Belie new vonrr also Author William Br W5 James Earl thought that by murdering Dr Martin hither King lrbe would help tanner Alabama Gov George Wsh lace win the presidency Huie says Ray now consider himselt Elolltlcal prisoner and that cute pollqu develop ments in the United States will lead to his being reed irons prison in two to our years ills comments are contained in the clment issue at book Magazine He says they are based on information supplied by Ray his lawyers and mem bcrs oi llayr iamlLv Hule also writes that he thought inst October that pow criul men probably made the decisions to kill Dr King Now he says he has tound no conï¬rmation of this believe llula rays that one or two man other than James Earl Ray may have had ioreknowlcdge at this murder and that makes little conspira cy But it there was conspira cy now believe that James Earl Ray was probably its lead er not its tool or its dupe TAXIED T0 CANAD At thls point in thc ule arti clc Look print lengthy ex gt cerpt imm Rays iirstperson account to lluic oi the trip trom iiicmphis to Atlanta to Detroit by cab to Windsor Ont and ar rival in Tomato on April ti Hula also seeks to demolish other misconceptions Includ Ing the source or ltayr funds tor his lcngths travels Hale writes In Montreal about Aug 1961 Ray held up load store and got $1450 In reply to my written queries he iirst told me that he got this money by hold ing up whorchouse and rublished his account of it Then re told me that it had really been iood store and that he mamas Drain ves cause he norm ahold waiting lorhinrtacanada what hemtotrtolprlsooiulhrnee mu iluie lay my told him many stories about man named ilaoui be rod in landon fliers were probably several Raouls accomplices oi hay in holdup and other money crimes Rule writes lluia says he believes Bay was white racist MEMPHIS Tenn AP Tire judge who presided over the James Earl my use since last summer died oi an appan eat heart attack inhis cham bers liooday Judge Preston battle to oi the Shelby County Criminal Court was found slumped over his deslr lle was pronounced dead on arrival hospital Baitle accepted Rays hiarch lo pica oi guilty to the murder at Dr Martin thither King Jr and sentencedva to 99 years Charges Famer SMITHS FANS Ont OP The Ontario liumana Society has laid charges against one easlcm Ontario tanner and is considering legal action against another alter the discovery of to caresses and numerous dying cattle in investigations last week llarry Brown at Smiths Falls society inspector for eastern Oa tario said Monday charges have been laid against lorne Wannamaker oi RR Bath on whose armtwo dead cows were found one of them badb de emnposed Mr Brown said labead of cattle were impounded and takedito society barns at Belle told me it was whorehousa be Tonomo rcr Conflict etween Negro and white youths plagues mhlack section of downtown Toronto says re searcher lor the Ontario Human Rights Commission George Brown said in re port released Monday militant Negro youths have driven away lrom two youth centres the white youths who are in the ma inrilY air Brown former teacher of social work at thc University at Toronto and himself Negro said racial troubles inlthe area anthurst Street between Queen and St Clairbegan with an influx of Negro youths from Nova Scotla and the West Indies in 1966 and 1967 Main causes of conflict he said are namecalling interra cial dating and competition for atatus lie said the majority of the zoo youths that should be at tending one youth centre are white but 80 per cent of partici pants lathe senior youth pro gram are Negro 1he Negroes have driven out the whites or so it would seem Some youths were reported to have used open vandalism when exclusive Negro programs were not set up and the situa tion became so serious that at one time the management of the centre contemplated the exciti sion of Negroes from member ship Use EDMONNJN CF Commuw alst tactics are being usedby the churches to dash0y the hem etits of capitalismthe president at the International Council Christian Grurches said Monday night Dr Carl Moinure of Coiling swocd NJ here to address laith and ireedom rally said in an interview the Russian Ortbtr dnx Church is an instrument or Communist infiltration aod espionage th ro hou the world other churches were also toiled At the root of trends toward ecumenism and changing struc tures is sociallstic philoso phy he said The churches are using tactics to destroy the benefits of capitalism those oi freedom and responsibility Speaking on behall of tao Protestant denominations be longing to iOCC Dr Mc iniiro said the organization op poses the ecumcnica movement because the ecumenical churches are denying their orig lnal creed and the authority of the Bible and turning their structures into simple instltu tions with revolutionary pro grams lie raid modern churcavlcsd VBC gt NewSpaper Parson GEORGE ac crit ville tor veterinary care Race Conflict iIn Toronto At another centre tharewcra from 150 to 2m Negroes attend ing the youth program but the Portuguese Italians and Anglo Saxons had withdrawn he said The only whitesmostly girlswho attend the droplnl dance on Tuesday nights are those who are considered to be ln with the Negro peer mupln lllr brown who works all time or the human rights com mission said his study ale though not scientific in the conventional sense was based on more than interviews last summer with agency directors ethnic group leadersfpolice probation officers and youth spokesm southam Gains lCP Southern PressJJd has acquired itssecond British Columbia newspaper and the 11th paper in its naï¬onal group with the purchase of the Citizen Thetransaction was an nounced Saintly Monday by tililner controlling sharehold eroi Northwest Publications owners oi The Citizen daily newspaper and St CiairBah Lad ConSPirfacy at htcmphh llurnane Slocieiy our of Toronto presr ht ot Southam Press qus Communism 1Churchf ers werestripping religion at its supernaturalism and were changing the fnaturo purpose and message at religion If the Bible says Christ was born of virgin than he was and that it he said Some people denythat Danielond Moses ever wrote certainpas sages hut Jesus said they did and guess he knew what he was talking about The rally wassponsorcd hy thcCanadian Council oi Evan gelical Protestant Churches 311Ava anon ll aw ai is Mount Waialeaie gets an annual average rainfall out Ill inches Toronto International Alrllo AIRPORT TRANSPORTATION SERVICE MALTON PHONE ZENITH um Klinin Service la Tennessee state penitentiary in Nashville men can CI to D8 HIM flldvhe was coercei into doing solodwouldseekareviewci his case tinder Tennessee law it would have been Battle the lodge who passed sentence who would grant such review will be especial to comply with BARR exaunnrursoav APRIL OTTAWA CF The govern meat has come up with some modiï¬cations at its roguiatiom regarding lorcign ownership oi Canadian broadcasting outlets 111a aim will still be to pro vide minimum wpecccnt Ca nadiaa ownership at any outlet but the earlier attempt to im pose morn simple corporate structure in the ownership at Canadian broadcasting iitcnces than is normaljn many existing cases has been abandoned lliondnyannouncemcnt by the state secretarys depart ment said every broadcaster sue7 Ottawa Modiï¬eSQBegulaiions gt oaroreanomedcncouuea To Purchase Homes coma we Today even am that the Wrexulatloru by Wilt The department announce ment Monday set out some ot the illiterenoes oi the latest ones irorp theprevlous oou Previous regulations required that on per cent oi the voting shares in ma shareholding corporations he held by one or more Canadian citizens redletter day tor 21 lamtlies tn the Ontario Housing Corp Green Meadows project They will become homeowners and not plbllc housing tenants ï¬i the tint time In Ontario the corporation is vletihrg ten ants who qualify purchaaetthelr renogesredtolnoomc homes tor The new regulations stipulate IN mmmmem that for the pm of regula ii in sucoesnul public trons tion personal comm to tenants in otherparts oi the tallyowned by Canadian cm was may be treated as Ca nadlan citizen Get youf oilchanged right away install an Autopar ï¬lteriand the ï¬rst quart ison us Choose any BPMotor Oil EVen warranty approved Energol or Super ViscoStatlo the worlds mesh prdven allseason motor oil3 Wecallit The Preventerbeéausexit prevents cartrouble7 ways too payheid Sr blocits north or Dunlap mndrtiq in all engines caused by blowby gases leakingpast piston mugs and combmrng cherriically with the oilto form sludge and varnish Thats why you should change your oil and ï¬ltetatregular mtervals We do over Maehanlca of Jork Sallalactlan guaranteed 7260951 Tunaup province may let the same deal says llW Suters the con porattona managing director No years ago we never contamination is permanent Specialists Highway 90 ViscoStati First Tenants oornethial like this could happen said Mrs Pat Fortune the write ot postman and mother at live who led tenant minittee seeking government purchase approval oi goaredtoincomc homes Last November the corpora tion announced the layearoid homes would be sold for $15000 each lb quality tenant must have worried bl house lor at least year be up to date in rent pavrnents have at least one other departh than his wiie and be financially capable of meeting monthly payments The BF Experimental Car develops 1500 HP and reaches speeds of over 185 mph in lessrthan eight seconds One of the many ways in winch BP Lubricants and Motor Oils llke Super are tested and prbven arOund theworld An oil change and aï¬lterphange is sure way of keeping your engine clean saving maintenance costs and increasrng the life of your car perform MARTINS Angus Al participating 131 stations thomas in the Ruled only 21 lamlllu now dually to purchase by April But as oth era quality they will he lllsl the option to pinbase The corporation gave the too aata tour optionscash down payment at $100 or ms with Wear mortgage at eight per cent down payment at on the house and lease the lot float month house is purchased in cash or ii the purchaser mains an occupant or live years 000 is deducted from the price licensed 424511