WORLD BRIEFS Gen Govvon Td Marry In April LtGOS iAPi The hirerlan marnment announced Wednes day that MIJGCH lakubu Boron head of the military xime will marry Victoria Zara rl April 15 Min hurt like Gowoa at is Christian from Northern Nigeria She is nurse and the daughter of with senant in the North fen tral slate TEAII JERKEB TORONTO Cil flrrn in neighboring Mississauga could become unpopular with glue snlflers its adding rr tout smelling ingredient to its ce ment products Testor Corp of Canada ud says the ingre dicni volatile mustard oil will cause eye watering and an unpleasant nasal sensation II in balm lrecly WANTS MERGER VOTE TORONTO lCP City coun cil Wednesday approved brief prepared by Mayor William Dennison urging the lileiropoli Ian Toronto boreughs to let their citizuosvole on amalgam ation into single city The hricl prepared or the borough at North York contains an ll point argument in favor of com bining the six existing borough councils into single govern rncnt ACQUITS PDLICEMAN ronoNm tCPl Constable Thomas Fonte was acquitted by the Appeal Court Wednesday of common assault on man he had arrested for dntnkness The Tomato police man had been convicted Dec by Judge Robert Taylor and fined Slot with the alternative of in days in jail Gary Wayne 21 claimed Constable Foote assault ed him in the police station last July 29 after he had been arrest ed for drinkenncss 300 LEAVE JOBS COLIJNGWODD Qnt CPD About 300 employees at Lib byOwenanrd Glass Co Ltd walked all their jobs Wednesday because of wage dispute Rep resenhativcs of Unitedclass and Ceramic Workers of North America voted for the strike ac tion last Thursday lhc union wanls satentsanhour aerosstheboard increase in oneyear contract The company altered twoyear contract with 20 cent hourly increase in the first year and 15 cents an hour the second year PASSENGER CONVICTED SARNIA tCP Alfred he langcr 22 at Corunna 0nt passenger in car Jan 19 was convicted Wednesday on charge of dangerous driving in connection with the death of Viola Mooney 51 of Wallace hitrg Ont Court was told Eelangeri grabbed the steering wheel 01 the car he was riding in forcing it into the path at an approaching ear Eelanger will be sentenced Friday Jvncr NAMED SUDBUEY CF Bill Silu son of Sudbury Wednesdaywaa named judge for next Oetn bers international first aid and rescue competition at Cincin nati Ohio FINED RABID FOXES SUDBURY CF Rabid foxes are believed roaming in the Sudbury andManitoulin ls land areas Jim SandulSud bury district health unit inspec tor said Wednesday He said rabid toxcs were found last month at nearby Copper Cliff llfnnctvllie 38 miles southeast of here and at Kagawong on Man itoulin island TO VISIT BASES OTTAWA CF MalGen Sepals Attygalle coma mander in chief of the Cey lonese army arrived in Ottawa Wednesday to begin today tour Canadian defence ea tahhshments Next week he will tour Canadian Forca Base Camp Eorden 0nt ships and shore establishments of the Maritime Colnmand Halifax Royal Military College and the staff college inKlngmn FROZE AT PARTY MISSISSAUGA Ont ICPJ Warren Scharmer 23 at Mis sissauga Wednesday was fined $200 and given oneyear sus pended enlence for permitting drunknessi and supplying liquor to minors at party which led to the death by freezing of guest Court was told that Rus sell Jones 19 became drunk at the party Jan it and attempted to leave when police arrived to check parking complaint His body was discovered the follow ing morning in snow about 100 yards awa ELECTED CIIANCELLDB ST CAIHAARJNES Ont Dr Charles Sankey 63 chemical engineer or the pulp paper industry has been elected chancellor ol Brock University succeeding Dr Richard Hearn He will be installed May 21 atthe universitys third Mn vacation SEAMEN STRIKE TOKYO Twenty thou sand members 0f the Japan Seamens Union manning strips se rviein Japans domestic ports struck today after negotia tions for higher wages broke down Theilniun demanded an 8000 ycn $2222 increase in monthly pay Management countered with an offer at 6000 yen mom arms AIIACKED HONG KONG mutter Moscow radio today ehatrned about 400000 Chinese lost their lives when Red guard went on nmpoge at the height of the cultural revolution In China The radio in minuslain guuabmrdcast said these peo ple died because ol the alien lurist action at lehlirmlal Mao Tielung and his policy whlch war against the broad masses REVOLUTIONISI DEAD HONG KONG Iteutersi Radio Peking reported inlay that Chang Chihrhung ilce chairman of the standing com mittee of the National Peoples Congress and the deience with cil committee died in Peking Sunday He was 79 Premier Chou Cain and other Chime leaders luesday attended up emony in his honor it said DEFRAUDS BANKS MONTREAL OP Allan Francis Thompson 82 of Toron to was sentenced Wednesday to three years in prison alter pleading guilty to having used northlesi cheques to defraud several Montreal branehu of the Royal Bank of Canada Crown Prosecutor Rene Drouin said Thompson had been senA fenced to total of 11 years or similar crimes during carrcr oi frauds against banks in Toronto Fort Credit Out and PortArthur NIXON BACKS DOWN WASHINGTON IAPl Prï¬l dent Nixons brother backed out of amputeeyear federal Job to atoid the possibility at violating 1961 antinepotism law the White House explained Wednes day John Frhlichman the Presidents coursel said he raised the ovation with 38 yearold Edward Nixon and with Commerce Secretary Mau rice Stan after Nixons an nounced the appointment last Friday to be effective May JOURNAL CUTS BACK TORon CPI increased postal rates have forced the Ca llllll THAT statement inner Skin Simulated photo by the National Research Coun using model shows how skin This instrument developed cil at Ottawa may give new hope to persons embarrassed by disï¬guring blrthmarks The Instrument makes tiny punc turu in the skin and inject pigment intolha donuts or nadian Medical Asociation Journal to cut lls number at is sues by half Effective July the Journal with circulation of moo will publish every two weeks instead of weekly man aging editor Dr Arthur Kelly said in recent issue STUDENTS SENTENCED KARACHI lAP military tribunal sentench three slu denla to year in prison at hard labor nresday lor trying to organize walkout at Govern meot College in Rawalpindi TERRORISM KILLED BANGKOK APly Twelve terrorists were killed last week in clashes wi government troops the litl Communist Suppression Command reported Wednesday Like change of scenery Inside the airplane And heres why Air Canada stewardesses are wearing bright and beautiful new uniforms Their working wardrobe consists of Alino minIdresses in three basle colours Jet Red Sonle White and Galaxy Blue All the dresses can be worn interchango ably with their winter red and sum mer blue coatsAnti asyou can see theyre smart and swingy outlits Peter Strut South NADA® were going placoS like someone you love to nloewarm funny picture abou nice warm unwed mother Milli itiAlIlIilUl What youll also see are happlar steward esses After all can you think of any young girl who doesnt liketo look chlo7 Which means happier betterlookedhlter passen gers And thats exacll achieve Always All ways For you Next time you head across Canada come with Air Canada and watch the girls go by gt In high style Call your travel agent and reserve your seat for the lashion show gDAvrsoN 7EVA ORILLIA Ivorianm what weretrylng to coloring can be changed with the ln cntlon CF Wircphoto NOW PLAYING Cr 9I0 PM TElililllBllltlll Marer WWW ADULT murmur Expecta lotoft good things when you fly Welelth jAIrCanacla Fence stain Protect and rtrinr eittlv idui tar fences and out um furniture rtrrrrlulv rillt nu lust 44 water 49 omvrwav BLACK Tor Sealer Four and spread to make your driveway look like new Covers so to 750 sq ft 99 or DRUM armor rm ar norm Use Denver Budget Account SUPER TOUGH VINYL FINISIED mat LN GARDEN HOMESHED All New For I969 Ll GoodLooklng Value Roomy x7 rite wide ball bearing aiding doom extra hefvylslteoldrm ams eamimgh stee re orre wood floor Vinyled galvanised sleet In tide and out Regular Vulua 11950 Sale Prion Valid Till Sat April Nth hm hm Dellrrrrd 5335 Cvmlulrln Mrsbefore so damn sirarson GLEAMING DURACRON FINISHED All WHITE ALUMINUM COMBINATION DOORS Top rated Ultra Seal door completely on hung Ire to instad with only screwdriver Baked on uttlie carilayntel ï¬nish throughout will keep its good look In years of nea er says he in am lftlrl Shir rm Valld until an COMPLETE rurii sur Dont sell Storm iinaowr Exctmlonll Buy smln lnrrrt Sea it lit server And an ima wan lncludtd itiiaNpSfAVE 7600 CADET CARANDAHALF GARAGE sate This roomy iox 20 Cadet ls Bravers most popular garage value Access door can be placed to riglt or leit hand side to suit your driveway Good design sound common Render aésoo Sale Priced Till quality materials Sat April llih ORDER NOW PANELIG TranionstAson CL MW mull ohlln link for lull enter nutritionHenri Galvan ioéd Against Rust 99 50 PREFlNISHED MAHOGANY moreover REG 469 BEAVER 399 lillllllill Siflllli row human sznvtva rnso zsrnuaros ritnz nsuvnnr Building home or cottage for lull service and prlce phone Beaver 33am as am