Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Apr 1969, p. 4

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was Publisher One fact has clearly emerged on the Ecliiical scene inrecent months This Ing at various levels of government In Ottawa we have the example of the wobagpmis costwof refinislting03naT das aircraft carrier HMCS Bonaven ture At Queens Park we see the On ianio government creating the illusion of economy in its own affairs at the expense of ommty and municipal ad minisbations The taxpayer meanwhile is burdened more to get less and leg for his hard earned dollars It islittle wonder that more and more people are losing confi dence in the promises and performance of their elected representatives The Bonaventure scandal for its nothing less than that shows that the federal government paid $9980 to repaint cabinet $9650 to replace broken mirror and $8190 to replace missing drawer knob All this work involved one cabinet and the aggregate cost was $25820 according to figures produced by The Examiners Ottawa correspondent Patrick Nicholson new cabinet it was suggested would probably cost less than $50 Recently the government at Ottawa ordered custommade radio tubes at $400 apiece and later scrapped the or der when it learned that the tubes were the wrong ones required check at aretail store indicated that such tube could be purchased for $183 apiece In the provincial field the Ontario government put on great show of economizing and lihepeople were rea sonably satisfied despite the iaotthat more taxes were added to liquor and tobacco But then this picture of frug ality began to tarnish after the new county school boards had prepared their budgets The revised provincial grants for education had been reduced on percentage basis and the county the shocking extravagance In spend Ellie Therm Examiner omwn REPORT Scandalous Waste Willlun Taller Gendrnl Manager gt lovemth Mcthon Managing Editor WAY PAGE GIIINING ON AN AUSTERIIY DIET hum twitlctmxm tremors boards damned to maintain the same standards of education and per megsuringmzl inflms by ck inc CS WI 13 tumor 011 Imps up them gfifiegsgggeflig in door and with small drawer handing munlci crimes in school levies Innisfil its own tax rate by approximately 27 mills to meet the higher education costs If governments were operated on bus iness lines they would have much different approach to expenditures Business must anticipate revenue and expenditures and try to work outa budget that will provide reasonable remove to ship hours Total profit on investment In other words if they dont take in enough money to cover costs they go to the wall man cially as too many of them have done in Canada in the past year Govennnenis however have another approach They say this is what we need and we must get it even if taxes must be raised Thus we have the experience of the federal government raising our income taxes to curb infla lionin effect to stop us from making use of our own money in order that they may do the spending hbemsalves on such things as Bonaventure repairs social legislation that growing num ber are not in favor of and increasing the federal payroll to take care of the mushrooming govt octopus The county school boards flushed with new power haveobviously follow ed similar practices The Simcoe Coun ty board of education has adopted budget in excess of $25000000 Which has placed an intolerable burden on the municipalities Perhaps we should ask ourselves if we can afford the stand ards of education and spending demand ed by the boards Education is sacred cow but surely there comes time when the people have right to cry 1962 February mi ihalt in their own interest and not that of the mandarin who run our boards and spend ourmoney DOWN MEMORY LANE 45 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner April 1924 Town Council visited by delegation of 25 Kiwanians headed by Lewis who adivomted formation of juvenile and fiamilyoourt in Barrie Sam Caldwell elected president parks board Bell Telephone held hard times staff parity at St Marys parish hall Cards and dancing were enjoyed George Powells orchestra playful Voc al solos by Frank OConnor and George Ericker Once again Orlllia defeated Barrie in annual match for Barrie Orillia curling cup Local skips were Hunter Kennedy Hurry Hook Roy Mer rick Walter Dudf llhomas Marshall of Kiwanis international head officein Chicago was speaker for weeklyclub luncheon at Wellington Hotel who de clared that help to others not so privil eged was key to golden rule of life Wesley Webb Allandale jeweller was booster of day George Brown feed and grocery merchant was chair man apdllloyrn Cerk Arthur Smith daesf at 10c inducted five new members Oven den College residential school for girls was accepting enrolments for next term Principal Miss Elgood announced This week Ed Bacons cordeotionery was featuring sweetheart fruit sun William Orossland druggist opened annual Nyall for sale Interesting article on progress of reforestation in Ontario instituted by Premier Ernest CDruiy Min esing hockey team wonchampionship United Farmers of Ontariohockey lea gue beating Oshweken Indians of Brant County in final 63 Minesings fine team consisted of Jim Crawford goal Ellsworth Crawfiord and Bob Grant de fence Carlin Foyston centre Harry Foyston and Babe Adams wings Harry Priest spare By standing votecongregation of Collier St Meth odist Church atSunday evening service favored retention of Ontario Tempor ance Act Rev Wellwood read resolution which was moved by Albert Sarjeant Shocking Govt Spending Is Foot OfLifyeyiToday prime case founditwould hafite to raiSeE By PATRICK NICHOLSON Edit lhur Iundnlou wuio OllIiWIiII you In an aver age worker in our richest prur Inoc the Income taxes wblcb you paid to on last year were not quite large enough to meet the bill for refinishing one small medidne cabinet on Can adas aircraft carrier HMS Bonaventure lbo avenge Ontario Worker aimed 5111 week during December mi oi the rate of $5076 for the year not lyplul worker married with two chil drcn paid $75710 In income taxes to Oitnwl for ma But lhatlddsuptoltotllcoctol 15820 Iberu wen burly 7D web cabinet on the blip and calling for some or III of that work To Illustrate government scales of Islam amounrid loust pm you vs on Ca nadian lhnebedmm home to repaint your amlllest bedroom nylufoabyafeebwoulduh one pointer 13 week II but one bull day and would can you $1527 for labor alone that reasonable Scandalous on All Hales comment on the can But how hemworming It Is for the Ivengo workers In our Queens PARK Govt Up To Ears Inlfax Troubles try rouse Where Is All the money going to come from lhnt will be re quired to run this pmlnee Iu municipalities In county school boards in the next decade horn the poor downtroddai kickerarouod nbovedqboul lupin who being out upped by every level of ov eminent in the insatiable quest for cub But one treasury offian At Ouccns Park remarked To some extent Its lha fault of the Imam himself He wants the cost of repairing the medi most blizhlvIndumllllud pnv more than be can afford And cine cabinet ileum0 Taxpayers in all parts of Can ada have at last been stirred out of their apathy to he ex icni that politicians who need their voics are in lather of panic Taxes are being squeezed out of every Canadian man woman and child in unprece denicd amounts Not only does this squeeze really hurt but the squeezed have become aware that they are gelling far less than full value for money in what they pay to our govern ments Inspired in more thorough probes by this public mood our politicians are giving mud more care in their study of the levying and spending of taxes Nowhere Is this more apparent than in ihe Commons commiiice on public accounts which is being competently and indus Irinusly steered by its experi enced chairman Mr Hales Conservative MP from Guclph nnsnovemvne He recently launched his com mittee into study of tho esti mates and costs or lbe rcfli oi the Bonaventure Never has that committee made such thorough probe not even when 10 years ago it examined inc swollen costs of building he new government printing bu roan which was found to have rant stream flowing through Its cpncrcie bascmcnl Just one of the many skclions dragged out of the governments Bonavnniure closet in this scruti ny but perhaps one of the one 52 for taxpayers to under stand is The Gas of ihe Dam aged Medicinepabinel number Dfsuchr cabinets are located around the ship of the kind which you will see in the bathrooms in medium onccd motel They are metal N0 HgUSEWIFE have takmiihese figures from the actual repair order for one such medicine cabinet on the Bonaventure lo repaint cabineton which point was worn and scratched Labor to remove from ship to shop hours to remove old paint hours to sandand re pair surface hours to repaint with two coats hours to labor 10 hours at $510 per hourusflllio Plus material $8 Total cost to repaint $9980 To replace brokcn mirror Labor 15 hours at $510 total $7650 Material $20 Total cost to replace mlnor $9550 To replace missing drawer lmobLabor hours at 5510 total $4590 lilaicrial $16 Total cost to replace drawcr knob $6100 Where is the where light dwellelh and Is for darkness where is ibc place thereof Job 3819 Only God knows all the ans wers He can giveus the pat iencc necessary rrosr sucoessrun The most successful black andwhite film has been The Longest Day which cost $10 000000 in make and grossed $28000000 from November Uh Earrhixamtm 16 Batten Street Barrie Ontario Second Class Mail Registration Number 0434 Jioturn postage guaranteed Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepled Subscription rates daily by carrier 50c weekly $2600 yearly Single copies 10c By mail Barrie $2600 yearlyr Ontario $1500 year motor throw oflr $18 year Out side Ontario 520 yemeutr side Canada British posses sions $25 year USA and foreign 532 year National Advertising Offices 425 University Avenue Toron to 640 Catbcart 52 Mont real Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of circulations The Canadian Press Isex elusiver enliiled lo ihause for republication of all news dispatches inibls paper cred licd to it or The Associated Press or Reuiers and also the local news published iherein Inca to know that his plymenu of Income tax to 01am for one whole year will all but enable Ottawa to buve just one medi cine cabinet on one of our naval ships look In good as new New The cabinet cost lm lban $50 when new touched Mr Halos ca unarmed INVITE LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Examiner luvties cou lrlbutlosto Lch to the collar column on the ed IIorlII out when possible letters should be ultrlclcd lo you In to words and Kibcy should be clued Writer may use pen name If iny or she 3x31 BARRIE HUROINIA DRIVEIN THEATRE mnmnrums 428339 VDUVEGOTTOSINGJWING ANDDO MRSBROWN YOUVE GOT uutr the way It goes in our contemporary effluent society Nevertheless government in up to Its cars In responsibility for tho pyrnmlding llx strut lure The Brant county board of ed ucation for example has an nounced for increases for It various municipalitlesnnzing III the way from 32250 to no And there ls every reuSon to as sume that most counties in the province will be in the same for largely because of the enormous cost of school cansiruciionand an inflated salary scale for in pervisory personnel Although education Isnt HS problem Municipal Affairs Min lecr DArcy llclfcnugb ha spelled out for the municioaIL ties limiiaiions on cupllnl work nrojocis and perhaps Educnllun hlinlslcr William Davis should say much the same thing in county school boards liIr Moifeough has sent let ler lo he heads all munlclpnl councils Road in the legislature on lhc closing day before his weeks Easier recess it plainly with songs and adventures Willi IOUROWN llIINGI Muhammaduh LOVELY DAUGHTER and bluntly told municipali ties to nag theirown Iusteniy pronmu Iba alterinch is that the previoan government will not for them by buying their budget scrutl aided by In Ippolnled budget review board paliifu try paying cash for no in works proleds um wbln the cost of borrowlol money has never been higher about no per cent inure for loans up In an yean duration The Robert government In trying to develop record of Its own ior austerin budgeting The current provincial budget seven per rent mom Ihnn last years which In Ium um 20 per cent over that of 1961 It is generally conceded that vaincinl Treasurer Charles lilacmugbtonr budget of month ago was reasonable at lempi bold lhe line despite some tax Increases in obvious No one will he admitted during guns3 gt the lastizmlnuies Ho ruucstel that be munld areas like liquor and cigarett Slarb jodlay lflSEPHlflSElSBESl HIM IN YEARS the opulehtacduered decadence works well ihere is relation ship aSvioIent andcomplicaied as relationships in movies like Accident and Reflections in Golden Eye Although dont usually like this colored genre of sick ritual films RATHER LIKE THIS ONE rMNAYAADL unuugs Its time id Speak of unspoken things ELIZABETH TAYLOR MIA FARRDW mmmdmhwmvfiauof gt Emlmugmidm sinner CEREMONY ROBERT lecHUM wPEEmWmmfLZW$ifim maeemmmehmnnmtuuuwm mummu mmme mum BECAUSE mneumcuion OFTHE UNUSUAL ENDING SIGHTS Af PM 9PM The IWe also feature BARRIES BEST BARTENDERS YounHosfsAltr Phil NOT TO MENTION OUR WAITRESSE5THEY SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES OURTLOUNGE IsOpen Atgtlast were FEATURINQ fabulous JERRYMANN CANADAS NUMBER ORGANIST AND COMEDIAN

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