4m mm GOING TO Barbara Baumgnrtner of Cliilard 0nt takes her 30 pound seven monlh old lion cub into the dog show at the Central Ontario soorla and home show In Kitchener iLNER THETDOGS teacher Miss Baumgartncr who lives on her lathers beef farm litoachiog her pet to get along with iarm animals Surviving Spouse Can Escape Tax TORONTO CP Property left to surviving spouse and children can completely escape federal eslate tax says Toronto estateplanner Arther In outlining his scheme to avoid death duties in his ad dress Wednesday to the Toronto duplex cf the Tax Exemiivcs institute hlr Archer used the example of man leaving macro to his wile and children Undorsrtha present TstaIetax laws introduced last fall prop erty leit to spouse is taxex enwl but property lelt to chil dren or passed to them when the surviving spouse dies is tax able Here is lllr Archers scheme daigned to save the lav normal ly due on the childrens portion When the man dies his $371 000 Is transferred to holding company set up by the execu tors Ownership of the company uhildrens beneï¬t This power is divided among 100 common shares issued at st share The common shares go into trust to pay income to the wife during her lifetime and she can use the trusts cwilal for her would make the trust taxable but since the trust has nomi nnl value at only 3100 there is no tax REPURCHASES SHARES At the same time the holding company in return tor the 5300000 paid to it issues $300 000 worth of redeemable preter once sharesshares which the company can buy back These prelerence shares are placed in second tnIst from which all income goes to the wife and capital can he used by the executors for her benetit The secofl trust Is not taxable since it beneï¬ts only the wile NEW DART SWINGXER Spoon HARDTOP Iessthan last Iyearslowestpnced man im as Aired1 WAWA 1a people claim on Western Canada you would never howuitpirolrln lbeLdniiy proceeding or amen Some dayl it seems them is anough highpowered parils nientary oratory on western Prohltmato dry oil the dam min on the prairies And se dom day gouhy without some reinrenca to western Wain til en was or presidency of the Programs Conservative Party Int month Dr lawls Brand or Saskatoon told new confcruine hero that western discontent wu growing at an unprecedented rate ll Quebec ever leit Confedera tion he said he was mnftdent that between 15 and do per cent of Ike people In Ilia West would favor forming scporata sun at their own HITS TIMING VWhlla western farmerswere experiencing great economic ditfiwlties he said the govern ment was offering only an affi clal languages hilil What kind oi time is this to after that Since then oIhcrs have com plained that western problem are not being dealt with In Ottalt no if this is true nobody can blame the Commons II study of llansordtho olfilt rial report of parliamentary proceedingsshows that be NDP Is Seedling Disaster For Govl 0i Premier Bennett VANCOUVER OP The British Columbia New Dorm craIic Party scenting electoral disaster ahead for Premier Bennett and his Social Cmditers opens threeday Leadership convention hole Fri ay There are our candidates seeking to succeed Opposition Leader Robert Strochan the Soyenrold Scottishhorn car penter who has marshalled so eialist tomes in this province since 1956 But it looks to be iwoway light hetneen Tom Berger 35 lawyer in Vancouver and member for VancouverBurrsrd since 1966 and Dave Barrett 38 from the Coquttlam riding socianorkor with nine years in the legislature behind him Town punm Bub Williams 36 of Vancouver East and John Conwaya Simon Fraser Uni versityjlndent who carries the support of the NDPs mliltant youth movement are eiopected to be among the alsorans Mr Strachan announced several months ago he would step down There appears iittlie likelihood to draitStraehan movement will evolve prior to the leadership vote Saturday night About 800 voting delegates 110 at them from afï¬liated trade unions are expected to at lend this years convention Dart 2door hardtop wesrsiProbiéma In House tween lutSept 11 when Ihil mien began and Feb 18 the western grainaltnation was dis in cates that the subject til lantic provides olth their tra ditional Veeononiic problems was raised only in tires There comparisou are not wmplotely acuuuarlncaAt lantlc problems ohvloualy Ilso discussed nnde Ingaasre lime FARM TOPIQ LEA But regardlua how the count is made western agricul turn proble mother sublect IVStill InsticeiOi aniar ahead at rnoid at the Sal Sngev bolol in Las Vegas found this g1 hypnotized and bound to tume like north habit meaday The girl who said her name was Eon Onmai had letlor saying the voice of an entertainer could do hypnotixa her but It failed Io work The name she gave spelled back wards is am no ono AP ercphoto The Peace Despite Unorlhodoir TacticS HAY mm uwn or Dtspiteva ruling two years ago that his philosophy at Justice was no longer palatable Rudy Steiner Is still justice of the peace in this community soo miles north of Rhiannon on the soutlienfshore of Great Slave Loire Mr Justice Morrow judge oi the territorial court in Yellowknife conducted an in qtliry in 1967 lntqnllegationspf unequal courtroom treatment and use otlnfluence by Mr Steiner Justice Morrow said that al lhongh Mr Steiners judicial philosophy was unpalatable and It was recommended ha be re moved from his post he had acted selflesly while justice of the peace and had done Ivell tor businessman with little judi clol training Mr Steiner however was In court Vcdnmday Iogrect Jus tice Minister John liIrncr tour ing thb North to see how the 74 recommendations at the Mor row report have been dealt with gt Earlier in Whilehorse Mr Turner became the 127th mam ber of tho Yukbanarsince the ï¬rst was swornln 1m Opening scvenday Iourthai will Like him deep into the east ern Amlfo lntcr 1th week with Mr Justice lliorrows spring circuit the minister chatted cremains Minority On University Faculties OTTAWA CF No 01115 in University professor any It In Ialarmlng that Canadians make up probably less than half at the permanent faculty men bar In Canadian universities They presenth their views on this situation in brie today to hearing hero of the commission on relations between universi ties and govamrnenta The professors Robin Ma thews and James Steela oi the universitys English depart nIent recommend that provin cial governments past legisla tion on certain aspen ni lob advartialagnnd hiring In an e14 fort to remedy the situation The nongovernment commis sion financed by memo grant from the Ford Founda lion is joint project of the Association of Universitia and Colleges of Canadojthe Cana dian Association ofUancraity Teachers the Canadian Union at Students and the Union Gene role dos Etudianla du Quebec liceavehalmian Prof Donald Rowat of Corlcton Universitys political aelancc department and Proi Rena Hurtuhlso oi the University oi Montreals low faculty also heard submissions from the Canadian Nurscs Its aoclatlon and the Social Science Research Council of Canada NURSES SEEK GRANTS The nurses said the federal government should spend at least 31000000 annually on edu cation grants for nursing stu dents at the baccalaureate and masters degree levels and $100000 year or doctoral study by nurses The science council said substantial Increase In funds for rcsenrch in the humanities and social sciences in Canada is needed immediately and further with Yukonolficlats and heard dielr views on justice One of the changm impicment ed since the Morrow report is that justice in this community of 1600 is no longer dispensed In the RCMP barracks former liquor store is beflg convened into courthouse scy eral miles from the police post Poetic justice isnt it in RCMP officte said bones CHARGERZPOOR HARDTQP NOTICE TO EXAMINER SUBSCRIBER CARRIER MISS YOU 1r your Barrie Examiner canler his not arrived by pan please phone 7282433 and copy or ThaiEnminer will he delivered to your home by pm TOCIONTACT THE EXAMINER CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT directly uii 77772665397 tioo am to 530 Mon to Fri and up to 200 pm Sat BARRIE ExaiIIINER Donnelly Circulation Manager 3VAIlEY5Â¥TAX DRIVEYOURSgLF CARS 8r TRUCKS There is no charge for this service Jiflésslhonf lastyears model increases will be needed from year to year to maintain re quired meanh levels lha ilathewaSIaeia briel pro posed that WHXMEII mania pass legislation to an able universities In making new appointments to strive asa lateral policy to employ Cana dians of excellence In order to ensure thatCanadians remain or become clear twothlrds malonty of fulltime faculty members in each university department They also want provincial governments tulcginlnta to em sure reasonable and coasts tent advertising In Canada of all available positions in Cana dian unlvcrsltiea and to ensure ithatCanndinn citizenship la qualiï¬cation for all now up pointmenla to administrative positions from chairman to chancellor MARRIED BY STATISTle nIc two professors say they look wiIh alarm on stalistiu showing that in the last three years an average of about per cent of all new inculty hired has been nonCanadlan lit the same time statistim showed that tho pool oi qualified Canadians had been growing in fair relation to the need for lac nity members in the country The professor say Canadian universities arc unique in rela tion to the Canadian comrnu nity because of the historic needs which all serious Cana dians recognize to maintain our growing excellence as com munity In the face oi powerful and continuous pressuresupon us to cease existing at all in the present Canadian uni versity the study at Canadian BARRIE culture and access to Canadian knowledge generally was shamefully neglected The Canadian nrrIving at the door of Canadian university had been conditioned trained battered and bludgooned by the hardaell nationalistic comeon at another nation STORK srnnEas Selnoneinloiyi Aslolhdhat ls Whan tha stovk departs lta IimafarthaWeleomaWagnn Hostess to arrive with em for baby and thpIul lnior motion for tho new mnthar But since the atorks nul nurnbertnc HnstassesWel coma Wagon need spotters to help out Eaa stark spotter In your neighborhood our Host eaaos will appreciate your help and so will Iha new mothers To report atork slghtingseal unlit oPIIIIIIsI CLUB friendof the boy AerogreenLownmnd Gordan handy 740gtJbcarryingbng Call us Now All Proceeds Go freo home delivery 17266551 ToBoya Work Dodge MonacoHoomiest car In the popular price class gt iPLUSBlGSAVINGSOF UP To 45ON EXTRAS on DODGEWIllTE HATSPECIALS Getthe biggest hardtop deal in town onCanadas big compact Dart Swinger The newest member of the Dodge Scat Pack And look at the equipment you get 273 cId VB eitglne head restraints vinyl roof deluxe wheel covers white walllires bumperguards Dart Swmger The swingingesl way to save ever Heres what performance is all about Charger Ihe clean machine lets you clean up In both performanceand price The 69 Charger Is equipped with radl opowerStearlng Torquelllie transmission power disc brakes0 75 Daft 14 whitewall tires wheel cover and restraints Get the car thats reWritlng Iherecordbook now aha °°°Wm atlge sinner lacton reiallprlcas record Iowpnce Rightvnow the Dodge Bbys are olleringbig savings on extra equipment packages at drastically reduced prices Now is the lime tosave on Dodge Monaco Polara Charger Coronet and nasal 75 Bradford Street Barrie Ontario GEBOYS