they haaklloi has something to smile about she to bliss Goon glan Collth tor 1m an honor yviitlhliilltltta to ghters year old Dos aha received at beauty am out held at tho colic November As this cturo was snappod Dee was uncor SMILE naouv III Iain whether she would throw the ant snowball or carry on root snowman Immin er Photo Lede Liberal Preaideni To Resign From Partil next lcdrrel election BROChVthE Out The president and halt the mo utits at the Leeds tedarsi rldlay Liberal association say they wll resins tram the party this month because they are led up with Prime Minister Trudcsus isgrogant and dictatorial atti President Torn Oprah to said in an interview Friday ths dissla dent group believes hlr lnt deau laborerhunger and op pareutly bent on destroying the country Mr Gould laid his stip rtera heitore Quebec set in too big share oi iodcrai money They distiho thagovern ments bilingualism policy and obiect to tile employment at it Prenohapeohtag customs aili cersattwolntornationo bridges to this area where no body spears French Ur CossIt chiei liberal no panties in toch riding tor it yam said he has been op preached by local Progressive Conservatives who want him to run as Tbry candidate in the tie and sssoctation VicePush dent Emcet hilltrr along with George Pollard turner lib make than hlr lrn completely disillusioned with Trudeau said hir lard who sat in the Commons as the member horn Leeds the auto yran la the tale lotus and early llttd Trudeau Viet Cong Launch Shelling SAIGON AP VIII NI iorccs launched their hevret shelling ntinck sgsistst us Iron in South Vietnam lnatx mon to Friday night mastering auilre base only to mich trons gen Two other shelling attacks against the South Vietnamese were reported in the Saigon area In all to Americans and slit South Vietnamese were wounded While the Ylet tans continued erai HP laid Conservstlve Leader ltohort Shattela would to steppedup attacks In tho Salton gun North Vietnamese lorees better prhne minister Weve got tooo everything We can to got him out The Leeds riding now Is held by Conservative Desmond Code The issue Is on to head meeting here Jan in Attack attempted to complete swclep oovcas ps at the strategic lesu in southern Ines ruround rnerlar bsrrote hit us tire support base Plddler Green at msnlllga psoriasis tel Blast Saigon no the ltth Armored Cavalry cgl merit and one South Vietnam soldier The attack was the third this week on American toms ap erently in retaliation tor tho leavy lib air strikes against targets in North Vietnam last MOMIt IChurch Agreement Seen ills Siep Towards Union CAN CITY ilieutcrl VIIIIIII sources see the historic rerrrlent on the interpretation It the Eucharist or holy cam rnunlon between the Attliirnn and llornsn Catholic churches on the most Important step to words Internet the two churches since the ltthcentury Rtiotmulinn bl 3m IIIIII agreement put Dee It was reached by an int Iernationel An llcon Roman Catholic rontm tlilh at hind Ior Ellilllttl last September it removes utta cl tho main doctrinal obstacles to unity by ending tho ccniurlcsold tiller ences between the two churches over the concept ol Irausubslan liailonor what exactly hap pens during the sacrament the lords supper la the eating at consecrated hrrud antiwillo 11Io rommlaslon set up tool by Po Paul and the An Ethan Archishap at Center ury Dr hlictlae ltantroy do Icrbcd its agreement or vital importance to Anglican ltaartan Catholic relations and stage to the preparation the way to organic unity YITIIHEID PUDLICATION till it decided not to uhilslt tho tincturcnt until it he been studied it the authorities ot the two chure es whan approvnt It necessary hetero It is accepted Althouth this Ipravat has not yet been liven tart that the doeumentls hein publishcd at all Indicates that lopo Paul at least does not have deep rooted obiocttona Vatican sources said to however Is or the Doctrine bl th in cls ail doc dcparimcnt whcug mm illan to the document Ollitttl both irons tho cit wing at th Anglican Communion homo members at the VII WIN WWIIIIII III city at out trinat cations have rcIIervnlians Vatican otlleinit active in tho callsu oi Christian unity hope he so dlilicutt we is that tho agreement will Id II Ill be IIIhiI dlehard irulitlonalia to impose their views Tho lIparsgraph versy between tho itoman oi transubttantlatlon PorIChlna IYisil ted to come when Liberal rld tag association holds its heat nd irons the right wing at tho ltomnn Calhoitc Church doeument otocs what as awals till source ot bitter contro tho two churches Catholic doctrine Man Killed In Blast $3390 antrAlPt loss ll osusod an explosion that do strayed Ihrcutorey upon at MIme Hospital klllin aoo emuth end inherits others the blast ocorrroi ista Pei day altaroooo in the boiler room at the structure heating tactiitlu and admissb ttatlva uiitcca tor tho hospital About on maintenance and all tiee workers arm in the Index Ihlch iI Ibottt till lcet hospital No paltran were in hired Thrco rsans were lured to the tie it and workers do tor nearly lit hours belaro every one was accounlrd tor the pulled out woman who said than was another one in there said Thank Gala lib Keeaport deputy iiro ehlet WI looted tar over hali hour and didnt no thing and then we heard this rsoaainl and got to see what It was coming mu Welcome Details Still Uncertain PEKINO tltcutrrl Chins old receive President Nixon as headat stats during his shit to Peltlal next month but It is still unrcrtoin whether this will mean welcoming crowds at tho airport and humbch oi thou sands at people Iinlnf the streets at tho Iblaeso cap lat Further details are as cled when the hits House vanca Ill mating tlpal arrange ments for Nixons stall returns to tho tide at tho beginning oi next week Nixons vlslt beginning Feb it includes trip to Shah hai Chinas biggest citytable the advance party visited today Diplomatic warm said sene tor Gainesa oitidals have stated private tho us tender willbo receiv as bend at state de srito tho absence oi diplomatic tea between the two countries The expressed surprise that it might have been thought other This qusti means Actual ousaud young peo to at the airport dashing cym bals bangittl drum and shout ing welcome Fulfil0000 to 11 me It Ioetumes troops and militia lin ing the routs the state guest cuss Hen Missing DELPHI Ohio AP We then are milling and preserve dead the bridges are damaged and two cities are strewn with debris along tho Ohio ttirer as result at massive explosion at two barges Hundreds at windows in at least not buildings to helpre and Psrhcrsbttrl Va were smashed as two buyer or ploded beneath rollwa trestle rtday West Virginia Assistant Fire biarshsl itth says one possible cause at the blast wu an electric motor aboard ths two hugo barges whichwas draining them at gasoilnc The blast could he tell It relies uprlvee The explosion occurred as the two illuth barges were but flushed by towbostt beneath nltimoro and Ohio Railroad bridge uhtch callbacla tielpre town at note and Pathrrsburg Two explosions little rnora than in seconds It buckled the railway ircsle renting ehuntra oi steel rolling through it and largo piece at one at the burg landed ate high or go to ya away lloh bridges were closed Missing and presumed ties are Jae Stephenson es and his pen Charles it both at Silver melt hilsr They were the only ones aboard the error Nuts other persons were in Ripped Suit Arrested HULL Que CPI cl illalelm rested flirtsn who had been placed in the hitch at paddy wagon Constable Fernaad Bertrand it lather oi thrto children was shot as he sat ill tho trout III at the police van The arrested nun moments later was tell by lice bullets and tolea to hntp rat in critical condition Police chieI Hector Renter said tidal explanation at how tho rnola managed to kg weapon whdo being apt in the van would cornea alter hall investigation ilut speculation was thll Ooh stable Bertrand seemed the man had already been tesrched by another oiilccr Constahio llertrand and partner Constable Alain htar on were called out in the po TORONTO iCil Tlta Globe and Hell says icderal govern ment spending on special rum ever programs or youth will rise to at least no trillion this year The apes ogys that although some at dot is remote to be settled by cabinet an expanded opportunities ior Youth pro gram will Ilka between tlb mil lion Ind $13 trillion and will Delays Trip HOUSTON AP When Is ttonaut John YoungII did spilt and bent over in tpsco suit something rip iteeauso oi hat rip and some other problems with smerait hardware there will be months delay in the launch at Apollo it the next US mission to the moon The blastolt has lllllC mm hemrice Id new herniatth ta It llli mt rah mumdo planetarium BARME 0mm Im 10 For Copy to Pages LONDON tAPl stutt hur Tubman president et Baa ladnh Isa released In stan today and then In loaders where ha railed tar world rotor olden at his new country Its also asked that it be adndttsd to the United Nations The shell told news cont coco that Bangladesh is an un chateogeahie realiLr hlutih said ho had been kept in modemnod cell under scattered at death by hang during most at the rare nine months be was held In West Patotan lie was arrested In Harsh in Last PailsLsn shed the Pollutant Ismy moved in to crush his Lstcpendentv move meat tag tints between harem and west Palistan tell bio mall not any enthan about to until to turn to my hitIJib warm darLTIsthb style suit paid tribute to th sacred notinon oi midterm oi martyrs who gave their lives in the IInIggie to establish Bangladesh in Last Patistnn lie use runner troops had been guilty at rnrmiless hille log and added it Hitler had been stirs inlay he would have been ashamol hi to was asked whether he had physically illtreated or tortured during his Imprison meat IELDJN SOLITARY SHEIK MUJIBUR RAHMAN Man Kills Policeman tics no alter constablo Real hour oislns strol up are downtown aeryico station sbouttarn As he drove over to lorele away gate thotwo rars sped Constable Bourgeois radioed help and gave ehnse lie was able to apprehend Id man immediately and humid him over to the two atilms the can when they arrived the scene rotation is that 00min he and thought the man ah hen read and been searched sv he placed him in the rear at van constable hlaalon started In its pondered tho nitration bo lore replying that he had been hehltaaconrtemacdreltlna aoiitory continental In desert tall with no visitors on letters and no contact with the outside lurid tin said he underwent much trial but reittsrd to deicnd him seii rhrn tho hearing was hail way through Pakistani outborl tiu than appointed camel to deientd him it was courtmartlal oi civilian he said they wanted to hang me The day went to Ialll didnt know whether was to live or not But knew that Ballade would be liber its arrived at no In iixtd ngSTI stlleathrowhAkIrbport an come to loaders instead at and international Ah iana Iiylog to Ducal alt la durum replied It was tho Pakistan governments all not trinoIf mm IIIIIIE He said tho durationol his hlutlb solders bI Invited Wt slathdthsdoosaW soothwoosrsporters taut tho hoped terrace At this stagolonly wan to lot Prime enema ateIra ilcath up my and not heard an hetero leaving dont want to any much new liutlb tohl reporters Bhutto Icrhals that retake state has asked him to consider keep ntent icr on in tho dry President Zullilhr All Bhutto who took om trons dllmcett President Ache Mohammod Yahys Khan alter the iodine Pahistani war transierred htuiib to hotue arrest and hot his promise to tree him Speatla in vhorous voice and show no outward signs at ill health the dlyeaMhi sheik said ho had declined to promise Bhutto that Bangladesh would maintain link with West Pakistan Scores ot belated hcnaails elustorad outside Ciasidres Hotel as htulib held his ncws coniercncotn the ballroom under the risse nl Ieisvislon iighLI GIVEN NO CHOICE Ono at tho tlrst uestlons Ito wu asked was It did you tor one rBomb Discovered At Headquarters IIAw NY AP when bomb damaged mens the his over the wheel and tired halt Govt To Increase Spending For Youth Programs Paper to help Constanta itourgcols go alter the second man when beard two shots from the van tin saw his partner slumped its tee security rules won to cited st Ellen headquarters today 1on tho discovery at an explosive evlco outside the headguariers Friday In at nearby llentortai Au ditorium oltlelas were con tented about tslso bomb threat that interrupted No tlsnal ltashetbali Association contest for to minutes Friday night prompting many tans to head home early These were the latest inci dents ln series at anonymous calls that started Wednesday dosen shots through the side panel at the van represent the largest single ax room In state oltlce budding litany oi the more than ono dozen reported threats have mentioned Attica in we reeling reprtsois for no to as sault that ended prisoner rev bettion at the Attira prison in Septrmber Lieut John Waltcrlch dew scribed the device inurtd outside window at head tors as glass pill bottle or tb an electrt out due ca on top ot the bottle lto raid the bottle was titled with black powder been rescheduled to April it irons htarwh t1 WASHINGTON IAP In what it bills as the biggest sale at this magnitude ever otterod to the public the National Aer onautics and Space Admiristra lien is uttering two gigantic missilolaunrhlaz complexes at Capo Kennedy Incluan Iio lsttnch romper It scene oi the Apollo space unit the in whlrh three ssiro nauta were killed sad eons lets it trom which the that aparccrsit carrying three men Apollo was launched on its earth orbital mission oi almost hired none seriously ll days peaditure the totalouth program that ear was geted at till mile on with tit volition allocated to Opportunities lat Youth The paper says that program to ho canted aver irarn lnt summer sorno at that with budget tacresscs Danish King Is Recovering COPENHAGEN iAPl King lrrderilt ol Denmth was re ported regaining his strength today and hiutstelpot ttospiai bullrttn saltl doctors believe he has overcome bout with porn mania his Frederis it was taboo in hospital hianday alter suitor lng cast attack at his hrcolr last tshoiehrtu 3hr conrrieed ever aw cars nay subsequently dotsloped pneumonia complicating his to WVII Space Administration To Sell MissileLaunching Complexes the two complexes which cost about lid million to build or being altered as one lot Oil The General Srrvleee Admin istration In charge It the char IIII ati NASA has motion the sale in to move to beta lrllltt elilclrncy to mate latllirhrs NASA spokesman said the pads were krpt in readiness tor additional launches tor some time latter their IilIittlnaaI ended but maintenance has he come extremely dltiicult rTI CAPSULE NEW Apps Orders Investigation TORon cm Corrections lilnlricr Syl Apps at On tnrla ordered an investigation Friday night alter coroners Jury decided ctrcssltcly rou handling by Don Juli gutrda ted to young prisoners den Nov ll Nationalization Program Announced DACCA titruteri ins Dangle Drslt government will nation atlro banking insurance torcign trade and other basic indus tries Acting President Eyed Naxnsi lslam said in Dom today Inning To Make Another Attempt UNiIED NATIONS AP OunnIr Isrring returns is the UN ttanday to mate another attempt at producing hllddla East setllrmrnt The Swedish ambassador to Moscow who star is the secretorygenerals special rrpreacntetive to the Middle East will make appointments rsrty next arch with lsraelt Arn audzr Yoict Tchnoh and the Egyptian ambassador hiahsmrned ayyn Loaders Plan Steppedlip Campaign SALlanllY titeuterl Atrican nationalist lenders planned today steppedup campaign to have Ditlains constitutional pre Ill tor settling the Rhodesian independence dispute thrown euI Urges Probe Into Sons Death OTTAWA iCIl Dr Frank Srciel has written ths One Inrio attemcygrnerels oilice demanding an Investigation into his sons death last month at an Ottawa hospital and rayhtg the death was mcdlcelly prevtnitbic lite sen Frank 5retcr in it eludent atlho University at Ottawa died Iitrr high any accident Dec ti linion Oiiiciols Allowed To Rotum nononro lCPl Tho union ottlcialr who wore elected irom their Jobs at tho Malian Ont plant at Douglas Alrcrnit of Canada earlier this week will be allowed to return to work over tho next two weeks The to who include itvc members oi the teat negotiatng cemndtlee and live union stewards were elected plant security guards llanday and Tuesday tor bidding mesh tree on the premises mlWmm