mo To coon HEALTH sconce mosses no Dear Dr Meson All my lilo have sutlered lrom mental depression and as grow older it gets nurse am 69 Four yean ago the doctor alerted me on an Intidepm sent which has helped me won deriuily Two fly Now am wondering it it is all right to take any dnlg Indellv nitoly Have made several el Iorts to stop using it but always with bad withdrawal New just seem to iold up But my doctor says to contin ue with it What do you thlnki iraRS the antidepressants usually are shortvterm type medication to bridge an emotional gap they can be and have been taken or prolonged meriods in your case your problem is one oi long standing and long term treatment In called for Your doctor knows your palLieu Iar reactions Ha would tha discontinued the drug it he thought it necessary As it is he sees the medicine doing what it is supposed to do and sues no harm Thats wordy way ol saying cant see any reason why you shouldnt keep on with the medication Dear Dr Thostesaa For the benclit oi the person who com plained oi too much gasin my case it was collee and nothing IIsc41B Quite trite In many cases and plien overlooked Dear Dr Thnstesaa have low blood sugar and have been on diet high protein or year They ran another blood sugar tcst last week and it Is still low Will have to stay on this diet the rest or my life have lost welth on it also have partial Addisons disease and take cortisone or it Could this have any bearing oEn the lnw blood sugarZMra Ii Yes Addisons disease which Involch the adrenal glands Is one actor in low blood sugar Fejars Hes hooked yr On AntiDepressanl the adrenals have much to do with sugar metabolism Addi aoua diaaala means these glands are iunetlonlng at he lownormal level Inspect that youwtli have to he on the Nth Protein diet in detlnltely but the calorie value can be increased by eating more ol the foods allowed in your dill Espodllly tats This should moved further losaot weight without disturbingyour blood sugar control Dear Dr neutron There Is an arthritis driva going on in no city and want to know It thI is can worth walking tor isnt all that can be done al ready being donutdirt ll is cause most decidedly worth working or Among the things that need to be done are further march until we ind some clues to what causes Ab tbrltis lurtber March tor cure it possible rather than merely controlling case as tablishmmt at more centers specialising in rheumatology more education oi people tor various plllxDOSu For outta too many peope Jump con clusion that they have arthritis and decide to Iutter Yet many varieties of similar troubles arent true arthritis and can be corrected For another the Ar thritia Foundation estimates that more than $250000000 year is being wasted on quacks useless cures or overpriced secret remedies that dont do as much good as much cheaper treatmenls can do Note to Al You have to ex pect rectal lanai tlstula to Hire quite time healing be cause llstula means an ab nonnai omlnp which has to heal gradually outward until the whole lulgtb has healed BANDIT ESCAPE LONDON Reuters gang or bandits noted with shot gun and pistol escaped with £10000 tabout 816000 mm not in all cases and not the only cause at low blood sugar Eut TELEVISION PROGRAMS BUFFALO FARR BUFFALO TORONTO BUFFAw WRONTD ll BAMTLWN 12 PEERBONDUGH MORNING VIEWING MONDAY To FRIDAY North London bank ltlonday as clerks hurledpaperweight and chairs at them Tod sno ZJnIIv can 73 lzllr Dreyls Ea Strikel arm 13LMs lCapL mum Lmn 2Perlorlalltv HUanuaIlv ol un°klr Ittohin none llamVD llPopeya lzra Alla Andy Grilllth ommw Thomas axo roan lluauu Pliornlnl Metro Schoo Tu 11 35 lZPlck was tam CW ecrtm Playbouae 7Diallna 2Hollywood5pi LINN mm gicmenmuoa Hm 4mm ealz spanner no an tlaerorrnoaa name one ilelenl tour this 551 seam 4levarls nlllnuuu TUESDAY APRIL EVENING 12411an mm ZMerv nnmn zFut hudav flGIIIDDIIII on 12min militia Show LNeIeIZFgHe ifxiinommtc Love lam 1wrllrtu Zon iidaxel oamuaea em tzs liPierro auto LDbfls an 17mm 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Earl Rowe who was intro duced by Thomas Brown at Bradford Harold Andrews CONTRACT BRIDGE ly JAY so Rosier Ncibtt ada minerahle worms on error OK 1101 UK MI Pa Pe Openlng lead throa clube it Is possible to bid hand badly and still got good Ir suit which to exactly uhat hap Dened in this deal where North trapped his partner into poor grand aiam Souths Jump in Its clubs was closing bid which North should have loll undlslribued cannot possibly be rightvlor North to bid again at point when South may well have decided to stretch his values little by bidding alsclubs instead at live North cannot reasonably put South in position when he gets punished tor his enter prise NEWTON ROBINSON Mr and hits Mu Names and Richard of Aurora and Mrs David Council of Sarnla were weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs Connell Larry Halbert of Guelph and Miss Gail Halhen oi Bani Altl spent the holiday week at their home here Other guests during the week with Mr and Mrs Grcn Halbert were Mr and hire Don Monroe and Mr and Mrs Gerald chkors and lamliy ot Oshawa Mrs Williamson and family of Nobleton and Mr and Rodger Andrews oi Seaiorth called on Mr and Mrs Andrews Thursday Mrs West and Mrs Houghton attended the United Church Presbyterlal executive Burton Ave Church Harrie Mar LADIES NIGHT Friday evening March at the local Orange MdgeJteld their Harry SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS BECKER tolverer alls mil ttat ends well perhle us aheuidlt lulu Noah too evrel tlis partner played the hand eaten tlounlh well and wmeeded acctEng the grand slam He won the trump lead with the nine cashed the king oi dia monds and Ice oi hearts and suited heart locumtelling Easts king Alter rumng diamond de clarer cashed the ace at clubs the queen oi hearts and then rulied heart to produce this demtatlngposition Nona on or Wu lut 1101 om 6A The lead ot the king oi clubs on which dununy discarded spade lorced East to also dis card dplda since he could not rparra diamond And when South next cashed the Ice oi diamonds West like wise had to discard spade alnce dummya seven ot hearta timid otherwise have become Declarer thereupon discarded iha heart lrom dummy took spade ï¬nesseand won the last three lrlclta with the AQ4 of spades to bring home the shaky grand slam master ot the lodge was chair man Cards and dancing to the music at Jebha orchestra coal eluded tho evening GILFORD BLMRS SAWYER number Irom the commun ity attended the lo0p banquet in the Continental inn March 12 There were l5 tables oi eucbre players at the party Friday ever nlng In GlliordHall Mrs Neshtl and her group were hay tosses The LH Homemaking Club met at Elizabeth Kella during the holiday Plans were made to entertain parents in April The Hi0 met at the home ot Kathy and Steven Butler Sun dny evening March It with present On Monday March it lllrsl Guthrie Mrs Sawyer lira Hughes and Mrs Kell attended the executive meeting and work shop held in Burton Ave United Church Giliord Womens institute met at thehomenthrLG Hughes the ailcrnoonoi March and enjoyed desserts oi shortbread trifle apple pastries all recipes lrorn New Canadians in keeping wlLl the days theme Visitors come lrom Latvia Estonia Hol land Scotland Japan Denmark and Germany hira VonGraiien spoke bout her lifes New Canadian the dliicrenoes she has lound also somc oi the difï¬culties but said hey like the spac the scenery and the opportuni found here discussion follow OUR um sunny Willey Cup slimw came Pill0 Hou 511MB EJe° ï¬iiih man no ea In goï¬runuwnu flflany °° llNews Weather sauna lllml 55 MD The Mountain tam MrNew Brolher Orchid IDicll VIII DYII liMovll IBewltched Ida gt tone Two rnm 1Twllnnl Zone ocm Gnu llltnl Line llPtura llrtoI 1Ktna runny oWorjd Hockey You missed more pieaunt other you hook the job even though youkuew it Muirod little overtime Amway quill LVlaaga gonurn lbiatigurr MWN aunt lHaxy lLunelII harm maan lingod marathon 31 Martin 121tndof cation earl trnmt allqu endln weights Uaotui Booih Altman Latin ab column Tenet New breyietion compenloa 5Pampored 7Vutment 21 Addam aLKeepl Power 5Eau Iitliahy 321mm larumlaned Fat lltlla 3514Ighnfl uaid lulled 20More SKEiater an Langulah Idonor competent oINlhe horsehair 308aiad green 4014 MIrlI 22Nurnerate Mismulgted III HEW El anatomic Ill 21Goda ova udaatened once more no ILIn Ihll way 3qu mllllfll 3L Bakera need swat 30 Postpones Ill resolution utNupIiIi obligotion SPlEyelld problems ImmeCarthy and Kelly Listening dovlou ed with comments and ques tions from everyone JLONDIE BUZZ SAWYER MUGGSTG SKEETER T2 Milli EXAMINER IUESDAY APRIL it we sums ES 0770mm no we AND urea use uxeun N295 uql aernsstou 5MB AFIZI MR vow must do LED about not AM when YEWWHAT us nmnmomiuuur Iguadeavé DONALD DUCK nan Mthlitl cooks the shut In cup of water And moments later when the guards make their rounds JEkLVfISH BUNGLINO HELDED PUi NE IN VRISONéW ONLY SFEEIAL URII5 HE DEVELOPED WITH WHICH HAD DUDE SATURN TNE yam mum on Our SECRET AGENT THINGSHMENED mummy OIle FIRSI lLL SEIA KISS GRANDMA HENRY Errh sow you DoliNG INGLASS THE TALLGOOD LOOKING ONE SAW YOU COMING GJIO THE LATE MOVIE HOMEWQRK VOL MEAN DIDNTGET TO BED UNTIL AFFER MID rm Km IT SAYS THAT MOST IIAPPILY MARRIED PEOPLE HAVE ARGUMENT dswwa AN AWCLE 0N MARRIAGE mvE ME ENOUGH WHATEVER YOUSAYI TC ARGUEWIIrI ME RAWJIAW YEEIIEE ANYWAYMES GOTA YACHT AND BANKERS flfsï¬Ã©ï¬ï¬ THEN SHEMUSTBE WLDINOUION IIIM TIIERES ONLVSU lN HIS WAbLET swerve mow FOUR MULTIMILLIONAIRES moans LINE an suns sncKuri ME in we wtws ocmuoamwssrmz luv otitWthOtiR WALLETSIWSA V00 HAW OFFtCER COMMODORE ERAWFISH MILLIONS CREEKYACHI erurou LOOK REALLY GREAT FROMtlid