Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Apr 1969, p. 4

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112 Emir Extintnrr WKWllls Plblislw warm Taller Omen Menlxu Mugging Emu 1341 WET SNUGGLE BIT CLOSER HONEY More Than Organization Needed To Meet Challenge lnsitutions in may field of human thnugtht and mainly are under yeater challenge today than perhaps It my other time in binary Nem bdore has there been such widespread questioning by men amnnd the globe at the ability od tlhe inherited from their fareme either to cope with mdetys problem in this scientifictenhnologiml age Dr even any langer ta serre pur pase for mankind inevitably the old 51 institutions borne in or some of the hardest knods And amen these are the mganized dimes abate all the Roman Catholic Ohm the Ohm tian Science Monitor Batman Cathulidsm is in fact fusing thehiggestutsisinitsWWyfincethe Ramadan Then it eventually cepted mains zirendi with the Pro temamt whim whidr despite the pounterlletmmzlion indirectly paradnxirally helped edge the llatimn through the revoluhionary eras of the 18th and 19 canmries How it will emavge from our current remhrfionary age remains in be seen Tu many out Eiders it seemed that Pope John XXIII uith the Vatican Dvuncil was bringing 1115 thumb on to the mug hopeful me for itself However his me nesaor at the helm Pope Paul seems ta get into ranghar water with utmost evran adjustmtnt vl course or weed that he makes Catholic lat throughout the world are uhaEenang eren flouting his dir ective on birth central Member of the priesthood rzrenranermember nf hirownhmsetnldandahandmlot younger humps are defining the rule of ceiling And in Latin main faunglertlergyuocklnurxsmu to the messagepf Oh Guevara to that which Dbmes from St Peters Small wonder then that the Pope should have spoken an dramatically on Wednesday of those who are cmdlying the arm the 33 new men tn receive animals hate on April 28 Their average age is 3ng than that of the present membership of the College of Cudinals The nomineesuill increase the re renhhqn villain the nollege or Asians and Affirmsas indeed of the United Siam New Zealand will get its first animal ever and Smiland its first idem cardinal me 1546 And the new prednminantly pantmal Elan in the field rather than favorites firmly installed in lime in the run ning of the Vatiran bmumag Yet as with organized Unisfianity everywhere as the Monitor suggests fresher or better Won alone is lilrely tn prure enough to meet the peculiar dhallenge of this frantic annvhmuliled age DOWN MEMORY LANE 45 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Rams Examiner April 1924 Capt Jr Miltvn State 01 CNR in address to Kiwanians at Wellington Hatel predicat ed big development than for Carnal andnogrvundsforpefiiminm Speaking at Gamer Sheet Methodist Church Rev Dr Ernest Jones of Torm to urged temperance farce redst ing eflorls to end pmbibitlon in 02 mm Boyd Sjlrester unem Barrie Oltizenr Band elected to exeo mire Canadian Amateur Band Amen Work 01 plating hydro wires under grmnd on Dunlap St began It is ex peeled Bell in will do me as plans profiled in impmre lighting division rapt llcegar who rad telegram cungmtulafions from Sir Henry Tlmrntnn man to railway pm pnsed 115v Mayor John Craig Frank Foster responded Plajm were intre duced Goalie Jim Nothingnnt George Powell Leighton Iamns Jack Arm stng Cad Tuck George Sharpen Hughesv Jensen Medals andrings were presented to than Coming in Grand Operava at popular prices the Birth of Nation greatest movie ever made New Dreamland Theatre introduced vaudeville ms along rnlh fimmmes Order or Esters Star Bayview Chapter No 105 at Barrie Masonic Temple Mrs Annie Edward 01 Allamlale is Worthy Matter fine at Shroud Worthy Patron Piamandmlpupilsotmmund My gate splendid redial in 59 An drews Ohnmh mden Trophy at Barrie hurling Club won by rink of Gorde longman Delbert Emms Ferris Gondrellw Lanna slnp One of pioneer Inninfil Iwmship John Waraim died at home of daughter Mrs Goodfellnw Strand Mac knnzle King Libeml Club or Barrie held social crating at 100 Hall Music for filming supplied by George Powzll Ken Walls Eddie Humble and Clar ence June Gilbert and Jun Arthur the Garrett Minstrels 10 total young men in riot at fun and laughter Judge Batman Cme nay Manl talxlin Island paid weekend visit to his home 1mm OTHER EDITORS VIEWS HARD FACTOF LIFE Washington Star Onemaymittmhzsa hard tact dhenottobediscwntedinMoscow or name else tint Israelwhatever its faultsis not oing be sold drawn the river by the tilted States Save 36 miscalculafion on that mre could be unimaginably dangemus gill 931 Ear Er rue ii it Firing 955 ii uebethe mdcmulnmm 11 religion Ah But mi ammrnnim man What they really men is an rue shuuld net tenth re REM In rather mutually But then lonid net hm dau me net tad 7913341152 ls it punible tftudt unhm mat £53m BLILIYHOENS letmegrahthehnflbrfie hmlnuameeuznd find iii 53 iii ii 75 it ii rte 37 it in gill thigh ii giil HERE on new the ward Killian mans Amman other exempts the Didimary define as an an brand to an Yes zr smuhirg that yam do in rpite rhnterer else beam that in thenayrvnemtndortbe cause diet is ray 01 tile In ether vmrdx reliant in film lyjustnnydfle mimet minn lhlt OI me Well whet determine your wry or we is it not whatever you db 541 nrshipl mm in tile That could be living or God Jehlmeh lirin In an outsell at thing In my 32in else that ha made lie 91 Yer uhnlem man does OTTAWA REPORT Columnist Is Rapped Over The Knuckles PAH NEEDED mm WrestlerAishan senior Tate rent in the last cmeatsm on Candie ml in nu hare been brain wuhed tellah writes this ret erzn at The Second World Wu have Always Idmired In as being defender at the tune era marray Ev little wining and dancing with Lhdoolyfinhs in Empe dazed your mind PR ltisaimtotlzlukthntthe Canadian maps in Eumpe ere the deiendu of the W281 with their wire and familiesllring there with then if the at of the land while it is quiet At the firstshvtfireiitumbeanexn dun wards the Unmet port Hrnry up Gertrude pack up Were getting the hell out at That ad mine doubt men punt while our saline manning the front line are 99 Wed 17 their miller what ivalld ham if the belt hon an up CANADAS TWO INT far Cue record pointed mi hm Ruesiae admin at 2750 nulfiim are laced by 47an we Western snldlm which mere 550 are Canadian We are in nu reuse the delenders ed the lien but our grenade Gees hale to sustain the Wests mu rile Wig rzwmenmml Glitz Emir ixamhtrr 15 Same Street Barrie W219 Secnnd 2265 Mall ReginhaLion Number 0934 Rehirn pastage guaranteeL Daily Sundays and 5mm Holiday excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier in weekly 52600 yearly 5mm mien 10 mail Emil $2600 yearly Ontarlv $1500 rear mater threw all $18 rear Out side cumin 529 year out side Canada British pom sinus £25 rear LESA and ordgn £31 year Kational Advertising Offices 45 University Arum Town 19 640 cane St Manta real gt Member at the martian mes Autht Bureau Crr ctflahuna The Canadian Press is ex dusitely artille he the use or fiubliratml at all men dim emu paper cr ted to it at The Arms 44 Press or Reuters and also the 1012 new published therein 3mm cast FRInine per an at these tent tn Liberal undi datesjnmnmtofipereent nf the driliu me The Den eeraum rmirednpercent at both sends and drain rotuthehel Denimat got 11 percmtottheurimnwx ammtperoendmm intrut gnaw humor manly enzsz that mzr 5390 Wimminzoool embanies mm the IOlld not Ben Buy or the overtaxed Canadian That marred up dilli ti lime LIE Aerial duly nine kiln Ammun countries there Canada in sperm $111101 to miuhin 133 diplomats an year Gnu ermem my at led by five cabinet ministers baa ind $01 $31 911 My krrfindint tour at those same entities Eitlw cur dim All not do all they should or the winners tour Izs redme muted That calm inspired runny appmln letters iron readers also one letter or war 4mm witnessed by busing men in Midlzn URL to several at the 30 super ulrfdt puvllsh 01 Ram That writer caneenhrated 1m just one nua trade He said that herbs just returned rum lananm hi to In America And lmmd there warm 12km ett he at tributed to the WM tour Neter helm am there such interest mm mi km Amer iran rustmnen he am never brim were the intern mt channels in Saul America in willing to be alsmice his award suxfin thét our diplurnau until we een asleep at the in betore the Belore You Buy 7m ampere To agmm An lam rfmc seleniu III Em Anna 1mm our mumkn lv mumn urnme Iurluxfi an must ArNuts Gnunued mums F1135 Mes Emu Farm new 114 edit 1m all 1m 255 55 EE El 5552 ii figs iiié Egg 52 ES 25 in ii 35 ii 55 $9 ugEg minister there stir up neter before new at intern and willingness ABE TRADE SERGE That writer added It is tell kneen eat that our trade mm mm and commercial outsmart are the best in the field My column had dealt only riLh the diplmmun serv ice rm iilh var trade Cummu sinners who mutilate hep Irate seniee ln addm on to time 5151101 diplomatic mtfl Canad maintaini 79 ind minimere at cost of 310mm in more mm which were visits by the minis ten It is ahnrs ilhnnlnatinz when hearing an individual view to her what his vennedim are mu when dtuing the Peamu rears mum commentarler by Quintoth Young Vere bmad cast he dermbed uh tor at the Ottawa Citizw it was to remember thathemalsathe nephewof Mrs Puma 1he reader in Midland nhv minim my criticism the Liberal govern mean rpmdfna the taxpay eu my described Hansel as prmldent at cummial new play It us to call that for revere yeer he had zlwbeen president of his coan Liberal Asma lion HONOR CANADIAN DEAD ABM Remus Allin Faber president at the Freud senate Wednesday placed wreath It the maria nyr here in many at Camdm troops 1hr tell in the Battle at Simy Ridge in 1917 Potter war ampuled hr seven French national Assembly members 19 the ceremmy on the 52nd um ternary of the battle WHAT YOU NEED llWT ENOUGH PZBM lust enema curl just enema This can be 7m IWith one of our autumnal perrm BEAUTY BOX SALON armada 54 Brute Yhm 752285 Fifi circles elm 1m may have Irrirnd in E5 BIBLE THOUGHT lumenunreal muhrzlt Muwlemlnmnuh renew Inch Hehifluhwln at ti if gt mg to the Impressions SAT NIGHT AT NIGHT Couple Only For tabla reservation Phon 7281023 Now pumns tr 910 PM BARRIE HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE mm If lElIIllll DAUGHTER Its time to speak at unspoken things ELIZABETH TAYLOR ananaw than i1 mm Bab man Mirna mm sscneLeenemqmu nusenr Mlicnuml PEGGYAStmopr MEMBROWN CHMCMI my 02 new mm nflDAY SHOWS EM EM SAT CHE037 FROM EM SPECIAL MATINEE SAT SUN AT 130 PM COLOR FEATURES ONE SHOW ONLY mursflinmur 10E FUNKTIM CUKWAY AND THE ME WHALES CREW

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