nz RENTALS HOUSE FOR RENT Immatuan mm was lbALI Mfï¬umlu HOUSES WANTED runuan unit In In lul ram mm hun In El pm animus no lax n1 OIL mu Gelatin ROOMS TO LET Minotaurpan IO OFFICE sPAcI FOR RENT and all nu Mmï¬l hï¬ mums Inn Md II amnmpnfim ballot lama mun um ROOM AND BOARD matronII mm mu nllIblI Inga munI ma MII um Doll and noun or waning WWIlaunch TINT Imp laundry Indufld AUTOMOTIVE ROOM AND BOARD WANTED CLEO bold Ill Twila Mr MICI In ml Ina burl b1 ml mfllfln lurk In car Vm fmnfl Mlubl MOI SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGES CORRINT AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR AND TRANSMISSION rtrrr Tl an no mornnu no In mull VIIU lanai nuru NEWSPAPER PAGE lIAIs III ll um Min AI min on Illlu nuni nIr amalgamnun Olin Ina when III Avail Emu mgr purl In minor CARS FOR SALE BUY WITH CONFIDENCE AT 55BAY rill MOTORS The Low Price Leader GUARANTEED RECONDIIIONED QUALITY CARS 30 DAYS MAJOR MECHANICAL WARRANTY 10 DOWN TERMS TO SUIT MODESI BUDGET CHEVY II WWTIHE MW automatic radio tile uIlis 91 covers maroon Iinlm contrasting interior bucket seats nuance use nur wrsclr spedal P0th door nunmic trInsniqun radio while walls lime men ï¬nish malnllnz inlerlor milean Must be non Io be amednlad Linc $465 $1035 In motor one owner low nca 1mm BUICK DOOR HEADER powerï¬ll VB motor automaiic radio new tires jet bIadr llnisl will pleasing blue interior upstanding aulo licence 392451 AlnIly $565 PONTIAC Door smooth QUndfl motor automaiic radio new tins ï¬nished In dark Lille blue irricrior One owner Low mileage Cannot be told lrom new Licence FAWN Door Sporu 0mm mg seals console rIdl motor ammlie transmission sold Iiniah maldIing interior pown searing Dares model Try this spec BUICK Door Hardtop automatir Va motor rad power steer ing and build Sierra gold ï¬nish gold interior cumin driven car with low mileage Cannot be told from new Licence CORVAIR MONZA Door Alaska uIlile minior has red Inlth mu aulomalic radio new tires llo HP motor ideal ladys licence rm ur FORD WAGON hill powo licence xeooso METEOR WAGON Is new Lloem X60337 DODGE 13o WAGON one wort Hornet $0552 momma mama licence maul RAIIBLER cylindér as new Licence asasnl mum Ton longlmn Licence mv COUGAR hardcp loaded licence molar BUICK WILDCAT hardwp mu power Licence mi PONTIAC Door cylinder one owner Licence 3391M $1785 LIMCE $685 This was an $1565 $965 $2385 $985 $1065 $1785 $3095 $345 $1665 $2885 $1780 $465 THESE ARE ONLY FEW OF THE ONE OWNERle MILEAGE CARS ALWAYS Arum moron 45 BRADFORD 5r AUTOMOTIVE CARS FOR SALE us row II In door unlo umllk lane nod menull 04 COJOIUUO DC men OD 7mm rumours mufï¬n or hilt VI IutOmItln power Merrill nun bruit radio rm window de iï¬ï¬ uoï¬iï¬l Mn Imn lso 7mm mu ms unuxz Valbmen men nmuenl cwdilIOII one Owner on on woo nr but uru Tele th Cochran 31951 cflzv door known 61 cubic Illrh motor ileuvnnbie relennoun mom Moan Sliely granule In Um Sun nIllloarfll um uth elem MI In lieu HOWE ammo 5L Ellrte DRITY CAR TRUCK mourn elem bann1 run 12am Inl yomnc more mun lou VI mu Telcptlon mzlu In mm llzncunlr lrnnmny vs ruin lle power mam maker mel lrm nonunion m1 mun rm yamr mu disc bnku rumnr liin mun seen 7mm isu culnlw n1 lull poured Iowmllenr wlmnly but arm flrieprlone 1054156031 AIIllInn er on ll nznvmznz door human excellrnl eoaolllnn Oruinnl mill 11000 Still under vrnrnnly at orlrr Telephone 115236 VALIANT door lone nuwnutln zoo nlanl motor In Ind new more Oulcx nle m5 Aunlv Delanzy am but lIyllrld slmL mull SACRIFICE $850 lnas Donal PolI rullnnwmn door cylinder Telephone no lass me no AUTOMOTIVE AUTO REPAIRS Transmrssron Ltd AUlomaliO Specialists 313 EL 7M3IAI TRUCKS FOR SALE 1961 GMC VzTON rlcrnl body an new um nullan er mum Ooouinnn 72872220 ARTS FOR SALE PIANOS NEW MA RISCR Also Good Ied Piano Free delivery and tuning Low est prices anywhere H7 Bruno SL THORNBURY Dnl near Coliingwnod Dial 5196994713 Open till pin daily and or inqleclion Sundoll BICYCLE rifll bIllE color Vim earner moment mnllltarl Tell pnone mm evenlntl only TELEVISION ncA Vlmr Ind slam snleAnnn prlm All nuced mm w7aolrn Iliad Slater OI Ii ARTSFOR SALE FARMIRS MRKT IO HELP WANTID run nun III net ï¬r IV In um our It MiniI Hard Ill mun SW Mill Viml IIIIIIIII alumnian Imlk cl mud wmnrri RAE lat AM II °° ml rims Warn nm In dEunIIIuflinl NAHUM In flu Ind Illrkn On madly All II In n° an mull L1 It will ILII SSE tITIIII haul Inn 11 unlqn sun all Ill ulr 11h hlltkwbll UniNIH undo mourned an 01 run Null TIIrphonI mom colmow tar nit llllltn Ian mum MunIll mnenl than IDE nun bullon mun IIIO rune IIlrphon num room or an used In llld Iltx vehlelr Una lo noun nIILv III not IIIW l1ll use phonon on now WIOI HAW hill Inl Cu udu WO nell mm In Hunt loo Inf rnl Italnull pnlr PlrwnILIrId ruin nltlnn Dy IppulnlflttnL mil In In qulr nnl AM 1040 Garrch min Ilyum colllu sum or Ille noon MI Sin er driulr On anus IIO In It or nlInIr urnmo um ruoIlI lgt prrirl mm or 11 IInl nl Avril 115601 mcn II plus III In luldnl mmnnble on cut In my mummum mluur Tele nnnn mac um wwnmn mm tar ulq Ell IMI Telpnqu mom Inu pnl nommun onnle nm In drIpu II no ml nu rm Innu loan Inrlm colloslhle crime nlm sir III In vary on tonnllnn mam nunmu AM pnrrrtu Ill rim III anln Dell IIItKIYI Dunlor 119m PIANO FORSALE Tlirononl 7mm that pm on Pull or Telemann DDT IIEI Illfllï¬llW Ibl EIIDIC Om OI III JerInllrlnel OnI nIllv 35395 meme Myer mulnr limos one only Ilnor marl Im 0mm II Pm our iii on molar cm stolen nnplnIOn Huntsm II Dunan Eul 1mm CAMPING EQUIPMENT cAlIrIn lnllrr Ilumlnurn to new um Item dnlu cnmvi Iln Ion mIlIreIIes Ilerpln bani nave nuur Inulml and eDnIlnI ulenIIlI mom alter MIL BOATS AND MOTORS It now lunllnun ml Ia sale freleannn 7mm clnm cruunr Dbmylil II loll ol mom envIUrn uvholnerea ully loldrd ulu uInI nrnnd new Elliorlmlar nnl Insullrn no guide mnrlnn 75 up Chryslrr motor new lut mr null mn mlll uxlnr sumo or out nlrer Telephone 6576 ARTICLES WANTED PLIT edar lenu rIllI wanted LINIII nan II It Inn WIIIA Box 2m nenmrviile OnurIn II on rgnl nlrmnunn braInflï¬nxzt toll on In pln ï¬rpnnne mam Iris pm rm no or am lllrnllun In In rum lowellzrv IIran CIII hum evenlnrr mm or old IIIIlr china mu ham eluloruu rrnnkr IeIlerI jewellery pIInIiIln 72mm rowm ball wanna Incnnd lune II In lfl eel so to so Inn main or rlrllnr RtliIlinin more lrn panInl III IppurInIr Tlllv curve bicynll muted 2n Irlnh when In marl cvndltlon Triev Phone helm ARTICLES FOR RENT nOllAGs COMPACTION EQUIPMENT CHAIN SAWS COMPRESSORS Am TOOLS BARN HOME BUG FOGGER MARTIN RENTALL CENTRE 431 DUNIDP ST BARBIE Open Monday In Salilrday7130 am to pm FR ITS VEGETABLES In rnrule Koch 355 Oro Tallphnne 11mm bill on eonulnefl No DOGS Jr PETS PABI GermII SthIleld pup ran nlr to Hell Tnlzphenl mam 1967 DODGE VI ton buck lnr III will nclll lav mun Telephans lilo2191 my MOTORCYCLES TubI15 Inn £42 pod eondll lion will um lnlinl And rpm We Mus uniIs Telemann 71o SNOWMOBILES Ixowsranlul norIn IIlr alen nmnxnln nepnons man or 751667 IND om uteru In new butlaln incomelo II lnnlv III Quinn ARTS FOR SALE NORTHWAY RUG CO LTD The house at in broadloom Remnant Ill sizes and price DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED EROADLOOII 61 Collier St Phone mull ulzn ll unlr root Cecile rv Irantor moo 5min Ind Nut Fumilnn 17 Dunlap street nut wrnrmmr equipmentnoun dllhwuher eInopy Irtil can run OIII gm rumor aurn er Iii llolr relennnn mom Is ll nlm urrupart rum Smith Bullet Turn only getme In vIlD ltclw Buy Wuhu with pumr 15950 Smllb Inn Rut Iunr lu Dunlap IlmI unlo rmm plryrr OnMnItloII ror HIE use 21 low anlmt Mar vlrlarl bola on month old lzl Phon 7211335qu 420 Ml lam decal rialnu dryer mm smlln and mum mullurc Dunlon street but HOSPITAL bear all mllrul or null Ielepnanr 7mm um 152 Dominion wuher $1950 5min and Rullk Furniture 157 nunlon sure Earl gmlslfll ladIo Ttlryilonl REFRIGERATOR lirze Ilu ALIIO mlllc delmII vialam nnlrlr nu cnlne Includln exmdml mi mum Both rneral et Ir vlllnrel in emllent condillon ï¬ll ends nilml mar INC non General Electric Drum yuan bultun Kxnllltni co alum relepunn mom ulrr 530 run um mun mun mla pul mi 1154 morn bk my Irr barile I07 40 like now run nuln nor am or man ublr no can rnIln new lulherelll mm mm In nunnr OIk lnm Imnlled um 53 21 Inches £50 All Irllclu In excelitnt can nlllnn 7mm BANGE toggle inï¬rm faggot Au an con on or no mow nnolnnooll on buy Dim nllh underlay rnIUIIr raid ADV pmximale Ilm lo 10 20 Clrlnnl lmn In runm nm otter Iecepm 385 nnrrrmurm mannn nlu nunr Dom Jul ma clr r21 liridbenm nrvrprelr emu only Ripele Rebel uloon nu nalllni nunlm Ilaurlch lo pelnt Inn re Inclh pheutnï¬llmléloewarm woof cot Sta mo nun only Slnfly nun new Alliston nu 1ch pulp or Ink men old nut lemlle min Call mom luran lo In or Iner urn GERMAN Inart nIlrrd polnler pnpl rerutered monulg nla snnw Ina Ilrld flock Reasonable CIll mam mu pun OODLI Trimming Prolmlonil Iranmlnr III breefll nlclrun In dallvu 72am Pet slum FARMERS MRKT DEKALB PULLETS MOre and more poultry men are choosing Dekalb Puilels SLSIIEII readyloIay and dayold chicks Far semen or help on your poultry problems call CRAIG HUNTER POULTRY FARM LID SIROUD 4361511 nlnsrorm rim every run nml re rnrcra Ilnnurnlurrn ny Ad IIrmlm hyLElrn lln RIO dl Out For lurllm Inlnrma lI Willnd Pumk tut more humor NT Nun ornHSM nrler pull DEAD bend or crippled ullia and harm SmIii InlmIk mud For service PHONE HARRIS rm Cohen or Ask or NICKS DEAD STOCK ZENITH pg mammal II our 1Ileel RR Fumrad 01min Licence NO 2900 Ni Montague Prop no run or IIII Imil puma II mm LI Alumna all pr Ian FREE llml pulm mu margin nun Annie mu emu rul coomwn WI FARMERS ATTENTION Tlis sullen is reserved or your convenience lo SELL TRADE or SWAP Lileslork hmumla inn es lImI equipment or lb vices word Id ralu FARM MACHINERY HALLMAN SI LOS 57 DISCOUNT during March Ind Avril BOOK YOURS NOW MOREAU FARM EQUIPMENT Telephone Elvale mill EQUIPMENT WAYNE BEAIIY Pro PATZ SALES SERVICES Silo unloadera Crlllle Feeders Bnrn cleaners COMPLETE INSTALLATION RR STROUD 4363717 HANK BROWN DeIIvII Sales Service DAIRY FARM EQUIPMENT Complain line OI Daln Farm Equipment Supplies Barrie Slilolly Hwy 21 mm no hr murmur to hushnl powlr on mmurn runoer AI nape nrrnun IlirIlinl RR Bar Ill mu FARM MACHINERY WANTED WANTED Io buy rm urrd ru mm IrItIor with Or wlmour nlow Inn rullllalnr Amour rIInu name Nobll Oulnrln WWII CAN putun III or uuon Waltr made Ind fence lur Inlrefl ureliml arm lul Cnn rmlnn um ennurI lr lv Orenu nnnn relrrhoneflmosu PASTURE FOR RENT on nun hull Keith sin eIILr churculll 566820 LIVESTOCRFOR SALE ms nu quiet II II hands Also rllllu on my old Tzlb phone 666107 rvnnlrlu rwnerIwo Itoclrer cIlvu Io loo Ins Telephone 2441 sow Inr rule Ills mu IIIO nInly hell nun my Telwfloll mam uonsns boarded box lulu uui lent cm nameIlls Urban Her Show Irons uav slannluz ntud am Tillman Apanlnan mlllall Horn nlionrd mam pullrd nelson PIGS WANTED kl Ihlu m1 overNot srvnrii Tum TIAm noose tale Slmrflly rrl 12 nun IIuIIlIr mnnlh no IllnmrrlLhonI II ennns lawn nun Some rulrlurd pIIOD nn nunm hon lru nunslrnrn ud used uddlu nn Iqulpment at lrlndI Send nonlltrlmcnll lo ll slnnnunn Box Rum anurlo Telephone rzelera FEED SEED In GRAIN sun min Iornir mixture or Inn Imer Inn Ronnlv om lfsn summit cm In lreluy aItI Avplv Mel PrieII Ilintslnl onurlo MIXED ml or Keystone rmin Inn Garry lulIIbII or run or lead TeIEV It run PERSONALS LOOK GREATI FEEL GREAT Relax In Sooihlnl Sauna DAINES SAUNA BAIHS PHONE 7mm Mom In returnl prepared or IIIm nullnm ar IndlvlfluIL Kidd Dunln lul or am For Ippn ntmcnr on In leE lrIInPlzcls run and cm um reil arm the local ion per ml nemmt rlr Pmnnsllzed prIrIll mum by rwolnlmrnl 2r fer cent on my IlrIn In Ilock untl April an Inn Garrick Hair IIleIlI lzo COILIrr Surrl or tele phone mIlol IA IF YOU um mnklnr nrol Irm Ind wInt MID Phone Inyllml 72mm or HO Inn 51 Burn INSTRUCTION muran menu will rm Inch IuIllnI Io lllrn school stud cnu or Idnlll Telephone 7254017 WOMENS COLUMN LEARN IIAIRDRESSING Government Chartered School Thorough training in all bran rile ol Maury clliiurz DERWIN HAIIIDRESSING SCHOOL WORSLEY 5r mam NURSING HOMES CLEAN ompelrnl cm or In lnzrly II Yellunlh monthly me now IvIIIIble lnnlmaa wan Home um um nrln no LOST FOUND KEV Ion ll brown com tllnlnl leverI landlord Fwy nr Dunlap soul Telephone masts Iller pin amen punto vIrINIl or Hul gul 5K1 on AF EvM alum Plelu Ilrphonr 1mm In Tully Iidlnm MALE HELP MECMIEIANJCS WKSIOWNW AREA to work on bury IIrrn Irw mummy Iagm manner demon rues paid Ni broom Hem mopIy lull pIrIlnIIIrI to experience In etc In RriIing lo BOI Gm DanII Iminer SHORT ORDER COOK Unilorms supplied Company beneï¬u Good working condi Iiom MR VE WAYPARE RESTAURANT 7mm TRAIN FOR CAREER iN FINANCE Do you ram tortilla rum In no Ior ms °nth lnkmln Innu hIIlunl mun new you mm In rmuun nuchIy new or mum slim Illa Inanu nn nrtumrnre MIDI gunman mm me ulrgt raun II nth lnlenllvfl Raoul manIa leis Inn lentlnlm Ind lchIIrrII ate mum cornerum Dull Ion sL Tlllphnlll mom um driven and MM NilII be In no am In lawman Good arnlnr mom ma non um ltn Ir rIIv menul Ion ofllv Irl AIIIIIIII in per le Cons may Bunion Stall Emir ucxNIIn mechnnle Ir IIIIr arm Itlrpnanu Frank utmlsol be reg Ind on slur pm II Melon NTALLII lor um mum and mmnrlu Ina mum Cnlul CInIdIIn Tire Dunn noun nun mill at Inntried Innarue excmrnl frivlnl record Nut Ivornor In Iblr Io rilan urn purine mm on IIIm hummer FEMALE HELP AVON TERRITORY OPEN Cusiomers wailinx to be Icrvsd Housewives can qualify lrIIO Elinabelh Pohhnulier PO Box I85 Barrie or phone 7166551 10HELPWANTID FEMALE HELP men mum run run munu Iru II 88 III Ivme nlluum In an Wm mum IILIIdILIII Inl lm ml 17 Apply lulu tall ll In Blunt Ind RAIN TILIT In am per week mmm nun will HIE biIn ruunleitr ref Apply Jun Guru le 51mm Ill Coma of DWI tor vaolnlmrnl HILL llnu ulrmua or WI nouuuue Will Imam woman MAR Ilrula umllflyh xe nulrrd ror In aroman lqu um nlu nonman lulurm Ind uln ol ruponILbIIIU 5d VIII mmlulon April In um °ni£l arr In In In woolurlnn papn lm IIyIIIII meal EMPLOYMENT WANTED DAY CARE onlln no ninI gnu mi rileuInn Tim SALES HELP In AGENTS SELL RURAL ONTARIO REAL ESTATE WI need $13ij SALESLIDIES In weekly draw on mission Seiiln your own Immunity Elm Rolls you leIrn min In prongm Unlimlrsd eronily and management ol your own oiltee when qualified Openings In the arena oi AurorI Nevmllrirrt Brad lord Bollon Beaverlon SUIIOn Keslvlclr Queens vllk lit Albert Urbrldze Ind Norrhern Onlarlo Call Dr Mrs NORM SMITH rm Yonge Siren WIIIMIdIEe 230 onge SI kimond HIII Phone mm SMITH REALTOR MANUFACTqu ml rprmn un In mu IreI lrnnl or pmvlncewldl III on rruu In who arrinn oriented horn producl Pull Inrnrmnllnrl Mlle Drcflr me Imnlzl no no Km II In HIInII Ion OrlIIrIn TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE TIMI IO HILP wANrID YOU MAY BE arm student mending Imi verdtyl Nw Involved in thy Edou liomi or milled Geld Now errployed in In edict Iloro or lIdoryl WHATEVER You run he Interested either In fulllime career or would like In uspplernent your income tuning lop emissions Inter viewing prospective Itudenia for our Idlool No uperlencu necesury and you work In your on area Please send comma WHO In Box G36 Barrio hflflipfl MALE FEMALE CARAVEL RESTAURANT TAVERN rcqulrI BAR MAIDS BAR WAITRESSES DINING ROOM WAIIRISSES HOSTESS SHORT ORDER COOKS DISHWASHERS Ap in person to MIL Doors 29 Dunlap Slrnel East TIRED OF PRESENT POSITION Full llme expelInlch DR mlelfl nudlll rer loul prolledl onlx IlarI mum erlnl condition Vor rururer Iurnnnallnn lrlrnhono null me Ill rar ltr SIIIL AIRUIIES required wilh or yurI up lnce leflmd Good ItInlIII salary or lnu rldzm per son Inlrpncnn molar In mun drama or Inply In nrran IO Drillll llnlmrmlnn to qur nold Ind uu lnr Mr DIvII HAIR STYLIST requutd III lust yurl upm ulre rnp mm and commllllnn Excellent wornln npilu rorllinlntln nIrrIe ExIminlr connlllons AII vrtu Box on TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7237414 RECEPTION ISIVJ TYP STS Required or day Ind evening work in modern alrlce of large Ontario Real Ernie company Good telephone manner and ac curale lyplnz ossenllII MllII ho capabln al workinll with minimum supervision For up poinlmcnl cal TOM MONTGOMERY Saturday lo mm to l2 noon mm nxrnnlmczn bvokxlrprr new npnrr Ivr ml emu law olllcr ncalrd lrl lvnll nun UH In Inke thlrze or IlIIl ul at noon Plum reply In nurl nxlnllnor Dunn nmlr srmoanAPlrm rnr lIlIl nlllu lrl IrarI Bllrh If Explnlncl preferred but nannunnml rum gnu In sum nunulnar Ilnn cu Its The Season To Advertise ACCOUNTANTS ROSE HARRISON cum sl Plan mun Chnllllld AceaunlInu Imuel Roll CIA rum In Dallth FUNERAL HOMES STECKLEY FUNERAL HOME gunman Innvlcn MODERATE cosr convenient Tuna 5L nIyrlI PETHICK FUNERAL HOME Chapel of Thoughtful Servch 21HOUII SERVICE 127 Baytield Slretl WOTl BIrrle mzsao niésli PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY MUSIC LESSONS JESSW null or Pllno Slnllnl Tilcry PupIII prrpmd or lemlnlllonl In Mm caunmlarv or nRérIll RIr in nnlnm or II IIIndlbrd Sl 72847 ANGUS ROSS BA II rlnu IL EIrrII 7mm Registered Music Teacher rnIInIcIInn In Pllllo Inn Theory Ilka Roll In Punch ulin nI Ir Aehunl Iublecil EXAMINER WANI ADS 7282414 CALL US FIRST We are skilled in our Service and will give yOU Prompt Attention CLASSIFIED SERVICE REPAIR GUIDE MUSIC INSTRUCTION Play Rock and Roll DRUMS EASILY Ind QUIGCLY Private and group iessona Free Apiilude Given We supply élIrter equipli CALL 7186351 OIL TIESIM INSULATION nlowlmr melhnd by expm am Rooflul 71951 BLOWING IIItlIon tnruhdnn rm miniIII numnlun INI relrpnanc Scott Illllr Mm WOOD REFINISHING IIOnnRxAnllnue mlnisnlnr in dledIIIi pine Mdrnnm lull on any 11I553l nr nulls ROOFING ROOFING ALL TYPES Tarv and Gravel Shingles Eavestroughing GORD EVANS 4381543 Siroud Ont Shinfllng Caulking Cnlmney and wall flushing Eavrslrougilirlg Repnlrs Root VentllItlon JONES Painswick 72M RUG CLEANING SIMCOE CARPET CLINIC Prolesrinnal carpet and upllol siery cleaning IN YOUR HOME or in our MODERN PLANT 252 HURONIA IID PHONE 7284751 DURACLEAN RUG AND UPHOLSTEHY CLEANERS Cleaning prong ealnbllshed Free esllmalu PHONE 7768966 DRIVING LAKllsIIonn UrivIlll sellout Lurn rm Illrlv lust union Low SMALL ENGINE SERVICE BAYSIDE SMALL ENGINE CW Expert rtpalr service lo 311 SMALL ENGINES Authorized sales and service inl TORI GRAVELY DAVIS Lawn and Gnrdell Equipment SATISFACTION GUARANTEED zt Toronto Sl WATCH REPAIR WATCH GIVING YOU gt1ILOUBLE7 Al cleaning guaranteed year Vibrogral negulnling maOIlIna care and band polished regular round nryllala replaced tree FAST SERVICE WILLIAMS JEIVELLEIIS 66 Dunop 7282250 MOWER REPAIRS COMPLETE Small engine and lawn mower SALES AND SERVICE HAHN ECLIPSE Lawn and Inrden equipment MADIGAN MOWER SERVICE 171 Buran Ave 7284121 REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE 3301apperton Street PHONE 7184562 PLASTERING MmmGInd Imam law In wk All wer lulrlrlktfl 7a IRONING momrm I2 an panel l1 Inuit Pickup Ina nellver neonll SHEETMEIIIT Wham venllllllon ru zonal lionil ethlIII mum mu IrnIIIrl Im ullnulu mum Fulï¬ll STRATUM ITS CIII Eric 7156727 AND Conlrlrllarl ludumll nn mIIdrnIlll rnuru Ina pnlnt lnz manor Ind Ilaem PAINTING AND dIeIInlIn rm MI rsllrmm CIlI lIlre 71M III pun metro navallnn WM ran my eltclrlrll lnIIIIIAIIOn nr mlnlenmu call mom Linnea muster elerlrlcian TREE SERVICE IIIEP REMOVAL Ilumlu IIlInrd smilillnl Drunlrlu Telepnom BUILDING CONTRACTOR Hugh Campbell BUILDING CONTRACTOR CUSTOM HOME COTTAGE Ailerrlllnns and Repairs Free eslimales 7284285 gt DRESSMAKING DREHIMAKINO Ind Illeflllfllll pelml Ill ReasonIll rllu Tele phona mam Inylimz AnrnnAIloNI Ind arenalulu Ensemble rale Pallenl IVAUIIIIE no wr mam 7mm LATHE WORK LATHE WORK Cuntom OI nradutllnn IILIII work mummy prlced CIIl Al 1311111 alter nln DRAFTING DRAFIING SERVICES Polrsal Il drIlIin lervlm nlrlltluurl and call 451377 rnlrln EAVESIROUOHINO NORIHERN EAVESTROUGHING 7280390 4312121 Ora Conlinuous 1plecc Eaveslrough NO joints No leaks 93 SHANIY BAY ROAD CARPETING HEUGATILE CARPET or commercial and residential Bell carpeting in lilo world Free Inlormatlon and demonstrnlion 106 Napier 7257153 BLOMS CLEANING SERVICE SIGNS comrznclnn Iml LIllrrInL Prompt unlzn mural murmur on mu Exvlflencl 7mm HANDYMAN SHOP WHEN vou cant let on Job on all In Illnflyml snag nod french INllenrlirhl