locum mmsminorns at Earn Exammpr ToYSYield gadtérd Storm Is Growing QverSchoOl Costs KARIï¬lly Ea 37 5555 gait CookstoWn Council Protest School Tax woman aï¬admuymm mluimlerdasbdn an flit at E55 55th it Folk who have wlnlcred ln florid Iremlast lentilIs as the wnmweatrismgthern aï¬opfmflmm feel they mu be home and getting sprung work under way We ulled Burla resident who has hl own home here and not the recorded answer this nnnr her has been lempoflrily div muted we had visit our the weekend lrom lllrr Ind Mrs William White formerly 01 var ious part of Innhï¬l who winterv ed in Fort laudmlale They were on their way hameward making some calls dong the router They will take posesian at large trailer in Angu at the To Rebuild Roa we mnhuyercgbe me ggkohcme ï¬lm In Essa Townshlpgéeemrrf WSWMLWW EL iii itEEE 35E 35E 355 Egag it E3 chased the ï¬rst let sold all our Alderxlea properly HAPPY BIRTHDAY Ommtulaumu to lnnitï¬lt sealer amen Edward Sloan THY EXAMINER WAN ADS little doubt Ilsa the two men ClxurdtflLwhowillodebralehis PHOXE mam wil be busy Halever it the my birthday thls month um 613152 tantom hm Km mmmxr Esyurazmm it You can Count the worlds greatbeers on the ï¬ngers of onehand and one of them comes ï¬omCanada or 333 late M3 Rita335 EE ES Elia color yourhome Benj Moore Paints MOTOROLA color TV Ks 2rtdbaasmtzl19tnbuyJt51fataBaaaézlm lfllazdï¬imaamflmYmthwhaflmflagdam Use Mm Paints 13szth Ham Bergzrm Moors Pasrsmiaemywtaaadï¬zï¬haemtomaflmm daunting In more Stamp Out Drab with Baniamin Ma are Paints See younmrby Benjamin Mam Dealer ThéSignot gown QualityPaints gtALLANDALE LUMBER FUEL AND CONSTRUCTION CO LTD 49 ESSA ROAD 7264466 its made fanmus BA 23m brbeertlvvughout 43 WE ST 7282496 IRVINE momma ems theWorId