ARTICLES women WE HAVE BUYERS FOR MILD appliances bpuaebfld items at all Etude sport quip meot and to THE VISE OWL IN DUNIDI ST BARFIE Ml erur oer lean nIII printed WI DICK II lam Wflll 3° sot armville Ontario 70 IIrI bald for NC mnliun lur ea in Illvu lenlkry um Cute molt trlnlnn Casi lar ale eiivu shin aim boob cutto emu omen iruellery mEiiun WL CONTINENTAL KIT maple rent rented missed DOGS ll PETS RABBITS Ior Bum vein mu ale Black ri ir Ihlte Nevada mail If nu LNDa ior nit punand end montlu no place ie ephone Hum lnt BOATS AND MOTORS YACHTAIRE SALES or phone mam DOGS AND PETS more are Into tannin moot nthm menamt mwe HIT Special bflbl at an um eds its my run hilly nun den rm er nice don nunnhak 133m laureate Int 13 that III In 31 dam21 msueunhl 39mm Li this Wood aoouau ffléiluï¬u com In Fill unite ice to KUVASZ rare ut Inwalnl breed or can hinbre or centuries lav am int oi the zorepna unbll nipples ier or mi in or urd do Clo rer er ed nth tut Allitoo ins MILL BOATS AND MOTORS ls cedhr tins beet Winds Inl lop nrhouend Nathalie Tern ruler use cemylrie Good oudlllon Telephone 718 out mer era CllelS CRAFT TROJAN SHEPHERD NEW AND USED cnutssns 30 I969 INEWI Girls fill or toss tNowl Chris Crsit Sea Stroke hilura zoo HI 1952 Revel Craii ilardtop Sounder suimpieilorm lost Chris malt sedan alt cabin or is Grew 150 HR inboard outboaltl CLUB YACHTAIRE CHAMPLALI no PENEIANG 5492952 AFTER PM FARMERS MRKT LAND WANTED In In Dr if 10 rlln Vrtlc Box GU Barrie hlmlner FARM MACHINERY rrilnnow Ilaclor plow tor ule mmnre spreader mean em hermw serum splint tooth im row land miter Apply Roy PHI rldar phone mom LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Gunum lemy eotv ior nir ulved March to sum ltousus bonded box pulls excel lent me Reasonable Urban Asa1729 Strand uoiumiiirt slundlng at stud arts rhhnher Appaloosa iuulon lim cs ciluprd nude pulled rashes riGa ANTED Veelt en ILL nd pierNot SEE nil Ferrite muses PERSONALS OIIIMIST BARRIE BOY BOOSTER DRAW WINNERS MARCH Dean Archer Kirkland Lake Paula McFaddeti Barrie Dave Hill Barrie INCOME tax returns prepared lei rmm business or individuii llidd1E5 Dunlo West flag or eve ltrl ror lppo internn one 12a szsl and Theory limited ap ninirnents all trades ellnu gclrpllane 7256153 DRIVER iervinr ior Florida April room ior an euirxe Pluse ieternane mom non 4934153 liter thL M33 AA lr YOU have drinking uni Irm Ind want help phone anytlma mom or Po Box 52 Berrte DRESSMAKING THREE ADVANTAGES oi having your garments made by couiuriero Pcriect III First class linish Style selected by you lrorn worldirnown designcrs N0 PAIIERN NEEDED For an appointment call 7283797 WOMENS COLUMN SPECIAL MON was won owhv WICKS BEAUTY SALON retention ore 45 Dunlop St West 7284980 To HELP WANTED ELMVALE 385W LOSTD FOUN WALLET Idll bmvin In tolour multimillion Itd fllItlrl llcellc elc Plan Illeplmm Illll Robcrle lull M1001 return In 411 Dim eeLl to HELP WANTED MALE HELP SHORT ORDER COOK Uniiorms supplied Company beneï¬ts Good torltlng condi tions Apply hm NEIVIDVE WAYFAIIE RESTAURANT 7283181 EXPERIENCED MACHINISTS Urgently required by local ma chine shopnAbove average wa ges ior oualllied men Fringe beneï¬ts Steady day work Telephone 7287222 or apply at l7l JohnSt BARRIE CAREER OPPORTUNITY tor ounl mun Grade educl itch to learn ine lpecllllicd lleld or the hhrduure Industry sluet he heat in appearance Blueprint rud ing neIplui but not esrentiel lieniv In own handwriting xiitux relerencer to Ho mo aarrie Examiner WANTEDMm to cut lawn end mm with xnrden end emui up heeu er stinunrr residence Shanty Bay to in hours per unit write Box No Gil urrie Examiner DRIVER SALESMAN nurried mln rattlerrad Barrie rII trlct salary plus commljllon Tcle phone liem AN orrolmlmrr await men lacklnl capitol to net up in hust nee Ia lltll hllh commissions ll Innis rteii zmplbyed representa lirelt xelllnx vhldue miniemmee pmductl to industrie in III ex chillv area tDellnnz Molecular gistll iii Totyork Dr Weston llaualnD man ior dairy lam trust he need mlilrrr Ind cxperlenc ed with niaeatnery House with all conveniences James llIcCIlIicl AIllsipn seeds REPRINTS you would Like to have re prian oi any news pictures take by our stall photographers please can at our Business Diir ice We are sorry we cannot nceeptphuue orderi MALE HELP DOW Process Operators Due to multimillion dollarexpansion program at their Sarnla Works Dow Cheinlcal of Canada Limited has immediate vacan cies in theirProcess Departlnent for qualiï¬ed men who are in terested in careers as plant operators Candidates must have complete Grade ll General or Technical education and approximately three years workoxpcricncc Starting rate to dispositions is use per hour progressing to $294 in three months and to $311 on June to 1999 in addition to liberal vacation policy the company has complete package oi benelit plans hospitalization medical liie insurance and pen sion antY To youn Nahum CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE Relercnce File No 00205 l0 HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP CLERK TYPISTS REQUIRED Working knowledge oiehorthand positions in acongcnlal oliice menthol We oiicr interesting Attractiveealary benellts For appointment call Miss Address Ml Evenings call Mr Baker ratinto CIlOLKAN AND Co MIS REALTORS l0 Collier 5i Barrie Weihi FEMALE HELP VAITRESSES glequ work Emmgmcm ill nnrklamt as ants hum VAYFARE nssrhumm MI neon econ would een noun unilernu eup Dllll Talwhoiu Ml unpu were neulne Io trite em or home no rhildfln to law no la Wu MRID LIrI in for idiomiron telephone in do redhlm emriew nier den mull he risaien minded able to Ir and Iltle Itn Iva Wool arm Department Store in more to sire Souk I0 HELP WANTED SHANTY BAY ROAD BARRIE TERRACE BAYCREST DRIVE COLBORNE STREET MIDHURST ii you lire In or around the aiorcmchtlnned areas plcase ï¬ll out the application below and return moan Name Adtlicss Telephone Age i3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Thursday April ai 130 pm sharp at the arm of ADOLE VON GRAFFEN at Lot to Conces xsion lnnisiil Township Ila miles east oi Highway ii To sell the madlinerybelonlzing to Mrs Hanna Schaclcr The list will include Massey Fergu son iracior tutti equipment Massey Ferguson seed drill rubber llrcd wagons New Roll and halal side delivery ratio baled hay and straw etc Terms cash No reserve JERRY COUGHLIN ailctlonccr WATCH for itlll list March 31 Wani Ads Dont CostThey Pay ANNOUNCEMENTS LANNOUN Birth Announcements mhximum Cards hanks 25 words in Memoriam ino versct Verse ipcr count line ext Coming Events BIRTHS uiNKLlsyair end ailr Wllum nluhleytnee Pony lVlIdle or To rnnto turn to announce hiith oi their lint ron tTiruoihv Robert on Sunday bllrch an Will It the Toronto Western Hflwllll Weight lbs out ENGAGEMENTS ran KouscuoTuNalriENiur and Mn Hendrik van Kollrchoten or stineunr witH to announce the ennuemenl or Lhelr deurhler Cor hello to Mr Robert reul Giiien er Ddenvale The weddinr to like piece April 25 mo at 100 min in llrlaslnil united Church DEATHS mlrlCK GarltulrAt her rule dcnte Ab Lou to ill Vincent ie on handy lIINII daughter nl ilie me in and Hrs WIIUzm It limit Io route mute Iuncril servlie at her late residence on Wednesday rii 1230 DJ committal si lime Cemetery Toronto In lieu oi llowe tioht mov be to in limo liluy Leonesuddenly it the Brantlord neneni Hospital on sun day March so lose Mary Leone icing beloved hire ol er Kihr ai liureh street Brantlo dau 01 HI Anni Euler Hm lei seam shrer lietine he the Meclzlstcr Funeral Home an arm Avenul arentture Service Wednesday It run Interment Mount Hope Cem cry Bran drawn suite an At trail Victoria Hospital nhrrle un Moildut nlerch il 139 Lulu Lllllln Pal men In her 7am year Belated wile oi the late John Dunld stewn inrmerly of Thom ton our mother at rnititn and Belle tMm Elmer Dunlzy or TaronWIG panic at urnlo and Lillian litin Gordon button or Guelph Lovlnl grandmother or June riiu lt Shaw Glen Stewart and ilivid DunXCI Brande and Robert Dullon lohn Stewart and Paul Demimile Greatnrendmether al Sheryl ltertinr at the startle Funeral Home to Vnrsley sme Bertie ior service in the chapel on Thursday April at mo prn In torment Thornton Union cemetery CARDS 0F THANKS CoLllOUNA sincere Linnks tn Ill lilendr neighbours and ICIIUVH ior eeree visits phone cells Ineclai iiihits to punch H7 Cane dian Luion and nurrinr still on 3th lloor Cohoun oiintcn would lllll to thank netrhhuurr iriendy and relative or the euloylble eveninr at Mid hunt community Hall when they prelerlied mn with hzlutll orlnunn and wallcl it has wm seen pleasuu to live In this community Titlllk you very murh tor all your klndilesses to my hul rnnd lemily no mysel in timer imte Miller nunw wish Lo thunk re lvee irlends and neighbours Dr Turnbull eieckiey minerl Home ltev in Finla my Iunkd ind the puny ac cl loudness anti expreealons ol tymphthv rhown ur durtnit the illnall and death at yirernert I1 nod lha Family PHONE TIMI lion main 33L street that VIG DEPARTMENT TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS ii PAPER ROUTES AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY Barrie and surrounding area CIRCULATION DEPT IS BAYFIELD SE BARRIE or PHONE SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Engagements Marriages andDeaths additional words do per word son or Mr and Mrs Aubrey Guien Gertrude Brock in her inlnioilal done But rnr EXAMINER wewr hDs ï¬es ARTICIES SALE ARTSFOR SALE IO HELP WANTED TO HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP It mac or II loan EMPLOYMENT WANTED Am ridert II mu mu tee to huem Emilia palettes ed rumored uterimus lulu dn unlit TIIEleL Box II hummer menu In in some com 331 Anne eele auuodunleimehlv on us MALE Ir FEMALE AIL b64104 woman or rum lant ed to help diuhlrd men in loot outta yrheri chair in no out cl ear Shun distnee hood py hit time HIM cunt ior Ammo null or part time ilan barrier ll llut and in need uh Apply in net eond Aueddele Heidiere an or MALE 8r FEMALE it In THE BARRIE EXAMINER l4 PUBLIC NOTICE THE BANKRUPTCY ACT lN THE MATTER OF THE BANKRUPTCY or JOSEPH GOLDIE HARRADINE AND GREIA MARIE ilAltluDlNE OF THE CITY OF BARRIE mumma 0N ausuvass lN PARTNEqu Its NARRA BOTH IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO NOTICE is hereby given tlial Joseph Goldio Harradlne and Greta ltlarlc Harrddlno Iilcd an assignment on the Hill day at March 1969 and that the first meeting ol creditors will he held on the lolli llay oi April 1060 at the hour oi 330 oclock in the alternoon in the oiiice at Bell Gilicial Receiver Court House Barr Ontario DATED at the City 6i Toron to ilus zath day oi March 1569 CHARLES LEE CA Trustcc 322 Adelaide Sl TORONTOZB Ontario CEMENTS 40 wordel 200 15c per line prices on request IN MEMORIAM JURYin lnvina memorv ol dear husband me rather John my ulio maxed wv April iri m1 We who loved you ndiy min you As it dawns another vler In our llcaru ni thinkinz Thouxhla or too are very near Evr remembered by wile and unity TAYLORIn Iotrilll em or deer wile and mothe ley avior who fused ewev April let me Ni lred em are ileeplnr Two wllltllx nende are all or one who tullered the too much it relitnl in Gods will You never mo roodbye to in For nerheor ltr lint never could hlvn To one we loved Io viei Ever remembered by husoend glck sue druntteri Kathy and null TAYlein loving memory of beloved ILIIITlnAIIVt rare who med aw April lrt loss in month comes with red regret it brinll blck dm Well never iorrrei she eii asleep without goodbye our merrierlee or her will never sdiy mined rierenu end Debra MIRIACKONIII IDVIHI memory our husband and tether Waltcr resign who mired iwy Aoru nil memory adu and Illa epuu You live iorever in our an sdiv missed by wile end hinily NElnlotinl memory or our run end hmther John happy noun we once nleyen How meet their memories niu But delth nu lett loneliness The world cln never iill loyineiv reln mbered item Dari David Ma Ricky and Phillip COMING EVENTS Bi Wednesday pm ARMY NAVY AND AIR FORCE CLUB 79 Dunlop St West $300 JACKPOT Consolatlon 390 ADMISSION but In support iii the Barrie Branch Navy League oi Canada DINE HOME FURNISHINGS ed COMING EVENTS BINGO JACKPOTJ$350 Canadian Legion Hall Every Wednesday At pm Jackpot is played on regular cards BLIGHTY BINGO Every Wednesday It NEW SOUTH IVARD COMMUNITY HALL Gill St at Bond ORILLIA HORATIUUUMLIE WW REGULARMEKIING Thursday April pm LIBRARY HALL SPEAKER Mrs Mary Fergu suit noted photographer of the American Photographic Society SUBJECT Nature Nearby All welcome FRIENDSHIP CLUB OF ANGUS Thursday Arin pm Elcctiou oi oilitcrs lor coming year All members of Angus com munity are invited to loin the club regardless oi age IVY It MRS JENNEII ACCORDION AWARDS Congratulations to Miss Helen Smith who attended the Cana dian Accordion and Tcacltcrs Associatlon convention in King Edward lloicl Toronto reccnl ly She won ï¬rst second end third prize Her parents Mr and Mrs Kenneth Smith attend ALTAR GUILD Christ Church Altar Gulld meeting was held at tho homeol the president Mrs Glen Apple gaic March 15 Plans were made to buy linen and make puriilcaiors and baptismal ion cls for the church Mr and itirs Parker Camer on Parry Sound risiied Mr and Mrs Earl Reid last week Eruce MdVanel vsitcd his hrotltcr In Detroit LENTEN FILM Shortened Women and the lilm The Summer Vc Moved to Elm Street as shown in Christ Chu March 15 by Arnold Banting Giving to the storm the attendance was small Lunch was served Rev Mor Cooks l0l ard Rcv ltohcrtson ex changed pulpits March The iiorscs were dinner guests at the Robertsons GOOD FRIDAY Good Friday April service will be held In St Judes Church Thornton at 11 am Shortened Morning prayer and iilm The Portable will be shown All thrtliie churches are asked to atl ten CHRIST CHURCH liCV The March mcetfng at Christ Church Anglican Church We men was at the home of Mrs Henry Davis Mrs Elwood lcn nctt president opened the meet ing Mrs Thomas Lee read the scripture Secretary Mrs Harry Smith rte six tables bought and in church hall Miss Dunnlll reported gopd balance on hand Dorcas secretary Mrs Baichelder received some made up lea cloths and aprons ior bazaar Plans were made to cater for wedding April Mrs William Parr was present ed with girl and good wishes as she moved to ltcr now home inAhgus The hostess served delicious lunch Parliament Ilt II Glance Dy ma consume FRESH MONDAY Illnrlll Jl lsï¬ï¬‚ Speaker Lucien Lamoureuir disallowed Conscrvativa moe lion ior Commons commit tee investigation into possi ble leak of cabinet interma tion on the site ior now olr port ncar Montreal Agriculture Minister Olson announced dairy arm crs will receive $456 litm drcdwelght instead oi 34M for milk delivered to lactorlcs starting April government attempt to block debate on commltlca report aimed at rcprievlng the Canadian National Railways passenger train service in Newioundland tailed in the Commons Baldwln iPCIeacd ltlverl said the government should m8ke5llfllt repre sentations to the United Kingdom because oi plans ior new liPDrrccilI tariii on Ca natllan tcxtllcs TUESDAY Apr The Commons sits at pm EST to debate transport committee report which con tains recommendations about rail passenger service in New ioundlanti The Senate is all inurned until Tuesday Apill 22 at pm HI hammers emr 11E HARM EXAMINER TUESDAY APRIL in ll WORLD BRIEFS Calcutta Riots Kill 77 VCAlDUltA AP Seven in returned to work Monday at persons were killed and more than 7o Inlured ln weekend riots and battles between rival nag ol Hludua and Mosleine in the Tetioipara Industrial area miles northwest at here author itlex said Monday Six oi the victims were shot by police and the other we killed in the gang lightlnu police said BCRIPTWRITER DIES LOOIGODT tAIl Ferrlu Fraser 65 who wrote the radio scripts ior the Little Orphan Annie Lights Out and Nick Carter series among 0th en died Monday in hospital REDUCE TV PRICES liloSmW ME 2H7 ccnt cut in the price pl Soviet made color television sets was imminent Monday by theirode ministry typical model which sold at 1200 rubles$1320wflt drop to 912 nitrite$1003 OPEN NEW PALACE TOKYO Reuters Em peror leohilo and Empress Na gako ltcsday moved into new palace built to replace the old one destroyed in Second World War air raid The new palace took our years to build RETURNS To wouli LARK Uihh AP William Buck Jones or entombcd eight days by March care Men AI Take look at quarter top pockets lontdsticvoriety ol co Young Permanent Press Islitlt Scotchgunrdlini Gold Brown Blue Permanent brill IIIIB Idmeus Scot lours Olive Antelope Mens Cdsua Fortrel and Cotton ponlt wl sh Aranlly oradtduoitman Willow erMolaAvollolrlo lnatzui wnollauorth to snow dun snoonivrt the Lark mine Mu Jones said her husband plant to work It the 115 SmclLlnl Mining and Refining Co mine until he reaches retirement In In about lour years FINESLANDLDRD WINDSOR Out in Provincial Judge Gordon Stewart warned Windsor land lords Monday they may lace jail sentence ior not paying the provincial property tax rebate to their tenants Filling landlord Mrs Kala Basilio $15 and costs Judgo Stewart asserted land lords are going to rebate it It takes lull sentence to do It SIGN PACT GALI tCPi Meal ISM United Auto Workers Union Monday announced union work ut WeenMcKay at Canada hnie voted to accept new contract Tivlng them hourly Increases 39 cents the iirst year 34 cents illo sccoild year and at rents the third year in the third year toprated workers will make $198 ccnls an hour plus costotllving ho nuscs II ANE TESTED MONTREAL 1C The itrst nl thrcc CZEI Icnlciil Short Takeoil and handing nir crnit for the Camden rrNI Forces was intuit out Mont us when tyreer tini cos Pralheium sort in uul Pants with Ilnilh Choose rent it Mt eeeuol WI tilllowCh°° at Canadulr Ltd The lint Right is scheduled iar raid Jim PLANS SEMINAR WINNIPEG CPI The Ca nadian Council oi Christians and Jews will conduct citizenship seminar at York University in Toronto Aug 29 Emphasis Will be on exploring the status at the Indian the problems at lrenchelingtisb rcleliuts and the role at minority groups SHIP LAUNCHED BREMEN West rm ill The largest ship ever built In BUNDLAIIE 255000ton Ease Scotla was launched here Monday The Linloot ship the first iii ilch oi is thrillers being built lor Standard Oil Co at New Jersey CLAIMS RECORD BOLOGNA IReutcrsl ltlcs aandro Bebbuccl oi Florence pulled at his pipo tor two limtra is minutes 11 seconds to claim world record ior smoking three grams iaboitt oncciglitll oi an ounce of tobacco The previous record was held by one nlhcr liullnn Mario Rannella with time oi GROWING TREND Public and lllIVItIc romping grounds in Canada are ltcd by estimated 32mm person annually Blue 3° Pants tit Wellein from pockota ol colours OIIVIB° 23 35 Superb IIWI