Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Apr 1969, p. 8

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SpringVMdyBelusfllr SMART EoLKs EVERYWHERE READ THIS PAGE EOR VALUES ulnar Ann an REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE fennLunn PAINWRIGL Name your own possmsion dalte This new Bbcdruomlbuo ow is nearing mnpetion and was only the finishing loudm to make It yotn dream borne Terms can be arranged Let me showthis gun toyou today Call 726m Marion Newman miles room bridr home bathrooms full hasemmt garage large lot low taxes Could be uanly duplcxtd Full price m5toCall Pat or 1th esa Byrne mam IVE GUI WIS You ask for them Ill gultlaem 1n Stayncr Collingweod and beautiful WasagauCafl for the best in property to George Liv lngfiooe 4291519 or BEDROOM RUNGAIOW dose to all schools consisting of living room dining room modern kitchen one tplere and one Spiecc washrooms rec room almost cormlcted large patio with privacy fence Full price only 3233 For further details call Jim Rigginson 3764 THESE HOME ARE NOW UNDERWNSIRUCIION and they wont lastvlong bedroom btmgalmvs all have routh in Mare picce bath large ultra modern kitrtL cn and many extras for only $24900 and $591 For further details please call Joseph Dir racolo 7750661 BEDROOM HOME This is lovely home Iocaled inst outside of the city with more than one am of land House has been rcfinisIed in side Very central For details call Jim Martin LITTLE BIT OF HEAVEN Buy your own cluedII Start your own congregation We have an dd ctnnh tor sale Pull price $500 For informa lion cal Phil In ommsr LAWN FERTILIZER UP AT OUR OFFICE BOYS WORK CHOLKANf LTD MLS REALTOR Angus 4215631 $helburn Collingwood H3030 YAVttlrn outnu mom mutant may nurarate 7254597 7min DaveDoll Item 7mm mum ransmur Macao 7234290 mt cuter Linton tear 11qu 12mm rhnnlh reattsao 7mm Inter Stewart 72 Wood 4271111 Vanda 54mm Ann werot 71W 5mm gram IAelir 11mm TIMEM and Harvey sir 7mm 71m martin Juan new MANN CANADAS LARGEST REALTORS CAMPBEIL Brick house has throughout full basement paIed in room Also bedroom lxtngalw rent mortgage All this on Dennis Higzalt 7253347 BARRIE ORIILTA AREA pervert highway location for com xmilent horse farm barn 80 46 shod cargarage The house bathrooms bedrooms and setting For details call Harold 50 acres hmxse and barn muters Would make an Good Wdl atvbarn implement has lovely modern kltdten above all you will enjoy the Davis 7237343 saunas Tu Bungalow on large lot that has This cosy bedroom bungalow in pleas ood floors thro room ui rm worm vriLh beautiful terracedback Doug Snaughnessy Acres Tobing $6000 Aura hardwood bush $50m Acres mature cedar 25000 Acres half pasture 100 Acres house barn mm women house ham in ma $9000 Dennis Ifiggoll mew litmus HIGGOII mam mourn JOAN mx the vortex Sr Ins REALTOR ENJOY pride of murahiprin no dininc trend lot in prenige ar taming with all the ameniticr fur tor Math 8109 Im BAG AND PROCEEDS FOR 951140 Wasaga Beach 4223540 EIIEERS BARBIE ORANGEVILLE TORONTO BOARDS bedroom bamroorrs hardwood floors douhle lot 132 165 Asking SIM down foot frontage ongood road me is situated in nicely wooded area Willi stream nearby For details call Harald Davis mam OAKLEY PARK SQUARE bungalow has all the requirements for shaped kitchen and lilting area op and plenty of garage spade lot is 56 am lawn Dont miss this one Call mans AND Americas half pine maple lgch $13 ares use 3111 new maflmery 000 100 Atlas house barn $5009 DOUG SHAUGIINESSY TOROMO Read Offlu INEs DUPLEX OH HIGIIWAY Nawisthotimetomale that move to the mumy This corn poteyrenovued daplex maybe your answer It is in excellent condition and bar new dot garage There is room for garden alsoalt In existed on MEN Barrie and in dose to and school Breathe little better Call Allison Haynes at mm for mom idormation run mitt mow lmnotadaamlodlnmyou rc this spots com home with utility room and tool shed Large kitchen for mother and huge lot for dad ESQ down dtould We Call Alan Wardie mist BRAND NEW IIUIEL IN MIDLAND Wall to wall carpet parking paved cable TV telephone to cad unit ng quarters bedrooms room kitchen and storage wane This is right next to country fair shopping centre Owner nut sell due to ilhicss Ihls motel is in Ad IOlt ution Call Tune Kobak an mo GRACIOUS OLDER WAGE in verygood and ion Large living room with stone fire placerthree largo brim bed room on good concrete foun dation and situated on lovely large lot with hedge for com plete privacy For Iurther parv Iiuuan call PatCartE 416 on tollmarge WADE BIG ROOMS 3125 full prim bedrooms large living room Close to lovely beach winteriwd for year rounl living low down payment will buy Call Harvey Dr Anita Swift WIS FULL Prune $1431 bedroom home available Full basmtent mitable foru tra bedroom and recreation room Large vnandah lot size 75 130 Call Bob or Dee Harv ion for impecfioa W1 FOR SALE CAN BE PICKED Collier St Barrie Tin4401 Indiana MARTEL AVENUE driveway electric lireplanein ed to help any your BARRIE ant residential area This at comfort large Izgnout Basement has spa th bar laundry room sewing two $15000 HAROLD Davis mm mourn sumo mom Ttltpllma 92542 ON 7224294 earnfprtahle bedroom bnck ea EPICIM rm for enter mm living Call TODAY furnace alted home situated on acre lot incity complete with pony Brian Banting 150 acne mun pasture Good Wilding room house wtth modern conveniences miles to Barrie Call Peter hibbela KEN 11111111 Await SAMMY ntryIIAM 101m 0011 7734am DONNHLLY MAIle mam HAROLD orator BaniLKWELL flaw 15er cunnila mum PM F0110 Tatmo 1115 Realtor 33 COLLIER ST so nounsUnder drained farm wIIII good buildings on paved road 13 mich from Barrie Vendor will at reasonable interest rate LOVELY NEW HOMES easy muting t4 Coltingwood or 3359 Borden Paved street low taxes Priced from $16500 WIMBRIZED HOME with cahlna All exccmonafly good buy to close an estate BEDROOM noun nu me am oligood garden land and sna REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE M15 REALTOR 11 DUNIDP ST 731 la AWE SUNNIDAIE TOWNSHIP£111 dayloam hank barnuxroomhornolithoilhirnaoeendtlnoapiecebalh Sdtool I15 Gbod road Refiti Call Everett 101mm 752131 AMANDAIEOlml THREE 3mm twoalorey homo in excellent condition Hot water oil heat melosed Tear norm and nice garden To Inspect this home call fluctuate WWI No 305 ivoan nouswon one bedroom apartmmt on one bed room aparLrnenL Gone to downtown Illa Income of 950 per month 75 mortgnge and carries for $155 Call Keith hlc Maser No 39 DUPIE IN REORI AREATen mlmtes to Barrie stone throw to the water One the other for Slot per rrrmlh Bid apartment has their on heating ustem Situated on loveLy large lot on main road to the Beam Cal Isabel Flinn No 329 mom Attradivc trick bungalow with auadied garage and atomic healing Inver lireplane 1n the redeatlonroom 1m mednte possession Call nowNorah Ratkca 75 No 219 stnru anal ESTATE LIMITED PHOTO ILLS REALTOR RES 7281589 HIGHWAY FRONTAGE 1m aura excellent land with 15 mie of him frontage with large storey bridr home all conwnlcncts Large lip rooted barn Only miles 1mm Danie CONSERVATIVE 0R LIBERAL Do you seek stately ageless durm In house or an exvitingly chic classic Lotodalc For example classic two storey home modern kitdazn fining room living room don piece bath wall to war broadluom has adioining room that may be easily converted to bathroom Full basement must to ace nuuwr or Fred Taylor 72am Paul Penman new no cammu HM Ron Allan 495534 CILulte Read mun Don canch mom Don Marshall 7232597 Smui Cam pbell 7339 Richard Dick Eeer mm CARSON PHUIO MIS REAulDR SJ WORSLEY STREET TELEPHONE 7166431 JUST IN EDGE OF TOWN year old split lcvel better than new bedroom place tiléd bathroom MM room dining room and kitchen lovely recrea tion room rivate drive with garage Price $2500 Large down payment Call Rusell Carson 756161 ALLANDALE AREA Price greatly reduced to $17233 for an older storey brink home with bedrooms large fenced in yard living room dining room Largebright kitchen hardwood floors real family home close to schools and buscs Please contact Bill Lang 72643114 Norm smut 7212333 Rupert Moorauu Llmvalc mm EIU Hamilton 7236325 Russ Carson 755161 Bill lam 725nm IFRANK NELLES Pitqu bf Realtor TB BAYFIHJ STREET BARBIE ertlli 493 RURDNTARIO STREET COILINGWOOD 4132571 IZIILCONCESSIGN CF INNISFIL and close to the WM we have real nice and clean bedroom btmgaloy with very brim lcitdtcn living room and utility room large garage with work rhop on To 214 font lot This property could be utilized as tmtcl site Full asking price only 512500 Call Stun Hammond for appointment to view TIFPIN STREETLarge cement block building Wuhanwide eminenan for auto body work 117 property could also he used as wood working drop or other type of manufacturing For Information call Mike Magus today BRANDtNEW MlDllURSTIlbedrocrn brick bungalow full basement all electrically ltcalcd man many extras In this htxnc 100 130 foot 101 Call Rollie allipcatl HERES REAL ImovTnz lotis so 237 on Anne Street zoned 04 an ideal site for an apartment hotel large storey home completely remodelled This is real buy for only $116000 can Mike EAST ENDCI bedroom bungalow wtm fireplace Rniuhcdlrccrca tion room with bar at no loot lot Call Frank Wainwngil for appointment to inspett EVENINUS CALL moooz Leo Clvennlzlt 72mm llnule Galllpelu 715m Prank Nelle nut Tram Dun Ilimmflm frlflk Wllmtrtlzhb 1mm 12645561 7mm 67 DUNLOP ST 16 T0 70 ACREESTAIElull zruuth maple frees fantastic view Situated inst outside city limits Full price Just 512w Call Sammy Benhamjnow ovm Home or LAND with anau frame bungalow on High way 27 soutrL Good drimd well This is an excellent sto tor new home Call Ken Miller BEDROOM IIODERNSIYLE BUNCAIOW with altanhed gar age Fireplace in living room 1300 square Iccl living area Only 51000 down with balance on easy terms Fultprtce only $21000 Call Ed Donneily mo DOWNMove in today Plenty at Tami for that large Izmi ily bedrooms 11 Itorey in the suburbs Cascade 40 oil Monthy payments 370 Call Hamid Gibson EDGEHIIL bulVHloms your mmrtunlty recently decor barn Kitchen dining room livinger and den finished in cedar panelling and complete with wau to wall broadloom Call 191 acres working and 717 acres bush and BIDWELL Mortgage funds available TELEPHONE 7284430 Ir trees oldmmortgagc II barn To close an estate Call Vl Fisher evenings 775 SHELSWELL partrncnt rents for 880 per month Charming home bedrooms TheCornerI3utl3argldins REAL ESTATE In The Distinctive BARRIEVIEW llighcroft Road All electric Eli and HP GORD SPRING DOUG Photo DUNLOP STREET men EPIEII open so 72319791 APPRAISAIS lion All Rose HAROLD as amino sum rum Mortgage and Available Gibson WIIoughby MLS Realtor Ltd HA Owen St TIMIll DESIGNED FOR HAPPY LIVING Youll find warm and oonvcnh cnce plus prestige and pleasure in this bedroom vacalinn home on 123 Inc Knmpcnfelt Pay frontage fullbaths sen arate dining room deluxe fur niture and appliances hrlck fireplace electric heat You will like the beaulilul view and landscaping many othcr nice features 563000 with terms ISNOW VALLEY RD Double lot 900 oaNTEN MILLS building lot $2500 SllANIY RAY RD 36 acres with stream $22500 OSIIANTY BAY Ill 15 acres with stream $11100 ORIETIIODIST POINT acre trcc Inrm 516900 IIANSFIELD AREA I00 TIE rcs 321000 with tcrrns VILLAGE OF CREEIIIORE Small manufacturing plant or cXCellcnt truckers dcpnt Bull ding as insulatctl oil heat panelled offices plus approx imately 4000 square feet of on closed storage sheds wircd 550 volt and 230 volt Vary rea sonable terms LITTLE AVENUE Directly across from Holiday Inn room house la 190 25 New cily zoning tC commer cial Evenlngr Larry DcWildc mom 7264012 Miller CORBY Real Estate broker and Appralscrs 93 Map St Phone 7mm lat and Zod mortgages arranged on low monthly paymenta We buy your prevent tat and7od mortgages BELLEVLE cncscnrrr family room with fireplace on ground level Iri baths attach cd garage Immaculate inside and out BLAKE STREET Stonu duplex nicely rcmod ellcd rooms and bath dowry stairs rooms and bath up Good basement GARAGE SERVICE STATION ANDLUNCH BAR Excellent business lutt outside town on busy hicttyay bay garage Approximame acres of land COLLIER STREET Twice location for apartments or would pay for Itself renting as is UTOIIA ARI2A parces of land 71 acre and acres with building parat billtlca See these Inn Incomes IAlt mam GFLEIIDIEII 5M TII 7139175 HENRY ELRICK MICHIE Real Estate Appraleala Mortgages COLLIER ST IZMW Harry MILlite Appralacr Ted Brlgucll 7208150 Paddy Mtlca ammo In Aches of level not or It came 10m wm 1y nullflu an DISTINCTIVE HOMES BETTER BUILT HOMES BY EAST Atlhe Five PolnLt Phone EVENINGS CALL Bill llackncsr Res 72641726 11 IV Dick Hartley 12579111 COMPANY EVENINGS CALL MnN KLODSIITIIMAN muons GLORIA KOSSAIZ mum xmosTthAN Alamo IRENE tonnes now you damnaton PM wow at Al mum GRANT IIILARIIIUR mom um SCAN In Tune wmv Mounrsox news nusstlL 5111 mom our cuoclmt man living romn dinihiz room tamily home All modern improvements 51 4584562 SIIANIY BAY PROPERTY on SALE SUBDIVISION South end of Barrie l0 DIFFERENT PLANS Undnrnound Wiring NRA Mortgages ALEX réaruumr HOMER M9 ELL ROGERS CONN Realtor CHAS ROGERS 1W PllVlO REALTOR 7282379 WAGES RENTALS es mans FORSTER ILLS REALTORS 1MB Free Cmtomer Parking nanneo Iuoott mam AND OWEN ST 7164133 MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE Photo IlLS Realtor SEMIDETACHED Mectlon of two momma residences now nearing com pletion consisting of living and three bedrooms Oak Street between Wellington and Gunn EVENINGS GORDON COUIIS mms SANDY COUTIS W281 WALTER COUIIS 72M Lauri CATHEDRAL CEILING Cedar constmclion bedrooms large living room kitchen builb in bar hcnvy wiring beautiful lot in secluded area Kcmpcn walk to lake $12500 Contact ED SNOW Slrourl 4363115 or DOROTHY COLBORNE Strand 4361387 BACK OUITAGE PAVED ROAD bedrooms large livingdining room mumn fluuhmnaUe Iollcl niccly treed lol good well may be easily convcrleIl to year round home lose to lake $6500 Contact ED SNOW Strnud IMHO or DORUIHY COLBORNE Slruud 4161367 LAREFRONT Leonards Beach bedrooms room screened enclosed sun room kitchen plcue washroom ga rage arlcsian well on pressure furnished £18000 Nice randy beach acawall Private wall Contact ED SNOW Stroud All 3115 or DOROTHY XII HORNE Strand M1387 KEITH mu neuron AREA REPRESENTATIVES Bally Newton Hawkeatnne Lillian Roberta Marguerite Moore and Pitcsimmtnr 4374101 7264927 TAGWI Torry Stevens Elmvalc 177w llrncst Walla Barrie 7257203 I81 EGLLNTON AVE TORONTO 12 PHONE 4873333 III COUTTS felt llay only fcw minutes Babcock Earrle 7mm Colbournc Slroud 4361357 Spuncr1hurnton 4554211 SHOW Slrmtd W311i Ed Grccn Karrie 7286127 Churchill 4mm IRreHLeréj Noni IN THE HOME ornce AND ON THE FARMS DIAL 72c24I4 FOR THE CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE Fitzgerald Lid rum marn anom nunAm ovr Very busy so neat and Takeout Restaur one andliving quarters Good building location on maln nreot Mine eoulp meat and property momor try Ill offer Terms available VALE ONT Brand new three bedroom horneaA1cIn Ildlog electric heat Good term WASAGA BEAGI building tote and winterlxed home on the Nottuwasaga River at The Ox bow eleal at $15900 for the works TELEPHONE BROOK ELMVAU m5 RAWN Real Estate Ltd Broker BAYFIELD 51 739151 SPECIALIZING IN RURAL PROPERTIES Evening can all Rawn mnoss Simon Beckhutun 7281327 Dick Draper JIM3m nna Realtor WHITE 109 Bayfield st ozntoII Appraisal Listings Invited ELVA Mle mam JOHN WRITE 7259170 Erie HIS Realtor Dewsnap 2683 66 ANDY ENGLAND 1mm ERIC newsman mm ow ncr IchonLl inn atom hill nrlcr MOO Ill monthly with umxtmnelv upon donut Ill Gum street newt rvaTz rum new nfllll brfck bedroom Gold Medina house to uvlng mm Inseam kitchen wtlli mahogany cupboards alum lnum wlndoIvJ vonellcd In Inuit um um bulltroam um Irnc ed zltdrn honoured Excellent temp win rraeonablo amount down Phnnl mum ununonr property It on comfortable you round name all conveniences runum nuIrn IN rllcc urnu Princloatl only It nlercetcd lrJephone Dro tomcat PROPERTY WANTED WE HAVE clllnh wentlng to 111 mm Ill Innoqu prove les cumt mu all no bedroom and would consider bedroom honor uuLIIde thl city Client wlth all mi Irnntlng mmqu ungllow wlthfn the city cllenl with mm to snow as for bedroom home with nlnlnx mom looted In the city with panenlon near me and of lune If you Iuvr Inv ol In above IIIODHIICI for flu call Rout Realtor 7mm III am sum Blflll outno LOTS FOR SALE ainIIIr areaIll acre qu river also Highwly 21 also up azIIaoz Toronto Lunar treed Int nr cln be two building loll Sunnldale IlaI1 uel In city Tefknllono nu MllLl 721 nm Iepresenttnl 11 While Realtor rnIvArz sate maty tiny 1m Beautiful turn lot on ruin prestige lrcl mono cl Telephone 72 not evenlnls Md nintmtur ts um wooded bulld In 1151mm Bay Country Ilvtnr my convenience In new plllrncd nevetnplnent From Mo Follow Hutwry Ia thdeu street mt at strut Mintno Olfch open wkkendl TRAVEL TRAILERS IIIAPIJITDIIl fuman till my compe ty enunrpe many extras Ieleptlom awn MOBILE HOMES TRAILERS 8ALE RENT RUSSELL CHURCH leefronl near Ltd General Glendale Northlander Parts and Service SALE RENT 11 Hwy Burton Ave 7288556 Ilonm bedroom Inmabt room and dInIngnrca kltohcn Anny 35 lnll tn Peruse Plrlr mute on Mobile Homes Call or tcrma up to 10 Years REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES PHONE 7260285 FOR LARGE CASH LOAN Ute Avco Deltas 2nd Mortgage loan Service to borrow up to 510000 Pay 01 actumulated bills and reduce monthly payments mud as 75 Remodel your home or make major purdiases Fast helpful service and favor able terms Pay at anytime without notice or bonus Phone mm today or write for full detail brochure to MORIGAGE MANAGER AVOO DELTA REALTY LTD lbi Welllngton Sl Barrie Refer AMI HE nunn funds Inllable tor III or and mortgage or ill nurchm exllthrl mortar Clly ur rIL Telephone mum no 1011 own uunrm ma lvnllable numb we will or no you room It Ennufn Home BUS OPPORTUNITIES NEW COIN OPERATED VENDING MACHINE Invest up to $5000 co operated vending machine new to Canada Has been very successful in USA MAKE MONEY 24 HOURS DAY FULLIIME 0R PARTTIME Call collect bizGIST Tornnt MR RAYMOND GREXIO between and You cut malt mot rllrtns chln chlllls Good markets Buy from tell breeders um m9 Stone hgussJoMChlnchIlla mt Uxhrldu end 21 RENTALS APARTMENTS TO RENT GARDEN TERRACE Corncr Queen and DchorAlIl Modern bedroom town large living room and with dining area full oil heat and air condItIoning Athlts PHONE 7284752 THE KEMPENIIELI Luxury new bulldlng mm Id only few nu Insllio Ir nun unit in cloclrlc nut nIIn stunt leIcphono 4m THE BAYFIELD APARTMENTS Corner of Hayfield and Grove The ultimate 1n livingacc modation For more Inform call moms non rumuImI meal nIm nun notch nd stow eIIaanuIIxosoIA hlnufor mififiu TDY It Telcphnnl mom APAIITMENT to rent Sunntdall Road II acoiltttng roomklt11in blthma snolrnta zntun Irma Telephone mm HEDRODW Ipartmenl for rent unturntn cu Ram helkd apartment bed nlltlnl room when and utmtlr applied mu Sullfibtllel fxr Tnamrtra va 111 II 7mm after IllII Two bedroom lrrnrlrnent to rent on Vancouver St Available Lilys Adqu only minor facllltlelu lrlgerltur lud dove lquleI Telr utxunn 11545711 uNyuanangn rdu In alectrlc urIvIe wind Aliuur downermm IIme wuuuu to un neuron lplriment complelel tunnshed nu tervlcca suppll Ample olrktng Guntlemen Telephoni 71mm lter rum mm mm bedroom upirtment or rent llnr senIce relngerltnr and vo supplied Tolenflnna between mm and nm or Inn ANGUS Modern room bun galow near stores Large lot garage $10900 mam ANGUS Small side by llrfn duplex each unit fully self contalncd Item no monthly Tenants pay all expenses $9 500 43557 oyoxsmwn Attractive 500 new Home HARRIS SOUTH Modern room bungalow Attractive lot and setting 315900 KELLY Broker Cookstown 4355734 UNGAIDW public and tepnrute achoola NRA mortgage Prlncipula only Telephone mm or 7230364 TORPEY 1160715 INSURANCE MOVING Dont forget lo tronafer your INSURANCE and you need extra coverage of any klnd sea STEVENSDNS lift DUNIOP 51 759le INVESTMENT PROPERTIES NEW flPLEX quy 1mm 147w noun pennant good Illlnl Phone after 21 1092 mum MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE lit and 211d Mortgage Loans Anywhere 0N Al RDMHVAR fl AND Coll ERUIAL PIIOPZRIIIL 90 or VALUATIONS If You NccdMoncy Io contolldlto debts Pav aft exlrttnr mflflllfll 0r morlugu comtn dIII Ilomo lmImvemen vAnv wort while Write or Phone 260981 Mortgage Funding avrr SImpnonaScart HI DUNLO ST Member Dntlro Mortgage flrnkers Alcottlion MW SECOND mullluu number for ll Ineron mgamufi Milne mrru LLOYD muflvaréyamwgnn own ltflbliilufilhifififilfififit 11 WE om er Nu IUM BIDWE 775531 All Mt ENZI W53 ween Greenbalzh mm vi mam RllllluifiiulfuWilli Real Estate Broker or on beltllf ol llenl 1m mist commitmrnlw Irlah ow bedroom relrlrrIutar table for wo Ian ballroom Innrlmonl 1171 for mlrrted couple Eu Afirtnn Good but nrvlce In In mm unithen emuInt eoronm llll ltLllltles eIr Adulto only Talbphonl Anlul WW llezt mnulhlv vIue dawntown madam lmnllmees hedsttttng kltt tr amt numer wom Tale moon weokdlyr IIHAIIIII Anlrtmlnl evllllhln tine mdtutely lvnla rum tutu Iirv1c out In Itltlidate In village 01 nmmzi Imnml mullet or Midiom mm Alvnnitana HOUSES FOR RENT Mfih TWO Penman hunlnlnw lnr reIIL nose downtown ltvnllultla now Am Alum street on mtumiy MOIIIIIEN hEdflOm va decorated melmw Tn Inenonilble moon modernized country home wtlltln cammltllng outnu ol wller mm In num Av IIIII luv In time mom on fitreel rll Onllrlo Lvntflgltéfin Illlfrotlam lltllllll out Inna Apru It TeIiiiIuIIR Iloll zxzcurtvz room tool lll 1M Ironm Noll Ilut butt mm den vslla In immedl Ill th telemlttva Teller Jnimt

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