed with the question oi sanity mental Illness and the courts While in Freeland Dr Boyd also visited the counterpart oi Ooh Ridge at Droodneoor County Maple Syrup Producers Invited To Elmvale Meeting hirire than izoosprorlucea ft rns es in rescue unyr her bceyrrmnpoiliied that ther will be llaple lniormetlon Day It Eimvsle on Monday The toiortttallon deyIs spon sored by the Ontario Depart meet oi Agrirulture Ind Food and the Onririo Depnrlmcnt oi Lends and Forests Producers Ind specialists in woodiot menegernent Ind Edith eertn will be present to advise oi bonus on maintcoertco ty oi their sugar bush endjorr the latest methods ol collecting and processing maple syrup Approximately 100 or the top snowmobile ctr vein in Ontario and Quebec we expected to compete to the sanctioned to clear events ot the Formosa shorerrroblle rates It the lm Dorrie Winter Carnival The ll rutlug will Isle place Debuts beginning It 1030 site These experienced drivers all members at the Ontario Snow mobiling Racing Federation will be competing ior H500 worth ot prise money The money will be divided among th drivers oi the day to be on hit system during the it tndivduel races to no The meeting will provide tonim where maple syrup pro ducers mayeschange Internis tion and learn oi new develop ments In the production oi siTVPt The Department oi Lends and Forests slid recently thst there are indications tbst the demsnd Ior syrup This year will be my rod and the price will likely be ghee then test year The meeting tor Stincoe Goun Ind district will begin at me In the board room at tho Igricullursl building In Elm races hold the tattooing dsy Fob II or the amateur snow mobile drivers but those races will he atsloity ior trophies which will be prestnied to the ttrst second and third Ilnlshcre oi each division The drivers on both deyl will resents lit didnt hnow what do wilhlit or got tired moving tevery apnng so threw it oin raid Gladys Treln member oi the Association ln cooperstinn with the Slmv cue County Archives the Anson latiora is concerned with pre serving sueh thins cools oi boot with Simon Cotmty hit lorical content old records or minute books oi reboots fasten sought Also at pertrculer interut Ir old holos with senses and dates trinity histories scrapbook ree nonhny well preserved with names and dates old newspap ers and recently published conr muniiy end church historl The Assncietlon urge anyone wishing to help preserve and record some oi the cormly her itage tor luturr rctrrcnee to timid to the Siancoo Omnity lilac turicsl Association Box lit Barrie it you should have some lt rnr which you might eonstder trensierring donating or loaning todeimirelv the Assortetioo would be glad to hear irons you LOCAL GENEliiil HIGHWAY 00 two cor collision on High way so just west oi Tlliin St corned $150 damage to the ve birles late yesterday Itternoon Drivers were itoy ll Veyscy oi Angus end hitchsel classson oi Utopia DAMAGE 5250 two car collision yestero dey eitemoon near the lntersec lion oi Donald and tlellinllon streets caused an estimated $050 dnmge to the vehicles involved Driven oi the vehicles were times liilier oi Utopia and David Prydo oI Emie 00 DAMAGE Demsgo was esttrriued It stoo lee twocar collision Thursday In the parking lot at the mart store on Daytleld St The Incident oectirrcd at The drivers were Elmer arenr end Srison It Paul both oi Barrie tor and purchase insurance to more them during the rues All reers will tale place on the boy on hell to rolls out tract which will he Iutty icnced in Formosa Spring brewery who Is sponsoring the me ill provide special announcer sons the OSIlF sttllierd Everton Winter Cm nivsl eh mn sold this art nouncer will add considerably to the me keeping the audience continually lniormrd or develop menu Registration tor the race will be II our sun on both days The race are espeotrl to last

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