AUTOMOT CARS FOR SALE AUTOMOTIVE costs For set GOOD CLEAN PEOPLE USEDCARS TO DEAL CLEARANCE WlTH American 440 sdtitr with wall tira and Wm lettuce anal $1575 1963 Anglia door cylinderuxandard flue licence Ml $995 1968 Jaguar XKE Automonvg amt mittmat menu arms is in ARRIVE FRENCHTITQTQRS hm 75 BPdf9rd5 T2es97t 1061 PLYMOUTH 1967 GAMXE 500 FURY 11 dousedsum WE CAN OVE THE USED CAR manaflwï¬ï¬ YOU BUYFROM JACKSON MOTORS LT We HAS HADTHFTMOST PROFESSIONAL RECONDITIONINO gBARRlE NORTH OF TORONTO CAR MARKET AgtTRABL PLAN FOR EVERY SALE 1966 Rambler new cylinder us cmne human Mitt now We have invested thousands of dollars to equip our Service Department with the most tr mink We brain w¢r uterine HILLKHJI modern equipment toassure highway safety for drivers who care mmmmmuwmmmum umu SEE us AT OUR NEW LOCATION Too BRADFORD ST BARRIE 7260288 eno nun OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL TEN ON THE SPOT FINANCING EASY TERMS LOW DOWN PAYMENTS 1969 Beaumont door sedan calinder mo mtic transmission radio luk rt seats blue fluids matdiinz interior uttch others One owner Licence 25911 $2995 1968 Charger real beauty the anyone in the city of Barrie door hard top cylindcr amomatie wo sole shill power brakes pow er steering power windows 81795 1984 WORTH unatir radio with rear seat speakerzrten licenoenanl nonmr nownrzn door sedan ut antic tramnsion hilly pow door sedan QIinder Itl grad radio salmon fluids Ian matte Mer brakes power interior wtsiu nil tint denim cream tinldt $1295 All THE CARS ON OUR 1171 ARE HANDHCXII MIME FINE SEMION WE ARE PROUD OF THE QUALITY OF OUR CARS AND THE AUTOMOTIVE HAVE TO MAKE SURE YOU mm SAFHX RMARDUE OF HOW MUCH 0R HOW LIIIIE YOU can ammo so rny gt 1967 FORD CUSTO 21 gleegar 1963 Volkswagen 1500 door q1inderstsndard blue licence $450 severe were 1962 Austin 110 Westminster Sc 1964 FORD GMAXIE XL 1963 PONTIAC 1962 FORD GALAXIES radio stereo rear seat speak er gold ï¬nish white imerior white wall tires wheel covers One owner licence mu $3295 1967 Buick door hardtop cylinder lut omatic transmissi power brakes power steering ratho rccn ï¬nish black vinyl roof bladt int or bite wail tires whcrlco One owner If we milE Licence $141 $2295 1966 Meteor Four doarsednn cylintï¬x automatic transrrLksion power brakes power steering radio you ï¬nish matching interior nhite wail tires wheel covers One owner Licorice mini mu SPEZIAL $1450 1965 Chev door sedan cylinder aid emetic transmission radio zreen ï¬nish matdrnnz interim the owner in immaculate rou dition Licence 401591 $1495 1965 Rambler door sedan cylinder radio white ï¬nish red interior white wall tires wheel covers Dal owner Licence 40501 $995 19641 Mercury door hardtop cylinder con sole shirt power brakes power steering power badr window power windows radio only mo miles ermine white ï¬nidl red interior white wall tires wheel covers bucket seats One owner Licence W731 $1375 1963 Pontiac door sedan cylinder radio white ï¬nish red interior white wall tires wheel covers One owner linenw 4mm $695 WE HAVE GOOD SELECTION OF OTHER USED CARS PRICED TO MOVE PUNTIAEBUI whomlass ansoroansranma door sedan cyLinder srandlt ard with over radio blue Liccncc BIlotiH $450 1966 Ford Custom 500 door sedan cylinder aut omatic radio line wsite wall tires Iacence 3307 $1495 Rays SIMCOE mamas Lrn 94 mm ST 1282317 therc Service is Must ifREPRINTs you would like to have re prints of any news pictures rah by our stall photographers please call at our businm Dil lce We are sorry we cannot scccpt phone orders CONVERTIBLE cylinder standard tremb ston console shin power ink es radio mr seat speaker bide tinish matdting interior white wall tires Licence ml $995 1964 CHEV door sedan cylinder osmtic transmission radio rer grey ï¬nish with clean red Interior deep tread white wall tires Licence 44569 $895 1965 Form door sedan automatic trans rnissinp sharp bladr ï¬nish with red interior deep tread white wall tirm Licence $995 43 ESSA RD PARISIENNE CONVERT QPasder automtlc trans mision power brakes PW steering radio lurmuise ï¬n lab matchins interior white wall lira wheel Lisa licence WU $895 1963 MERCURY METEOR Pour door sedan cylinder standard trsnsmtsaon well kept blue ï¬nish deep pile mal titinx interior Original condi tion throughout Iorthe quilt nonsdi dropper Lioenc mast $695 1965 COMET door sedan economical cyl inder standard transmiglors Waite trim rd isterimrdorp tread tires in irrmarsslate con dition Assideal car or the lady oi the house Licence mat $795 BARRIE couvm mu 390 Vs motor standard mission radio Candy apple rod mstcblnz interior white wall tires tell what diam power combination lot the your ol heart Licence $795 1934 DODGE 440 Four door sedan economicai alsnt enzlnestifomstic trans mission biadl nfslt rid red interior radio white wall tires Priced to the bargain tastier licence seem $695 1902 FORD cylinder standard transmiy rson Forest 3min ilnlsh Ex cellent condition It must or the handy man or small lamt Licence totwv $595 THE WHOLE DEAL Is Right At moo Financin is 7288791 Hand Picked only the best MOFFATT MERCURY Low overhead prices always at or below current market Big enough to protect you Small enough to know you No buckpassing here Ya we lrnow our carsmust be good ior you to be good for us So we ask only that you try Sales Ltd Prestige 1969 LINCOLN Continental BRAND NEW door coupe 460 cu ind engine 36 HPully powered way power seat till staring vlaeei combination AM and demo tape tinted glass We have hritiy equipped models in stock VSoe why we do business Fhmily Units 1969 METEOR BRANDNEW Tdoor hardtop minder mantis power steering radio dual rear speakers This car is Meteor mth Anniversary special with aura in cluding vinyl root rocker panel msldiny wood zrsin inatrunent chatter and steering wheel Cempacts 196 TCLORTINA mannaaw door sedan smomatic transmission mlete Csnadian winter pange in Lioenea new In only 1967 Buick Wildcat door harflopfva motor amountic trawniuivn power steering power brakes power windows gold ï¬nish maturing interior Only no miles beamirut unit Licence 55991 1968 METEOR door sedan narrutic pom steering blu fInidt with matdsinl interior One owner low milesse in beautiful condition Deena 1969 COMET SPORTS COUPE V5 radiowhite swat tires wheel covers ï¬nished inIWellinnitn blue 1958 LINCOLN PREMIER CONVERTIBLE V3 engine automatic transmission Mly powered Unbelievable condi tion or its age Guaranteed road worthy Sumner yellow ï¬nish new vinyl root Ihisis very sharp comma 1966FORD GALAXIE sdoorbasdaop ibistssrnedinm priced car with dass vs unmade puwer steering radio white wall tires in wheel covers linen am Youll Be Proud to Say Your Car Came From 1966 COMET my hardtop oylinder automatic trsnsnissien radio lnmaadsto yer low llnish voite wall tiru wheel covers Licenumifl Tianjin this pom little model Yovwlli be told on 119 performance MOFFATT MERCURY Sales Ltd 81 ESSA RD 7285553311 BARRIE Arenas Vain 1964 FORD CUSTOM lnrmswiaie door sedan economical cylinder gieaming bladr ï¬nish red interior Jackson dagnesticapprwod Brand new tires Licence 316591 7777963 VAUXHALLV VICTOR door sedan careIuLy drivcn by our salts managers wile completely rcbuit and reconditioned by the iadzson diag nmlic method traded in on Valiant It minder new brakes radio rear seat speaker new white wall tires plus two snow tires 1962 CHEV BELAIR Caretutly driven and maintained by one owner2 doorï¬ cylinder radio light blue finish matching interior new tires Jeduon diagnostic approved Licence wanin 1967 MUSTANG door hardtop cylinder console shill white wall tires wheel covers tire on in red linish black vinyl interior This popular model is rarely on the market at our low price Licence 2166541 $2195 Candy blue ï¬nish matching all vinyl interior Llc ence 359321 =1$o95f door sedan used for governmenti work Cornpetely conditioned byvouo diagnostic clinic cylinder nutomatlc transmlrseion brand new tires Qt standing value tor late nuuch unit 1959 plates 1967 CHRYSLER NEWPORT door hardtop This Is meta with the built in Chrysler features make driving pleasure Tide includes many expensive options inder automatic power steering power brakes radio white wall tires wheat covers liytt green linisb block all VIM Interior IIiccnoe 369601 1963 MORRIS OXFORD You will get miles and miles am at gallon oi gaswith this smart little cylinders Fold down cenue arm real Gleaming black linsh redlntnrlm Ex ceptional Value Licence 441113 1965 FORD CUSTOM door sedaitfdt cylinder powerlul cu inch cnzinc automatic transmission maroon ï¬nish white roof tan interior white wall tires This car has brown diagnostic checked and serviced by our experts You can rely on yearn of dependable drivinz Lccnce 35cm 11 AcKsoNs BARRIE KITCHEN HAMILTON Canadas Largest Canadian CHRYSLER DEALER GROUP