mhymyuxlzzrebeu cmucntfdzmebtatztrejt More Soviet Ships in Mediterranean EXAMINER TELEPHONES amia resms cm mm mm an on new barmanNuts De Gaulle Uses ThreatTo Quit As Poll Lever PAREthPmï¬dflldelbflttheelnaantmpsimtothe Glzkhtrdritharéermdrm hearing In sill wed medfldflmbisrdormm xmmmu ran for France is mitiaglm rig Ibttherhistkzutlbzst Tb mmatire bumper dariï¬wnspinthecmt unavtrby marinara dametmpnlsuuutset lisdznduerdmand armoddbdotisinzazaztm hsmrpainL er Way L53 refuendxn the ï¬rst mans 112 732 053 W055 Iggmazmgmfly solresndtxmmrrnrhrnorex Lmrypastinmnrub 333 kwifl e3 mamu 15 325 am mimn palmn MI p552 ms 93251515 253 the 623 Mm ya Ttrxsdn bmgk wht 533523533th more 55 AMCJJXxï¬xflll sfï¬afll minim 0867 here are raiding flank the ureaold ml 551 nszuxa ranks rm 262 112 25 E31 3m rims nJ pm we of 92 was or Rene Pkmn tori by 53 cried 121 pm Grits Lalon gate Lace mamaligmi cira mam aifcs acre ma any is H1 bats am 06 ladepad Lm purelyaxe talks Indecision aces NATO Wonrum Nnmï¬uminzrmm 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Board Apologizes To Teacher mono rm rep 1mm time grain Wu mmÂ¥aanaizxmiiorzamti manmrmkamradinswm Ina mi Sxhelidedï¬zisg Child Deaths Drop But 70303170 WP Cam Dr 30 may Whhmhmrï¬lflixsedrm leztwroyeezu betterzzotdmenmvzhzzmtssflt were me deaths in 1933 am this to in 1927 and as in hfï¬ Tell Dying Patient H18 Situation macros an Dram must on mm ram 25 mmdmmbmmfmwunasntemnmmbe ms 222 mm on drug mes told have Tmnaiv Montreal lldoptx Plan To Pay Expo Debt rmmtmtw7wmmamrm mownuedmmeamamrmmmhermt udproraiztmezmoillmwflolttwm Theflan all xmrnmemwousnzmormmm my tZLs Car2 and min 5921 ml bzildizg Barrie Ontario Canada Friday April ll I969 returns Tetï¬mebrniuf HARVARD etude lï¬ï¬‚ to proud lfl are from bin or Wt 5122 police Imps as 3mm in lmtlnd By m2 ASSOCIATED PEEL 5min and arming ejgI nation building Thursday alter 821 ad rity pain we wnasgwtymmwnct regarding bail oi batter and other 2159s utm 2m 2w prrtMiErzluci Harvards Uni son1 ACambridge Ldzrrested than mmmtingcttatztttor albwdamdztstrixe mmmwm initial in the blood melee that lol Medalibï¬rliï¬n More then In alterled tlz rail this led to as men debris we to strike aha serml team at bezel dezme Exztherenesnooayottellng1 b7 r3227 rrl Harvards my WW 2nd 50 gram mummgammem test rim or Writ Soddy bad demanded 23 of ti Raerte other Th on arms Crier demands irr reros again an arsenal plan to tar down dwelling or med aim ezpenzinn an the of Jain K8315 Ream r7 Prelim Hanan Pm also told the to 10272 tall or 1252 arms later om rnmednfltw can we mm to 2195213 which have 17er is £243 7195512 =mmuesm on at University Hall Thun day Uprards police evicted madam lrorn ball which they had held owmisbt Police Clear Harvard 1BR EDS does not mt Harvard BUT 510B Al Massachusetts lnflilflte ot Tedmology meanwhile bedr lerr tor2d Walt Radar former preeidzt Johnsons national se uuiry adviser to nut short web ltostow former ltll mm was speaking on we ram ooenm College in Ohio vmrdzzta natal the adminisv llollows Scuttle THE VAIIEY Anguilla lard Czladm dale British deiezze to the United Nations baguetteswaman 03d uzbménz rnisnan Inl umea manner of rats in Winners written nemnn ltarrerdoswd briefegrzrda 1242 and sum warming grow detective was EM tie and with brid 20d Ere 01m policemen were mutual and is clash Thursday 0M mirrorn The Want came when my crmrd my ï¬ve de ammo to appw before the nnlï¬neugat wart and promoted its month The alarm eiowltemn an Czech Press Reps PRAGUE Us Daria Soviet Ultimatum tha tl mum deteloprnmt and tunableShooting Mission new aadzdwn on szhwlwa the maturity at writing are not Idas ï¬nalists the hummus in laying with the of petty newst Rude Irero lramzlm lt will be better to lie so awe m1 is media me only new 1375 mm dormant no usewy about the outsmart at the antral munA pmiï¬wn and there are many who do not 23m with ï¬x Aite ï¬rearm 69mm lions two weeks ago in moral the partslender said the 1250 and Witter mere pertil to blaze Prawn labial padded b7 the maritime millet and mm brayImp aid on up comedian to erase the new organs flute Pram 27 it hzs 7th from various disclaims are up EDITOR CRITICIZZD ti mgitnrltandhsaieiatltor Jen of tools over lhé jut alter the Soviet invasion lad 51211 was we 92 E975 rilmtheoflors did Mttzbe the wow the uwmlber Weary min at party as mild IA reference mammary at even win rude loo 9hr dealt nlth the tundzrwztsl cordon In El re oer mitts No71 mine which are at least rationale hour appeared la recent mom in the page of Rude Provo Rude Prev woman long mute um to Protest at Reserve Ofï¬cers Traintn Corps program AP Wuquol an atlaightmcwpatim They had been given permission to remain as long as they were or derly The ntndmts have been pro letting the prance of Peace Corps recruiters and demanded the mnztn Iernent of Jeremy Fisher leader the Oberlin sns annex Hater was ms pentbd when be refused to sign staternem saying he would no lumber interfere with the re cruue rs On Anguilla rivet psalmsarmed with clubs riot shield andmelmm 1snd Anzudlan leader Ronald Wdzéter broom the scuttle to extend Webster rcturnat rtm lcn York where he told reporters there omld he no agreement with Britaln until Antlmy lee Alrudy laced with 12 mill lncreasein school taxes the Barrs ratcpayer last night had noothntsix mills added to his tax rate as city council gave ap proval lo the IDS municipal bud get lnasixandwnebslthwr sesnon council set the new ate structure which will mean as additional 52 tor the pro perty owner mused on 000 Witt the $48 increase already lrom the new Stmcoe county school board levy that make $7 on the average tax bill Hts total tax bill would be about $260 The rate was set at 59m mils or admin property own us an tor agricultural and 661i tor commucial Ind indus trial tlitt increases to exact lig ures amounted to 506 mills tor residential and tnrrn and 578 or commercial and ludustnaL wnnour DEBATE bloat at the budget without debate although slightly more than Lhreequarrers nt one mill was out in the lengthy mlafl Nearly two hours was spent debating Mayor Rabat Bent teys convention expense account and similar categories for alder mnn Council ï¬rst lapped $1500 ram convention accounts and than added them on again in heated disagreement that would have meantatthrmostjol mill to the tax Fate The debatebmuflrt personal attacks among the atdermeu and charges at political manoeuvring Ald Dorian Parker and Atd Jack Garnu started the my ln committce ot the whole dis assbu More the deget came up tor approval Ald Garner told coundl It We want to tighten our belts lttr do it right at home He suggested at that time that up to $2560 could be eliminatEd tram council expendrlms and ram honorarium PARKER MOTION Later he seconded motion at Ald Dorian Parker to reduce council convention ms tor alder men trom mm to $2090 turd tor the mayor trom $2500 to 32 The budget allotments in these categories had more than doubled over last year Last year the mayor spent only $1133 on conventions and delegations Tth Aldermen spent $155 Atd Parkers motion came in an amendment to the motton to approve the $357th budget The aldcrmcn thought the even lnz was all but over Some ad rnlltel at Md Jack blacLaren did that they voted for the mo tion became they were tired and wanted to go home Others claim ed later they didnt have enough information Nevertheless the mndment Passed WEATHER mmmmuamn Ilia Sat and warmer box to night 15 Sat Details Page Not More Than to For Copy 14 Page BARRIEMUNIprn Average Property Owner To Pay Additional $24 But the night wasnt over than was still more than an hour ot debate to come NM SATISFIED Ald Les Jollitte Aid Roberts Aid Fred Smith and Mayor Robert Bentley who had voted against the nmendmcnt werent satisï¬ed Ald Roberts entered motton to create new budget category under canyon tiom and delegations wtur an allotrncntol $150 the same sum that had been removed lrom the budget Ald Hersoy maintained the motion was out at order since it dealt with the same mntlur that had just been rejected The mayor ruled the motion in order Herald it was now bud get category entitled general emeodltmes and thereto it was new item to be dealt with Tth time council approved the motion but only alter heated do hate lltnyor Bentley sald limitan the nude tor coovmtlons ran contrary tn conventlon pollcy already established by the city earlier tbls year The now policy net the number and type ot cons ventlons each alderman com mittee chairman and the mayor could attend It was designed be said in provide control standards In determining convert don budgetsand to eliminate the necessitut cmdLamtOtLaJJDL each couve on or delegatton ex pause ACCEPTS POSITION Md Del Cole accepted the mayors posllon its salt he had made mistake and was not too big to admit lt Atd Roberts was more emu tionaL Speaking ot Aid Parkers earlier motton bu said con dcmn this sort ol action and condemn the person who brought it bctore this counctL We should perhaps conduct an inquiry tr tn the budget at the board and commission on whim Aldr Park er sits think this is deliberate attempt to overshadow the pur pose at government he said Why pick thls one item out nt the 46 pages at the budget Wn dont ncéd this kind ot polltlclr ingch are all responsible people We dont go to conven tions tor nothing Aid Les Jollilte termed the Parkm mnlion politicklug of the worst kind venture to suggest that th sum of money is peanutscom pared to other municipalities said Aid Fred Smith any can Vcnlion attended was brought back to the city in knowlcdg dozen told When an alderman at this dty cant stand up and bring tutward sinner motton and vo It culled poll ng think to adjourn Aid 6am Cl Sit Ald Parker said this mornind she was sincerely disturbed by Aid Roberts outburst made unboncst attempt lo rave thealreadynverburdcned taxpayer turther expcrue Pen barn in the eyes or Ald Rob ertsnnd surname duscaT be termod dirty polililring but doubt the average cltlzon wlll accent that lgccll ttvhavlng the interest or the majority ot the people at heart This kind of outburst and re formers should not be condoned by our council she said Diet Urges Eskimo Force WHITEHORSE Yl lCPl Farmer prime minister John Dletenbalrcr said Thursday the time has come to up an arc tic tome consisting prtrnzrlly Eskimos to dctend and develop Qanadas arctic islands they know the North be told on persons attending luncheon during the third North em lteewrca Cordcronce add ing that 500 Eddator troanho Northwest llcrrtlortos could be Iormod iuta platoons to to 50 and statlonod on arctlc lsland areas where Canadian sovereignty ls bctngcllnllcngcd llr Dlefenbaker said It Is well known that Eskimos have mechanlcal nullityI but he told they need special tralning to realize tltelr potentlal as eth rcns Noting that there now are only two actlve rnltttary bases in the Arcticat lnuvlk and Alertthe Conservative MP tor Prince Albert said auarctlc force would give the Eskimo meaningful national task It could also provldc young Canadians with high educational ability and an oyportunlly to serve thelt country he sold PRESERVE AREA Mr Dictonhakcr old tlte force would be assurance tor the tuturo and would preserve tar Canada the greatest undo velopcd area in the world Wtieh cornrnierimer on the tr laod is termed Edward Kennedy Continues Tour POI BAKED Sandor Ward ll Kemde pressed on wlth his tour Alan ban villains May with the lie publican memberr of his sub ummlttm um 1dr tlu group in dispute over the pom oi the trip Kennedy arrival here late ThuMay alter luminous delay at Amt village where starter ditï¬mltlesheld up the groups US Air Force cm transom The Examiner TODAY Ann Lam th Hen2 MlflalL 19 Carola12 nthll Dirtrlobll nodal4 Withl homrznsncgm warrant noun SASKATCHEWAN mono on human oval17 lottrmtlon tn Wayltum 70 tulle southeast olllriglna Floxltnz tram creek spread over highway surrounded severa hulldtngv ltlursday Wtrctlbotnl