Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Apr 1969, p. 12

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Spring May BeJust ArOundIIlieTCOrner éIDDtBcu SMART FOLKS EVERYWHERE READ THIS PAGE FOR VALUES IN THE HOME OFFICE AND ON THE FARM umaamnammnuasnarsnnrnm REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE lilllllrllllll moon BUXGAIDW This home uhidi is located tilt outside at Barrie has ogre refinidird lnside very nloely lhesegoodsizetot sndhas good location For inletIna tlon call Jim Martin mam MARSHALL STREET Exewtive type side split Early possession available ARE YOU MODESI PERSON Looking or modest liome ll yui are and you answer this ad be prepared to lopir at this bedroom stirey home in excellent coodition1or only 517500 with lowdown pay ment For details please call Jwepi Dirracolo BIG on P0 none Gialet type outage finishing but only partially imitateiLiIor further particulars Cat Pet Carter new no toll alt122 mime VIEW Across mn townships from this it we building lot 10m li above sea twinned ot Barrie Priced tor an edi ate response at $303 Your $600 down payment Will seaire this property tor future plans Please direa your enquiries to Peter llanton meson OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS Large brick home centrally located with large bedroom extra large living TWL sop arato dining room and big kitdien with lots of cupboards One extra large brig room on the main floor would make an excellent olfiee or den This is real good opportunity tor the family with drildrm and needs little extra mom We can arrange mortgage to suit purchaser with any reasonable down payment Dont mis it Cali Graham Tattersall Clot ma mow it to you today Oalt lilarion Nanman 725 aeeo JUSI ARRNED bedroom cottage one block from the boadl front aIiIEnew Alcan siding Will an ec trio boating hilly Itirnishtd Call George Livingstone at am or mm TWORONTIO NWNSHIP mo acres lto workable level sandy loam make excellent or cornllarngxl nice hgrmo ngs op ape too 59311 with good terms Call Pat or filercsri Byrne WW NEW mUNll IIIUIEL 0N YONGE SI Way No II in lilitland wall to wall carpa electric heating cable TV parking all paved beanlilul living quart ers 0mm must sell due to sickness Business is in lo cation it you would like to trade your property maybe we can help you Call Mike Kobak $576M COMMERCIAL BUILDING FARM FOR located north end of city This This lwacre farm is in very storey building is in good good condition and is situated wild condition with loading in Mcdonte Township The two hay Building situated on lots barns are In eiooellent condi no there is ample parking Tcr tion as is the llr storey home ritic mortgage arrangements Perhaps you are lust looking are available For urthot do for land in Madame Whatever tails direct your call to Jim your needs are Medonte Higginson Townizhfips may be youfr answer on ones or turthv HOME IIrrIII ACRES can mi price 514900 Now where dam at mm can you beat that Many extras HELP Including tool shed hen house have client looking for run porch go with this mm spacious older home it must lortahte bedroom house Hur be basically sound you have house like this please call Yvonne Rowe at TIEml Omm LAWN FERTILIZER FOR SALE CAN BE PICKED UP AT OUR OFFICE $200 PER BAG AND PROCEEm FOR BOYS WORK CHOLKANQ CO LTD ltILS REALTOR IO Collier St Barrie 7284401 Angus 4245661 Shoiburne matto tasaga Beach 4291640 Collingvtood 4454030 Midland 525844 uyVlvlnn Game mgginrea Huron Newtnary Dtrrlcnln Dave4n ll ELIMarilyn nontri Pit Carter Erannan Pea woon Alan Ward Peter tirninn Pall iunn VILLI ry tip and call Alan Vardle mom Weno award Yvonne Rowe 7mm Quintn Tattc 122nm Jim Martin 725 MEMBER RIE ORAL TDRJ 726188l REALTOR 67 DUNLQP ST GROWING FAMILY Needs more space Try this for Sim bedrooms stucco barrio on to acre lot west nt Barrie This home is in first classoondi Lion and has double garage new oil furnace and good well Owner is transiorred and is forced to sacrilioe tor $11500vflry your down payment Call Ken Miller TWO BEDROOM BUNGAIDW Situated south of Barrie on large lot This home wt be pur chased with low down payment and is open to otters Call Sam no Benham now VACANT PROPERTY Well located close to Barrie on good road with plenty oi trees Ind stream Excellent or hideaway For particulars call Gord Spencer $3000 DOWN PAYMEVI For this storey brick dwelling on Bradford Street £15800 lull price Must be seen to be appreciated Call Harvey Weber Bonn sermon maria mm cuaam mum MILLER insTm rzrtov roan JOHN cone imam 51mm new HARVle man usTais DONNBLLY nonanr PLEWELL 7255333 BRIAN RANTING HAROLD GIBSON mom malty Milan Stum REAL ESTATE ultile Piiom nits REALTOR to DUNLOP sr ass IraTm mam momma PROPERTY IJI the heart OI the city at Barrie 4500 square feet on main floor ideal location Phone today lor further Information BARGAIN LIKE THIS GOES IN DAYS Raes the house that everyone wants martpad yet spacious secluded and scenic winteriwl cottage yet convenient to every And priced to sell quickly Livinaoom idth and drooms piece both must to see Fred Taylor mm M3 Paul Penman meals mnlulgm Bum aunt Read mien Don Coritphcll WWII Don llmhall 7mm Smith Cantpboll 7137339 Richard Dick Beer mom INESON Itiis REALTOR 7234294 WM Catherine lililne 7750040 mt Torn Foster EileenvGreenhalgh 72617 nunuooni atmey white price etaamt rm Grave street list rm iyu lit battli tlaine Ineson Helen Hopkins Atltu Ievei It lor In common are write of mu it Dalian Strut orlIIIr Illle Firm notL mm torably mind ti morlllle mum mow rilq em REAL ESTATE Interim roe at SHELSWELL WILLSON mDUNIDP 51 15m wwwmnmmmmmmm bungalodelbaocmentmnenicolaLlomahuofleinadih home call Chair Im menu No fll NEW mm Finemu In nib mm 1an mo nonhuman modem thien thee large Detours oin piece and two piece has walla at rear Auedtad grape firms tor mam per month an Keith Meier 289 NACREVAQAAILANDINORDml2m moor BARREL Oall Drank Madam No ill worms Hm AWE HM WVA WARE lbavetwnlanigalensloihoooehun Mhomeserema main road to the Beach and are ten mini five to Barrie Priced reallsticalhl Direct calls to Isabel Flinn7m BlDWELL ILLS Realtor Mortgage Iunds available 33 COLLIER ST TELEPHONE 7284430 NEW HOME urea ot ucll wooded lend Walkoilyour backdoor to the nmtiertul world at nature Its easy tolnve your own trout pond here Kitdien with walrus auraids andxmamewails Birdi panelled living room tuoadlooni We cotdd no mandonsogivausacalt CaltlraaBiilrellorlnyotthe start LUIII move mom rvinainvrnu miner wunu aIDwau mm mm morean Ml v1 FISHER moon HAROLD FOR COMPANY as Bayfield Street rum nus muons Mortgage Funds Available Free Ctstorner Parking HARDING AVENUE dose to the proposed location or new piflie sdiool this is int what the doctor ordered or the teaoier Three bedivorm zit year old bungalow with recreation roan icon washroom It tadied garage and two drivenays Carrie em per month Please call Iii Smith ATTRACTIVE WEI MAINTAINED Three bedroom ningatw ng room with nice dlningareekli dien with plenty ot moment hittbserrienlWitJi large partially finished recreation roonL Excellent value at 527900 with out nmgage which carries for not monthly principal interest and taxes Call lrene Forbes tor ttirlher details most T0 scams $21M for this bedroom brldt bungalow on lovely large lot living room with wall to wall broadloont modern totdien stove and retrlgeralor inchdcd panelled recreation roombrcezeway and garage real bargain for summer wancy Call Bert Qocker EVENINGS cm new main iroons TilI7 WATflit mam mu oomuiomrr notice munr lilaeAlllIiUR 1mm may MORRISON mom BERT le FRANK NELLES Ptiolo Realtor BAYFIELD STREET BARNIE notice 49 HURONIARIO SIIIEFI COLLLNGWOOD 4452211 DUth LIVINGMinutes Iran Barrie lfillsdale area build ing lotsslfioo each or corriplete acreage $6000 aimle trees Call Frank Wainwright HERES HANDY MANS OPPORTUNZTY to am cottage at roasonane priceGilt concession of Innsfilon 25th side road rooms with laIge closedln verandah heavily wooded lot good well on property price only $5500 Oat Mlkeltm AUTO BODY AECHAMISBe boas WOhne Rally equipped shop ready to go including large tntdr bay Call Mike Maxis AILANDALE AREALarge 65319 close to tool and nil price only $17900 Call Leo Cavanairgi tor appdntrncntn EVEN IN 65 CALL 721le some AARN ERMA can KDssAlz me Posters LDRNP at HAY Rm scwnnm nussm slam Hammond lrariiik Wainwright 72665 CARSON PHOTO ins anemicn 3e womv amenr manna mu rIUSI ON EDGE 01 TOWN year old split level better than new bedrooim piece tiled bathroom living room dining room and lntdien inveb recrea tion room private drive with garage Price $32500 Large down payment Call Rustell Canon moist GASIIWIILHAVEABIGVOMHEILE cozy little home with acres of MIMMt exirnbald ing lets rigit in the booming town or $2511 pathge den or quick sale to settle an estate Otters welcomed byNorm Sow new motor 725m AILANDALEAREA Price greatly reducedtn swam tor an older norey bndr home with bedroons large tenced in yard living room dining room large bright lotmen hardivood floors real lamilv home close to sdiools and bitter Please nomad Bill lam 756114 HOME EVELYNENG in St Marys School area Ielttlflyllrfle lrltdtcnwithxemam tan separate dining area with built in huftet Heatalator tireJ place in living room panelled recreation room new Ease turn aoosz ace roomy garage badcyard privacy Himor this one Norm Synoott 7284331 Norm Syrinott mmfitrpertMcGruhIEvaalemRn aIII Hamilton maers Ruse Carson mun Inlili Lang 7mm DISTINCTIVE HOMES In The Distinctive BARREVIEW SUBDIVISION Highcroft Road South and Barrie Io DIFFERENTPLANS All electric Underground Eli and aitNllAxtlortgagnv BETTER BUILT HOMES BY GOIID SPRING DOUG HOMER ALEX ISBIIA mam WW 7mm TROGERS CONNELL Photo Realtor DUNLOP STREET EAST At the Five Palotl Phone mace cvcnmas CALL FRED EPLEII mo HMS ROGERS mean OWEN 81 PHOTO ma REALTOR in 72823791 APPRAISALS MORTGAGES RENTAL All lloia Res 7716th Bill Maeknoss Rea WW Dick Hartleymmt HM STER rrA It maintain REAL ESTATE AUTOMOTIVE BRA KEITH ALTOB en Insert lurid extra bulkiing lot 5153 Contact ED SNOW amid duh or WHY aloe eatra tuikllng tot them ed IMO Deleted ED STOW firoud wits or DOROTHY Sroud mlm KEITH IJLL REALTOR AREA REPRESENTATIVES Bebcock Barrio mom Oolbottrne Stroud mun AF Spencer Thornton 4589211 Snow Stroud will Ed Green Barrie 1284111 Betty Newton llawkestnne 4mm Lillian Roberta 7750921 Marguerite Moore nil225i and nlrsimmins Churchill isozrio Torry Steven Elmvale 177W Ernest Watti Barrie 7787209 Illl EGLINTON AVE TORONTO 12 PHONE 487 3333 Gibson Willoughby ILLS Realtor 29A Owen st mm DEIGNIED FOR HAPPY LIVING Youll lind dian and convenl once plus prestige and pleasure in this bedroom vacation home on its tect Kernpenlelt Bey lrontage full baths seplt erate dining room deluxe tur nlture and appliances brldr fireplace electric heat You villi like the beaulitul view and landscaping many other nine features $31900 with tcmis envow VALLEY RD Donna 10L 900 mm inns building lot $3500 osnnnrv oliv no at acres with stream 522500 OSHANIY BAY RD l3 VASAGA BEACH building with stream 311200 riots andrwictcrized ham ontbo atlaIIasagaRiveral The how steal at sum or the works stmmym ummggmlfio TELEPHONE onock ELMVALE 72m VILLAGE or ClmEMORE Small manulactiiring plant or excellent tnrckcrs depotlluil BEDROOM BUNG ding 33 86 imitated oil heal Near public panelledotticcs plus apornx SCIIDDIS all NllA mortgage Principals only imalely 4000 square feet at en Tfllcplmne 7236397 or mailed hraku wipers PROPERTY FOR SALE Fitzgerald Ltd REAL ESTATE BROKER ELMVALE ONT Very busy to seat and Takeout Restaur ant and living quarters Good building Prime location on main street Business equip mcni and property wowor try an offer Termsavailable ELMVALE ONT Brand new three bedroom homes Alcao siding electric heat Good lcmts and separate Closed storage sheds Iirczl 550 volt and 230 volt Very rza sonabte toms LITTLE AVENUE Directlyacrosa tram Holiday Inn room house lot 90 L90 New city Mining lCcmnmor cial uennoooi brick bungalow ilvr Ill mam dining room kitchen rccrellton room and garngc Tim 3210 Edie at city Iouth Call Elva Mills 72 am rcpruarltatlve thltl llcaltor nxacurivn bedroom home me on SL Loon liner net Separate Itinlnx room area klidlcll with spacious brclklnl em bath room Ilnlslicd recreation mm llrenlnte Ln pm Ilvlng room in Two down inr Ipnolnlment phone rcs norm or mom PROPERTY WANTED WE HAVE olltnts wanting to pur chase the rounwlnr proper lu Client with all cash or bedroom and would consltler bedroom hflmt ouulde the city Client with all run wanting boilroom bungalow within the rliy ellent tin SlllMOJo iinoo cash or bedroom home with alnlnr Nfltll mien tn the city with Wiscsilon near the end or June rr vvu hlva anv or the above nmnertlu tor hale cell non HEIIIOI47ZHgtUN is one Street Barrie Ontario LOTS FOR SALE rlver 12900 up Evenings Larry DelVilde Miller till5 Realtor LCRIESBACH SHANTY BAY 7289844 AND CD OWEN ST 7284485 MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE Photo lifts Realtor EVENINGS GORDON OOUIIS WEE SANDY COUIIS 7234263 WALTER COUIIS mZatl CORBY Real Estate Broker and Appraisers Dunlap St Phone 12aqu let and 2nd mortgagee arranged on low monthly payments We buy your pretext La and 2nd mortgagee MUNAN ml Alltlitnfl MIN IAIZL unnamt mains ZILIAltA 7mm Home 71433253 7161012 rm lligti manor Toronto LARGE treed Int nr can be two auIInInx lots Sunnldale item men In city Telephone Ele Mills 2149 representing anhlte nultor PRIVAIH sale Lakefront neu Shanty any too neuilrul true int prlvlte road prutliin rm xieooe cash Telephone no IIM evenings BEAUTIFUL me wooded bulld tn lull in Portage Park main on Malina lla Country living ally ennvenlcncu In new planned davzlopmonL From zaoo rniinw 27 IIlimwav to Vlnoen Street But to our street Midland outc open weeinnds TRAVEL TRAILERS 1m llARlflttP Sclmocr or nie liceoi completely Bqtllfovlfl mlny extru Telephone and MoBILE Hamel TRAiLERS SALE RENT RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd General Glendale Northlander TORPEY sneivrv nav minis Real Estate Broker RAWN Real Estate ltd Broker BAVFIELD ST ViaNH SPECIALIZING IN RURAL PROPERTIES Evanhigl call Bill Rewn 77Mlm Simon Beekhulzen mm Dick Drapar 7¢33m MLS Realtor ioii aayneld at 723491 Appraisals Llrtlnge ELVA MILLS Joan II more CHEVROLET OUIGMOBILE CHEVY WINtill witva Elle ENVOYS 233 BRADFORD ST gains Are Here RightNOw DIAL 7284414 FOR THE CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT CARS FOR SALE ND NEW 1969 lMPALA DOOR HARDTOP $2895 All M9 STANDARD mumnm sudi as back up units way flasher seat belts shoulder harm dottia master qfinder side mirror collapsible steering column speed elcdric wadierl 14 tires Inside dayqiim mirror side guard fine cargoward luggage head restraints eotiahett iyzition l7 COLOURS TO CHOOSE FROM BanIE CHEVELLE 72618 lBUY 8t TRY ANOTHER FIRST FROM Used Car City With You In FURY II STATION WAGON $2195 cylinder automatic power steering power brakes power back window radio roof rack dark green linish tone brown and tan interior white wall tires wheel covers Licence X60559 I968 COUGAR $3495 Vo automatic power steering radio console shilt remote control mirror gold finish gold interior white wall tires Riiecl discs One owner 7000 miles balance of warranty Licence mid I967 METEOR RIDEAU 500 $2295 Zdoor hardtop blue finish blue vinyl interior vs no cu inch engine automatic power steer trig power brakes Licence 3611 I966 FORD COUNTRY SQUIRE IO PASSENGER $2695 Va 390 cu lndi engine auto matic power brakes power steering power windows power roar windowgeld linish tone brown and tan deluxe interior white wall tires wheat discs root rack Licence IIICGX Mind BUR ADlitt any one ol tllecars listed baow or 71 hoursit you are not complete 1y satisfied wilh your purum during that time return the ear and we will rclund your com plate Imrchtise price in full Al mm It Rep I963 PONTIAC PARISIENNE $l295 door hardtop it cylinder aut omatic console shiltl fully pow ered radio maroon tianh mat ching interior white wall tlroe bucket seats Licence WI I964 PONTIAC STATION WAGON $1595 an it cylinder automatic trans mission tan and brown finish bran interior Licence am This station wagon Is in ex ceptlnnally tine condition Take the lam

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