Citizen Off The year Tsyearold widow who has spent much at berlllc helping troubled adults and the Very young has been named Bamel citizen the year lts all so very wonderful 33s llrnry Pizoll said hi night when informed she had been selected to receive the wu llsm it ernt memorial tro phrl The Implu is Fwd anally by the Barrie branch Royal Canadian legion la the eitiun who in the opinion oi judges bu givm the most out standing community twice over the past year and to lesser extent over five years Mn Pigou still has occas lonal visits trorii some oi her children said sometimes get cards lmmthrm at Christmas and on Mothers Day But their visits are not as often orbs regular as they were few years ago hits Pigotts children are diA ided into two groups her own three daughtrrs and one son and the unknown number or orphans abandoned and elected children whom she took into her home from 1975 until Nil Doctors used to bring them to me as young as to days and old as seven ycars she said itith tour or my min and niten as many as tour or ï¬ve others there was little thing eveept wor Pigolt who still sous knit and quilts lor the church and the Red Cross in Barrie was born in ON township in 1390 the daughter of Mr and Mrs Robert Caldwell in 1913 sho married lienry Pigoit tormer ly ot Vespra toimsh and alter ill health caused him to retire trim tanning in ma they mov ed to Barrie Mrs Pigolt has been wo ing lor the community ever since am happy and yet Im sad she told one caller this morning There are so many others so much more desening than IV taken my breath away All morning long Mrs Pigntt sat in her kitchcn answering lb telephone which rang every few minutes bearing enngratw lotions irom friends After her husbands death in 180 Mrs Pigott also took in rders he kept busy which en Lg ygry much She said going down to the church this cmoon to quilt and sew The news of her selection to te the William Wright orial Trophy for citizen at year reached Mrs Pigott in lcene ol confusion ller house to Thoma Street is being ted and ill urnituie israll cred with bite cloths Congratulations kept pouring over the phone and in the of personal sits lrom d5 Representatives at so on tion operators automobile only dealets and car repair centres appeared last night be fore the citys planning and de velopment committee in an el fort to block construction of an automobile service centre plan nod as an extension of the down town ioolworth department store hke Firmant service sta tion operat told the commit IN TOWN Wellington HotelTm Gr MRS HENRY PIGOTT Im happy cauldron she said have so many won derful lr d5 But really dont deserve this havent done all that much Mrs Pigott was honored in October last year at reception held in Barrie ller community work was landed and she was presented with cake inscribed whatsoever thy hand findeth to do do it with all thy might short energetic woman tl Pigott still docs her house and gets aroun VEWVWB despite arthritis ch troubles her irom time to me The nomination for Mrs Plg ott read at the Legion Hall last night cited hcr inspiration to enevv Bid To Block ew Service Centre toe the new Woolworth centre would endanger the livelihood and spending power ol the citys established operators and would threaten related auto supply and repair businesses He said the city already had 17 more gas stations than were economically teas hi Wool worths he said would be able to sell at less than his own cost He said failing businesses bo eause iii the Woolwoth expanlt TONIGHT LOUNGES Valley Groin Baysbore MotelKenny Lies and the inLilcs Queens HotelThe Troubadorest Bmkdale Park IonThe Paul Thomas Show Continental InnMarie Pealtei Holiday InnThe Jerry Mann Duo MOVIES RowDeaslall imperialCorruption plus Payment in Blood LOCAL AND GENERAL KINSMEN MEET Noel Stockton an oliicial ot the unemployment insurance commission in barrio will speak to the Kinsmen Club tonight at pm The dinner meeting will be held in the Mirantar Gardens dining room ZONING BYLAW meeting to hear public opin ions on the new ciiy zoning hy Iaw and ottielal city plan will be held in Central Collegiate Auditorium tonight at pm for residents of wards twonrid tour Words one and two will meet in North Collegiate Thursday at pin SPRING BALL The decorating committee tor theliarrie Knights of Col umbus Spring Ball will meet to night at pm The meeting will be held in the Knights Hall on Barely Street The ball is set for April 25 NOT DANCE report in The BarrieExaml lner yesterday raid that Gord Bristow youth had been in jured alter alfrarar atVSt Jos epba High School The distur bance took place in St Josephs Auditorium next to the school Friday night The hall which does not qu En the school but to St Marys parish had been rented to the evening by Midhurst youth group ACCIDENT PREVENTION The Barrie and area indus trial Accident Prevention Assoc iation representative will attend dinner meeting April The dinner set tor 730 pm will be held in the Willow Room of the Continental Inn OFFICE POSITION wiuiio Mature married man presently employed as Exac utiv Assistant with over 25 yours or tribute in Cities Manegnmont Credit Personnel fflarketlngr and Sale deslm to ralocote in this area and would apprulnle hearing tram any company veqvlrlng an honest reliable oilleeman Personal interview ar ranged Box 617 Barrie Examiner ol gas supplysemcrs there ant at the meeting many people through bzr unsel ï¬sh service to the community and her church Nominations came from the Barrie Mintster ial Association and Dr William Little She finds food clothing lodg ing and employment for rcleas pctprisoners said he nomin othlng is too much lany people have been in spired by her lilo of copier and xvi cs5 She has given so much of herself unstintingly and it is trom her very bun being that she has dare lhi Mrs Pigottuil receive the William Wright Memorial Trophy during special meet ing at the Legion June stop could mean loss in tax revenue to tho city John McCann an automobile wholï¬aler in the city said Wool worths would purchase all their parts outside the city Every time station goes out of busi ness it hurts me be said HEIGHTEN PROBLEM George Dangerï¬eld of Danger iield Motors told the committee there was already shortage oi Class It mechanics in the city and the expansion would heigh ten the problem Mr Fitman said the city had already set precedent in con trolling commercial development in the city by limiting the size of shopping plaza developments planned for the citys north and He asked that similar policy be adopted or service stations in the city He said the city of Niagara Falls had come out in nor service station operators in their city and that Hamilton had bylaw controlling the extension Aid Roberts chairman of the Committee said the citv solicitor would be consulted to see what power the city had control the expansion at gas station services here The com nutteg meets again next nics aay night to reconsider the mat Aid Roberts said he felt it would be unfair to reach de cision on the question last night as he had only three members or his sixman committee pres compiles would aid rating for One Benny City councill operations eom rriitlee will ask city council to eliminate penny deposits in all parking metm The committee which met Monday will look into the toot ol chanxinx all the meter beads to uelude me rent pieces Barrle it about the onlyclty in Ontario on mldng use or pennies in parking meters plalnul committee chairrum 1c Jolllitellt lhu move gnu head five eents viii but one half bow of ttma and lo coon will purchase on hour At the present time penny deposit buy minutes unila nickel and dime deposr with purdiase one hour or parking Police Favor New Revisions To Trailic llcl Transport Minister lrwin Haskettr milslon the High way Tram Act was received laionhffoy both the dty polo ice department and the Barrie detalehmeot of the OPP Sgt Ralph berry head of the city pollees traflic departmnnt termed the revision realistic and added that it should have an otteet on some motortsb Al the some time SzL Berry stated that some motorists wont be affected no matter what Ing lslation is introduced Superintendent Collins the OPP agrees with the leg islatlon and saidthat the stir ter penaliin irnposedshould de ter many motorists from break ing the law in new ICL which will on come law tartr this year pro idcs increases in speedlng tints tail sentences for careless driving and reosim drivers to identify themselves on the de mand of police ollieer Process 1800 rRebate Claims TORONTO rcpt only McKeougti Onttrfo munleloal alfzirs minister saitl Monday one In Fight 11y coimijll lastnight cancel led reassessment program that to daft has cost the taxpayer 5mm in an effort to save the screen it would cost to complete lo theproleet Meetingin special sesslon iriwiiuis The traditional Easter mes sage was delivered to tbuBar iie Kiwanis élub last nght by Reossessment ith Govt last nlght counell voted nineio too to cancel the reassessmeet in more that may mean tour dig employees arewttbout The remessmcnl started with the cricouragcmcntol tho Ontario government was to bring the city to line with now standard olnsreasment set by the province Additional employ ers were hired to complete it Barrio was Olqull the few eommunltlcs in Ontario that had started reassessiug and then on Mamba the departmental municipal nlialrs announced it would take over all Assessment the province felt the province should pay for the program since it would now benctit mm the records He approached the minister ol inun ielml atlalrs three weeks ago in on ottort to have the province pay the cost It reply to the 11 quest was expected within two weeks but none has yet been glien Tba motloii of council last night like the remusment from this years municipal bud momm mom ttet and asserts elty control my hm mm over the Beaumont tiles in phrase that reads Thu all remmmenl roeorih now lnthn possession of the city be mllrp talned in city ownership Only Aldermen Jack Garner and Dorian Parker opposed the cancellation of lheproxrun it reassessment was good last year It is good this year Aid Gnrnrr said By cancell log the program we will hava spent $41000 that ivlll lust be sitting on the shelf To go ahead wi the pro gram would cost us name which is an extra mill on the tax rate but we must remem her that reassessment is done tor the benefit of the city of Bar rle not tlio province The money werpend will be recovered in increased revenue Lloyd Partridge the citys ohlef assessment olflecr ap peared before council last night to explain the lmplientlnnr of cnncellntion ot tho assessment program Mr Parirldgc said that for every dollar spent on assur mont the program was bringing in tour ERRONEOUS REPORT Reports tho the reassess robot is costing the city up to $2000 week are completely erroneous he nntd He sold reassessment in the city was essential because thero had been several annexation and building boom since the loyal programwns completed in 51 My own pmonaloptnlon is that would like to see the pro gram we started completed itmus riisirsit MESSAGE Rev Blackwell St Marys Parish Father Btu well rcezntly returned to rie alter savernl years Toronto here talks with Kl wunlans Tony Decarle LEFT and Rev David Proctor toll in lExamincr Photo the last 1000 coniglainls 1mm tenants that they did not receive their was property tax robales will be processed by the endot the month ll said 2900 of 4700 coin plaints received date have been processed and rebates av erag1g have been passed to tenants Diseass New Procedures In Building Department would like to walk out on don when the province takes over with clean house This ls my own perrnnol lcellng but it is very difficult to convince lhe public that they should pay or something that is now the provinces res ponsibility he said lie recommended that the city He was replying in Vernon Singer hDounsview sad the government should be brave and scrap theyprogrnm using the money to reduce edu cation costs Mr McKcough criticized on position members who said there ivrs large number at complaints The number re ceived represented one per cent at all Ontario tenants hesald and thats not very much The planning and developmcnl committee met last night with representatives ol the Borne an additional building Inspec tion proposed by the city tor new homes and increased buildf ing permit fees Under the city bylaws live building inspections are to ea ed outun each new ho lion tramingand in inspections had been canted out by the Central Mort gage and HousiugCnrporation Says He Lived ln Coin Laundry TORONTO CF Sudbitry youth who said he was starting and had slept in Toronto coin laundry tor month pleaded guilty Monday to charges of breaking and entering and their Court was told that Michael lï¬tehaw 16 had not eaten in six days and on March bid in the basement of pool hall After the premises were locked he took $5 cash and $79 worth of cigarettes and candy Theres no need In starve in this city said Provincial Judge Michael Cloney as be remanded Kitchnw to April 10 or tenee There are many organi zations help people Six Charged in Drug Case TORONTO CF Six per sons charged with possession of marijuana for trafï¬cking have been granted bail and remanded to April it tor trial Bluntonle 23 David Joseph Dawson 11 all at Niagara Falls Ont Barbara beyland 21 Eilunï¬oyle 19 and her sis tnr Sharon 21 all of Toronto were charged Friday after no lies seized 35 pounds or marijua on RESTAURANT 155 Dunlap 7mm ARE MONDAY TO THURSDAY BREADED VEALCUTLET with Spanish sauce or BREADED PORKCHOPS with applesauce $1 65 Children under 12 $l00 MON T0 THURS SPECIAL FREE $100 worth at French Fries with every Bucket orBprrol of Kentucky Fried Chicken MONDAY THRU THURSDAY Bidldcrr Assciatinnto discuss tor the city but inthc past two Lorenzo DAmico 22 Felix years the corporation has relus El reoarts Training inspections are no longer curried out hy OllllC The city would tire to insti tute these inspections on their own The city also plans an in crease in build pcririt cos from to so but buildng asv soeiation president JackStellar was opposed to the move Wu already paerMllC 535 In 133 lknnw that the fee is $2 in other municipalities but lets do something the other municipalities are not dongults rnly smattamount but lets lace it small amounts add up Costs to us go on the cost at housing and the cost at housing is high enough he said lay off two at the our oxtra atoll The committee of Non cil stgywttinimntterjnd hri report to council Mr Partridge said drcstlc changes in the assessment net wore anticipated early nextv year but he said there wasnn indication that this would mean major changes in the assess ment manual that had been thn guide to the citys reassess merit program including labour Let alulat IOIISl iiillace untitled eiuiiiter Bulhowah year give us call if yo furnace we can iris outlnext If you have any doubts lt uneed new tall vitWo can oven modernize your present one Or install an oiltired water heater Whatever you need our easy it its rejuvenate your nance plan will cover the total cost entire healing system Youll live in total comfort for years to come the housewarming pooplo SlMCOE porno 75 ANNE 5T BARRIE ONT iron iii rupturing2553