Crowd of demonstrators cs lirnated to number 300 miiia OTTAWA CF An NDP motion directed to better treat ment of animals was talked out in the Commons Monday with Liberal member arguing that animals exist lor people not the other way around llarold Winch DPVancou ver Eastl cited reports of cruel ty to laboratory animals and called or study of their treat ment and of other abuses to ani mats But Rev Murray McBride 35yearold United Church minA titer and Liberal member for Lanarh and ilenirew said there are many things done to ani trials that are not so much inhu mane as part ot liles reali animals He also wanted tosee as little suftering as possible for re IDEHTHS Louisville Ky Graham Brown 87 multimillionaire businessman and prominent race horse owner Winnipeg George hlitchei iScottyt Harper 80 whose curi ing column appeared in the Winnipeg Free Press ior more than to years BostonEdmund ii iii Cunningham no lormer Boston sports writer and for nine years secretary of the old Boston Braves oi baseballs National league San Paulo BrazilCiarisrnon do Praca 52 who received transplanted heart Jan Memphis TennJudge Preston Battle so who presided over the James Earl Ray case since last summer MontrealJohn Bow Challies 87 former senior vicevpresident and director of the Shawinigan Water and Power Co and father of Associate Chief Justice George Chaliies tics such as castration of male Search animals but said he is By THE CANADIAN PRESS about New Brunswicir ratio lawn to protest recent tax Commons Debates Better Treatment For Animals more concerned about cruelty to children Dogs are sometimes treated better than war reins gees he said hirl iinch said it is remark able that country calling itscil humane and civilized has never carried out study on cmeity to animals LACK AUTHORITY There was no lederai legisla tion covering licensing oi organv izations doing research on ani malsand giving power at entry topirrspeetiont clean denture where your mouth is Anso Dent deapclaans dentures in 2030 minutes And makes your teeth whiter brighter Purchase price will he retunded it not entirely salistiad PEOPLE OF NEW BRUNSWICK PROTESTTHX HIKE increases The demonstrators chanted slogans but except He also called for study at hu mane ways at trapping tarbear ing animals andol wildlite con servetlon measures hit McBride who was raised on farm and took degree in animal husbandry before be coming minister said animnis kept tor research are little dllv lcrcnt irom domestic tarm arti mats Practices considered inhu mane by some were neces snry part of animal manage ment Maurice Foster tLAlgnmat Walika to look after you We make Termpian Loaneasyto gettoranyvvorthu while purpose Check around before you borrow and youll see why its easy to pay back too We even have ideas that getyou saving at the same time that youre harrowing Come in and askabout thorn Sensible borrowers talktulle if Royaliflanir and they on saving ROYAL BANK Counters On Site For Montr UllAWA iCPl The govern inrt alter another round in neral sppiichlion in the meat counterattacked on two troota Monday against criticism surrounding the selection oi site torhlootrenila new intern tionai airport Wbiie Prime hliniicr int deausetout the governments masons or its choice in an ar gumentwitb Quebec Transport Minister Paal lici er in the commons rel opposition charges at hrs in political ethics in the manner ot an nounciog iL Conservative bid for investi gation el radio and television announcements recorded by ltlr Heiiyer and RuralDeretoprnent hiintstcr iean Marchand before the site was revealed was ruled out by Speaker Lucien Lamou reux But the Speaker raid the issue could still be raised as non confidence matterng the mod tion wishes The airport controversy boil ing through the weekend otter charges raised in the House Fri day took np an hour or Cogn mons time at the opening Mon fnr minor scuftics thedcm day onstratioa was orderly tCP Wirephotol veterinarian said he support ed theprinciple oi the motion but that some at the areas cov ered were under provincial juv risdictiaa He said thatmost of the proposed studies have been completed by nthergroups and muchoi the iniormotion being sought by the motion is already availabch his Favorer Later the House one through tioal approval of four minor government measures They dealt with the Canadian Overseas Telecommunication Corn Act the Cooperative Credit Associations Act the ita tionai Library and the Farm lilachihery Syndicate Credit Act May the House was to turn to Senatepasscd amendments on three government farm bills iii EXTRA EQUIPMENT 0N PLYMOUTH HOT thtiE SPECIALS JACKSDNMOTORS tlmrrro 100 trioBradford St BAnnacooA Sport fastback the Newfoundland train contro veny In Mondays round the gov ernmeot was overruled in an at tempt to tlock transport com mittee report on the service The committee recommends that the cabinet suspend an order at the Canadian transport commission authorizing the ONE to end the rervicc alter April is motioato concur in the re port was permitted by Mr La moutcax and it is lobe ddratcd today tuna ADVANCE ram la the airport debate hir Hellyer and Mr liiarcb nd conceded that they had made the advance tapes but only on tentative basis tor use it the cabinet decided on the site they expected would be chosen litrnlloliyer said many people were aware oi the sites under consideration but every possi hie precarrtionhad been taken to ensure that the ï¬nal choice was kept secret until the cabi net decision was announced last Thursday private public relations firm Agenco Canadienne de Publicite Limitee had been hired to make arrangements tor the advance taping but they and other firms involved under stood that no final decision had been taken The worlr was subject to the normal discretionrand security which is invoivedin any profes sional contract he said And the Oiiieiai Secrets Act had BOADhUNNER door hardtop Pcsa All gauges ease Expropriation papers were tiled immediately alter the la nDiIDCemenL Even litth had been leak ttr Hellyer said there was no chance that speculator could make profit trom lastInla utc purchase Emropdation prim were not bassoon ism tatcd transactions just before takeover in general am satisfied that all possible security mas arcs were trim and that to no sense has there been breach olï¬abioet secrecy air Heilycr so terim report on the use at DlTi in Ontario recommends strict control over continued use of the pesticidabut does not sug gest it be banned except tor ae rial spraying bi insects The reportprepared by an advi ry committee at deputy minis ers of Ontario was tabled in the legislature Monday by ft Simonctt minister oicoeray and resources management It recommends thatrth gov cramcnt set up acootrolpro gram on useoi DDT investi gate and punish excessiveuse ol the pesticide and limit useot DDT where altemntivejesti cities are effective Heres the aquin atie transmission Named Roomiest Car lnits glass by Automotive News Actually gives you more interiot roomithan cars costing twice Furys price And as for performance Plymouth Fury recently turnad in the best classwinningpercentageatoll 60 cars pesticide An honeshsavinp on last years priooi FiadioPoriormaneo hood Power hr as Special wheel covers Head al transmrssrunlnd Wahornthatgoasbeepbeapl uts theres hack seatAnd thetpa big V6 Power disc brakes Whitawail tires Wheel covers Head restraintsRadio Power steering ands 3spaad aut grinds eel Aimed But Eldon Wooilialris PO Calnary North who moved for committee investigation Pri day when neither minister was to the House continued to press his motion While he was notle minister were guilty the last justified In invesliga on Despite the governments ia sistence that no doctdon had been made at the timeonly one tapehad apparently beenmade it was contraryto mlnlsten oaths ax privy councillors to make disclosure matter dealing with money Ind woo erty Report Urgeslstrict Control Over Continued Use 01 DDT mnomropi ho in 11 art says study so tar lcads tto the conclusion that DM is required for vapoctttcv purposes but that luvporris tent pesticides should be and whorepossthle autumn some Mr Simonctt toldth iegiaialt turn the laiudylalladtn dil ciose any evidence ol hrirnaa health being atiected by the uno ofrDDT in Ontario similarly thecomrrdttoo has received no evidence of fish being adverselyaffectedin any Ontario waters Consequently the committoodoesnot recom meridabanontheuseolthls rumour Iellsrlllltelt rs tyou got 333 cu in eorrng Torquefir entered in the UnionPure Oil Performance Trials arria Ont scoring 984 out of possible 100 in tests braking acceleration and economy Proof positive that Plymouth loads in performancetoo PIymoulï¬ rm mrnolaalmn Nana or or