City Planning Class Is Unique In ProvinCe Students at Eastyiew Second ary School are planing their own urban renewal scheme The students in the grade 12 class at geography teacher Ter rence Walcrhonse are involved in what may be the only high school urban planning program oi its kind in Ontario Mr Watcrhousc who was in volved urban planning studies at the University of Toronto he tore he took up teaching has de signed the class work to be both practical and academic The class is divided into tour groups and each must replan izacrc section of typical in dcslrial city in northern Eng land England is classic example ol urban renewal problems hlr Waterhouse explained Many oi the buildings were constructed during the industrial revolution and are outdated unsanitary too close together and beset by polv lution problems The students must assess the economic Icasibility ot the rev nuwat program they propose consider how high the buildings will be and the amount at open space that will be vlelt when they are complete They lay out plans and build models to show their design then they must defend their pro jcct before their class The group that argues best lor their pro jects gels top marks Mr Water house said The initial projects deal only with residential problems but Mr Waterhouse plans to make later projects more difficult addbrg the problems at industry and commercial services For their first project the tour groups in class 12A have each developed radically diitarcnt means of handling the rebuild ing program One group proposed conven tional mix 01 high rise apart Longlime Summer Resident Gertrude Brock Gertrude Brock who died at Barrie Sunday in her 96th year was one of three sisters who moved in Barrie in 1991 alter coming here tor manylyears to spend the summer Miss Brock who died at her home Abbeyleix at 33 St Vin cent Street was the daughter at the late Mr and Mrs William Bmdr of Toronto She lived with her sisters on Prince Arthur Avenue in Toronto for many years In 1921 the sisters purchased Eastview Play In Rehearsal The choir oi Eastview Secon dary School in Barrie will present musical comedy entit led Get Up and Go at the school auditorium April 17 and 18 The show commences at pm each evening and will rea ture approximately 43 members of the school choir Musical Dire eclor David Wittick said Tues day that the play is similiar to last years pertormancc oi Swinging High Tickets will be on sale from any choir member or from the school matinee performance will be held or all Grade students in the Eastview area tree of charge on April 16 William Giller vice princi pal oi the High school is the staff director lorthe play Dies lit 95 Abheyleixtrom ltlonlagu Leeds of Barrie and as well as visiting the area in the sum mer also came up for winter sports In Toronto liliss Erock had been an active supporter of St James Cathedral Womens Aux iliary and was one ot the founding members ofthe Tor onto Ladies Club In Barrie she supported Trinity Anglican Par ish as null as Little Mission Church at St GileS now St Giles Anglican on Cook Street She wnsalso involved in the opening of the YMYWCA in Barrie and during the Second World War served with many other Barrie women in the tri service canteen in Community House on Toronto StreeL Miss Brock was fond of music and also studied art history in Italy as young woman The name Ahlkyleix for the Brock sisters residence on St Vincent Street name mm the birthplace of Miss Brooks mother in 1reland vFoliowinga service in her home Wednesday at 1230 there will be committal service at 230pm in St James the Less Chapel Toronto rurrcrncr NUMBERS City Po tow LOW REGULAR DRY CLEANING mcrs Plain Dresses Skirts Plain Plants Ladies Slacks Mens Suits Fast Service me Pickhp Delivery $135 65 55 $135 7255421 HURONIA CLEANERS merits town housing and duplex es Another felt story high rise buildings in scmi circle leaving acres at open space or the resident was better method The class is given the density of population that exists ill the area planned or renewal They must retain that density= They must also plan school and park iacilitiesl OPERATIONS COMMITTEE 1969 Estirrtates Under Scrutiny The Operations committee un railed on or its proposed 1969 public orb budga Mon day and er let the motor portion inter week One big surprise or the com mittee was the subsidized maln tenance ol roadways in Pub lic Work estimate in this area hst year was smooo but the actual moulding rate came to name Titre operations cone mittce is playing it sate this car and decided to up the bud get or roadway to 000 The actual amount the city out have to pny however is 52000 tiraan to government subsidy of $30000 largest inc tor in road maintenance was the cost at snow clearing with and get of $33000 Since January the Public Works Department has spent $44000 tor snow removal and the ligurc will go higher in the months November Deccnb ber ot this calendar year STILL mm The committee was unsettlel on tth no no of the budget in idally deddtng on $50000 cost or snow removal decision was reachcdehereby the extra $1000 would he used as type slush fund for other projects it in lost it was not needed for snow removal Budgeted tor public works equipment this year is 96mm This includes purchase at 11 trunk cabinchassis at $7000 new lront end leader at $1000 an emergency van at $2500 small crane at $4000 new trurk snowplow unit at $11000 and sidewalk sander at $500 The committee also decided to pur chase grader and decided on secondhand nae eostingnp proximately $12000 The Public Works Depamncnt has two grader at the present time but one model is to years old To ottsct the can of new equip ment is an estimated intake at $65000 in machine rental fees the plan comes oil as expect ed the department will actually make around $1000 in the shut lie Equipment purchase last year came to will and run MM 375071 HUMAN WY In other lieu oi the budget 312500 Inge nu put nntho Ontario Humgm Sum The lixur came to 0119705 111 non amoun coat or sidewalks will have In minut ed moment the WI In in crease over the $350 time at tut rem General operating When will come to approximately $2600 thix year Ibe budret in was was mm the departure nt went just £19t039Non std sidized maintenance at road ways bu been not at Pd ttc Worn budgeted $6500 Inst year but spent only $30593 tbe publieworlrs llflfl will get $2500 budget this year down tnun the 1963 time of to Mt other main areas odthc hlld get not yet conplcted are pro tedlye inspection whim coins to Suï¬ hm year street flat ine correction hook and sni mnl control the nonsutisldlzed maintenance and construction of sidewalks and roadway is still undecided and thin rection tig urnstobumalorportlonotthe overalt budget in 1960 the pub lic wort department spent $53657191 in this ma MORE WORK 1hr ndrmnlstr ation budget the engineering dqrartment bud get are the other item in be completed The public works budget carno rcr FISHING srhson irnos inn Graham Barrie pull his ice tubing hut toward the share at intro Slrnoon to sup Elmvale Mdple Syru to $842335 in but actual spending unwanted to 40 ll the trend since 1966 con tinues the 1909 budgetwtll more than likely be over that ol last year ln1966 the budget came to 5613130 soared to $9144010 in 199 and dipped down in 1965 tosstzoasno Additional roads and sidewalks are major Ine tor in the increase in spending over die last three years and it moreot the same are to build this year tbcAbtidget should be up correspondingly Showers will continue over night but tum to snowflurnes with colder temperatures Wed nesday the Toronto weather oi lice predicts The mercury will drop to 32 degrees tonight in the Barrie dis trict rising Wednesday to 36 Noon temperature outside the Barrie Examiner today was 40 Synopsis little light snow will reach Northern Ontario today some light rain or drizzle in southwestern sections East ern Ontario will get some light snow changing to rain Colder air will edge southward into the lower lakes regions Wednesday Windsor London Hamilton Toronto Lake St Clair Lake Erie Niagara Western Lake Ontario Cloudy and warmer today with shattered showers later today and tonight Wednes day clnudy and turning colder winds southerly 15 becoming oIsrhIcr wrhrnrh Colder Wednesdctyy Snowflurries Forecast northerly 15 early Wednesday Eastern Lake Ontario South ern Georgian Bay Haliburton Cloudy and milder today Some light snow changing to scattered showers this ottenroonl showers continuing overnight Wednes day cloudy and turning colder mth tow snowflurries Winds southerly 15 shilling to north erly 15 late tonight orearly Wednesday Saull Ste Marie North Bay Sudlyury Algoma Southern White River Northern Georgian Bay Tcmaga Cloudy and milder today occasional light snow mixed at times with zi drizzle Wednesday cloudy and colder with few soowtlmrics Winds southerly 10 to 15 today northerly 15 to 25 Wednesday Montreal Ottawa Sunny clouding over by this evening Snow beginning late tonight and continuing Wednesday Not In cold winds light becoming east erly tonight and shitting to northerly Wednesday law tonlght bill Wednesdly Windsor 40 St themes 40 Mutton 40 Mount Forest 35 Vingham Hamilton St Cathan ea Toronto Peterborotms Kingston Trenton Killaloe Muskoka North Sudbury Earlton Saull $2 Mane Kapuskasnx White River Ettoosonee lirrrmtns aseenunnuueanasesa DRIVEIN LOCATION THtSlS ANIMPORTANTVVI NOTICE To All Property Owners in the City of Barrio Meetings are to he held in Central Collegiate Audi torium and North collegiate Auditorium to obtain public opinion and provide informations for resid cuts of the City of Barrie on the new law and Official Plan The meetingi will be held as follows Wards and churn Collegiato Audition Tuesday April lst at pm Wardrl and tr North Collegiate Auditorium Thursday April 3rd at pm IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR OPINIONS ON THESE BYLAWS PLEASE ATTEND YOUR WARD MEETING zoning By 3595553333833333333ma highlights in festival Set Sctturdaw The tourth annual Elrnvala Maple Syrup Festival is set or thls Saturday The iartival sponsored by the Ehltvnle maple symp commlt teedrew more than 6000 spec tators last year and it weather pcnrilts this year the commit tee expects just as many it not more Festiviti get underway at 1030 am in the iormot an allday street show Displays lrnm various womens organiza tions mereantile exhibits judo display and some square dancg ing will providesome of the ion the ohm15 men MARKET TORONTO UP Wholesale to retail carton eggs average weighted prices quoted by the department of agriculture as at Monday large 599 mev dium 505 small 40 Eggr Wholesale prices to country stations three cases quot ed by committee of wholesale egg dealers extra large 5162 large 5051 medium 41 small 32 me 29451 Bauer pacer Cane dian Dairy Commission tenderable earlots buyingas score 64 buy ing to score 65 selling 65 nity the close oi another can ron He was one ol the many who bunicdto remove their vincial Police will have hand display and the Ontario Hydro will also provide In exhibit Thrcc rides from Wasnga Beach will be provided tor the youngsters There will be dance held in the eveningcopped ol witb thecrowning ot the maple syrup festival beauty queen The winner willappear in the department of agricul tures provincird molest Buses will be running out to the maple syrup country tram Elmvaie every hair hour There are three maple sugar camps and vlsitors will be transported in horse drawn wagons on guidedtour ol the camps pancake dinner will run contin Ilously all day Saturday The syrup committee is some what Worried about the Weather however Best maplesyrup time is in warmer weather and un less it wanna up bit by nc tociu GENERAL The 335 Neptune swim team tnokwith top honors in on invitational swim rft ham litatnmt LAN up with 367 Barrie ï¬nished points inane points and Orillia ltnlshed in last place with 193 points huts in time tor tho deadlinoir yesterday hernias pghotoH Saturday the low at Iyrud could be hampered Last year the tcstivnl was held April 155K coidnciding with the Easter week3 en rnv nu amnion WANT an PHONE noun MDDERN OFFICES Blend in with the modern concepts of insurance pro granting Large or small be sure you call Getilyourr ofticiat unevenness cannon l9th SOONt get delicious Teenburoer for only361° 341 nAvrtrto 51 Daily in Midnight Sat til