MRS PAUL JAM law It work in ba truck workMp handles up in the mo renter in tall hoot Ind looslotto Like the poterb iIi ponman the new lets abouts top her Her pertlse eaabu her to take on dandenzlag assignments as lachnnh Friends new permit her to form the day Iben Mann EH ER ii its 322 5n Lady Locksmith Opens The Door Of Opportunity EYBIL ROBBINS Womens Editor ï¬le is tall blonde and ï¬el mommy to we active young sters other that 410 sdwol his pain in Drulog the working 61 hunter Janie blbh Marios only Ionian lodsnillt Jamie otherwise known as Mrs Paul Jamison loves but work even if she is smlimes graded with wig tim such ax the mml arm beard oi sud thing in my life Why dont you stay home whiz your humand and mr Airs Jarnltsons readion iv think kmrr lana the Em roman doctor felt sonar has to We hersett every step the my ï¬re meted the trade ahmst few years link noon after the Jamiesans mor ed to New late Hcr My band Paul Ratth Pauls Dork Repair handling all the leading makes of and closers tor tomlat and martial pn Wses as well as resdentiaL when he Ell ill the mil as awe as the lnsinm was in line to Willi true pro Jamie look the initiativeand ventured out into the QM orld nl lock Naturally unious 21ml her Englands mhsbebadalleaitbeenzl inleruted roadster as he worked at his heart at home Sane preparation but the ac cooled the challenge After siang the problem when she arrived on job Jamie amid get to the tele phone and describe the an tion to her husband Paul also amid in turn Milne the steps he should laLe trilltime it things were its too con pex for patience and the lelp Withouwouidcomethehd and the amatiu Will mud dash home and spread the prelim out on the bed cover tor her Wu attai tin Mrs Jamiem has since had peat deal of experience and is bonded and registeral lod tmith baring taken several corms given by mnutaduir aa The daily manage in swelling to look ward to and she handles the incidents with protemonal expertise Paul Jamieton has nnce re covered his health and has been working in Tomato bar we tnne while the lady of tbebouse continues as chiel profleuuoltu tor Pauls lodt Repair Recently when Paul Jamieson himselt went out on all the Mutant woman Im answered the door protest ed youre not Paul Paul ï¬lorter and has long hair While Janie now has loyal folloth the All runs into oe Irildered ludvidtals with rer trinity like the rather inebriv ated man who was maxim his way down in sidewalk one night rhea he came upon blonde busy at work on the door at ï¬nancial inst iuxioa Alter atropine to non for few mods he leaned down and asked in conï¬dent iIl tone What ya doin little sat brakin iota that Fla Tattoong Is Medical Hope For Disï¬gunn OTTAWA An indnr ment developed here theres tlonal Research Chum being credited with new medical lime or tattooing out disï¬guring birthrnarlu medical panel now is sensing the degree of improve ment in 13 adult and t5 child pa tients in Toronto whose plastic means used the instrument to try to match normal pigment in skin areas disï¬gured by port nineentored hirttrmarks Aiter nine years research by Dr it Thomson Toronto plastic surgeon an instrument was derde that seems to have solved one of the chlei technical problemsgating the shnrnatcoing pigment into the birthmark area We can now insert the piz ment withth ditticutly Dr Birthmarks thrmson said in an intenies And while the results at pig ment itisertion are exeéltcnl that is not synonymous with clinial results being excellent The clinical mulLs are the tab of the assessment panel ex amining the children treated by Dr known at the Hospital or Sick Children in Toronto and adults treated byDr Robert Newton another plastic sur geon tbe Toronto General Hospital The characteristic reddish purgie markings on the skin main something of medical mystery They are caused by an amrmulsttoa at Hood teasels tn the superï¬cial skin usually ot face and neck What mng the blood tczselsancumulateimt known and they serve no appar enl usdui WW FOR SUMMER AND iilll These tern outï¬ts are from the simmer tall collection at Perl Knitting of Montreal The outï¬ts long ruled jumpsuit and trooper dress are both in navy rod and white window pane thecks of stretch nylon Each has its own pulled to tether white turtle neck about LI and stick yin CF Wirepho Easler Parade By Senior Citizens An has Bonnet Parade war held on tiusday altarnoon by the Barrie Senior Citizens Get together Club to the tune at Put On Your Easter Bonnet It was gay afternoon with 71 member and seven guests pre sent llrs Fraud won the booby prize Mrs Wueman Em prize and Airs Gameron second prise The afternoons aaivitles tn duded businas meeting and entertainment by mflnbfll President Mrs ilchle was selected to represent the senior citizens It Convention to be held in Waterloo Ontario on Aug list Senior Gtiuos Week in Barrie will commence on the tbtb of Julie rummage sale will be held on April 15 at lo Im The group is looking forward to bus trips which are being planned tor the summer months Youth Education In Temperance Youth Temperance Editallow highlight at the adivltles ot the Womens Christian Temper anoe Union will be marked lngAprillllo 21 The WCTU Barrie Branch have sent request to llsyor Robert Bentley for nonunion of the special YIE week Announcement of the event was made during the April meeting of the organization held at the home of Blrs Radlord Blake with Presi dent tlrs Shaw chairing the session Mrs Laamnao gave the Enter meditation The Leprosy Mission 67 Yonge St Toronto have ack nowledged the used stamps sent by WCiU branches during the past year which amounted to three and three quarter tons and sold for 600 Jlnmbers votedtoe and letter oi commendation to Brown for his statement regard ing Good Friday published in The Barrie Examiner letter oppollhg the opening of stores on religious holidays will be sent to Barrie city coundt Freezing Changes Some Seasonings When reeling home pro flared foods be uretul of over seasoning before frontal 19 minds the Food Council Datum Department ot Agriculture and Food During ironing some seawa ings bwome unpleasame strong Willi othm lose flavor Tum tore many authorities sdvise us ing only halt the amount of sea souiog nailed tor in recipe WHAT THE MIA 108 NMORW Generous planetary influences should make Saturday an excep onally hawperiod Espe ciatty tavored Domestic inter ests and romance cultural pur 325 travel and outdoor Iatvi Nll THE BEMAY it lormrrow it your birthday your horoscope indicates that at 01th first or this month You entered duetmonth cycle highly insurable tor rlurtherial ï¬nancial goals Make the most of this period since you will thereafter experience same when dull period along the lines or two months ï¬rings will pick up again with the be flailing oi Member and you should continue to orbital monetarilv speaking for the last four months of 1m unsol tdate aim in January and pro pare for another threomonth period or expaorioo beginning on Feb Where lob matters are no wood took for you best pe riods for advancement and no outlier beWoeo and May in July Mother Novem ber Dumber and February Creative worker should have generally tine year with out rrooussm CONSERVATIVE Yorkismme Women Hold Annual Meeting In illliston tbeluusl meeting at the York Simone wands Prom ntva loowall Annotation wubeHutbomlymllgled Notlauagn an on 1y unearAthstmoalludsane Magwuwetllueodedwith mrlsomunbers Ind greats present Head tflill goons lodudod Wib liarn Hodgun MP and bin Hodgwu Art Evan MP and Mrs Evans lln Dorothy Downing Past Nalimsl Diredor ol Wonms ProneBin Conser vative Assodattm ot Canada lira Bernice Ltrnpert Guin man at Advisory Committee of the Cmtrll District oi Oat Irlo lits Kathleen Annstrong Director for Ontario in Womens Federal Associlliaa and undtn date in last federal election Ken moplin Prentdmt at York Sim Curling coo PC llrs William Rois Praddent Yeti Simeon Woo mans Pc Anodation and In Jack Saunders lmmediItn past president oi York Simon We mans Association ï¬hm if guest about wornus to la polttlu Iod axonBed need for women to play mud stronger and more vital ale tthofltiitakcrute and room olra no tntlat Nominated and elected to the new executive are the tattooing president Mrs Andrey Trotter lst vice Pres Mrs hlsry km lutnng 2nd Vine PM Mrs Doris Crumb secretIry Mn Jean JIunders Treasurer Mrs Reta Alcorn Auditors lire Cora nine ltlIltton Ind Mn Kathleen Annstrmg Champs Honored At Dinner The Ladies Sendai oi thl Bar rio Outing Club held the closing litany dinner and gcaenl meet ing Wodnuday Following thl blnkuet Robert Green preddent of the Barrie Outing Club presented silver hrIeeleta to members ot the champion rink which captured the Senior Provincial Curling molly the rink responsible for bring ing provincial honors to the Bar rle Club was stripped by Mrs Janeen with Mrs Parker vice Mrs Fendtey second and Mn ll Kodgum lead NEW EXECUTIVE Rdirtng president of the Ladies Section Mrs Robert Grm opened the butlneuses lion Ind thanked the convoners responsible for the Nomiul curling lesson Alter recelvlas various reports the slate of nl fibers tor the 190 mo season was announced as inflows Pre fldent ltlrs Jun Clyae Vina President Mrs Ann strong Second Vice President nlrs Duvnl Secretlry Mn Colii TreIsurer dirt Clark Gonvuiers tncttidsf lira schedule ht lies ll Swan soda lira HItpenny and Airs Osborne rpeetatevenu Mrs WCorrly and Mrs Webb bontpleL Publicly will be directed by llrs it lienlam baby sitting by Mrs Crab and Mrs Davies will direct the house corn miltce PEOPLE AND PLACES Call Audrey Coulsm or Sibyl Nobel It 7166531 Sodll sett Ira Intended to ener the 1mm mint tits at Ill city District WeldiIgI ptrtlel travellers and visitors an all Items of totem to readers at this page Your help in supplying this sell will neatly Ivyrulnled Please phone The Barrie Ev miner nuni Ind no hr Andrey Coolm er llhyl Ro berts at the womens Depart nest DANCE WORKSHOP square and round dance workshop will beheld at the Hay loft St Vincent St on Sat urday evening beginning at 530 oclock Lorne Hay will direct the square dancing and tin ltay the rounds The program wltlbearevtewotdunecrou tines expected to be used It the upcoming Toronto and District intemntionsl square dancers convention scheduled Ior May to 10 It the Royal York Hotel Toronto Al tit conclusion of the work shop luncheon will be served GUEIM Mr and Mrs Jack Crelfliton at St Vincent St entertained their son and dauflller in law in and lint Jim Creighton and their son Jimmie over the weeh end Mrs Jim Patoal mother Mrs Dorothy Ollellty was also their guest The Jim Creifltlona make their home in Copper Cliff Ontario VISITS NAPLES id Abbie Harrington of Short st has returned to the city lollowtng orator trip to Florida with Tomto friends The Bar rie ruldent spent part of the three weds holidays the adding more reasoning to taste when the dish in thawed and re heated Pepper garllc onions cloves mm and synthetic van tits ere seasonings that become strong and bitter or change flavor during stnra ge STARS SAY standing accomplishment tndt cued during the months of May June September Novem ber sod January Personal relationships should prosper for most of the year ahead and according to the stars the wear between early May and let Septierrmer will be highly auspicious tor sentimen tal loteresta Ilsa late October and December Boclal attain and travel should prove excel malty stimulating in July Au gust October and December child born on this day will be ende with excellent burl nus iudgoteat mild enacted in into maoututuring or as dyna alum crusts SELF Hamillle MODELLING WWW beta kid It TBAR ROOM CONTINENTAL INN CALI BARRIE 7204550 NW termite In appoint meot for free at analysis conflicted MANN WILLIAM guest or Mr and it Albert Johnson of Naples The Johnson are former members ot the Bar rte Beauxa Belles square dance club and now winter in Florida returning to their Creev more borne in the summer Mrs Harrington Iccompaatad her square dancing friends to sev eral club meetings of the Sum shine Strutflers ot Nlplel AUXka ï¬tï¬e April meetingrofthe Ladle Auxllllary la the Barrie Builders will be held in the River Gardens ReatIurInl Dr Phillips will speak on the subject or Youttls Ind Drugs discussion will be held with rnnembers and guests participst DAME EXMIINER lRIDAY APRIL it its Dessert Card Party Project Aids Education Mothers of the Grade eight stu dent It Maple Grove Public School have been sponsoring pro tects to help finance students trip to the Canadian West and datert bridge and eunhne party on Wednesday eventrlg at the school was the latest event in III to students will leave her rte for Vancouver on tiny It on the Education Trip by Train bin tome Power ot Oakley Park Square convened the pill milled by Mrs Bert llaw Mrs John Clifton Iadltlrs Jim Wai too Attractive and delicious dee serts made by the mothers were served to the no guests Candy and soil drinks were sold by Grade eight studenta and door and Mra Donald Gulioy who were married last Satur day afternoon in ivy Presby terian Church will make their home in Montreal The newly weds are both tanner residents of Bands The bride is tbs former PIlrtctn Ann Hayward ilNN LANDERS ilDVISES KindHearted Presidents Could Help ErrConvicts Deu Ana My husband is good man who got into bad company am not trying to whitewash the situation Buddy was stupid to do what he did But it seems unfair that alter he has paid his debt to society he should be unable to get do cent lob Im utratd It someone doesnt hire him soon hell back with his old pail and end up to prison again For rim month Buddys been log the pavement answering ads going to employ ment agencies tilting out forms and stltl no job it not afraid of work Hell do anytlztng but when they team he has re urd thats It make verygood nnney at an elcdronles plant and our oldest boy 17 turns over every penny from his plrotime lob but it kills my husbands pride that he isnt supporting his family Please Ann tell us what to do NY Wile Dear Wile llte Fortune Soci ety is volunteer organization started and run by exconvicts in the New York area The ad draw is 1545 BrandyIv New York NY 10036 if any at you klndhurled company presidenls out there want to perturm tremendous service please write to me and say you will take chance on ebcons promise to pill the word Dear Ann Modem am the wife at man who has trad sev eral torrid attain since our marriage years ago Nooe at his affairs meant anything to him They were merely ego boosters mostly with golddig en last week went to lawyer BUY mum FROM THE SEWER bl eta line of notes evergreen and full trees SOLTYS wnstmr PAIL on Mom ANN mom to team my rights It were to sun tor divorce was aston ished at what mans chasing around can cost him It his wile wants to get tough can literal ly kick him out ol the hours and he would have to support me as long live provided do not remarry lle would also have to support hll children until they are vland put them through school People are always interested in what happened when wellknown affluent man gets divorce It few sentences from his wife could ruin mm The large and lemons ï¬rm he works for would not smile kindly on on executive whose wile tell him because of his games with lit tle tram young enough to be ill dart ter wonder It that cutie will still look good alter the guy is man elally drained disgraced and on the book for alimony and child SPRING Trip By Train prizes were geaerotuly donM by Barrie business ï¬rms These included Stewarts Wholesale Slrncoe Dlnrlet Co 0p Barrio Upholstery Stewarts Market DeVilhlss marbm Beauty Salon Dick Steels cblna Shop Woolwnrtlu Harpers Pharmacy George Cttsppell and tire Dom ltd blarsde mm for the trip have been raised by hike sale and tel An upcoming protect to help Support Education on Wheels in party featuring demonstrations of kitchenware This event is scheduled for April 11 beginning at pm in Maple Grove school auditorium hir ther taforprltlon about the party can be obtained by phoning 173 m1 or 7233647 rrsmr in MONTREAL the daughter of Mr and Mrs Hayward who reside in Claritson Ontario The par ents at the bridegroom are Mr and Mrs Gutley at Stay ner Oularlo tPltolo by Wil liam Steirrgardt support hope every man who is fooling around will read thla letter and wonder If it was writ ten by his wife No clues PchM let cm sweatWine Now Dear Wiser Heres your lot ler plus ward to all you let lows out there who are sweating little Please dont write and ask me what city the teller won from Im not talking BUSINESS AS USUAl We have left our old dream and are awaiting the completion at our new location but we are still doing buslnens ns tonal For Your Drapery Need Call 7283588 Watch For Our New Locatlon Grand Openlnp YOUNGS DRAPERIES FABRICS See the New Spring Seloctton at Fashion Fabrics Nowhhowtng in our New Fabric Department SINGERSEWING crurtt 28 DUNLOP 7287960