Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Apr 1969, p. 8

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Interfaith ChuIChWomgn Hold Lenten Lunchepn Mrs Jeanne Penselly address ed the guests at yesterdays lnterlaith Saedticiat Luncheon whlch was held in Central Unzt ed Church lrs Pengelly who made her debutnt the Metropolitan Opera was also soloist tor the iprogrnm Organist and soloist nl Timothy Eaton Memorial Church lis Pengelly has no poured in numerous operatic per Jormances in Canada and the United States EASTER TRADITION The menu for this Easter luav chum included notice and hat cross bu Donations were ac Jreetcd to be placed in spe cinl iund tcr use in joint com munin projects welrnmng speech was gtv en by Mrs Marcellus oi Cen trci United Church Mrs Bourne Si Giles can responded to the ri he dsdiealion and hear it were given by Rev in Mrs Len iCann president vel St hlrtys Cil introduced the head table guests who in luded llcr and Mrs it Jay Bourne lrs Jeanne Marcellus on president United Church PEN GELLY Unique Teams In Social Work VICTORIA CPl The Victo ria Family and Childrens Serv ice has come up with an apcrai ing method believed unique in Ca called neighborhood teams Neighborhood to are groups oi social workers whose oliice is home and who try to bring social work to people afraid oi an office building Ken Levitt head of one Violin ria team says another reason for such centres is to make the workers familiar with the neigh borhood so they can pick out potential trouble spots and get to the iamily with counselling betore the police get there with writ Mr lcvlttfl said the teams work only on marriage counsel ling and child protection Were the only agency in the city which handles the child protection aspect he mid Each team consists til our peopletwo social workers case aide and receptionist PEOPLE DROP IN Mr Levitts team operates out of an inconspicuous house hidden behind weeping willow People drop in to chat with the receptionist in the living room or to sit in the kitchen and drink entice MRS JEANNE Mr Levitt said the people who come in In chat usually have reason They have specii ic problems and they want help lie said they have had sur prisingly large number of teen agers coming in and from the teentigers be can become aware oi several problems iamin may have The team then works with Iilfl whole iamlly One talks with the teenager who may be es tranged irum his parents anntb or with parents who may not be getting along and another era ranges for legal or financial aid Gordon Welsh in overall charge of the team project says one reason the idea is not widely used is that wcltare or ganizntious are too organized The myriad numbers of niiices and institutions impeded any move to decentralization RULED UNMATCIIABLE Duncan tAPI Trying out new computer lreiands Nationv alUtliversity sclit Iofiinrkfi Operation Cupid mock matching of 4000 male and mnie students At least hall dozen girls each got morethan one mate One girl assigned theoretical 552536 vital statis tics got none between women addingin typically feminine porlnneg Its marvellous pretty as Canada from West four years ago says designing takes up her sparevtime nswclL Pollution Is Her Business rortowro CF Ljust cant picture myself sitting in mm of typewriter says 23 yearold Birgit Nowak tall Slimblnnde who would Improve he looksoi any typists chair instead she designs systems hat case the water pollution problem in industrial plants Shes the onlytemnle tn the lniembcr engineering depart ment at Tornnlochemicnl pro cesses tirm and she likes it that way Theres little or no backbtt ng bickering or jeatousy like she says She says women are much mnrcvcarelul than men and thats why theyre more adapter ble to work requiringattentlon detail and precision Eut she cant explain how with only high school training she has been able to catch an to drawing detailed pianslor tanks tubes and pipes Except in say teamed everything on the job IiIIssvank Germany The diiierence is she comes up with bungalow for her uncle instead of water system for the boss FASHION or THE FUTURE Thisnjoluminous hooded cape was described as lash ion of the hrture during vacurs AN nervous SAN FHA CISCO Reuters Belgian yachtsman Rene lhauwaert one of live men who left here March 15 on solo Wmile race to Tokyo re turned iilanday with broken must The would resume the traitsPacific race first of its kind over staged as soon as he had made Belgian said he showing of original fashions in Toronto Under the cape was brlei bikini in matching FORCED TO SELL PERIGUEUX France AF rioscphine Bakers personal property brought $51000 on the auction block htlss Bakerre tired music hall singer wa forced to sell her chateau turni ture and jewelry for debts in curred witilc tryinglo make tourist attraction oi the home at her large multiracial adopted iamlly geometrical design Wire photo SHARPENUPi we have in complete sharpening service for every needfrom household to industrio Swamps Owen water No matter how attractive 9m mars cannon mar ill PEOPLE AND PLACES cat Audrey mm or sun Roberta it new FLORIDA VACATION Ed and Brian Sweeney sons of Mr endhire Norman Sweeney ni Queen St returned to the city last evening alter weeks holiday to Florida The motor trip was highlighted by to Vancouver this to the Miami and Fort Lauderdale areas WEEDEND Gums Mrs Minto Brownscombe and her daughter bliss Claire Brown scombe of Toronto were week end guests at Mr and Mn Gordon Reeve oi Poyntz St hlrs Bmwnscombe II inrmer resident of Barrie MAPLE GROVE The mothers of grade sltot Maple Grove School students are pl onto dessert bridge and euehrn party which the withhold in the school building on April at oclock The funds which theyklmn to raise will be used to lptlnnneo the youngsters BRIDET043 IN THE FAMILY Wedding are new and we are anxious to give yours the but coverage possible Contact the wo mens editor at an early date and arrange tor your wedding story to an pear when it takes place Labor Women Seek Equ IDNDON GP Equll pay for equal work in longer valid principlennzg report by socialist group which womens conference will discuss this spring in stead they claim the cry should be equal pay tor work of equal valuewbleh would greatly enlarge female earn ing power in Britain paper prepared by Labor party researchers for presen tstion to the National Center enee of Labor Women to be held March 2327 in Paignton Devon will urge the govern ment to accept the equal value principle seen as es sential ll Britain is to make use at ils huge untapped ra serroir of womnnpower Some 7000000 women would earn more andprodue tlvity would increase it the policy weretadopted in britlrh industry the paper aayr whereas fewer than half the 3000000 women now in menu laeturlng work draw any ben ntlt from the narrow equnl jobs classification The research group notes that the scheme would require national organization or sasscu wasTEIUL The fact tbatwonwn are nearly always foundln the worst jobs and at the bottom ol the occupltionll ladder ia by itself clear indlelition that die present distribution or womanpowerjs both inept and wasteful the report snys Low pay andlack or train ing opportunitiesotten re sult of male discrimination not only make it dtiiieult ior women to get better Jobs but also increase male resent ment because cheap labor threatens their position the report adds The authors suggest two further ways of tapping un used female skillsthe gov ernment should provide ct ordinated national or FOR TOMORROW it will be important to watch finances now Any risky venture 7whether in the line of specula Lion or spending beyondrvyour meanscouldget you into hot propositions may sound give them extremely careful thought betore aecnptlng FOR NE BIBIIIDAY lf tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that you are lucky indeed According to the stars there will be sever al cycles during the next 12 months which will standout betterLhanexeellent or Job monetary and business htfnira On the occupational nndor bun ness treat these include the next tour weeks July 5mm her November December and February You aretaiso prem ised an excellent buslneufip portunlty in April Belt periods for monetar fairs The months between ow and June 30 the Inur months beginning on Sent and February ofnext ear be conservative in spendingand dont nnglle in speculation during August 0e tober and November however Whiteyou may take several short business trips during the year possibilities oi longer jour neys tor pleasure are llifl indi cated lnJuly August October andor December Best periods tor sentimental ntfalre The valved business exec it at Value ice for proschool diildren to release mothers for work and sat up national womens ein pioyrrrent bureau which could encourage more partrtlme work at home Onlyieighl per cent of Erit ish women wottr at home But the report suggests that in such professional fields as Ic tunrlal or architectural work this could release skills now in particularly short supply Looking to the future the rennrt says the kind ol uns killed and sendekllied jobs on which tha bulk of British women now areVmoinly em ployedsuch as routine olltce uorlr vand shorthandtypingé could gradually disappear as automation and equipment be come more sophisticated USELESS SURPLUS At the same time the rev lends group suggests rapid expansion in industry is likely in skilled and technical jobs lhe resultcnlild be use less surplus of unskilled le male labor matched by crip ping shortage of skilled and qualified manpower The report ends with plea for radical ehangefdntiib nttitiides at fiith sexes to wards womens employment breaktngaway Itllill the old concept jot certain iobs as womens work it notes that in Britain only five per cent at doctom are women compared with 75 per cent in the Soviet Union Likewise the report says it Britain were to increase her proportion of women vengi neers lot that at Russii nearly onethird of the total anothnr 15000 to moon engi neers would become avail abte Intelligent planning loi wornen atawork cannot course be done an the chenp the report concludes But the benefits to the nation at using fully the potential of womnnpower must no elyr dwarf any initial cost weeks between early May and late September October and December it will be during 0e tobershowever that any ro mlnce In which you are in wlll be most likelyto be at the serious type Generous liuancen will govern your domestiq and social lile tor model the year ahead but dont counteract these bnppy prospects by losing temper with even onesospecialiy in July Indor Augu child born on this day will be endowed with and fidelity could succeeds ADAMS nnaicns ronowro CF since 1948 mlnistratur protected trip great insight Herman GeigerTarot genera manager or the CanndlianOpern Co Millr Monday announced the resignatle of Ernest Adnmn assistant manager and tour manager of the company He had been TEACHER PRESENTEDwITH AWARD Mrs Enid Coupland director at the Com ercial Depart ment Barrie District Cen tralCollegiate has been hon ored for her outstanding eon trtbutlon in thchteachlngiield Mrs Coupland has wonlho Ontario Business and Com merce Robert Hillmer Award The award provided by George litilrner in memory at his son Robert Ltrmnde pos sible through royalties from an educational book The First lew Frantic Weeks written by Mr Hillmer This morn ing at Senior Assembly in Central COIIEEIBICAIH Coup land was honored by Princi pal Bowman who ot licintedat the presentation of the award on inscribed sil ver tray and scroll tExam iner Photo Expo CoOrdiriator Sells Romcintic Canada OTTAWA tCPi lttniruth Hodge woman in love with harown country thinks she is the luckiest person ever imagine being able to sell my own romantic Canada to ihe rest at the world she said in an interview know we have faults but we have wonderitll history Miss Hodgein private lite ltlrs Rudy HIISHIS the theme coordinator for the Co nndlan governments partici pation in Expo 70 in Japan Sheiworlts with design ehiel Frank Mayra artists design ers writers and film makers Expo 67 where also worlred tor the Canadian pa vilion taughtAthéjworld that Canadians can create aniex citing dialogue in many mrnsions Miss Hodge said Born in Montreal she grew up in community that was mosaic of nationalities My African inther died when my two sisters and were very young Mother had to work but she was very strict We were at home studying and reading because shewanted us to amount to something HVED IN SOUTH Alter graduating with BA lrom Columbia University in New York Malruth became newspaper reporter on the Bemudn Recenter covering everything from social activi ties to police news She married young protes sor lrom Sir George Williams University Montren daughter and son and ed in the soutbem United States than her children started school she entered business advertising and after ahebe came widow returned to her mother stepdathnrfand their lg old house in Mont real She became fashion writer in an advertising agency and began writing childrens sto ties lily love affair with Cann dian history began concretely with series for the CBC While writing childrens script for lllm she met her present husband Hetero join ing Expo where he was phm tngrnpher with the Canadian on she spent three years with the CBC as writer yr the programNcw Generae on She speaksrol the Expo to pavilion as pulse divided into six sections through which 300 people can comfortV ably move First the scene is set gem graphically next visitors see the vastness and variety oi Canada Then comes the story of the lands transformation and close look at the lite oi urban Canadians Finally the Canadian people rarevahown intcnnroisoclal =environment The free flow area Miss ii says shown the real spirit of Can ads Our main objective is to reveal the beauty and chill lcnge of our land We shall do it visually with continuous sound track based on an origi nal musical score There will also be narrative voice act ing HS ITOSL Reaction some option go to piecest during an emergency while aome others keep calm and act reasonablyt and wisely Row anytpdyhcts in serious emeri geney depends prettylargely on how this person has acted in hundreds of rather trying times from his days of inlancy arid the be acted then as rule depended largely on how his parents acted We parents begin to practise in ways a4 meeting emergencies in the presence at our children in lr earliest years When the first scratch or bump we or begin pattern how we will set and follow thLI prettly closely during his later yearsWhen we grab him up on his first bump oi injury revealing great fear and excite ment by our voice or by our in ov ern nts the youngster senses our emotional upset and the morealien we act in this way with the poungster the more upset he becomes and the harder he may or on we supposerthe tnlant hutbeen hurt let uskeep our ongue atlil make no wasted movements and give him nec esaaryhalp rtirstaid Let us not arouse dded fears inrhirn but netsarisibly and wisely next time we suppose hehas been hurt Aguidollrie us in all niacin isa coitanst Child Iinitatés Parents In To Emergency such emergency is the buiel way much nurseor doctor acts wit chlldwhen heseems to be hurt or needs first aid Our action in significant when we ourselves have been hurt and when the child has been hurt Wisely we fly to bear pain bra ly andnuletly we dont talkoi our aches and pains when our growing children can hear us or evertnlk ofpsintul experiences we have had or of painful lexperiencea expect to be certai father wrote me of his in who stubbornly re fused to go to the dentist alter he heard this lather make great fuss about the pain be late ly endured in his dentists chair He wondered how he mightdis pol tear of goingto thedentlst in this Relafi ely few par ents can keep from talking often of the operations they have had let us so discipline ourselves as never to talk in the presence at our children about such malt tars Our adult friends might like us better it they never heard such tram us Let us parents in privacy check on how we have acted in eirlergencies and how well we have kept silent about them aft erwards Suppose we had been in an automobile accident or burning building Suppose child or other member of the family were suddenly taken sel ously ill or rushed to the hospi till it ishard toimagine any of us never having faced an acci dent or any trying time or emergency As we recall or im agihe such experiences how do we manage ourselves their

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