vewS roman TORONTO CPI Terri Thompson tlyesreld CBC producer spurt two houn In wearer Irrested or parking tickets titslllsg $2150 hrrss Thompr said It was dehumsnlsing experience Ee said she was stripped naked and searched It the Don our 1w policemen came to her home It TM am and sired her In either pay 2sz in parking lines or we will have to take you to jail Miss Thompson said in In late VIEW asked it they could wait until the banks opened but they told me they had to hsve the money or cenlfled cheque right away 0t course had neither so they took me lo lall Her lawyer arrived at Don Jsll with certified cheque for smso but was told the cheque was or too much and could not be accepted she said The amount had been re ducnd Miss Thompson said because she had already spent part of day in jail Her lawyer returned later with $11575 In cash and Miss Thompson was released Runs On Foils WAX CPI The Cans dlan navya onLv seagoing hy druloil HMCS Bras dOr under went her lirst toil tests Wednes day in waters nit Halilax liar bor LtCmdr Jean Bonneau Canadian torees inlormation ot liccr said the lsoqoot cratt was up on her toils three times dur ing the trials or periods rang ing train 10 minutes to hall hour Ho said the ships command ing vofrrccr Cmdr Constantine Qataras of Vancouver was sat lstied with the trials The craft has an estimated top speed of 55 knots but speeds attaian during the toil trials were not made public Basically designed for anti submarine duties the Bras dOr is equipped with antiuubmarine weapons and is computerized to said in delecting submarines Fish Bid Denied SAUUI MARIE Ont UPI request by eastern Lake Superior commercial fish crmen or individual trout qun tas has been turned down by the dopartmcnt lands and lorests The ï¬shermen had also asked to be allowed to catch individual quotas outside the present tlslr in season The department re jectod the request Tuesday Fishermen now are allowed 25500 pounds ol lake trout in each III in spring and all sen sons They say this puts themat Mounr ST LOUIS By Ms FRAWLEY Mr and Mrs Hec Faraghar at Toronto spent few days at their farm during the week Mr and Mrs Lloyd DevitL and iam ily oi Oshawawere with them Mrs Barnes and Margaret of Bolton Emlyn Pendergnst Toronto spent day with the Frawleys Mrs Phyllis Clark spent week with Donnie Clark and law ily in Orillia while Mrs mark was in the hospital with baby hoy Mr and Mrs Tobin lor onto were recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Lawlor Mr and Mrs George Clark Mirnice visited Friday with his parents Mr and Mrs Sid Clark Mr snd Mrs Ken Adamson Paul and Karen Ottawa Mr and Mrs Ritz Mr and Mrs her nard Harris iloronto spent Sun day with Frawleys Mr and Mrs Maurice Fitzgerald Mid land visited lriends in this com munity PHELPSTON By MRS MARLEY Mixes Gail Anne Quesnelle and Rosanne Polin spent the ho ldays in Miami Florida Wilfrid legaee Toronto spent few ltays uith Mr and Mrs Quesnelle Mrs lTIllrid Marley and Mary spent the Weekend in Toronto Miss Albertine Cough lin visited her aunt Mrs Mo Laughlin Holiday visitors with Mr and Mrs Marley were Mrs Keller and Maryellen Marley of Kitchener Margaret Peter Pat Marley and DaveTbomaa ot Tor onto Mr and Mrs Frank Hamill wére James Msrley Ind Colleenllamill 01 Toronto David Stephens Toronto renewe ed acquaintance here over the weekend Mrs Dennis Garvey of Wind sor and Mr and Mrs Gavan augh of Barrie were guests oi Mrs McLaughlin Mrs John saundors and son Brent Toron to spent low dsys with Mr nd Mrs Maodwnsld Little Ingrid daughter at Mr and Mrs Dan anaemia in éahilrm flu33 sud Woman ILng gt For Parking Violations crease nearly six mills and criticism tor tan incnases since spoustble elected body the mercy at buyers and would get about price dttiooa waremed rpokumur said reason lsh trout are new tsken Is because the department re quires ssnrplea to assess its ro eovery program at lake trout wounding Charge WINMPBG tut Gerald Steven Rosier oi Winnipeg was remsnded to April In In magis trates court Wednesday Du tour charge of wounding with intent In connection with series at stabbings Saturday night Rodeo 14 returned on his own to Winnipeg lrom his pen enta home in Renlréw Ont early Wednesday alter no lionwide warrant wss issued tor his arrest Th women and man were wounded In series of antings in central Winnipeg within half hour Saturday night Charge Plasterers TDan CPI Eleven plastering and lathing rontrao tors have been charged with conspiring to ix prices on public construction jobs in Met ropolitan Toronto indictments were presented Wednesday to Supreme Court mod lury The charges laid by the ieder It department at consumer and corporate nflairs say the com panies agreed which contractor would bid low lor Job and then arranged higher cover bid by other contractors Indictments were laid against John Nelson and SonLtd Cesa roni Brothers Ltd Crnwe Ltd Dixon Construction Entrri prises ltd Norman Lathing list Hallam Lathing and Plastering Ltd Gambia Broth ers Ltd Strauss 14d Baird and Company Ltd Hill and Son Plastering MIL and Donaldsonbarron Ltd Mayor Wants Study SAULT STE MARIE Out Mayor John TthndEs Wednesday called tor study of board 01 education ntlicials sal aries He also suggested city council reluse to pass bylaws needed to collect taxes tor edu cation emtsr He said the citys board ed ucation budget or 1969 will in with the citys 239mi increase added the average Sault Ste Marie tInpayer will lace an $80 Increase Mr Rhodes said city council has done well to keep its tax boost down to 239 mills but the same could not he said for the board of education He said city council Inth lace most of the we are probably the most re Water Pollution Tollon GP An ottieial oi the Ontario Waterï¬esnurces Commission said hresdsy only7 10 of the provinces 42 pulp and paper mills control pollution at satisfactory level but all would be brought up to OWRC standards eventually iIther Is the one big pollutlm problem towed to ï¬sh when market coa Bob Payne llnds and forests The only commercially in Lake Superior oiled industry loll In Onudo Id Ibo olfldal who sellrsed to be shined He was mmmartlng In In In terva on remarks meadsy by Thomas Bell pmldent oi Abltllt bl Paper Co Ltd who said It Would cost his umpany 25 000000 to clean up pollution at its Ontario plants The niticlsl said it was reasonable esti inane SitMill lump PEMBROKE Out 40 Separate school wpporters in Pembroke see 50min lump in taxes this yeIr unlms the school board can persuade the education department to in crease granu preliminary budget present ed to the Tlenfrew County sep Irate school board Tuesday night showed tax rates would have to increase to nearly 80 mills trom 2135 last year to meet rising education costs board spokesman said 50 mil increase is unrealistic Unless higher grants were forth coming the board wordd have to eliminate some at its pro posed expendltures Dogs Kill Deer TORONTO OP At least deer were killed by dogs in the countics Frontenac Lennnx and Addington and Hastings during the winter the Ontario department at lands and crests said Wednesday in newsletter the depart ment warned that harassment of the riser hard by dogs in the semisettled southern Ontario area is doing great damage to the at the deer popula lion Wont Sell Iail TORONTO City coun cil Wednesday night rejected recommendation by board of contml that the 632mm Lang stall jail larm in the citys north end shouldbe sold for about $8000000 After tourhour debate council voted II to to delay ac tion on the sale it agreed to discuss the matter again nurt week Earlier Wednesday board of control voted to to ask churn cilto approve the sale despite the advice of Aid Tony ODonohue who said the city could make $26m000 by devel oping the area itselt Car Truck RENTALS Car Automatic Dly plus rune Inchgas oll insurance 7266474 CALL TODAY The pulp and paper industry GEORGIAN Instructors are BUSINESS DIVISION was Marketing Supervision Personnel Low and Business Management Typing and Shorthand Mediaaicar Engineering Mechanical and creama civfl Engineerini Surveying tons Electrical Bannedins Meal Engineering Laboratory Assistants til Duties will begln August forwarded prlor to April Barrie hospital of Applied Arts and Technology Barrie Ontario following subject evens APPLIED ARTS DIVISION Elohimaphid Prouesses lhrrniurrcDesign Printing Processes Art and Design Advertising Procednea Interior Denim Enmian Communications Sociology Psychology TECHNOLOGY DIVISION tWater resmrroea and liy Machines and Industrral Chemistry Civil Hec estlon Including personal reSvme should be 7233 BRADFORD COLLEGE mind for the Legal Secretarth Heating ventilation and Refrigeration Drafting IZI druIrlicsI Controls Pulsevcircuits or Connnunl oatien system ironic Meehsnicalt I969 Letters of Appli 21 I969 to The President Georgian Cell90 401 Duekworth Street Barrie Ontario 38 IRVING CANON Visitorglam dnrlng he was weekend Induded Mr and Mrs Baxter and sons oi Seashore at Alme Carsons am Singer and Mrs Stephens ll Oshawa Mr and 1113 OKsllonn Barrie It olisllnrsns Mr Ind him John Krindda Willowdsle at CIr sons Mr and Mrs Altleck nt Windsor with the Bernard onus lsmily Mrs Ruin eaten tsrnod an IodNn Simmons Mr and Mrs monks and Mrs Dunlapall ot Toma Mr and Max Ed Kennedy and Miss Ursula MacDonald Town to bird lobn Saunders and son at Hamilton Mr and Mrs George MacDonald and tsmily Crossland and David MacDon Ild Stsynee with hlr and Mrs Gerard Moran and llvnily and hiss Tbomlnn and lanrily Almira Illr and Mrs Dsrmos and song at Willow dale Mrs Gilten and daugh lers Sunnldsle Mr and Mrs Carson Ind family Barrio with their parents Mr and Mrs Carson Mr and lllrs Cull and children tcd in Toronto on Sunday Larry Richardson of Sudnury was at his home here last wc ATTENTION FARMERS OF SIMCOE COUNTY AN INFORMATION MEETING to discuss the proposed GENERAL FARM ORGANIZATION one Tuesday April l5 315 pm PLACE GUTHRIE COMMUNITY HALL SPEAKER Mr Gordon Hill from GF0 Committee Let the Farmers Decide AUCKLAND WI Sir Ed mund Hillary conqueror oi Ev erest Antarctic explorer and New Zeslsnd national hero is lliulru new Imitation Is somewhst uncomlocteble nation It conscience At tin height at his lame as Inountalaeer sir Edmund was widely tipped as pmspecilve member oi Parliament The general Idea seemed to he that he Mould be suretire voleget tLr He did not cnltf Politics but served notice pt new approach couple ol years spa with an outspoken criticism ol morality In polillu Expediency and lust plain dishonesty oi utterance in gov ernment and politics are record ed in our newspapers every day he said in speech He made plea or little more honestvloGod moralitv into pol Sin roman littlllliY National Hero Turns National Conscience lira and government It all lsv eh nationally and Internation Politlclsns who attacked him or his views cams on much the worse in the exchanges Since then they have been wao In their dealing with him Nowadays Sir Edmund is rep resentative lor an Amerlcan publishing organisation He still spends good deal of time abroad an various exploration and outdoor projects He has visited Nepal frequently to ss sunnyijgnusts slst the Sherpa people who lire near the base at Everest He and his supporters have provid ed schools health services water supplies and other help For sorersl years he has been presidmt ol Volunteer Service Abroad the NewZealand equiv slent at Canadas Company ot Young Canadians These actlvltlu have led him Into new round or criticism ol the government or the level oi Its spending on overseas aid New Zeahnd he said in an PEIIS we pay you interest 0ss as DEPQSIT leuhu Canada new 1mm Gawain YIQIDT meet Ipeedre Is wea sheeting onl1 per rest ot gmss national produce on tor eign aid was unyry not root enough He directed more Mount shans er Prime Mlnbt Kellhl Holyoske who Is Iko minis ter of external Itlslrs chiming that the prime lyllnlstu ap peared to be well satisï¬ed with the aid situation Sir Edmund also crttlcised the plans for New Zealsnd nary tour of South Airlea In and The tour Ls being criticised by var Iaus groups In New Zealst as condoning apartheid Such views have Inevitably aroused criticism In return From being national hers Sir Edmund tending tobccome controversial ï¬gure with repu tatinn even higher among some sectiqu but subject to attack by others 0an ACCOUNT TITLE EASYToUSE WALL PAINT $989 PER GALLON WANTA SPECIAL COLOUR GIVE OLD FURNITURE BEAUTIFUL ANllUUE Tutsi it ovmcIAL EASY ANTIOUING KITS $449 see $595 WASHAB LE LATEX COLOUR GLAZE nor 712 Witnth nukth at uuon or Kern TRAY SET Toll or Kenr $119 Bin yall luv oaiy FREE WITH $1000 ORDER KEMWDDD INTERIOR WOOD FINISHES NATURAL SALE woon 79 STAINS $2 sALE GLOSS $319 PLASTIC VARNISH VARN SAVE ON ARTISTS SUPPLIES 20 on AIIAIII MATERIALS AII Instruction Books OSketsh Boxes OPostals OWoter Colors ALL PICTURE FRAMES 10 or BARRIES MOST COMPLETE ONESTOP ARTIST SUPPLY CENTRE SALE ENDS SATURDAY APRIL I9tII OOII Colors HIGH GLO SPRAY PAINTSSSc OSketch Pods uhlmilw trailI THE EASYrouse MIRACLE LUSTIIE ENAMEL $379 SALE per qt FDR KITCHENS BATH ROOMS AND ALL FINE WOODWORK WITHSTANDS STEAM COOKING STAINS SCUFF MARKS WILL CITIEIIIIIG SPECIALS Prepested room lot specials 49°33 15 or All OTHER wnurarsn Reg l20 1loWE snorsrsns listlva 7284391 SEMI GLOSS Reg 1375 Reg l675 Reg rm Reg 2m Staln Removing 0m Latex Wall Paint 25 wurrr AND COLORS Reynolds ALUMINUM fSTEPtADDERS RUGMATE It sHAMPoo2 Rent Shampooer $I00Lday ENQUIRE ABOUT GAL IZ 45929 $1089 451219 $1849 quart elcana TREE HOME DELIYERY